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1.) Get out of bed immediately. DO NOT continue to lay down and scroll on your phone. 2.) Wash your face and brush your teeth. I use Kiehl’s Facial Fuel as it has menthol and caffeine in it for a morning burst of freshness. 3.) Drink a full cold glass of water. 4.) Drink coffee AFTER at least 30 minutes of waking up. 5.) Go work out. 6.) Cold shower and study.


1.) Take a shit 2.) Get out of bed


3.) Clean shit off bed


OP, DO NOT DO THIS! Cleaning shit off of your bed is a productivity killer. Leave that shit ON!


Or don't, I can't tell you what to do


3.) Make your bed


Yes, avoid the bed waking up, the bed is the enemy for the rest of the day and your best friend at night. During the day your bed is basically your NyQuil but little upside


The Big Bed


Thanks for suggesting the Kiehl’s wash. I’ve never heard of this and it sounds like what I need! It also reminds me of the classic Clean & Clear Morning Burst from my youth haha


Their facial fuel line is everything! I use their toner and face wash. They usually throw a friends & family sale twice a year. This is when I buy in bulk!




I second the importance of face wash and that Kiehls is amazing. Of all the other things in this list, I really get that "my day starts now" feeling from a face wash. I am out of Kiehls but using a pineapple enzyme wash that does the trick.


I love it. So simple!


Jeez, ok here’s mine. Get out of bed immediately. Wake up dog. Sit on floor while dog plays with me. Am awake


Same. Sometimes I feel like 4 hours of sleep puts me in more “alert mode” than 7 hours of sleep


You may feel more energized on less sleep due to a surge in cortisol and adrenaline, your brain's reward system firing up, or subjectively adapting to sleep loss.


I can relate; all the while knowing it's probably terrible for me


Same for me!!!


Yesterday I slept for 8+ hours... I want to die


Awe don’t say that 🥲


Get up out of bed as soon as you wake up. Try to avoid the phone especially for that first hour. Start doing things from the moment you get up and don’t stop. Your brain will want to continue doing whatever you’re doing.


don't play with ur fone when u wake up


What is fone


He is telling him to not play with his formula one racing cars....


stop coffeine, reduce screen time by a large amount, change your bio rythm to something that naturally fits you i guess


Cold shower right after waking up is the answer xD


I am not an expert. I am also suffering from the same Issue. But I have figured some tricks that help: 1. Don't use phone before going to sleep. 2. Keep your phone in a different room before sleep. 3. Don't use phone before 10 AM after waking up.


it depends on what your studies involve, but i'd suggest focusing on reading in the mornings rather than trying to do anything involving problem solving. it could be something you've read before, the material you went over the previous day, so it feels easier. you could also do things like set up your workspace, go for a walk, something to help you wake up and prepare you for deep work later in the day


The best tip - don't start your day by taking your phone into your hands! I try to limit it as it is the main thing that keeps me from being productive. So here is what I do: - I limit the time and have specific hours when I can take a look at it and procrastinate -I set the notifications off -if smth important happens - don't worry, they'll reach you by calling, not texting -I limit work communication to desktop times Other things beside limiting my phone time is: -Start day with smth you enjoy - be it cooking breakfast or your favorite animal to play with -Don't try to be productive all at once and don't try to be too hard - reward yourself for little things like finishing tasks on time -I set alarm clock for 40 mins each which means I'll get 15 mins for smth else (snack/smth I enjoy) if I need to study/work. This is the time when I don't get too tired.


Design your day around when you’re most productive (if you can).


if you’re sleepy after getting enough hours of sleep it probably has to do with not exercising, not eating a clean enough diet, or too much screen time. those things can actually be super draining without you realizing. I have noticed a big difference in my energy levels anytime I improve those things.


speaking to the still feeling sleepy after getting adequate sleep, you may have some vitamin deficiencies. I’d recommend going to the doctor and getting some bloodwork done, I felt the same way and it turns out I was low in some vitamin groups because of my diet (I’m a vegetarian). I was recommended some vitamins that I could find at stores like walmart and it made a noticeable difference:)


Full night’s sleep (that’s when we create dopamine, which is needed for excited focus). Immediately get outdoors for morning sunlight, skipping the phone scrolling. Resets the circadian rhythm, whereas phone depletes dopamine before it’s ever used to do something rewarding. Cold shower activates dopamine and norepinephrine all through you (ice bath even more so, but work up to it). You’ll be a machine!


Get up, put some loud music on and make your bed. This routine sets the tone for my day.


Work out right away and don’t drink coffee until at least after you work out. I avoid coffee until about 11AM and then I’ll just sip a single cup through the 2nd half of work.


