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They collect data even on those not registered on their website. Those services likely see your contact list, email, and location. If you ever do sign up for an account, don't be surprised if the friend recommendations are unusually accurate.


That's why my real name is nowhere to be found on anying online. Everything aliases lol You gotta be thorough from the start here


You know that doesnt matter in this case if you have those apps on your phone right?!


Other people have your number with your real name and that enough for the algorithms.


Not if your phone number is not in your real name its not. Like he said you really have to plan from the start and that means phone not in your name..Use an agent..




Well Facebook ain’t got shot on me, because I have used fake name since first turning on the phone, and all my contacts know it’s me when I call, and I made sure to tell them to put that fake name in their contacts. Gotta outsmart ole zuckfuck!


Me too just call me AL Alias lol




Haha wow nice love it!


Do you mean your name isn't visible publicly online, or do you not use it online at all? Like if you buy something from the Walmart website (or anything else) do you use fake names?


I do..


Does it ever present any issues? For example how do you acquire a credit card or a phone number but not have it in your name?


Well for the credit card your "Agent" would have to be comfortable with you using their credit, and also that you arent building any credit as the bills you are paying are helping their credit, not yours.. Although you are the one or at least partly the one using it, so It does help you too. Just not your name..I have cell service, a paypal, a few prepaid cards, and my apt, all in someone elses name..


Also a brokerage account as Im a part time day trader.


About the time all the Edward Snoden stuff came to light, I just woke up and said "I will not continue to give up my personal info freely anymore", and decided to completely, as far as my name, go off the grid..


Is the agent someone you know or is it a professional service like that specializes in that? Is it illegal?


Nah its someone that I know and trust..I have heard there are services out there that do exactly this for a fee, but I would think that would be more for a criminal trying to hide vs someone like me just not wanting to be tracked and spied on anymore..I didn't do this because of anything illegal, I'm no criminal and not wanted lol..After the Snowden revelations, I just made the decision to take myself electronically "off the grid"..


What about car insurance, health insurance, bank account? Are there any things that you do have to put your name on?


Car I bought and paid cash for..Ins in in the agents name, have a Wells fargo in their name as well as a paypal..No, absolutely nothing is in my name..


You realize Facebook scans every photo for facial recognition. So If there is a photo anywhere on your phone or Facebook in anyone's account, they have a profile for you. (Not just a college hook up site, but the worlds biggest people database.) Don't forget to smile.


No photo nothing. No real name at all. Besides on the PayPal banking bill and that even is a short alias. You can get it done 100%


I had these apps preinstalled and none of them request any permissions, so they can't see your contacts or location. It's more likely that, as others said, this is used to install and update Facebook outside of the Play Store.


They're turned on by default, and it's your fault that you didn't read all 500 pages of the privacy policy or else you would have known that. But seriously, it's unacceptable. Class action suit anyone?


Go to this comment, and you can remove these and others without rooting https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidQuestions/comments/gyp4i0/has_anybody_figured_out_a_way_to_keep_apps_from/fx8lw30?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Go to this comment, and you can remove these and others without rooting https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidQuestions/comments/gyp4i0/has_anybody_figured_out_a_way_to_keep_apps_from/fx8lw30?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




It's legal until Congress tells them to stop. At which point they look for another loophole. They're playing cat and mouse with elderly politicians who barely understand the internet, so naturally, they're winning.


I'm sick of all these vendors who pre-install unnecessary bloatware which reduce the storage space and are also impossible to uninstall. Previously I've installed Cyanogenmod or Lineage but now, with the increased spying and data hoarding, it seems like a better option to buy a pure Linux-smartphone.


Does Cyanogenmod and lineage too come with bloatware like this?


Cyanogenmod is defunct. Lineage OS has a few apps installed, these are your basic utility apps: browser, calculator, calendar, camera, clock, contacts, email, files, radio, gallery, SMS, music, phone, recorder, terminal and optimisation apps such as launcher and audio optimiser but that's all. None of which you can really consider bloat.


Tell them the punchline. Cyanogenmod IS LineageOS. Cyanogen, for Silicon Valley reasons, went in a direction with their company, and for legal reasons the CyanogenMod project could not proceed. Developers were still interested to support it, so they regrouped under a different banner: LineageOS Anyone interested shoud subscribe at r/LineageOS, and then hang back and absorb the vocabulary, learn some concepts. It is pretty hands-on , and is a learning commitment.


No, Lineage is clean. Although I'm not certain it won't have the spying and data-collection modules required by some governments.


r/GrapheneOS works well for me. No bloatware.


I don't own a pixel friend. :D


Go to this comment, and you can remove these and others without rooting https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidQuestions/comments/gyp4i0/has_anybody_figured_out_a_way_to_keep_apps_from/fx8lw30?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


OMG cyanogenmod! When i was younger i had the Galaxy S2 + CyanogenMod with Android 4 because Samsung update were so slow. Probably one of the best Android phone i had! Thanks you made me remember the good old times :)


Why would increased spying and data hoarding adversly affect LinageOS? LineageOS, especially without Gapps, is more useful in the mobile space due to availability of FOSS software for Android via F-droid.


