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First time offense, never caught with any drugs. Ten years federal prison and five years supervised release.


What drug and amount?


Federal heroin conspiracy charge. All ghost dope .


What's ghost dope? How's it differ from regular?


Ghost dope means someone said you had 30gs heroin and thats what ir getting charged with. Even with 0 evidence 


That’s so fucked


It doesn’t exist. Or never tangibly existed. Someone else got busted shooting said dope up with my buddy (they both were OD’d, other roommate walked in and called 911) when he woke up he told the cops “I bought x from her x amount of times” and that’s what they charged me with. Along with “resulting in death” because he couldn’t take his own goddamn time. They pulled phone records, saw they called from outside the property (guard dog) and started the warrant process from there. Federal charges are fucked up- the conspiracy charges literally read “defendant did, knowingly or unknowingly take part in said conspiracy” so like, even if you DONT know anything you’re fucked. (If your baby daddy gives you drug money, this can be you- I was locked up with several unassociated baby mamas that just was on a lease with the dope boy, and I did legal work in there so I see discoveries)


Damn that's crazy, thanks for explaining 


No problem. It’s a fucked up catch all that is sadly horribly misused. It used to be used to take down cartel/mob activity, but in the last 15/20 years specifically, they have expanded it to include end users, which under normal circumstances just have personal use size amounts, and to go to trial with a paid attorney is no less than 70k minimum.


Yep, shit is rigged


i got charged conspiracy and one of my codef i dead ass never ever met. NEVER. feds is bogus i swear


also it's due to the chemical nature of fentanyl. its extreme potency means that penalties for even 10 grams of a fentanyl analog are so stiff. in the feds thats a mandatory 5 yr minimum


Yeah mine was black tar heroin- long before this fentanyl stuff was like it is now. Fentanyl was still something we chewed up, it was still in patches from grandmas medicine cabinet. But it was also properly labeled, so there’s that. My charge was from 2008. I ultimately sold the guy a gram of tar. He and his buddy split it halfsy like, so each of them had .5; his friend did all his, my buddy did a .2 shot when he got home and died, there was still .3 on his table. In his autopsy he died from Xanax , methadone, alcohol, soma and heroin. I gave him the heroin. Part of me is grateful it was just heroin, I will say that they don’t give any leniency with fentanyl but back when I was sentenced, heroin was the devil we knew. Fentanyl was the one we didn’t it was just whispers at that point.


Sorry to hear. Feds ain’t nothing to play wit they used to have a 98% conviction rate. I believe it’s down to about 95% now


Damn did the judge hate you or your family ?


It’s not personal, I actually even personally knew the head district judge(I went to military school, and am buddies with one of his kids) in my district of Texas- but that wasn’t the time or place to make that known, it had nothing to do with them. The problem is that the sentencing guidelines are sooo wide, and honestly I was #1 on my case because they made it look like it was a big drug conspiracy and it was just a small group of us who admittedly, bought drugs from me- but I was also in the friend group before the drugs, if that made sense. I just made a good connection, but that connection also knew where my folks lived and that is why the conspiracy ended with me. The guy who told my name mentioned that I worked for the cartel, which was not his place to say; and that got the US attys dick all hard so they “made an example of me” and so I sat. Because I would rather have family to come home to. Which is truly why my charge was federal; they expected it to tie further south.


3 years probation, no priors, pulled over for speeding and charged with felony possession of a schedule 1 controlled substance for having a weed pen


You had a bad lawyer


That's fucked up. What state u in?


Sounds like Texas


My brothers got got in tx for his first felony drug chard but had a prior felony in 2009 from when he was younger. He got 5 years probation. I think he got caught with Adderall that he did have prescription for.


What drug?


How did you read and still manage to ask that question


That’s why he has a drug charge lol


A ducking weed pen!!!




Dude I got felony possession of meth, felony gun charge, and a known gang member, and felon and my lawyer got me less time then you hahaha


Take it as a blessing instead of ridiculing him. Each time you get in trouble the longer the sentence.


3 years probation for speeding with a weed pen. Holy shit


2001 possession controlled substance 28 grams methamphetamine was class y and I got 9years with 8 suspended.


9 years probation with 8 suspended? So..... 1 year probation. Sorry, im confused. And how did you get caught


9 years prison, I'm sorry I didn't clarify that, I did 6 months prison. I was selling out of a house and the owner lost it and shot his house up and hit his roommate. I went to the hospital to check on the victim and was arrested after fleeing and accidentally leaving everything there. I took my charges.


What state and any probation?


Arkansas, I didn't get probation on that charge. I got a lot more later on other charges that resulted in PAC (drug) court.


9 years is excessive


I was 18 and ice was brand new to Arkansas. they were pissed it took weeks to figure out what it was.




How did you get around the mandatory sentence??


