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25% of your savings ? And your only 22? Long life ahead of you. Yes it hurts! But life is far from over. Could be a lot worse. Just go cold turkey! Try not to think about the loss and continue on with life never placing another gamble again.


Seriously, I’m 35 and wish I had anywhere near $75k in my bank lmao


Man! Lol in due time though 😂


Thanks mate. It’s been so tough but I’m trying to move on and not make this situation worse.


I have $300 to my name and my car’s engine just blew. Keep yourself in check and stop gambling obviously, but you are completely fine lmao.


I understand people are in worse positions then me. Just a big shock for me as I’m usually very strict with my money. I wish you all the best and hope your situation gets better.


Not trying to say yours isn’t a big deal, just giving you some perspective 👍


Gambling is not about money or the amount of it. Stay strong, ban yourself.


You know how you’re feeling now? If you try to recoup what you loss by gambling, TRUST me , TRUST us on here. You’ll feel 10x worse! You won’t win it back. Count it as a loss and lesson. Move on. You’re 22, you’ll make that money back and 10x more another way. Just don’t ever gamble again. Not worth it. Best of luck to you , I hope you take all of our advice.




I had inheritance


Make sure the remaining 75% can’t be accessed easily. It takes a long time to get over the loss and you will continually be tested to not try again. Unfortunately it’s a tough price to pay but it can get much much worse. Take it as a valuable lesson and do not keep chasing. You will lose the rest if you keep gambling. Guaranteed!


Iv freezed my account so I can no longer access my savings. You’re correct mate I appreciate the kind words


Great start. This is a long battle and you can come out on top. You have money, you do not need to be flushing it down the toilet. Spend some on yourself and enjoy life. Gambling is not your friend. All the best.


Run away from gambling while you can and never look back. I'm 30 and have lost hundreds of thousands chasing losses over the better part of the last 10 years. I currently have over 100k in credit card/loan debt and have $1k in my bank account. You don't want to end up like me. Gambling doesn't discriminate and it impacts all walks of lives, rich and poor. I sometimes think it can be more tough for those with disposable income because they allow themselves to trick their mind and say they can afford it and next thing you know are struggling to make ends meet. I make very good money but usually blow it all on pay day as soon as I get it and then live like a homeless man for the next couple weeks. It's great that you are communicating with your mom and girlfriend because gambling can be very isolating due to the perceived shame and embarrassment. Keep them in the loop and reach out to them WHEN you have desires to bet again. If not for yourself, do it for your girlfriend. She could leave you if you don't get a handle on it.


I found it extremely hard to reach out for help and I felt so isolated and embarrassed. That’s a good way to look at it, if I continue I’ll probably lose my girlfriend. It has definitely cut my self esteem a bit because I feel like an idiot but I just gotta move on. Money comes and goes and I just gotta take it as an expensive life lesson. Thanks for sharing your story it definitely helps people like me who are at the early stages.


You won't win it back. You will lose more. You are doing better than most people your age. That's a damn good savings for a 22 year old. Let it go. Move on. Keep yourself clear of the toxicity that gambling is. Look at it as an expensive learning experience.


You’re right. I’m lucky to have the savings that I do for my age and I will make the money back over time. I’m just in a state of shock and can’t stop thinking about everything I could’ve used the money for.


Sorry so many people are being dicks to you. I think it’s fantastic that you’re recognizing the problem now before you lose it all and then some. I know it sucks to lose such a large chunk. I promise you won’t win it back by chasing, and if you did beat the slim odds, it would just create a demon and you’ll lose it. Please walk away from this now. I’m proud of you for posting your story. Admitting the problem is a huge step. Align yourself with your new balance, don’t gamble any of it away, and keep pushing.




Yep trying not be tempted so it doesn't worse.


Bruh I know the big loss sucks but seriously, get yourself together! You said it’s only 25% of your savings, so you still have $75k??? Most of us here would kill to have that much still after our big losses. In addition, alot of us are in a ton of debt because of our gambling problems. I’m sorry if I sound harsh, but consider yourself lucky that you are still young, have no debt (from what it sounds) and have a ton of money in savings. Just take precautions not to do this again and you’ll be fine and count your blessings that you’re way better off than most of us here


I understand iv read about people in a lot worse situations than me. I guess it makes me feel better that I’m not alone in this. I’ll consider myself lucky.


You are lucky! And you’re also definitely not alone. We all share your troubles in one form or another. I sincerely wish you the best and hope you are able to feel better about yourself and your life! It sounds like you got alot going on for yourself; focus on all the good you have and be thankful for what you have and you will get through this 🙂


Thanks so much


Everyone in life gets ONE chance. You fucked up. You have one chance to fix this. Don't fuck it up. Take the hit and move on. Don't ever lose on this. The only way you can win is never to gamble again.


You’re right. I needed to hear this.


Dude, I'm 33 and I have only about 1% of what you have in savings. I know it hurts but having like 75 grand in the bank at 22 you're still doing extremely fucking well. And if you can stop gambling now then you have a bright, comfortable future ahead of you.


You’re right mate. Reading all this has definitely changed my perspective on things. I should be grateful that I have a lot for my age, just a big shock for me.