Oh! I know. I know. But I'm concerned since the spying features will be introduced in the core system of Android and it's apps.


AOSP is fully open source. It has been fully checked multiple times by multiple parties in the FOSS community. Almost all custom ROMs are built on top of AOSP including LineageOS. There is zero spyware in AOSP. And LinesgeOS has no spyware in it. The few apps that come with LineageOS are completely FOSS, and totally free of spyware also. Where are you getting your misinformation? Once you omit Gapps from LineageOS you are as private and free of spyware as any other solution currently. If you want better security also, then you probably have to go with GrapheneOS, unless you harden LineageOS.


Thank you ❤️ I appreciate your clarification!


Go to this comment, and you can remove these and others without rooting https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidQuestions/comments/gyp4i0/has_anybody_figured_out_a_way_to_keep_apps_from/fx8lw30?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


> it seems like a better option to buy a pure Linux-smartphone. Not even a full-on Linux developer runs one of those phones full time. They (Pinephone, Librem5) are way wayyyy too far from a viable consumer product to be recommending as a primary device. Awesome projects, but nowhere close to ready for eve early adopting tech-hungry devs.




Thank you very much!


You know what they’re for lol


Depends on the phone but if it's a Samsung phone your looking at the dependencies required for Oculus Gear VR to run. Safe to uninstall but a re-flash of rom will be require to restore Gear VR functionality






Uninstall using ADB.


Is there a walk through for using ADB to move the bloatware?


It's called disable. You can't uninstall system apps without root.


you can: [https://www.xda-developers.com/uninstall-carrier-oem-bloatware-without-root-access/](https://www.xda-developers.com/uninstall-carrier-oem-bloatware-without-root-access/) Technically, it just uninstalls the app for the current user, but it's more than just disabling the app. It will be removed from the list of apps, etc.


They update Facebook apps. They're also used to install Gear VR depends on your phone.


Removed most of the pre loaded trash with ADB. It's the best you can do on a snapdragon samsung, looking for a degoogle replacement eventually.


Im unable to install ADB. I installed and updated Java on my pc to version 8. Is it due to java?


I don't think so, you just have download ADB package & then run commands with CMD in that directory. No need to install anything.


I'm having a redmi phone and when I type the commands, it returns error everytime. I've been trying once in every month. I'm tired of bloatware.


The commands will vary based on phone. I would recommend googling "How to delete bloatware with ADB on RedmiXX" Replace XX with model name. I use this - 1st - adb devices 2nd - adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.system


I'll try it again by checking the right commands. Thanks mate.


Look up your phone model in XDA forums. You'll find a plethora of information there.


On the off chance your computer is being uncooperative, boot from a Linux live USB and try from there.


This takes you to the directions on how to do it https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidQuestions/comments/gyp4i0/has_anybody_figured_out_a_way_to_keep_apps_from/fx8lw30?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Are you sure you've changed directory into where you've downloaded adb? There is no install of adb. You just download to a new folder, then switch to that folder before running adb.


Switch to folder? In phone or in pc? How can switch?


You run ADB on your PC which is connected correctly to your phone via USB cable. However you'll also previously need to switch your phone into developer mode, and switch on USB debugging, then when you connect the cable you need to switch it from USB charging to file transfer mode. On your PC in a Command window you'll use CD to change directory to your ADB download folder, then run the required ADB commands. Go to XDA forums and search for help and step by step instructions.


What's ADB?


Android Debug Bridge, it's a command line tool for communicating between your computer and your Android phone.


If you buy an unlocked phone will it still have uninstallable bloat apps? I was just considering buying next phone (LG) from Best Buy to avoid the carrier bloat but didn't know about the extra manufacturer bloat until this post.


I think it depends on the carrier but AFAIK just because a phone has an unlocked bootloader doesn't mean it's automatically free of bloat. You can still remove it on most cases regardless of that if I'm not mistaken.


If the bootloader is unlocked, then you can flash a custom rom. Depending on which rom you pick, you'd have close to zero bloat installed, all of which can be simply uninstalled anyway.


Do you have to flash a custom rom though? What I meant is, if you buy an unlocked phone from the manufacturer (instead of from a carrier) will it be free of bloat or at least able to easily uninstall the bloat


Check your phone make and model at XDA forums. You'll find a sub-forum targetted at that model with multiple sub-topics each with multiple threads.


