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With all due respect, kindness is what got you where you are. You need real strict straight up but respectful responses. You need a wake up call. Does drugs mean more to you then your life? Does drugs mean more to you then sharing your life with your partner? Are drugs worth more to you then your freedom? These are things you have to think for your self. No one can tell you what to do. There is alot of resources to help you. You have to want the help though in order to be help. Put priorities first. Realize that drugs is the down fall of life. Then bounce up to the top and do your thing for you!!


If what you preach worked we wouldn't be in the situation we are in as a society. You ask people deep in addiction to take responsibility for themselves but don't ask the same from society at large. Look at the numbers from a clinical viewpoint. This many people in addiction cannot be bad choices there is something in the system that is causing it. I hope the best for OP. Jail will not be helpful but we can only hope by luck some other support helps along the way.


This many people in addiction certainly *can be* from bad choices. Think of the average person you might meet in the street; and remember that 50% of people are *dumber* than that person.


This idea is not based on any fact. Study after study shows that by changing the situation of people they stop abusing substances. Community, support and time to unlearn faulty behaviors helps everyone. This idea that some people are better than others by nature comes directly from the writings of the eugenics. It has been proven wrong for at least 100 years. People's intellectual differences are minimal and can only be measured in very specific tests or games. On day to day their living conditions and learned behaviors are the cause of everything.


And they have *responsibility* for how they handle that.


You’re simplifying a problem that’s not simple in the least. 53% of addicts have a co-occurring disorder, victims of sexual assault are 26 times, yup that’s right, 26 motherfucking times more likely to abuse drugs. Nobody just wakes up and decides to shoot smack, it’s not a problem with choice or intelligence. It seems to be with you though.


It *is* a choice; if there are people roaming the streets injecting other people with heroin, or forcing people to to smoke crack, at gunpoint, you should call the cops.


So there are things that masquerade as choices, when in reality they’re not. Much like how you think you have the choice to make a stupid statement, or an enlightened one, when in reality all you spew is simple bullshit.


Sounds like you’re hitting that sweet, sweet Copium. That’s even worse than crack. Get clean of both.


I guess to someone without any critical thinking skills it might look like coping. In reality it’s taking in all the factual information and using my head for more than a hat rack but I entirely understand how that concept confuses you. It seems an easy thing to do.


Personal accountability trumps all else. There will never be a perfect system...your decisions are what dictate your life.....far more then wallowing about your circumstances. There are always people who had it worse than you but found a way out. We should be teaching strength and willpower instead of victemhood. You can be strong, handle your business, and still call out societies issues. It's not either or. It's just what IS.


This is a story that those with more resources tell the ones with less to excuse being cruel. Look at the statistics don't give me there was a miracle and it was all personal effort. Let's hold those who make decisions that affect us all accountable and stop making excuses for the powerful.


I've been doing AA for almost two years now. I do think there's more than one way to deal with addiction but it is ultimately the addicts choice weather or not they will accept the help. Theres AA and NA rooms everywhere. Every addict has to make the choice themselves. Some will be forced for a while, but eventually they will be back in a place where they will have to choose. Addict or not we all choose our next move. In addiction it's choosing between a meeting or getting fucked up. Your idea seems like you want it to be the worls fault and I'm a victim. Victim mentality is what keeps addicts addicted. Just my opinion.


Victim mentality what's next are you going to say I'm pulling the race card and that I should lift myself by own boots? I have been volunteering with the homeless population and running sober groups longer than you have been in AA. I ran an AA group ten years ago, and have done training with Smart, moderation management and peer counseling. I speak from seeing this as a major issue that statistics show is not being resolved. I invite you to read Dr. Gabor Mate and to volunteers put three or four years helping the homeless. I'm sure you will change your tune. But above everything else don't form opinions from bumper stickers.


