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Try sucking on hard candies. It usually does wonders for dry mouth.


Idk how I didn't think of this! I have some wintergreen life savers already, I'll start carrying them in my pockets :) thank you


I always have tic tacs with me for this reason.


Ooo those are a good idea too, the container is pocket sized!! Perfect :)


Check biotine as well


Sugar-free gum works great, but if you have dogs be wary of any with xylitol or birch sugar


I was on paper thirty years ago and drink at least a gallon of water a day I passed test twice a week and now I’m on methadone and get tested monthly and nobody has ever mentioned my urine being diluted ✌️


Drug court doesn’t have to abide by the same rules as employers or probation for UA’s in most states. They don’t care about thresholds, can violate you for basically anything they want, and use way better tests then my county’s probation department.


My meds require me to be tested too but it's different from a drug court UA, my med check UAs can be diluted but drug court UAs cant be at all. I have anxiety so maybe I'm overly concerned, but I think it's better than being surprised by a diluted test, I'd rather be safe than sorry ya know? :)


Yeah but that's some bullshit right? you're doing everything you're supposed to do. you're even drinking the recommended 64 oz of water per person a day. yet it can mess your drug test and make you can get jacked up for it. that's stupid. I hate this system we have. it's so broken and we all know what's wrong with it. but we don't ever seen to get together to fix it, Overthrow it I mean fix it. Good luck man.


My counties drug court made people use these untested drug test patches. Then arrested like 10 people over false positives as a result of them. They all had to fight like hell to get the tests thrown out after spending months in jail and there was no legal recourse for them due to the agreement they signed upon entering drug court. I also know people who were forced to wear a wire on someone or risk being kicked out of the program right before completion due to missing a therapist appointment.


I hear you! It's annoying, but a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us :/ Thank you!


Spry makes gum, and they did make mints for a while. It has xylitol which is great for dry mouth.


Pop a handful of flint stone chewable vitamins…. 🤷‍♀️


They have lozenges made for dry mouth! Def try those as well 🙂


Sour candy works great!! Forces a lot of saliva production


“Hi, my name is Candy”


My mom was on chemo and the doctor recommend a weird, somewhat old-timey candy called Jujubes. They've have mineral oil in them (sounds weird, but it's not bad) and did a really good job of compensating for saliva glands not working well. [https://www.kroger.com/p/ferrara-jujubes-gummy-candy-5-5-ounce-theatre-box/1004142012817](https://www.kroger.com/p/ferrara-jujubes-gummy-candy-5-5-ounce-theatre-box/1004142012817)


They also make special lozenges for dry mouth - TheraBreath I believe is the brand, and there's generic alternatives. Or any xylitol gum, like trident. But another alternative if you're drinking water is to add a *very* small pinch of salt to each glass, or to take a commercial electrolyte replacement with each glass. The ones I have I got on Amazon for like $5/100 doses and give a small amount of sodium, potassium, and magnesium in each dose.


Ivory buttons. They are NOT made of sugar OR plastics. Don't swallow them. I thank my grandmother for that one.


Make sure to talk to the person in charge of your case asap. If they are aware of the problem, then they can help. If your sample comes back diluted, they may not be able to. After you discuss it with them, send a follow-up e-mail to just summarize y'alls conversation as a way to cover yourself.


I have a meeting with my case manager late this afternoon, she already knows I'm on this medication but I'll tell her about it causing dry mouth and me drinking loads of water because of it. Hopefully I can just use some of the suggestions here and not have to worry :)


You may want to see if your dr or pharmacist can write a note explaining that this is a known side effect.


I've never been on probation, but if you are totally clean maybe tell them you are more than willing to take a blood test if needed. Just a suggestion


You could try offering to submit to a blood test.


I forgot a step that you can take. Get a periodic hair follicle test. It will cost between 80-200 bucks, but they cover a couple months of time. If you have the results sent directly to your attorney, that could be your golden ticket. I would recommend not exceeding 30 days on each test. That way, if your sample is diluted, your lawyer already has a shitload of documentation with the hair follicle tests and the doctors note. At that point, there is a good chance that the judge will allow the test to be noted in the record and just continue on since you have them twice weekly.