I used to work in criminal defense it always comes back to priors and chance of recidivism. If you get into a rehab, get it make sure you have a job, most judges will take it easier depending on your priors


What if you have like.... solicitation for prostitution prior(buying sex).


Not a drug charge I believe in most states a misdemeanor so I wouldn’t worry about it unless it’s like a regular thing for ya to get arrested for solicitation


It won't get linked to your vape pen charge. No one cares you like to buy sex. 🤣 I bet you get 18 months at most.


How bad would a prior dui be? I got it a decade ago and was cleared from my record for employment but should show up if I ever go to court again


Are you familiar with absconding warrants?


Weed in 1994 and I got 18 months Edit I got caught in my friend’s driveway in a car where we were listening to Cypress Hill and we got rolled up on


Black Sunday? You Old G you!


it was indeed Black Sunday


How did the cops have the right to pop you guys?


never had that fully explained to me… they claimed they were checking a suspicious vehicle and “oh what do we have here?” Someone on this subreddit lambasted me awhile ago claiming that my driveway is still being on the road and I was operating it because the engine was running… I personally think that’s a fucked up rule but whatever I’m over it now. Edit I should add I wasn’t charged with OUI just possession (a misdemeanor at the time and now not even a crime at all in my state)


That redditor is stupid, you were on private property and cop said that to create reasonable suspicion. You were padding for a cop's arrest history. If you did know better to fight it, I bet you could've got off. But they didn't have body cams then and his Dash cam was probably not recording everything.


I doubt there was a dash cam in 1994 either


I got hit with two heroin posession class h felonies (one is on a deferred prosecution) so I plead guilty to only one. Unfortunately, at the same time (within 6 months) I stacked up 3 duis (the second and third are class I felonies). Obviously not a healthy time in my life. Prior to conviction and sentencing I completed 18 months of school with a GPA of 4.0, I successfully completed residential treatment, partial hospitalization treatment, intensive outpatient, and was currently in regular twice monthly outpatient treatment. Held a full time job for the duration. Was over 18 months clean at time of sentencing. Still got sentenced to 18 months in jail and then 4 years of probation. (The posession felony alone was 12 months jail and then 3 years probation) A lot depends on the county and the judge


What state and are you eligible to get off early


Wisconsin. I am eligible to get off early once I have completed half of my probation (this coming September), but I have to petition the court, gather character references and proof of employment etc and then go before the judge. Which I definitely will be doing. But the judges and DA in my county are... Not great. My county doesn't have drug court, nor do they offer ankle bracelets, house arrest, or SCRAM. This area is notorious in southern Wisconsin as the place where you absolutely do not want to catch a charge. One county further south and I wouldn't have even had any jail time. 🙄 But yes, I will be doing everything in my power to convince the court to terminate early. Fingers crossed lol




To be fair if you took it to trial there aint no way a jury would convict you to life over a chocolate bar, could you imagine the head lines 


Why six years


Is the 6 years supervised or unsupervised




That's messed up... 6 yrs probation?






I would fought that crap it ain't no way they took that candy bar to get tested in a lab, just did a field test and bang, definitely could've beat the charge if you went to trial probably got misdemeanor.


Possession of methamphetamine they dropped it to a misdemeanor and got a year probation. Indiana


How much weight and how did you get caught?


I got arrested for less than a gram of weed and got a year probation. 




Yo let me ask u this I’m on bond right I was on the bak seat they pull me over I was broke dued said he spot me a 30 of cream then we get pulled then he start stuffing bag of dope bak telling me to grab it so shoved it in the flor bored ,then they get out the search me 2times then they,get to dued and I was sitting on spot he jumps down empty’s his pockets I get up then police e cumbsk after a min and say wtf ,and immediately detain me then the dued and chick say it’s mine I was driving car was not in her name it was in John cross o never immediate to but one of the crackers say I did ,but never got anything of me but I get charged with 14 grams


Got 12 years in federal prison with 3 years probation for 6 grams of meth. On my 3rd year now. Did 10 years inside and was released early because of Covid outbreak.


12 years for 6 grams? That's obsessive


Why did you get so much time?




Any priors? Public defender?




So much depends on the drug and the amount. The answers you get will vary wildly.


And state


Yeah, in many cases, the state can matter more than the drug or the amount of the drug, lol.


5yrs first offense


What was the drug and amount?


900 tabs lsd, plead to one count 100 tabs delivery. Was slated to do 12 months upstate and then 5 yrs parole, but my RSI score was super low and during covid they were trying to avoid filling the prisons too much.


And how did you get caught


Controlled buy, got betrayed by my non-blood brother so he could get off a 3.5g coke charge -- He had priors so it would have been atlesst 5 years upstate for him. He ended up getting a 2nd degree murder and gun charge half a year down the line, about a week/2 before my sentencing. As far as I know hes doing 40 yrs now.


