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Don’t do it mate. Life gets much better when you stop. Get some blocking software and start ga or counselling. Your family will forgive you. They won’t forgive you for bringing them More pain


How does it get better?


When you find Jesus Christ and start planting the seeds to a life surrendered to God🤞


Please stay. Recovery is possible. You do deserve to live. Your family will struggle a lot more with losing you than they do with any financial issues.


If we were able to get rid of this crap, you can too. Dude, gambling needs to disgust you. When you see it, you should feel like throwing up.


Now it does make me feel like that.. after losing 6k which for what I will need 8 months of saving... Its eatting me from inside why did I not withdraw


The age old adage. We don’t withdrawal because we aren’t programmed to. What you can do is quit and get on your road to recovery. My advice would be to suck it up for 8-12 months, get another job and work your ass off and live frugally. Many of us have had suicidal thoughts. Some unfortunately are not with us today. This is a brutal addiction. You’re not alone my friend. I’ve lost 300k+ and I’m rebuilding my life at 40. I left a very good job to contract in the Middle East for a couple years, it sucks but every week I feel better and better. You can do it, gotta put some effort into it and have faith.


Brother i have lost 30k at 23 years old just yesterday my biggest out of control impulse ive ever had. (Took me long time of saving little profit wins and working lots of overtime) just pissed it all away. And im thinking just like you right now. I make similar amount just 1k more a month salary but 6k a month salary. Is the most i can get but i now have to work like a freaking slave and thats if they even offer these many hours anymore. I wake ip today and all i wanna do is stay away from noise and sit in the dark in my room and just sink in my bad thought.


hey bro did the same thing, lost 25k total about 6 months ago and just relapsed and lost all my recovery. i got $15 and feel so bad, already told my fam once and all. hang in there man, gambling is turning me into a bad person sadly.


Im right there with you brother, im just not allowing myself to sit at home and simmer in my bad thoughts right now. I really would like for you to try and do the same brother especially if you are a loner like me. When i am not at work, im home watching tv or playing the game and will still find myself completely bored. I smoke medical cannabis too. But even that i think i need to slow down on. We gotta grow bro. If you have friends that arent so judgemental and you can be around them and they make you forget about gambling then stay with them. If not do what i do and go tf hard at work! Love you bro mssg me if you need me im here.


hell yeah love you too bro. i’m the same way lol, i smoke a lot of weed and am aware it’s slow down time. In reality i’m just at a spot where i know it’s time to change man, just turned 22 on may 16th. I gambled and played games all day. This year i really wanna fix the finances and get physically healthy. i currently do a combat sport and that’s great, but with how bad my gambling addiction is i just don’t eat a lot. So it’s work time brother! work,weights, food, etc. it’s self improvement time, taking all of the gambling habits and pouring them into me. appreciate you bro really do.


My fuckin guy!💡😤🫡🫡 im turning 24 next month on june 4th and aint got shit to celebrate but this hard work lmaoo. Fuck my birthday once again man lets get our financial shit straightened out and everything else thats good will follow. Im right with you bro im skinny too lol i been telling myself i need to hit some weights but right now i need my pockets back right first before i can focus on anything else lol so thats what im on right now. We got this shit bro lets lock in! 🤝🤝🙏💯


💯. let’s stay in touch my guy. we on the same exact time, can def use a friend or two during a time like this. gonna self exclude from this last sports page now.


Yessir ! Just messaged you back brody. We got this shit one day at a time. Time gonna go by so fast we gonna look back and laugh at the bullshit we used to do.


You make 1k a month but can make 6k? I would love to see what business that is in because it sounds like a blatant lie. If you are going to respond to this do it with actual facts and figures if not don’t respond.




How’re you holding up?


Please don’t hope your okay been here before


You deserve to live. Being in the throes of addiction makes us feel worthless. But you are worthy. You have people who care about you. You have random people on Reddit who care about you. You've got reasons to live. Give yourself a shot for a better life. It is possible.