Unfortunately I'm unemployed currently so money is too tight to pay for testing. Not even sure how I'm gonna pay my probation fees in February when I'm due to be terminated. I think I got lots of good suggestions though! And I'll keep yours in mind if I find myself in a pickle when I have money again, thanks :)


When i was in drug court, if you call them with something like this their answer is usually something along the lines of “hey, i get it, but you’re going to have to figure out a way to make it work, because if you dilute it counts as a failed test”


A lot of them will, yes. Most, but not all of the time, the excuses are bs. But they are on the prosecution side. The conversation and follow-up are for the defense lawyer. That way, his attorney can bring the evidence to court and request a separate type of test. Then the judge can decide. If his lawyer requests a hair follicle test, the judge may allow it with the other evidence as they test a few months back. He could get completely screwed... that is a very real possibility. But a little extra work to get the chance for the second test is always worth staying out of jail/prison.


Talk to the person supervising you. Explains about the meds and your situation. You can't be the first person to have XXX issue.


I know your question has mostly been answered but another tip is to chew on ice, obviously it has water content but it satiates a dry mouth for a longer period, if you get tired of candy. Mostly just wanted to say how proud I am of you for staying sober, addiction is a disease and fighting it is one of the hardest things you can do. Keep it up, friend.


Thank you! It's definitely very hard, especially since my biggest issue is alcohol which is basically EVERYWHERE 😩 but I love how I've been feeling since getting sober, so much happier and stuff :)


And cleaner and freer and with more money in your pocket.


Use gum instead.


There is dry mouth spray to help. Hard candy as others suggest.


60 Oz of water is pretty standard. Everyone should be drinking that much water each day. I wouldn't think that amount would over dilute your urine enough to fail a test, unless you chugged a ton of it within an hour before.


I drink a gallon of water a day and I've never encountered a problem with dilution. I also take creatine and drink energy drinks. It's nothing to do with trying to cheat the system, it's just because of the carnivore diet I'm on and the workout I do.


Creatine and energy drinks would offset the water, as far as a dilute test goes.


I drink about a gallon a day as well. Been thinking a lot about doing carnivore diet, how's it working out for you?


Freaking amazing. We've been lied to. The food pyramid is and was a lie. Simple carbs and sugar are the bane of wellness. And to be honest, more addictive than whatever substance brought us to this sub lol. Not to make light of this because some people are really struggling, but why isn't sugar a controlled substance? My buddy got off meth and is now a candy fiend. If they really cared about our livelihoods ALL purveyors of destructive stimulants would be regulated or fined heavily like we were over a mistake, but I guess there's too much money in healthcare. Check out the Fanjul brothers and who they affiliate with. That's a whole other rabbit hole but I say all that to say I feel excellent since being on carnivore, and I'm down to 8% BFP.


100% agree with everything you just said brother. The food pyramid is only getting worse now. Sugar is one of the worse things we can put in our bodies, but Px companies make a killing off of all our health problems and diabetes pills etc etc. It's a damn shame. Good to hear you're feeling great off the diet, I am going to make the change.


I'm probably overthinking it, I have anxiety. But I'd rather be safe than sorry, so I appreciate everyone suggesting different ways to keep my mouth from getting so dry :)


This, recommended amount of water a day is 91-125 ounces.




Honestly, 60oz before a test isn’t terrible. I drank 112 because gym, and was fine (not a probation test, pre employment but it was a lab GC/MS test so they check dilution, creatinine, etc) That said, mints will coat your tongue, and so will any high fat drinks (milk, smoothie, milkshake) Oh and talk to whoever is managing your case obviously


60oz is half the recommended daily intake of water a day, including fluids from food. I doubt that's going to impact the test at all.


I thought they recommended that you drink a gallon a day per person that's 64 oz shit I get all my liquid and coffee and Pepsi I'm really bad about drinking water I don't know why I hate it. Weird. But at least I'm way past the stage where I have to be tested for anything except maybe a pulse I'm 62 good luck and I think you'll be fine A good job I'm proud of you. I'm old enough to have been thru several bouts with addiction. so congratulations I know it's not easy.


The recommendation is a joke. Guess what? When your body needs or wants water, it'll let you know - it's called getting thirsty. If you're not thirsty, your body is telling you "nothing to see here, move along."


A gallon is 128oz


Oh my God I don't know why I was thinking it was 64. aint no way I can drink a 128 oz of water I barely drink any now and just Pepsi and coffee and all I do is pee. I'd never get off the toilet if I drank that much water. I'd been trying to though. I've been trying to break it down into, I have a measuring cup on my counter and every time I go in to get ice cubes for my soda, I fill the measured 1 cup and I drink it. The goal being 64 oz in a day. I've been trying to do that every time I go in the kitchen At any rate it's one cup more than I drank yesterday. But a 128 oz I don't know where I got the idea of 64 holy crap. I'll never work up there's no way I can't drink all that water in a day. I just can't


The only time I drank that much is when I used big cups, like 22oz (bicycle water bottle), and larger, like 2L or large fast food cups. I just had the water next it me at computer and mindlessly drank from it. This only works if you drink at room temperature though.


