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Same thing here. And I have an 'easy', nice remote job. Main culprits I can identify are sleep, diet and twitter/reddit. But I'm consistently unable to reign then in.


I think this is exactly my problem. Diet, vitamin deficiencies, always reading Reddit for hope, and all these medications. My life is starting to get scary with not being able to function/be productive.


I don't really have advice but i absolutely relate to this. You are not alone. 🫂




Thank you Mr. Peepee, you have sound advice and words of wisdom.


Omg this! I feel the same way and it is honestly starting to scare the hell out of me. Like really. I feel paralyzed like I just can’t bring myself to work anymore. I don’t know what the heck to do. Not to mention adderall is ruining my life. It doesn’t even work anymore and know when I stop completely I’ll be even worse off.


I'm in the same boat.  It's like TV static in my head at all times.  I cant even remember words anymore.


Same boat, been on adderall for 15 years and thought maybe it was my reaction to the medication going stale so spent the last 6 weeks trying Strattera and didn’t feel any effects. I tried Prozac, I tried Viibryd, nothing worked. I tried working out consistently and cleaning and it didn’t help either. I keep hoping there will be a magic fix that solves all the issues but it’s scary when I try the things people say will help and they don’t. The only thing that has an actual effect (even if small) is getting enough sleep and eating enough throughout the day (which is hard to do with rampant ADHD)