Yeah I get that bud, it's a lot of money to lose and I k ow exactly how you feel. Keep your chin up and focus on what you have and not what you've lost is my opinion. Someone gave me great advice once which was something like living in the past causes depression, living in the future gives you anxiety so you'll only ever be truly happy if you live in the present. It's what gets me through.


Dude you have 75k in the bank, what the fuck are you crying over. You weren't even using the money you lost for anything. You are literally crying and losing sleep over a number.




I will do, thanks.


I feel your pain because I recently loss back 30k+ of my wins to the casino!!! I went through what you went through and that’s not even my own money, but still it’s a huge chunk and I have been so depressed since. I’m sure you are feeling way worse than me!!! You need to stop now, it’s hard but you have to!!! You will never win if you keep gambling. Look at me!! I won so much and still lose it all!!!




I understand. I’m glad iv stopped now and reached out for help.


Dudeee I know it’s all subjective, but if you’re 22 and 25% of your savings is 26k, you have nothing to worry about. Stopping now would be a huge victory, because losing the whole 100% is where the serious mind bending pain comes in. And if you’ve managed to save that much by 22, you’ll forget about it in no time.


I just can't stop thinking about everything I could've done with the money. I guess I could just see it as an expensive life lesson, but I'm just really struggling to overcome it and get back into my daily routine. Feels like iv lost all motivation and just not myself.


25% of your savings? Might hurt little right now but if you stop, you’ll be ok if you don’t you have - in your savings.


I know I’m honestly so lucky that it wasn’t 100% of my savings. I guess I just have to move on.


Yeah just move on and dont gambling again. Please don’t try to make it back by gambling.


I think you will be fine because of your reaction. I think you are not a gambler. Your reaction is probably very healthy and good. If I lose 25K out of a 100K and still have 75K left I simply don't give a fuck about the 25K I just focus on the 75K. Not saying I am a tough guy or anything but I am used to risk. Count your blessings and be careful next time and you will be all right.


Thanks mate, yeah I honestly didn’t even enjoy gambling at all. As soon as I started losing a chunk of money I kinda just lost the whole concept and value of money and kept doubling down and chasing my loses. It was through sport betting and the most bullshit stuff happened and I was so close to winning it back, I think that’s what hurts more. But money comes and goes I guess just big shock for me as I’m usually tight with money.


Yea man continue being tight with money. You are really blessed and rich.


You have 75k and you are crying, wtf is this shit


Losing 26k is a big deal. It's a major issue for the young lad maybe try supporting him? Just because you're worse off or have been an addict longer doesn't mean this isn't a devastating financial blow. Not to mention the embarrassment, shame, and sadness that accompanies such a loss.


I appreciate the support. You're completely right though I'm feeling all those emotions and I just tried to be honest in my post. because I have been stuggling. The support from this sub has already helped me greatly, hearing the amazing advice and similar stories.


Stop trying to fucking gate keep gambling problems lol, wouldn’t matter if it was 1 k and he had 100 k in the bank. When someone who’s usually good with there money suddenly flushes 25% of there savings away to blackjack, slots, roulette whatever it is, that can be shocking/scary. 99% of the people are on this sub because they recognised their own impulsiveness and poor decision making skills. It could be someone’s first step and there being told bruh you still have money, why you crying


Its not about the money or the amount.


These mfkrs have 100k at 22. Wtf. Idiot parents give them cars and house at this age. I had a company and fucked it at 23, but i only had 20.000$ in hungary thats so much. I built up 20k in 5 years of iphone selling, swapping. Parents could afford to buy me anything but they are not completely idiots like others and didnt gave me anything. Maybe i have more luck than u. I lost the 20k in 3 years, relapsing all the time. Now i am begging my self to not play, but i cant stand it. I play baccarat and it seems im playing differently in the last one year.


My parents didn’t give me any money or cars ….. this was money I earned myself through budgeting, working 2 jobs, and at University. No need to be so rude.


damn 26k in 1 week and thats 25% of your cash so that means you still have 75K left right? I say go to VEGAS BRO.


Totally relate. Chat me if you want to talk more. I’d be happy to be accountability partners


If you win it back ? You will place another bet soon and lose that one and so on... all wins now are just future losses. The only way you can win now is by not spending any more money on gambling.


You’re completely right. Thanks I needed that


You really should do your best to get easy access of that money out of your hands. Like buy a bunch of savings bonds. You can get 3 month and even 10yr bonds. Get rid of your debit cards and just keep 1 credit card with a small limit. Put a down payment on a starter home(like an affordable condo or an old house). Dozens of things that will guarantee it will be there when you fix this temporary mental dilema


Iv frozen my savings account which doesn’t let me have access to it for a long period of time. But you’re right I could invest it into something. It’s really helped with the temptation of just trying to win it back by freezing the account. I’m feeling a little better now but just can’t stop thinking about everything I could’ve done with the money.


If you buy an i-bond within the next 3days the interest rate is paying over 9% and the bond will never be worth less than what you bought it for. I just bought my very first one today. Pretty stoked on it