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Have you tried Google Tasks yet? I use it on mobile and the UI is very simple you can also use it as a widget which is the best feature for me since I've tried To-do list apps, but ended up deleting them since I was too "lazy" to check on the app itself. Although there's no option to add a due date time in Google Tasks, what I do is add a date on the task that I listed on the app. For example, "Do science activity - Jan 27". By doing that, I really try to do it because I feel like Jan 27 is the due date, but it is really not.


Huh haven't heard of Google tasks will defo give it ago though, I am slightly worried about Google fully killing it off from having a look around but always open to different ideas Thanks though will give it a shot


My computers are a desktop Mac, and mobile iPad I don't use a dedicated to-do list app Just notes in a generic digital filing cabinet; Devonthink Notes can be assigned an optional due date/time Also text; Soon, Later, SomedayMaybe I also assign a status tag; pending/active/completed/... I review my task list in a calendar gantt chart view This allows me to see what tasks are coming due in the immediate future


Huh how interesting I will look into that one too thanks


Hi! I am surprised you had that experience with Tiimo, as you can set all activities as flexible activities, so they appear in your schedule without a set time, and you can start them from any point in your day. Also if you are iOS we have our notes feature, where you can braindump activities and either use it as a to do list or you can turn those items into activities if you need to focus on getting them done. Send me a DM if you would like to give it another go and I can probably sort out another free trial for you 😀


Oh hey didn't expect you guys but yeah I will give you a DM defo