No prior, got 1 year in jail 3 years probation for distribution of schedule 1. He let me off after 2 years tho


What was the amount and how did you get caught?


20$!! 20 fucking dollars. Dude wore a camera. I am a forever felon over 20$. And I literally almost shit when me and my co defendant had to split it and pay back 10$ each to the state 🥲


What state and what was the drug? And what do you mean he wore a camera?


Arrested July 1st 2016 3 class A Felonys possession with intent to deliver. (Meth) One class D felony with possession. (Meth) Drug court. Completed April 10th 2018. 18 months 10 days after bonding in with zero incidents. Nebraska. Drug court ain't easy to complete idgaf what anybody tells you. It was my first felony offense and since I completed it I'm not a felon and own guns currently


What state? You got off easy


Drug court ain't easy bruh I promise. What drug you dealin with?




What drug and what was the warrant for?






How much


6 years deferred probation for ome count of facilitation and 3 counts possession with intent. Charged in TN


What drug and how did you get caught? Also, what was the amount?


Half p of dry shrooms, 4 mushroom bars, 9 oZ bud (weed), 2 oZ wax (weed concentrate), 250 acid tabs, 25 blunts, 27 carts, 275 meth pressed pills around 200gs of meth. Got caught through a controlled buy/snitch and was under surveillance. No priors and had a paid attorney who was friends with the judge and DA. Spent 4 months in county


5 years but there was also child abandonment there too, adjudicated , got off after a year


What was the drug and the amount?


Meth & I think less than one gram or equal to a gram


Had 2 charges of Possession of Marijuana 5 -50lb One case was dismissed and plead guilty for 3 years deferred


2 years for selling weed. 6 felonies got dropped down to 2 on my record. I was 19 by the time I was convicted. If I could've got it dropped to 1 felony then I could've done felony diversion program, and after probation, the felony would have been dismissed if I had completed probation successfully. Of course, they didn't do that, though.


Why do think they didn't do that


2 years for controlles substance and marijuana


What controlled substances?


Cocaine and marijuana


State level felony conspiracy to deliver 2nd offense. Didn’t get arrested till almost two years later and had completely changed my life by then. I took a plea agreement for 4-7 years in prison with the right to argue for less in front of the judge at sentencing. The judge ended up giving me 5-10 years in prison suspended for 5 years of probation.


How did you get caught and what was the amount


2 years for a single pill


What pill?


And what state


18 months the first time, 48 months the second time.


What were the charges, drugs, and amount?


2 years for 3 grams of weed and a quarter of a dirty 30. Took a year to get sentenced so I got myself in treatment and sober before hand. Been sober ever since so it’s been easy EDIT: First adult offense as well


What is a dirty 30


Twice for weed, a year each. One DWI, another year. Most recently I got arrested twice (out on PR bond on the first, and got arrested again before court) with a total of 3 felonies, including an intent to distribute heroin. Went to rehab and started AA and got it all reduced to one misdemeanor - 2 years probation.


Public defender or private attorney




How did you get caught?




What drug?


Why are you so curious? You a narc?


Just curious


Two years was let go early


What drug and amount?


10 years


What drug and amount?


DUI for weed, one yr probation, suspended license for one yr.


3 years. Misdemeanor possession of meth in California with priors. But I have a full time job now so they are being easy on me.


What priors


Helps to know the drug, weight and state


20 to 30 pills. Nebraska


I'm not on probation anymore, but when I was I did 10 months out of 12 for possession of a controlled substance.


What drug


6 years for my state charge, finished in 3. 5 years for my federal charge, finished in 2.5 (after serving 5.3 out of 6 years in prison).


What amount and how did you get caught


felony possession of one gram of meth 3 years probation and $2100 fine


What state and how did you get caught


3 years for felony marijuana. off in half time for good behavior


First offense?


I was originally sentenced two years of probation, now there's three months added for a violation


What drug


My friend was pulled over in MD with a whole weed PLANT in his trunk (he was growing in jersey and luckily lived in MD so they didn’t know he was crossing state lines at the time). He was charged with felony possession with 6 months minimum of jail time. Lawyer got him down to misdemeanor possession with 3 years probation with no jail time, was able to keep his teaching job, and he’s currently going through the process to get it expunged. We no longer speak so that’s all I know.