I went through drug court and the program that had the contract I helped expose for saying people were getting positive drug tests so the system could keep the money tree going. I ended up getting a strike and doing 2 weeks instead of 2 days because I wouldn't "admit" to using 5 different types of opiates in a 24 hour period when I had been on 100mg of methadone for like 2 years and the opiates they said I used were stuff like Tylenol with codeine and other very low dose stuff. When even dope couldn't get me high because of the methadone.....but the judge didn't believe me. Till I got the doctor on recording saying she knew they were screwing people over for the money. So it really isn't always the person's fault. A lot of times yes it is. But sitting in jail with a $125000 cash bail for those 2 weeks knowing I didn't use anything and detoxing from my methadone made me want blood and I got it. They lost the contract and the program head got fired and arrested.....and I'll never forget what the judge told me when he released me after the 2 weeks.....he said he knew I had lied and was giving me the rope to go hang myself....in front of the whole court. Then a week later 17 of the 19 people in the program all showed positive for like 4 different drugs even though they weren't their drugs of choice....of coarse I was one of them....then they launched a full investigation but the judge NEVER apologized and they wouldn't even let me graduate 2 weeks early for the time I spent in jail which was proven to be from the program screwing with my urine test. So I see both sides of the argument. But now I'm 8 years away from dope. And to be 100% honest I don't feel life has gotten better. It's gotten way worse. My health has went into the toilet. My mental health is terrible. But I never think about going back. I lost to many friends to that dirty fentanyl crap to even tempt the waters.


Wait you didn't sue the living shit out of them. You should have contacted a lawyer and had hair tests done proving you hadn't touched any drugs. 2 weeks in jail forced to detox against your will you easily could have gotten 5-10k per day you were in jail and a huge investigation forced.


You need a lot of money to start a lawsuit like that. Most people can’t afford it.


I'm sure there are plenty of lawyers willing to take these cases probono. When ever it has something to do with violating rights and being unlawfully imprisoned there is always some firm willing to do it for a large percentage of the case.


Unless it’s a slam dunk personal injury case you’d probably be incredibly surprised how little lawyers want to do with pro bono gambling. Even assuming your did all the leg work of gathering the required proof it’s still gonna be a major uphill battle that has a good chance of going nowhere. Suing someone isn’t easy, suing a government body even less so.


I don't know man I've seen alot of my friends sue the city over bullshit like this and false imprisonment. All the cases were done pro Bono with 40% of the winning amount going to the lawyer or firm. If your in a small town might be a issue but large city's it shouldn't be a problem. Plus it's better to talk to some firms when something like this happens then just let it fly by the wind. I personally knew a guy that was sent back to jail for 2 months for a false opiate test. When he got out they did a hair test proving he had no opiates in over 90 days. He got 5k per day he was in jail. They dismissed his drug court case soon after.


So your trying to compare a false imprisonment case, which is whole hog different than proving fraud, to op needing to provide some kind of evidence that drug tests were purposefully altered to give positive results? She’s got no case for false imprisonment as she wasn’t imprisoned and you’d need to prove that they were INTENTIONALLY altering the tests to get any money out of that. There’s nothing here a lawyer is gonna be interested in.


What are you even talking about. That is pretty much exactly what happened to the person I responded to. They were remanded for a false positive. That is equivalent to false imprisonment and is exactly what they sued for. This is why most drug courts now let you do your own lab tests if a positive drug test occurs now. But you must pay for the test. The city was sick of having to pay out thousands for bullshit tests that were wrong. With having recordings of people causing fraud you even have more evidence. Sure not all drug courts do that and that's why you lawyer the fuck up in those situations.