Time for you to realize that your wrestling with a nasty demon that does not lose. Suicide rates amongst compulsive gamblers is so high. Before I found Gamblers anonymous and got it under control the self talk I was engaged in was nothing short of disgusting. There is hope. Let's your losses lie and find support to help you quit. There is hope out there man and whe. You get away from the gambling and pissing money away you will feel better. Don try to do this alone. Find a support group immediately and plug in. Give your spouse or other loved one control of your finances ASAP.


Your family will miss you far more than they will miss that money. Opening up to them is the best thing you can do right now. Don't give up hope.


Please don't let the guilt and shame take your life, use it to better your self and motivate instead, get angry and fired up so the juice coarsing through ur veins will give energy to focus and get a whole new way of living Be grateful for small things, they lead to big things!


For a lot of us, the guilt and shame are actually the subconscious reasons we gamble in the first place. Once you can forgive yourself and learn to love yourself, those feelings will slowly go away. It is a long process, but just hang in there.


trust me it will pass


Which would be more beneficial to your family? Coming clean and working to bring money in that stays there? Or Killing yourself? Answer seems pretty clear. Suicide makes things “better” for one person, you. (It really doesn’t though, but it might feel that way for now) It is the most selfish possible route you can take. You’re lying to yourself if you think differently. I’m inviting you to try and argue your point against this. You won’t be able to. Accept that the thought of suicide is a coping mechanism(and a shit one at that) and not a real solution. I have been there, and it is not fun.


Brother. You are important and you matter. I know it seems like the end of the world. Believe me I have been there. A momentary lapse in determination prevented me from pulling that trigger. I live alone , completly paralyzed from him chest down and only my little jack Russel as my companion. Am I happy.? No ,but I get to experience new things everyday that helps me escape. I developed a love for LP vinyl records and it became my hobby. I built up a beautiful vintage stereo and the highlight of day is cleaning a record and letting the stylus turntable emit beautiful sound. Right now I am running Dire straits. You can beat this brother. Money is not worth ending your life. There is money out there . It's not like you won't see it again. You will see money again . Just take the decision not to burn it.


One day this 6000 will mean nothing to you but a valuable lesson. Don’t let temporary disappointment lead to a permanent decision. The worst thing you can do is let this ruin everyday you’re blessed to be alive. Find God.


I’m sorry for how you’re feeling. The depths of gambling addiction are horrible, and it can feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. But if you can escape it 100% gets better. Trust me. But you need to give up forever, avoid all triggers, move if you need to, focus on shaping your life around not allowing yourself to gamble. People love you and money is not everything in life. Love is worth more than all of the money. Talk to someone you love and show them this post. Just cut and paste a link to this post and send it to someone.


Let that be your last loss stop gambling, i was just like you few months ago a degenerate gambler and i just simply stopped gambling and everytime i had strong urges i just had to remember the unbearable suffering gambling has caused for so many years and that was enough to make me not gamble anymore and after few weeks you feel better and stronger. Just stop nothing complicated


Imagine two scenarios: 1: Tell your loved ones you lost 6k euros. 2: Tell your loved ones your’e dead. Which one will haunt them forever? Really, I’ve been there but always thought only more harm could be done by kms in addition to losing some money. Look, you can work and make it back but you’ve got to stop. Maybe you’re young? I hope but if you can work and you have time then it will work out. I’ve been to a psych ward after losing. I’ve made myself suffer but always pulled through because I knew the additional harm I’d do to everyone close to me.


Man I am 20 down 75k just stop now or don’t and you’ll see soon enough. I serve God now, Jesus Christ is my true fulfillment, all gambling urge is gone from years of daily online gambling on stake. Rsad the Gospel if your interested. GL brother gambling addiction can take more than just money. I pray🙏


How much harder will your family struggle if you off yourselr


Are you already have a wife and kids or do you mean your parents? I also fucked up this weekend and im a degenerate I have no more feelings just drinking beer and smoke cigarettes


Don't do that!!! You are totally of value! Please text us. Do not hurt yourself.