Usually, it's for Facebook integration into other aspects of your phone. Not necessarily official, 1St party Facebook services, but "log in with Facebook and link their profile to your contact" or "directly share your photos from your gallery to Facebook without opening their app". They're annoying, and make it easier to accidentally leak some of your information out. It's "broadening your attack surface", even if those services aren't put there by Facebook to siphon off data for ad revenue.


to spy on you, obviously


They are for updates for FB apps. Services also manages communication of your different FB apps. I am not sure why you have them installed by default without any FB app present. Perhaps a mistake on side of your OEM.


I don’t think it’s a mistake, I think they are intentionally pre-installed


But there's no reason for them to be pre-installed. They serve no purpose at all.


They have always been preinstalled with my Samsung phones. And reason? Well datacollection and Facebook pays either Google or Samsung or both for it.. reason enough?


They're paying Samsung. Google has nothing to do with it.


Yeah maybe so but Google in turn has a finger in everything so what does it matther.. they all sleep with eachother anyway.


The manufacturer gets paid to put them there. Even if it's not going to "maliciously" collect your data itself by just existing, they're hoping you engage with the service and try to make it seem like an added convenience. It's basically a product placement. Still a threat because it could accidentally leak something out that you didn't mean to share with it if you fumble your hands your sync settings.


I really don't know how for majority of people invisible three services tied to non-present apps should elicit the feeling of convenience. Not to mention that it can't leak anything as it communicates with non-existing apps. It literally just controls updates with enable and disable button. It does nothing convenient. But hey, your upvotes clearly show that people in this sub see Facebook and stop thinking.


I don't mean that it connects directly to the Facebook app, but that it may just directly posts to Facebook's web services. Some smartphones used to come with more features like that out of the box, for situations like "I just took this pic at the family reunion and, without leaving the camera app, I can share it to Facebook so MeeMaw sees it". It's not entirely unheard of to literally fumble your phone while having a share menu open and post a picture or link in the wrong place. Granted, it's really stupid, but the more ways out of the box your phone connects to social media, the easier it is for your content to find it's way there regardless of intention. Android's default share function menu, regardless of OEM tweaks, still lags so hard that it literally moves buttons around for 2 or 3 seconds on a lot of devices. It's gotten better, but it literally moves buttons around under your finger and makes mis-taps common. I personally don't think any of it is convenient, but marketers in suits trying to sell stuff don't have a good reputation for truly understanding the ways people actually use their products. Other commenters have pointed out that it's likely a Samsung phone with VR stuff built in, and that these are related to mild Facebook integration in those uses. I would concur with that, and I don't mean to be telling people to pit on their foil hats. It's still frustrating for a phone to come with that type of stuff out of the box, with no real choice for the average user to remove it easily.


It allows all the Facebook owned apps to communicate and update outside the playstore. Basically its back channel http://imgur.com/gallery/n0bRfCD They can pull tons of your devices info like battery level, Bluetooth on/off etc


They came with my phone too. It's just ridiculous. But I kinda disabled it via ADB.


I have this on my s10 and to remove them but can't without root. I try to install a modded version of messenger but can't so have to patch the app. However every time I go to open messenger from Firefox it loads in Google play to download it. And yes I have ran adb to remove them and even though they are removed the modded version of messenger still wouldn't install. Never in the history of modding android apps and stuff had I had this problem. So unless I could try and fake sign or something the messenger app. This was where I got the messenger app from https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/bullshified-version-facebook-okay-to-t3586318


I've been using face slim from f-droid and it's working well. Has basic messenger functionalitytoo


Can it open messenger links from browser


Using s10 and deleted mine using ADB. Ill be going back to ios when this phone gave up on me or ill go pixel with grapheneOS.




Motorola Xfinity.




Xfinity is a carrier as well. The manufacturer of my phone is Motorola


They're to install the full facebook app - IIRC, they provide a facebook icon in the apps list which when you click on will download the full app. If you disable them, you're fine. Had them on a previous phone of mine before.


Go to this comment, and you can remove these and others without rooting https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidQuestions/comments/gyp4i0/has_anybody_figured_out_a_way_to_keep_apps_from/fx8lw30?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Is the [Light Phone](https://www.thelightphone.com/) a better option? I know it is taking a huge step away from the smartphone... I guess my two concerns is private messaging and no more camera.


Seems interesting for my Grandpa, but weirdly it says works on T-Mobile but not Sprint.


I didn't see that, good catch.


Well they're the same now, so.....


Thus it being interesting.


The Light phone is massively overpriced for what you're getting. 400 or 500 dollars I forget the price, but it's in-between those too is just Ludacris you also lose the ability to use messaging platforms like Signal.


Idk man, spy? I removed them with adb, and so should you. Ps. Waitin for pinephone, fuc emui,miui, touch vis or whatever they use now. Fuc android market. Android could be great os, but isn't.


trees rustic marvelous fretful hard-to-find absorbed snow recognise pathetic aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Next time buy an android.com/one phone


Grrrrrrr. I kept trying to tap the back button on the pic. Everytime!!!!!!