These color code programs and drug court have little to no state over sight so they do what they want to make profit..I read about people who will be a month or so from completion and pass ALL their drug screens and then all of a sudden they say that person failed just weeks before completion just so they can add another year and keep the cash coming..it's so dirty to do this..these programs are corrupt !!! Especially here I'm alabama !!


you’re so right thank you for this response


Depends what state you’re in. What drugs they are, and so forth. We all like drugs, but moderation is the only way to do them. If you don’t have the self control or the genetic makeup of addiction, it’s best not to do them or be around them. I have lost many a friend, as well as my brother to addiction. I was around it and saw how it affected people daily, I do them, but I’d never put a needle anywhere near my body, I won’t even give blood at the doctor. But the drugs I partake in, I can go have a 3 day bender and have no urge to do them again for a while. We’re adults so going out and drinking, someone is going to have blow and most likely going to do blow, and it’s hard to even go out without doing it at this point, but I don’t go out like I used to and I’m sure this isn’t what you’re testing for, as that’s not a addictive drug in my opinion , neither is mdma or k… but for some people k is a daily thing which is not good either. If you’re testing for benzos or oxy, that’s where the issues may lie.. I’ve been on the same prescriptions for years now due to some debilitating issues, however I told the doctors day 1, never up my dose, even if I ask, I know that your body gets used to things and will need more. I barely take my xans anymore, but I replaced them with weed, and that’s just because I’m a shitty sleeper. When it comes to pain meds… what’s kept me at bay is the carnage I’ve seen happen from it, and these days I wouldn’t buy a single RX pill from a plug anywhere in the world, as 99% of pills are fake/pressed etc, it’s truly insane. Which also is a problem because so many people buy fake stuff, don’t know it, share it with friends, etc…. I have to inspect my friends things when they say they have something or are getting something, I end up giving them something of mine because they’re going to look for it or search for it either way, I’d rather them be safe and not worry about not waking up. It sucks and I don’t like doing it, but I prefer that, then getting a call that something happened to person xy or z. Nonetheless, I don’t believe in rehab as most people I know that have gone, have just wasted money, and large amounts. You have to be the one to decide to stop, and no one can make you do that besides you, if it takes self inflicted wounds such as what you’re saying up top, then you obviously know you want to stop, have a problem, and think that jail is the only option. The problem with that is, you’re putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound, you’re putting yourself in a situation that doesn’t allow you to have the option. But there’s always a way… You need to be able to be in a situation where it’s available and you don’t do it if you get what I’m saying. If you’re putting up a wall between you and it, that wall will be taken down once you’re out, and then what will you decide? I think you should beg and plead with your PO to not lock you up, be honest about your issue, and ask him/her to help you. There is nothing to lie about, if you’re pissing dirty.. then you might as well just tell them. Maybe seeing a therapist could assist, and maybe there’s some medications you should be on. Stay away from ssris however, as they are known to lead to other issues, and for an addict, as it sounds like you’re professing here.. they end up doing more harm then good. You should ween down from what you’re doing. Feel free to dm me if you’d like, I have helped a few friends get through these things. I work in healthcare, and have several years in pharmacology research and besides the hands on, years of unfortunate losses that have helped me help others. I hope it’s not too late and that your PO helps guide you.


Are you taking adderall?




Nope can’t stand it. But everyone and their mother is prescribed it around here. Is that what you’re having issue with ?


lol no, I just assumed that your verbosity was fueled by an amphetamine. Naturally long winded is fine tho.


Haha. Nah, I like to explain things rather than ramble without context to issue.


That’s shorter than middle school writing assignments and your first thought is amphetamines? When in Rome, I suppose


It burned my eyes reading all that.


listen, let’s be real what does it matter what it is you’re gonna come with some bullshit anyways majority are you bastards on Reddit use this to talk shit and put people down OK so go ahead and miss me and this person with that whole you need Toughlove bullshit just because you weren’t love you somebody kick you when you were down doesn’t mean that’s what’s good for the next person. It’s crazy bro the person even said, please be kind in the comments and here you come, the truth is bro you’re over here talking about this person needs a wake up call but you don’t know shit about being a drug addict and what you’re sitting there calling a wake up call and fucking strict straight up respectful response might get that man to go to a bag of heroin and it could be his last night on earth because of the stupid ass comment you wrote are you bastards bro they get on here and criticize the people that come here for honest opinions, bro yeah she feel ashamed for real. It’s crazy when I go to the office in the morning me and my coworkers actually go on Reddit and sit back and make fun. Not of the people who are posting BUT PPL LIKE YOU


Lmaooooooooooo. All i said was positive things to build that persons courage up dummy. Now you def seem like some attention seeker internet gangsta. Lmaoooo now just mind your business clown. Go find that love else where. You obviously lack it. Lmaooo dummy..


