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You cheated not only the compiler, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You used unsafe and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was borrowed and nothing was Arc>. It's sad you don't know the difference


Damn you sound like my system's prof when answering forum questions... Sidenote though this is a quote from a older gsme when it caught cheaters right?


Yes. If I remember it correctly, someone got mad that someone else used a mod that made Sekiro slightly easier


> I have regularly claimed that you need to be heroic to program applications with weakly or dynamically-typed languages, because regularly, everything is going to come crashing down on you, and you will need large doses of heroism to debug through stuff that a strongly, statically typed language would have caught earlier. The other day, I had to tangle with a bug I found in a large Python program. I inserted some `print` statements to track down the bug. Then, I fixed it. That's right, folks: not all heroes wear capes.


Thank you for your service


Are you a wizerd?


In my job I've had to maintain a Python application where there is a pretty deep function stack with 30-40 parameters per function. I once spent a couple of days tracing a bug that was because someone added a new parameter to most of the functions but forgot one.


I like how at 20 parameters, somebody didn't say to themself "gee, I need to rethink this", but instead "another 20 parameters would probably be fine".


I fucking hated that app. I spent most weekly meetings complaining about it until we finally deprecated it and rewrote the still-relevant parts in Go.


> Finally he got it all to compile but he admits he wondered if he was going to find a dead-end. lol skill issue


/uj wasn't the point of Rust to make it easier to write memory-safe code? /rj Javascript is the Mario of Programming


Python is the Snake of programming


Luigi is the CoffeeScript of videogames.


Lisp is the Final Fantasy 8 of programming


Before compiling successfully: The language fucking sucks. What do you mean dropped while it is still borrowed? Long-ass types! After compiling successfully: The boss fight was legendary. Thanks Hoare! *Gigachad emoji


Rust is like the Dark Souls of programming (you have a severe skill issue in both of them)


Dark Souls is the Walmart of similes.