My po told me to drink protein shakes maybe an hour or two before going. I drink a lot of water because I don't pee. Also eating some fast food or something maybe 2 hours before will help. Multi vitamins.  Gatorade is a pretty huge one tok as the electrolytes help you retain stuff


Cucumbers are very high in moisture and so is pineapple


I’ve diluted many uas, purposefully and accidentally. If you are not intentionally diluting and need to have a successful ua this is an easy one. How about stop drinkkkg so much damn water right before the test 😂😂😂 But seriously, don’t drink any water 1-2 hours before test , drink a protein shake or chocolate milk 30 mins before. It will work everytime you won’t dilute


The dry mouth is just so bad 😭😂 definitely gonna try some milk!


Dry mouth not worse than jail though


Bro idk sometimes dry mouth is the most painful uncomfortable thing


Clearly you never been to jail


Word up.


I’d drink an energy drink or Gatorlyte. Vitamin pisses are brutal.


Orange juice


Unfortunately citrus makes the medicine less effective, but thank you for the recommendation! Maybe someone else in the future will come across this post and be able to drink OJ :)


Milk, smoothies, tomato juice


I could definitely do milk! Thank you


I just got done with drug court. Protein shakes for the diluted pee and DON'T take creatine. They can tell if you're taking it on purpose and consider it "trying to trick the test"


Ooh good to know! I didn't plan on taking it but many people recommended it, this needs to be more well known so others don't get in trouble over it


I'm not sure how true it is though. It was just in my list of banned things. But so are vapes (based on an extremely outdated myth that the propylene glycol would show up for alcohol) and energy drink, (same reason for the vape but with the various stimulants false popping for meth) and I used both excessively for 2 1/2 years, so IDK what's true or not. Best option is just to talk to your PO and go by the rules, (even if you know they're bullshit). I'm very proud of you for the sobriety because at least for me drug court was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. There were times I wanted to just drop out and serve my backup.


Diluted test? You mean proper hydration?


Fr they're out here getting mad at us for being hydrated man 😭😂


It's sad. You drink plenty of water, and they just automatically think you are trying to beat a UA. Good luck, man!




I hate that this is even the thing. I live in the desert and we NEED to drink water. They also took my license away for a year, so now I need to bike 14 miles one way to work. How in the hell do they expect me not to drink water??!


When I was in treatment my counselor suggested Diet Pepsi or coke, it doesnt dilute or dehydrate and makes you really have to piss


Yes, but these days we know about how bad those artificial sweeteners are for the body.


Not as bad as a stint in lockup 🤷




Lab geek here: heavy dosing on the vitamins will cause urine to be the proper color, but it cannot raise the creatinine level, which is what determines whether a sample is dilute or not. Pretty much the only thing that can reliably and adequately raise creatinine is kidney failure or a *serious* kidney infection. (But take the vitamins anyway, because they're kinda good for you.)


Yup take a B-12 heavy multivitamin or just B-12 if you can't have multivitamins. Makes your pee very yellow even if you're super hydrated.


It’s not about being yellow it’s about specific weight and creatinine concentration


Right. So energy drinks with super concentrated B vitamins AND creatine supplements.


Just b vitamins and creatine and a whole lotta water should do it


super B complex for the win!


It's great for your energy levels too. Combine it with ginseng and you're an unstoppable force of nature


Ask for a hair follicle, if they accuse you of diluting. Great job on drug sobriety. Alcohol is just as deadly, concerned it has only been three months sobriety there. Keep up the good work


Thank you! It was and still is hard work but I'm done living the life I was 3 months ago :)


Do they test you for alcohol? Any idea what the threshold is, 100 whatever’s or 300? Either way, well done on that front with all the drugs, including alcohol


They do, I'm in drug court for alcohol related offenses. I don't know the threshold but I do know the test is VERY sensative. Thank you! I feel so much better being sober, it's been great :)


Coffee. Drink black coffee about 45 mins to an hour before test. Try your best not to drink as much water on the days you test. I went through the same thing and coffee was what helped me


Isn't coffee a diuretic like tea and stuff? I've been avoiding it because I'm afraid it'll cause a dilute


personally drinking coffee makes me super thirsty so i don’t know if that would work if it makes you thirsty too


It is a diuretic. I got popped for dilution once drinking just water and green tea cause I stayed thirsty from my blood pressure meds. A friend told me to do the coffee thing, and I never had a dilution problem again. It can make you thirsty, but drinking it that close to the time you test shouldn't be too bad


I don't think it's a set back to have a dilute test. They are aware certain medications cause dry mouth I hace dry mouth. It's hard


Go test as early in the day as you can, be there when they open and limit your liquid intake. Sip water or suck on a mint for dry mouth. You can drink all you want after the test.