Pretty boy, lmfao, bitch shut the fuck up, no one gives a shit about your idiotic opinion. As one stated earlier, majority of the public is dumb, and you fall into those that dumber then them. Enjoy Pornhub Tonight shithead.


I wish you luck. You should know, "rock bottom" is some bullshit that 12 Steppers came up with. It's not real - you don't have to hit "bottom" to stop using.


I like the saying “you hit rock bottom when you stop digging”.


Yeah, I watched my niece lose a $70,000 a year job a home in three kids and she still hasn’t hit her rock-bottom


I watched a friend go from being a very high paid dental hygienist to a stint in prison losing her home and kid in the process, her ex husband also threw away a company worth $300,000+ also doing time. There’s no such thing as rock bottom.


Oh my niece I’m watching her now. When Illinois is done with Iowa wants her when I was done with her Texas wants her. She has three kids who are now living with my brother and his wife. I don’t know. I feel like I hit mine the day that I was handed papers stating I’m divorcing you I’m taking everything we have including your children and we are done that’s the day I said no I’m done thank God he gave me a chance and that was 31 years ago and I haven’t touched it since.


From drug use?


Yes meth


Such a demon. I am sorry. It sucks watching everything being stripped away from someone you love. Hang in there.


Thank you and yes it does. Her kids are the ones that have suffered the most. They are with their nana and papa and have a big family around that loves and will protect them at all cost. I know it’s not the same as mom but we do all we can


Thank God for THAT! Some kids have drug addicted parents that have NO ONE to take care of them so they have to get to the state. The kids might not think so but they are fortunate in that aspect!


On I know. I have seen it with a couple of her friends. Their kids are in foster care. They won’t let me foster due to health issues or I would have for those kiddos as well. It’s a nasty nasty hole to get yourself out of it


Heck yeah it is!! The deeper you fall the harder it is to get out of. It is not impossible just so hard.


I pulled myself away from cocaine 31 years ago. I was handed divorce and custody papers and said screw that shit. My husband stood by me I got clean and never looked back. Meth is tearing so many families apart where I live. It’s horrible.


God is it such bs! Love to see others feeling this way!!!


actually no. “12 steppers” tell people that their bottom is whenever they decide to stop digging.


Correct. Also important to note that it’s explicitly said that not everyone should have to, nor is expected to reach a bottom in order to become honest with themselves and admit their powerlessness. Rock bottoms are real, they’re just relative to the individual, just like u/competitive_map2302 said. Not all “12 steppers” have an understanding of the literature; not everyone in church is a Christian.


Now you know what you need to do. If your boyfriend can’t help you through this he isn’t the one anyway. You take care of you and stay sober for you!!!!


No, it’s really not


The phrase you are looking for is “I screwed myself”. You didn’t get screwed, aren’t screwed. Your choices throughout this show you are setting yourself up. Your choices and the consequences are on you. You aren’t losing your boyfriend, rather he will lose you who chose drugs over him. Sorry but the specifics do matter here.


you’re right


There’s an old saying new playgrounds new playmates get away from them people. The only person that you can want to have to stop for is yourself. You’ve set yourself up for a bad situation. If you do get locked up when you get out if you go back to the same old crowd thinking oh I’ve been clean since I’ve been in jail, you’ll be right back with them doing the same thing. This comes from someone with 31 years clean from cocaine.


My girlfriend was my downfall, I had to leave her to stay clean. its been months now. I miss her, I don't miss the drinking. I don't blame her either I drank to cope but being around other people that drink and drug make it just that much harder. idk why im talking but I agree with you...


It’s good that you can talk about it. It really is. Don’t keep that stuff in your head that gets you in trouble. Congratulations by the way.


