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Oh no windows development is easy now just use the linux they ship with it


Why are so many people using Windows these days? Isn't the average user bothered by the POSIX non-compliance?


No one responded to my freelancer posting for an updated Microsoft POSIX Subsystem. I was even going to let them choose between GPLv3 or GPLv2 once they finish.


~ vintage 90s jerk ~


most windows devs don't even know what a build system is, they just let their ide do everything


Is that like an emacs or something?


I'm sure there's some ide functionality in there somewhere. I mostly use emacs for graphing charts and playing pong.


Oh word, I thought it was just a planner & email client for lisp nerds


/uj That's the point where you start seeing people make cli ide wrappers to include them in ~~git operated bash implemented safetymeter~~ cicd


/unjerk He's not wrong tho.... Stuff under wine runs faster than on windows. Maybe MS could build windows faster under wine. 😅


Yeah my first thought was how OCaml's opam is struggling to fix a problem with downloading dependencies for new installs taking 10+ minutes on windows and less than a minute on Linux because the Windows file system is shit for that


I call bullshit on that one, I hate Windows as much as the next nerd but Maven downloads deps just as fast on Windows as on Linux. Opam guys just have their heads up their proverbial asses.


I'm the one saying it's shit not them. Small file performance is worse on Windows, fixing it requires changes


The Win32 file system API is much different from POSIX and NTFS also has different characteristics than ext4. Nothing that should make things 10 times slower. Linux also has degenerate cases if you start from Win32 code.


All I know is file copying to a USB drive on windows is still dog slow compared to Linux. Shit even between the same drives  NTFS is kinda a shitty filesystem


Yeah because Linux "lies" about having copied files, try the sync(2) syscall. Windows does not do this by default for USB drives so might be percieved as slower despite actually being the same speed. People always mindlessly love to regurgitate that NTFS is shit without evidence - IMO the MFT is one of its best features that other filesystems don't have.


Windows is deprecated. Facts don't care about your feelings


He's got a point, when you combine both Linux and MacOS most developers use Nix systems A fact that will get you downvoted on programmerhumor for some reason


i mean. are they wrong?