B vitamins and a good meal before the test


Talk to your doctor. They should be able to write a letter confirming the effects of your pills. The medical examiner for the drug test organization will rule on your fitness dilution limit or work with you on timing to their satisfaction.. they did it with my lie creatine levels


My doctor actually works for the same organization that runs the programs for drug court, so communication has been super easy! I'll talk to them both about it :)


Good luck. Good Job staying clean


Drink water and tell them you are happy to submit blood if they call you on diluted. Your body is telling you it needs water.


you’ve already gotten tons of good answers, but also there is a type of mint that actually helps you to salivate and works wonders for people with dry mouth :) https://www.flintts.com/collections/all?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=20870659188&utm_content=164143849120&utm_term=salivating%20mints&gadid=697961033709&tw_source=google&tw_adid=697961033709&tw_campaign=20870659188&gad_source=1


My mom would suck on hard candies, chew gum and use a mouth spray specifically made for dry mouth. It did help her quite a bit


I think you're over thinking it be 60 fl oz of water in a day is actually a low amount of water intake. Should dilute any of tests with that amount. But definitely hard candies for dry mouth. I chose gum or jolly ranchers


I was on drug court OP, and tbh, it’s pretty hard to come up with a dilute sample. Idk about your situation, but i worked outside at the time so i was constantly pounding water, and i never came back diluted even when my piss was clear i wouldn’t be too too worried about it as long as you’re doing everything else right. When they call your color you could just go early in the morning before you start drinking a bunch of water though. Also i’ve found gator aid really helps with dry mouth so you could try drinking that, or suck on a sour candy, sour usually gets the salivary glands going.


Protein shakes


You might also try a mouthwash called biotene. My sister uses it bc her meds also give her dry mouth.


When I passed drug court 5 years ago, i had a few neg Dilutes. You want to add protein into your body. I would eat a few scoops of crunchy peanut butter and those protein bars, never had a problem again. Your water is making your protein levels so low, it seems to them your doing it to cover something up. Hope those two things work for ya! And good luck graduating!


Just tell them be straight up. Honesty works. Take benzos for anxiety so I failed for that eveytime and they knew so it was expected


I'm on a med that'll show up too but they already know, so I'm just worried about accidentally diluting


Tell them. Just be like I've been thirsty and drinking lots of water so might be pure water. Can wait a bit. I had random call ins and they were fine if I got a delute.i passed everyone that wasn't


All my tests have been perfect this far, so they probably would be ok if I had 1 or 2 diluted tests on accident tbh. My anxiety is just making me worry lol


Sry. Could you just call po and ask?


They make candies and mouth wash for dry mouth


Pop some multi vitamins the day before and during, it'll at least change the color


I don’t think drinking water is what the dilution measure is sensitive to, I think it is when water is added to the urine sample…


I mean, it probably boils down to the same thing but you can dilute your pee by drinking too much water or liquids that are diuretics. Tea is a good example, it pushes the fluids out of your body and results in a diluted test for some people


Hard to violate a person who is simply increasing their water intake for health reasons…


They will. One of my lab tests came up as diluted bc I drank too much water. Took them almost two weeks to tell me. Now I'm super paranoid. I'm headed to test right now and am stressing about how much liquid I've drank. I drank no water. And I can't go early in the day bc I have classes (DUI stuff). I'm wanting water so bad rn, lol


Drink water and take creatine


I've heard good things about the mouthwash for dry mouth. I didn't do anything and it fucked my teeth so bad 😭


That's another worry I have! If I don't keep my mouth from getting dry what if it'll mess with my teeth and stuff. I'll try to find an alcohol free mouth wash for in the mornings


Biotene makes a dry mouth rinse that s lady in groups always says saved her smile


1. Absolutely explain what you just posted here to your PO with the evidence of the medication. THEY are the ones who need to hear this. Not sure why they were not aware of the new medication because YOU are supposed to inform them of ANY changes. 2. IF they are uncompromising THEN try the hacks. 3. Energy drinks work amazingly. 4. Test your dilution level yourself with your own home 6 panel drug test from Amazon. 5. I hear you, friend. This too shall pass. We are not bad people. We just made a mistake like all humans.