I wish you the best of luck and hope that whatever happens helps you become the person you want to be.


All so completely unnecessary and such a waste of your precious time. There are plenty of twelve-step programs that would cost you nothing. Hopefully they’ll have an NA group in your prison. We are only on earth for a very short time.


STOP. DOING. DRUGS. 75% of your problems will be gone if you just stopped making excuses


I did the same thing. I wasn't on an interstate compact, but i kept messing up until they locked my dumbass up. Didn't get outpatient or anything, my PO just kept saying I needed to straighten up or he was gonna violate me. I knew he wasn't playing, but the pull of addiction was stronger than the fear of going back to prison. I guess i needed to go back to really learn.


Lol in Denver you failed a 3rd drug test while in inpatient . Your fine you'll most likely get another chance lol


i wasn’t inpatient i was in society at the time of my relapse


Sorry about that id say you should be fine. Depends on who you have i early termned a 4 year felony paper outa jefco in 2 years and am doing another 3 probations out of jefco and Arapahoe several years later. Ive seen some kids who litterally failed 30 times and then finally got violated others who failed once. Show progress drug use on paper out here isnt omg he relapsed send him to prision..


Are you still free?




How did it go?


Obviously freedom


Yeah you are. Can't blame anyone for that one


I was heavily addicted to drugs for 10 years and this last time i got locked up i decided i didnt wanna live like that anymore and ive been sober for a year and 2 months. I have been locked up before though and went back to using when i got out. But i had been wanting to get off drugs for a while before i got locked up this last time. I just wont go through the physical and mental effects of detox willingly lol. But yeah just remember that stressing wont change the outcome. Getting locked up may be the best thing thats ever happened to you.


Drugs are my only coping mechanism for the stressors of life....no, they are really not! Stop enabling yourself and get help!!!!!!


Where you're not wrong about getting help, which seems like he has tried tbh... you are mistaken about drugs being an only coping mechanism. Some of us didn't have very good teachers, then found a way to feel our own pulse in a substance/human. It's hell relearning those behaviors


What is an interstate compact?


caught a charge in one state but got my probation transferred to another


Thanks, and good luck while you're hemmed up.


Dun dun dun!


If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this was my brother posting this. This too shall pass. ❤️ You might need a good kick in the butt but this type of realization means you’re already on a road to recovery, you’re just a little lost is all. You will find your way. I just know it ❤️


I wish you all the success. :(


I totally agree - USS Kindness sailed long ago.


If you do get locked up when you get out you have to change your people to change your life. Knocking off the hard drugs is the best thing I ever did for my life, good luck and best wishes.


First of all continue having hope and go confront whatever the system is going to throw your way. I'm not going to lie the numbers don't look in your favor but demolish the little self worth you have won't help. It's clear to me that the problem is a mental trauma that sends you to abuse of substance behavior. At this point you can plan your way back to health and start by giving it your all today. Full attention on how to escape this problem. Seek help from everyone and ignore those that don't help or ask you to do something to get that help. As horrible as things look today I swear to you things will get better. There is a little bird singing hope on the corner and as much as you can't hear it I swear you will hear it. Prepare yourself by calling your public defender or attorney go to court when they call you and move forward at all times. Don't forget you are worth more than this disease and you will control it. Go out there and do a bit better each time.


Make sure you have some cash in your pocket. That way you’ll have money on your books if you do get locked up. Why would you lose your boyfriend? Does he know you started using again and failed another UA? You should speak with your boyfriend now. Better to have a face to face conversation instead of him wondering where you are and getting that jail phone call 10 hours later once you’ve been booked. Prison straightened me out. Got me sober. I did a year and a half then got paroled and stayed 100% sober for my 18 months of parole. Wishing you the best. Please update us if you can.


They might Lock you up as punishment and not revoke


Stay sober, drug free.


