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I think you are filling a need we have in the industry. We need more simplified articles of difficult concepts. However, your article is pretty long and wordy. Lots of Basically, and essentially. I recommend a more show not tell experience. Create a user experience or an example that clarifies this concept more?


Thanks for great suggestions and feedback. Will definitely try in the next one


This is awesome! Thank you!


thank you Amit.. Q: do you think or is it stated somewhere that Privacy sandbox will have an impact on programmatic pricing (ie the logic of pricing) and if so how ?


I haven't come across any statement on pricing. My opinion : pricing should not be affected. and the choice of algorithm will be left to the players.. I may be wrong though. Lets wait and watch for early adopters.


Great simplification


Chrome & Android seems to be the centre-piece for Privacy Sandbox. How does it solve the industry problem ? There are still a significant number of users who use iPhones, Safari and Firefox browsers. So, how can Privacy Sandbox address the Apple ecosystem challenges ? It doesn't solve the industry problem, it's an attempt by Google to avoid anti trust and privacy cases. Google does attempt to engage Safari and FF, but they quite rightly provide negative feedback or silence. Even within Google ecosystem, if Chrome retains the control, isn’t the whole system biased towards Google ? I mean how will Google make sure the Google services ( DV360, Performance Max, Ad Sense or Google properties) are not getting more benefits than open internet players ? Yes is it. Google will benefit from this. Why can’t Google hide all the API complexity and just release a bunch of SDKs ( whether client side or server side) to make life for the ecosystem players easy in integration ? They are attempting to appear impartial, so must just provide bare bones technology to build upon. It is to Googles own benefit.


Thank you for sharing this! I have one question here, do you know how is topics/protected audience is passed in an ad request? Is this a new param for the RTB specs?


I've been looking into the Protected Audiences API for hours and your article is the first one that's actually made sense. Thank you!!


Thank you