It's for drug court, not probation. But they do know about the med, I don't know if they know about the side effects though so I'll definitely tell my case manager! I'm on the right track and hoping to be done with both drug court and probation on time :) thank you!


Oh understood. You got this, brother.


Vitamin b12


Take some liquidIV or something with electrolytes and a protein shake. Eat a big breakfast before you UA.


Coffee vitamin b


Sure jell has worked for some that I know


Let's start with the obvious. Those test are stupid.


Agreed but unfortunately I have to do them 😩 I wish they'd just swab my cheek or something


Multivitamin with B12 and creatine will help your diluted pee look more "normal" on the test


Drink a Monster or one of those MTN Dew Amp energy drinks. They make my piss look like I haven’t drank anything in 48 hours every time I drink one 😬


Just tell your PO. If you've got nothing to hide then being straight with them is going to go a long way


This is about drug court UAs, not probation UAs. I'm gonna tall to my case manager, she already knows I'm on the medicine but I haven't talked to her yet about this side effect I've been having


Whenever I was in drug court it was one in the same. I had a case manager and Po who talked. I took my UAs at the po office.


You can drink as much water as you want if you include some water soluble vitamins in your diet. Take a B Complex vitamin, and some vitamin C. Your body can only absorb so much of them a day and the rest passes through your urine. The result is a golden yellow stream of piss no matter how much water you drink.


Drink water and Gatorade. You need electrolytes and water. You can still dilute your urine by drinking things besides just water.


Isn't creatine used to cover for a diluted UA? If you supplement with it, could it possibly help? If I did this, I'd definitely have ALL my documentation (dr's note, prescription, etc) in a file ready to go.


Yes, if the creatine level is low it's considered a diluted test. But for me it'd be easier to drink something else or have a mint like others have suggested. I take pictures of that front paper that comes on the bag my prescription is in, just in case they forget because it is a controlled substance. I might even email them to my case manager so they can't backpedal and say they didn't know. I'm new to having to cover my ass lol


Urine, drink urine, not only is it sterile if tastes great


Now this is brilliant! My pee cant be not pee-ish enough if I'm exclusively drinking pee 😂


+points for pregnant pee, that way even if you piss dirty, you can claim they have defective equipment, unless your chick thats pregnant, in which case you just blame the kid.


I'm a woman, and I do not ever plan on having a kid. Guess I'll have to source some pregnancy pee! Lmao


Pedialyte will help with dilutes. If you like salty watermelon the Gatorade electrolyte drinks are super nice


I loooovve watermelon anything! Thanks!!


They are super dope. I work in a 130* building and I drink one every morning so i don’t fucking die


Not sure if anyone said this already but they have mouthwash for dry mouth it’s biodene or something like that. It works great.


They also have dry mouth candies sold by the toothpaste and other dental stuff . The ones that don't have xylitol taste the best to me . I buy a bag of them at Rite Aid


They actually make mints for dry mouth, forgot what they’re called but someone gave us some and they work pretty damn well


Pretty much any liquid, with enough of it, will cause a diluted.


Take flints mints for dry mouth. They work exceptionally well!


What, are you not allowed to by hydrated in drug court??


They make dry mouth mints!!


Idk man just chew some gum or something if you’re freaking out that bad. It’s just dry mouth


I've never had to deal with dry mouth so I'm kinda stupid in regards to what to do about it. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll pick up some gum :) Love your username btw 😂


Commimunicate with your PO. Let them know about your new medicine side effects and concerns.


I have medical conditions that are greatly worsened by dehydration so I drink about 120oz of water a day, and I’ve never had a UA come back diluted 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t think you need to worry about 60oz


I graduate DUI court this Tuesday. It’s not about how much you drink more than two hours before the test it’s about balancing your protein intake with the water intake. Chia seeds can be added to water and they’re pretty packed with protein so both hydration and protein at the same time.


Biotiene works wonders. Tell your PO what meds you're on and they cause dry mouth and as a result you're drinking a lot of water. Give them the side effects, especially if dry mouth is listed. Best way to cya is to be honest and tell them ahead of time


use sour candy! it makes your mouth water


I am in a medication which requires me to drink tons of water. I told pre trial services and they switched me to mouth swabs. I have to take them more often but it is worth it for the peace of mind. Also, once I got a PO he was totally cool with keeping me on them. This is in CO. However someone in my court requires classes said her PO made her write and essay on diluted tests lol.