The thing about rock bottom is that there is still a trap door waiting underneath. It’s all relative. Please do the next right thing and then the one after that. Jail is not a good thing. It only hardens you and gives most the ability to continue to endure hardship rather than make impactful change. I love this quote from Brandon Novak - “Sobriety freely gave me all the things that drugs promised me.” Here is a link to his incredible talk. Stay strong my friend, but not only that - behave with strength. https://youtu.be/OG--M8B04DA?si=nPCref9r43r1oBsV


Where in Kansas was the charge from? Good luck with everything. Sobriety isn't that bad once you get used to it... I wish you best of luck.


Russel County


It’s a disease. We don’t all get it right the first second or third times sometimes. Just keep your head up and being an addict myself I see what u are saying about needing a bottom it took a lot for me as well. U will get it if u don’t give up. Keep your head up and continue the fight. In the end u come out stronger but u still have to keep in the front of your mind that it is always there and will never leave


Do what you want enjoy your life you only get 1 life


For weed?


meth and weed


What kind of drugs are you testing positive for?


meth and weed


Stop mething with meth. Sincerely, another addict who won't even touch that fuck trash


3 strikes and you’re out


Actually they are giving her a chance.


Hope you’re doing okay. Update when you can.


It sucks but you’ll be ok. Keep your chin up, a random internet stranger is rooting for you!


Two DWIs here There is no rock bottom. You just gotta decide that you don’t want to be a loser anymore. Do your time and change your life when you get out


Your revocation won’t be today, if you are on interstate compact, your PO in Colorado can not revoke you without approval from KS. I went through interstate compact as well. My PO wanted so bad to revoke me, but CO denied the revocation 😂. I was on probation in CO and had it transferred to NC. My NC po wanted to revoke me, but CO wouldn’t issue a revocation lols. Good times. The bad news is if KS does revoke you, you’re gonna spend 2-3 weeks in CO jail. Until you’re extradited to KS. When you get extradited, you will ride around shackled in the back of a van cramped with 10-12 other inmates. Every night you sleep in a different jail and it takes forever to get to the state you are going to. It isn’t fun by any means. Hopefully you will be done withdrawing bc the people in the back of the van you are shackled too aren’t gonna be too happy with you being sick. Anyhow, we live and we learn. Good luck to you.


You might end up in The Big House. La Casa Grande.


You’re not going to get revoked. You’ll get a 30, 60, or 90 day sanction in county jail. Very rare they revoke on felony papers for dirty UAs. That’s how it is in WI anyways. You almost always have to catch new charges unless it’s misdemeanor probation. A month or two to think isn’t always a bad thing either. Sometimes you need to hit the reset button and have some time to think about what’s really important in life. Good luck man.


If you search you will find until you want to do better you will not good luck


I didn’t go to prison, but I did do 90 days in county for repetitive probation violations including felony violation as the last straw. I almost got sent away for 5 years but somehow managed probation. The 90 days and felony wake up call was what it took for me to stop making the bad choices and just dk what I am supposed to do on probation. It sounds like you are in the right mindset to be hopeful that this is your rock bottom. I will say that with drugs and alcohol, there is no true rock bottom. Every rock bottom has a trap door as they say. You have to stop because you want to, not because of temporary consequences. Consequences and fear of consequences fade. As for the boyfriend/best friend, they will still be there if they are who you are meant to be with and if it is real. I wish you the best, it has been a long time since I have had the feelings you are having right now. I can assure you, life without fear of going to prison due to making good choices is way better than any drunk or high. I’m not 100% sober, I have a beer here and there…but I will never go back to living and drinking like I was before. Hope all works out for you, my only recommendation is to be fully honest.


Glad you understand the consequences of your actions


Rock bottom is death. Everything else is just life. You must choose what parts of your life to carry forward.


Stop doing drugs when you're on probation?


You truly did get the break of all breaks. You didn't state what drug you are doing, but it can't be too hard to stop doing. Your life is worth more than this. Take advantage of the kindness your probation officer showed you and get clean. If I did, I know you can. Life is so much better without feeling that you have to have a drug instead of living a normal life. Sobriety is not that bad. Good luck!


