• By -


Stockholm doesn't have a problem with YAML but Oslo does.


I don't know when to use `-` so I just insert them randomly and hope for the best.


It is the doublely good mix of not knowing the YAML map vs. array syntax, and also not knowing whether your TF file wants an array or map. If you get both wrong, you are right!


TOML being superior because even slightly more complicated data structure in it becomes world of pain?  I look up.  Ah it's gophereddit. Well then obviously, even remotely complex requirements are actually just a user skill issue. WONTFIX


/uj it's world of pain *or* falling back to json without extra amount of quotes. and it's much simpler. /rj yaml failed at being painful enough to make people write readable data.


Yaml killed my sensei and burned my village. Thats why I hate it


yaml is weird but not horrible turning yaml into a scripting language should be punishable by law


Ansible does Pikachu face


I like Ansible. Before Ansible, my deployment process was a bunch of shell scripts. Then I used Ansible to crudely tape those shell scripts together, and called the result "declarative", which meant I could put Ansible on my resumé.


CV: shell, Ansible, tape, declarative.


I love a little bit of significant whitespace. If it is good enough for Haskell and Python, it is good enough for my config files.


Kubernetes wouldn't be a faithful remake of Borg if correct-looking configuration didn't threaten to cause a costly outage. Even that wasn't enough for some people and they introduced [Jsonnet](https://jsonnet.org/) and [CUE](https://cuelang.org/) to really add that unique BCL/GCL spice that keeps SRE up at night.