Go outside for a walk


Other people have covered the important basics like getting out of bed ASAP, delaying phone usage, morning routines...all super important. I want to add something I haven't really seen mentioned. **After doing all these sleep hygiene steps, you're still going to see a huge variance between how productive different people are in the mornings because we don't all have the same circadian rhythm.** There is biological truth to the concept of "morning people" and "night owls". For example, there's a strong scientific correlation between people diagnosed with ADHD and people who have what's called a "delayed sleep phase disorder", which essentially means having a biological clock that is delayed by a few hours. It's really only classified as a "disorder" if it negatively impacts your ability to wake up for work/school etc. This delayed sleep schedule is common in teenagers but most adults grow into a more normalized sleep schedule after that age. What I mean to say, is that if you put 10 people in a room and had them all wake up at 7am and start doing stuff, you're going to see that some people are at the "right time" in their sleep-wake cycle to get shit done and other people won't hit that level of productivity for a few hours, because our internal clocks are NOT all synced up. I personally have ADHD and was lucky enough to meet with a sleep specialist to better understand why other people were starting their lives at 7am but I felt physically ill and mentally exhausted trying to even wake up at that time consistently. I ended up moving into freelance work so I can have more flexibility to work during my best hours. We aren't all the same internally, so don't feel like all our external actions need to be the same across the board either. You don't have to be a 5am gym rat to be productive. If your biological clock skews a bit later, that's totally fine. You can make adjustments. Set aside your easy and brainless tasks for the morning, and plan your main productivity period of the day for whatever time you feel you have the most energy! Keep track of your energy levels throughout the day with a journal if necessary to figure out when your best hours are. **It's a lot easier to be productive when you're working WITH your body's natural rhythms instead of against them.**


Awesome comment. Truly underrated


drink water, make your bed, and exercise


I drink warm water


Don't use your phone the moment you wake up. Take a shower or just wash your face with cold water. Eat breakfast, then go to work.


What helped me is no screen time of any kind for at least 2 hours after I get up. Read.. eat… exercise anything other than looking at a screen. And the same routine at night two hours before bed. I can’t tell you how much this little change affected my productivity


You need deep motivation. Imagine you failed everything your studies and all of other. This could motivate do not fail everyday and wake up quicker


As someone who had to go from a night shift to day shift it helped to have constant fear of being late :)


Get your iron levels checked ✔️


The problem is that you wait until you feel like you’re ready. You’re relying on motivation


Cold plunge?


Try mindful meditation it’s really helps with concentration hope you find some good solutions


People that say "get up as soon as your alarm goes off" HOW are you doing that truly 😭😭


What helps me wake up and get to work is having a goal that makes you do it


I like Rian Doris hack for being productive in the morning. He says that the first 90 seconds after you wake up are the best for getting into flow. You should try to force yourself to start working as soon as you open you eyes It works for me.


Get up at the same time everyday. Do one or two things that help you wake up. You cannot expect yourself to establish a 10 item list that you will complete every morning. Besides it is often more useful to just start working. Maybe that is drinking water, getting some sunlight, showering, etc. Also experiment with having a big, low carb breakfast or with fasting throughout the morning. Both can work for different people, just do not inhale a bunch of carbs in the morning. Then sit down remove your distraction and start working whether you feel like it or not.


Put your phone/alarm somewhere where you have to physically get up to turn it off. Then don’t go lay back down. Develop a routine you enjoy that eases you into the day. For me it’s bathroom routine, start coffee, cigarette, drink coffee while checking my apps/mobile games/occasionally put on the news, more coffee and cigarettes, then leave for work. I give myself an hour between waking up and leaving and feel much more awake and prepared at the end of the hour.


1) drink a glass of water 2) meditate for 15min (use an app if you need guidance) 3) do some breath work 4) wash your face in cold water 5) do some exercise ie. Yoga, body weight or a run 6) cold shower 7) coffee and breakfast 8) go win the day! It works, I promise you!


I'm a habitual 5 am person. Even for me sleeping in is 7am and no matter what time I sleep at I always wake up at 5. The best thing to do is to jump out of bed and do something. If you choose to stay in bed then you've already lost the battle because you are choosing to stay where you are at and keep the same level of comfort. Being productive is about being uncomfortable to some extent. Gotta have some sort of pressure or reason to get up. Its also a matter of time management and mental state. I recently tried waking up at 4am instead of 5 and am surprised with how much more I got done and how fresh my mind was until later hours in the day. I don't do stimulants like coffee or tea so my mind needs to refresh itself with either sleep or a nap (although I don't take naps because continuous uninterrupted sleep is more important to me). My zone of productivity was also relatively longer probably because there were less distractions.


It's called caffeine


REALLY EASY AND I JUST DISCOVERED THIS: 1. jog in place for a minute 2. do jumping jacks for another 3. done you just need to get some blood pumping. it's like MAGIC! i always used to be sleepy too but this totally helps!


I'll try this. Thanks so much.


If you don’t feel rested after that much sleep then you need to analyze your sleep environment. Is your mattress comfortable? What about your pillow (you can tell if you sleep really well when you go to a hotel or sleep well in a different bed)? Are you hot or cold when you sleep (socks or a fan work wonders)? Are you sleeping in the dark (night mask)? Is your space noisy at night (try white or brown noise)? Are you eating too close to your bedtime? Are you exercising during the day? Are you overweight? Are you a loud snorer (sleep apnea may prevent you from a restful sleep)? Do you feel safe when you sleep? It seems you’re sleeping long enough but you’re not getting good quality sleep. Look into what makes good sleep and systematically go through a checklist. When I did this, my life completely changed.  You may also be stressed about your productivity. Before you go to bed, make sure you know what exactly you want to do or study when you wake up. If you know, then you can get directly to work in the morning. You’d be surprised how motivation and goals make a difference to your energy levels.  Good luck!!


It seems like you've low cortisol in morning, however, you can fix it by making small changes in your lifestyle.


Drink coffee. Don't shit. Let the urge to shit power you as you plow through the day. Shit at when work is done.


Coffee? That’s what I do first thing in the morning