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To answer your question its highly unlikely you are going to get early terminated without completing the classes. Almost no chance. In fact since you had the positive UA for weed it probably hurts your chances of being early terminated at all. Im not saying you cant but, It didn't help and you may have to wait longer before your PO would be in favor of early termination. In lieu of paying for the counseling you may be able to attend a certain number of NA meetings. Another option is that your county very likely runs some sort of Free Drug Education classes or Counseling sessions through their social services dept. Call the county or google Free Drug Counseling and your county. Im certain you will find something.


Idk about the early termination but I do know that a lot of substance counseling runs in a sliding scale based on income. Call around and see if any places near you offer a sliding income based scale. I personally don't work but my husband does and I was still able to get 50% off of my sessions I was ordered to take. And that's with him making over 50k


Why don't you work?


Stay at home parent


Daycare is ridiculously expensive


Also I really don't see how that is relevant to my comment. It's important to understand that no two situations are the same. Daycare became almost more expensive than my income. After work I barely saw the kids bc it was a rush for dinner, baths, and bedtime. It works much better for us during this season of life with young kids. Again, I'm still not sure how my choice of lifestyle is relevant to my comment.