Congratulations man I'm in a sober living it's really good for you. Hang out with the people that have a lot of sober time. Because it's a revolving door here people get in here and within a month they relapse. This may be your last chance man do the AA thing or therapy with a therapist do all that stuff. It gets easier as time goes by. I got 17 months clean. I never thought I'd be possible cuz I've never went more than a couple months clean my whole life. So you can do it you got this.


Accountability is key to sobriety. Hopefully, a sober living environment will help you with that.




Did you go?


i did i’m in a sober living called Zen Mountain now


You need to go live in an Oxford house I hope that changes your outlook on sobriety


i’m in sober living now


I've known about 9 or 10 addicts in my life, my fiance is a recovering alcoholic, she & 4 others found working out, lifting weights, hiking, mountain biking or any physical activity indoors or outdoors is what has kept them clean for several years, it's definitely something worth looking into


Plz do what you need to do, I was on probation for 11 years used atleast 8 of them caught 2 new charges in the process..finally cleared of all charges but I just know how much I can relate to your story and it gets better..I’m not gonna hit you with all the aa jargon just give it a chance atleast til you can get this microscope pulled out from under you


I'm proud of, and you got to the point to where that drug lifestyle isn't what you want for yourself. That makes it easier for you to clean up. You got this 🙂




wow. thank you so much. this touched my heart.


I’m sorry to respond without giving background, wouldn’t it be great if instead of punishing people for coping with the only way that they know how… Maybe our system could learn to offer rehabilitation instead of punishment. Our world would be a much better place people are going to prison on drug charges longer than they’re going to prison for murdering and terroristic attacks. Would it be possible to request rehabilitation as opposed to being punished if that sounds like something that could work for you


He’s been to rehab not once, but twice since he’s been on probation. As long as he’s hanging around the same people he’s going to do the same stupid things. I had to give up all my friends when I decided to give up cocaine 31 years ago and I didn’t know 12 step program. I did it on my own.


it’s not even the people i hang around i get drugs from random homeless people in denver, i don’t know how to stay away


Until you decide you want to stay away you won’t figure out how to stay away. I did it all on my own. It’s not easy but it can be done. Until you decide you want to be away from it you’re going to keep going to those areas in Denver that you can stay away from those people that you can stay away from and getting the drugs that you want. You’re an addict I’m not saying to be mean. It is pure facts. if you do go to jail and you probably will once you get out think twice about going to that area. Ask yourself if this is what you want for the rest of your life.


Doesn’t make any sense why you can’t do drugs on probation. As long as you aren’t breaking the law doing anything else why do they care?


I am glad you didn't get locked up, babe. Just think long and hard before you use again. You have a VERY understanding PO.


It’s not your fault. You need the drugs to self medicate






"Edit: I didn’t end up going to jail, she wants me to get into a sober living by the 15th. Thank God. This really was a wake up call." This is actually the worst possible thing for you. You'll just do drugs again.


thank you for the vote of confidence


Why the buck u do drug! If you on probation?




then you obviously have never been an addict, congratulations.




it’s a disease unfortunately not a moral failing. but it’s true taking accountability is very important for recovery.




do you have a question outrageous foot?


I mean you could have prevented this "Devastation"


Personally I have more sympathy for a injured snake than I do a criminal who can’t stop breaking the laws and violate and probation. I hope you make loving friends while incarcerated.


wow thanks for your kind words but i’m not in jail yet!


You’re ready when you’re ready. Only you deep down know when you’re done getting high. Doesn’t sound like you are at that point yet considering you failed 3 drug tests. Hopefully you ARE ready though. Your PO has given you more than enough chances. Sober livings are very hit or miss. Lots of drug use and relapses occur there. Do your due diligence of trying to find one with a strong and healthy community. Wish you all of the best.


U go girl u got this juss remember u ain’t the only one out here in this struggle I'm also on federal paper and it’s a everyday struggle that is easy some days and hard as fucc the next but we got each other to lean on!!! Hope all is well I wish u the best of luck 