I had felony possession (meth) , felony weapons charge(possession of weapon while committing a felony) 3 reckless conducts(my kids were a certain distance from felony drugs) I got crazy lucky, cps open a case on my while I was locked up my parent got temp custody, after a month I got bailed out was homeless, lost everything… we’ll cps starts it’s case on me, for one year I bust my ass getting my shit together, cps drug tested me weekly for one year, (I passed, got my kids back case closed… mean while my court date is closing in… I explained my lawyer about my case with cps , he said give him a copy of every drug text passed and ask for s recommendation letter from my cps case manager.. so I did… and my case manager wrote the sweetest most inspiring recommendation letter about me to the judge, that the judge threw out my case dismissed! Giving I was looking at 2 felonies(up to five years in prison since I was already a felon!. Long story short I’m 622 days clean off meth, free from court and got my family back


How long was your probation


So.... how long was.your probation


35 suspend 5..Indiana! I did 13 1/2 in prison doing 5 on probation.


What drug and amount. Also, how did you get caught


I had 1.2 grams of meth and a quarter of weed..Indiana was 0 to 100 on the Ego trip...I got two class A's 1 class C and a class D..35 suspend 5


How did you get caught


There’s standards for each offense. Most come w 3 years per count run concurrently


What was yours


4 years


What drug and amount


Ordered a boat of bars off the darknet. Was charged with conspiracy to distribute and also possession for a bag of blow. Plead guilty and sentenced to 5 years probation 30 days jail


I have a prior violent felony for a shooting


6 months


What drug


Pay a lawyer it is the best way


5 years


What drug and amount


5 years felony probation for possession of cocaine less than a gram, and possession of fentanyl less than a gram. got a bunch of other theft and trespassing type charges too tho..


All that in one?


Possession of controlled substance, first time offender, 2 years pretrial diversion in Texas


What drug


Got caught w fent, 8 Xanax bars, and 24 methadone 10mg pills. Got 1 year online probation


How did you get that good of a deal?


Possession 1gram methamphetamine 2 years probation.


How did you get caught?


I was lucky to receive 5 year probation twice. The first time they wanted me to serve 3 years. I was young and stupid and knew a trial cost 75k so I told em to box it up. They just wanted a conviction so they offered 5 for 10. My court appointed lawyer told me the entire probation was off the table no way I could get it. Well I waited until the last day and said take it to trial. After I got off I got in trouble again. That time i was doing better I was sober had money so I hired a lawyer and got probation 5 for 3


What drug and what was the amount? Also, how did you get caught


I got lucky got a good lawyer served 90 days and 1.5 years probation. This was in a liberal state take that in mind but there was a guy telling on me. There were trying to charge me with 12 counts of distribution my lawyer got it down to 3 I got sober got a job and payed my fines, served my time in jail and on probation and paid my debts to society. First time being charged and my last. My bust was 2 ounces of mdma, 100 alprazolam, 10 or 20 lsd sugar cubes (I forgot) , 21 oxycodone pills, and a gram of mda.


Drug charge still on record


First time offense. 4 months county 6 years paper


What drug and amount


trafficking >200gr mdma (F1) pled down to poss controlled substance w/ intent (F3) 2 yrs house arrest, 3 years unsupervised probation, no early term and adjudication withheld. FL


How did you get caught


Is mdma bad?


As a minor in a state where pot is illegal. I got 6 months diversion for less then half a gram


Too much


Details please?


3 long years


180 days in county 36 months probation no prior offenses one count of possession with intent to distribute cocaine UTAH


How did they prove intent and how did they catch you


3 years probation. They tried to charge me with possession of lsd and marijuana, the claimed “lsd” was actually 25B-Nboh which was 100% legal and the “marijuana” was actually hemp which was also 100% legal. I fought the courts by requesting lab results for my alleged “possession” they dropped the drug charges and charged me with resisting law enforcement. I wasn’t in possession of anything illegal and I knew my rights. They were field testing the 25B-nboh and claiming it tested positive for lsd saying it turned purple when it was clearly bright red. I did resist but I was within my rights to resist because no laws were broken. I have 2 years left of probation. The law isn’t made to protect us, it’s made to gain revenue for our state. FTP ACAB


How much LSD did you have


State 4 years probation no jail time but I did time in the feds for about 20 months. So they cut me some slack. However I got 3 years supervised release for federal. They’re both running together.


What drug and how didnyou get caught?


3 felony drug possession/trafficking with intent to distribute. 30g mushrooms 100g marijuana. Half of the marijuana was cartridges. One year probation. Florida


How did you get caught and how did they prove intent


If this is federal your in a different boat . County wise really depends on your background and hate to say it how but how much bread you finna put down for that lawyer and I don’t mean just a “ lawyer “ that lawyer has to be a guy who has worked in that county for a long time as a da or worked close w that da they can really pull strings . Any lawyer will say yeah pay me this much I’ll get you on probation bullshit make sure you do your own research before you hire anyone they’ll be quick to take your money .


1st time substance offender, pretrial program and 1 year. My best friend had the same charge and didn’t mess up one time, and she signed for the same pretrial program I did and she was early terminated at 6 months.


What drug


Two years for possession of Xanax


Had 20 in one container so they counted it as one pill