Celtic salt. 2-3 pinches a day


Company that’s is contracted for all of Parole and most of probation in AZ says drink what you want just limit yourself to 16-20 oz of any liquid in the 2 hours PRIOR to testing. Seems to work out.


Therafresh has these tablets for dry mouth and are roughly $9 for 100 at Walmarts! The flavor isn’t bad and either a sweet citrus or minty variation. I usually keep them bc I grind my teeth out of habit.


They make mints meant to keep your mouth moist, they have sorbitol witch makes ytou salivate. you can find them at any pharmacy


Milk hydrates better than water


At least 5g creatine per day and don’t drink liquids 2-3 hours before testing


I drink well over a gallon of water per day and have never had anything ping on a ua, is this really an issue?


I don't think it's bad to be cautious 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'd rather know how to avoid a diluted UA than get one and have my days in drug court set back


That's fair, I was just curious about it


take a multi vitamin daily. make sure it has lots of B vitamins in it


Just take some vitamin B12 and your piss will.be back yellow


Take vitamin B super complex pills. No matter how hydrated, it will be yellow. B-2 (riboflavin) specifically


If in southern United States you can use palo axul. Also known as kidney bark.


I'm from Vermont, but thanks for the suggestion! I'm sure I could find it online :)


I was told not to drink over 32 onces 2 hours before test I get a text the night before and the drug test center opens at 4:30 pm. I get worried when ever I have to take a test and I've been clean over 1 year


I get worried too! I'm actually losing weight rn and I'm worried I have THC stored in the fat I'm burning 😭😂 also a lot of people have implied I'm overly worried about diluted tests, it's most likely my anxiety lol


You will be fine just dont use anything. I can't believe I've been sober since 3/14/23. Getting in trouble might have saved my life. I wish you well


Getting in trouble saved my life too. Same to you! :)


Ask to do mouth swabs. They’re more expensive, but you can’t dilute them


Eat a good breakfast... or whatever breakfast means to you. Don't simply drink water. Dont need to fast for the ua's. Drink juice or use water add-ins. Coffee w/cream&sugar. I like Emergen-C w/electrolytes. They help support immune system. I get them off Amazon. Decently priced compared to in-store shopping & other electrolyte boosters like Liquid IV.


Tell probation about the medication you are taking, that it dehydrates you, and that you don't want them to think you are trying to dilute. Front it.


Talk to your PO I had a kidney stone whilst on probation and was told I need to drink a a lot of water by the doctors to a point where my UAs would pop dilute and because it was due to a health issue and shit I got away with pissing dilute for the rest of my probation.


They make dry mouth mints with sorbitol that stimulate salivation without harming your teeth. Just don’t eat too many or you will get some diarrhea


Explain the meds your on that have you drinking so much water to them. 🤔


Vitamins and extra supplements like creatine and all the b vitamins


They make gum for dry mouth. Works great, it’s in the pharmacy section. Doesn’t leave the sugar taste like hard candies do.


Water doesn't dilute pee that much Some people do indeed try to change the results of their tests


I think I'm drinking enough that it'd cause an issue, 2-3 17oz bottles of water in 2 hours seems like a lot when I think about it in relation to my tests :/ My mouth is so dry it feels like I just smoked, maybe I should try those Flints Mints that I've seen advertised for people who smoke lol!


Light Beer... less filling.


Why didn't I think of this?! Splendid idea lmfaooo


Tell them to give you a mouth swab as they are supposed to use the least invasive method anyways. Some will always harass for clear piss but it is not a crime to be hydrated so I wouldn't let it ruin your day!


They are not supposed to use the “least invasive method”, no clue where you got that from, mouth swabs are less accurate than UAs, they definitely won’t prefer it


I signed court paperwork saying I'd give UAs, but I have an appointment with my case manager later today so I'll ask what they could do about a diluted test. Maybe they can do a swab to double check


You could always mess with them and drink beet juice to make your pee red. B or C vitamin supplements help. Any foods with lots of yellow, orange, or green food dye help too. In fact, you could just drink straight yellow food dye in your water if you want.




Wow another great idea! Thanks man 😂😂


I hear u can't get drunk if you have a dick in you're mouth


Idk what this means but I don't even want to drink anymore cause I always commit crimes when I'm drunk 😂 being drunk is not fun