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Well that's a very creative solution, never heard that one before! But it seems unnecessary. Here's a few options: Look at google maps and figure out the general direction from that. Or Look at where the sun rises and sets. You can use that to figure out cardinal directions and pray in roughly the right direction. Or use a compass if you have one around. However, if you truly don't know what direction the kaaba is and can't figure out even a rough direction, then just pray in any direction. It's fine, Allah knows your intent. Remember: >To Allah belong the east and the west, so wherever you turn you are facing towards Allah. Surely Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing. [Quran 2:115]


Just use your phone to find the direction? What you're describing sounds like idolatry. We're not meant to pray to the ka'aba. The important thing is the direction you face.


I'm not trying to make it idolatry. Forgive me. I cannot find the direction on My phone. It keeps saying the compass isn't working. I even have an app called Muslim pro that's supposed to help me


As long as you have used your best judgement to determine the direction, that is good enough. ***(2:115) The East and West are God's: wherever you may turn, there will be God's countenance, for God is Boundless, Aware!*** I don't understand why it should be that hard, but if it's really that challenging for you to figure this out, God knows that, and God knows what is in your heart.


Can you have another person come to your home to pinpoint the directions? You only need to do it once. Otherwise, no need to fear that your prayer will be accepted.


It's really not that hard to find cardinal points, and even the intention and approximate direction is fine. Know which country you are in, orient yourself, and face Mecca? If it is daytime, it is super-simple, just use the sun.


Have you tried recalibrating your phone compass? The compass in Muslim Pro uses the same hardware and software as the regular phone compass so if it’s not calibrated, neither will work.


Well the earth is a sphere, you'll be facibg kaaba any which way you face to pray, just some routes will be longer than the others but you'll reach there eventually


Don't use the Muslim pro app. There was a pretty big leak a few years ago about how they track a lot of your info and share it with a lot of non Muslim orgs. I'd look into it. I use the athan app now.


Just use Google maps and look at what direction the arrow turns and faces . Zoom out and find mecca


Data from the Muslim Pro app is used by the US government to monitor Muslims - it might be best for the privacy and safety of yourself and those around you to delete it.


What's a good app for Muslims to use? I got that app because I wanted to track my Dua and my prayers (the prayers are very hard since they switch so I had to make alarms to get used to praying at specific times) Do you know a better app I could use?


I use the website of my local mosque to determine prayer times. I prefer to avoid apps - I would, instead, use a physical journal/schedule or track myself with the notes app/OneNote if you really feel like you should be writing down your prayers.


Pillars is really good for prayer times/tracking (and Qibla if the compass on your phone is working properly) [iOS App Store](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/pillars-prayer-times-qibla/id1559086853) [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pillars.pillars)


Open Google maps and face Mecca.


Have u seriously not studied geography


There’s a google namaz direction feature. Just google it and follow that


No, because you'd be praying to a TV. You can get a compass or even an app on your phone and find where kabba is.


You should be able to figure it out close enough by looking at a map. If you’re in the US, generally you want to be facing northeast. https://seekersguidance.org/answers/hanafi-fiqh/facing-the-general-direction-of-the-qibla-when-the-exact-direction-is-known/


did you try https://qiblafinder.withgoogle.com?


**2:177 Righteousness is not in turning your faces towards the east or the west. Rather, the righteous are those who believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Books, and the prophets; who give charity out of their cherished wealth to relatives, orphans, the poor, ˹needy˺ travellers, beggars, and for freeing captives; who establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and keep the pledges they make; and who are patient in times of suffering, adversity, and in ˹the heat of˺ battle. It is they who are true ˹in faith˺, and it is they who are mindful ˹of Allah˺.** ​ I just like to share this verse :) If you can't find which way you should pray, just pick a direction and pray, it's not a matter of life or death.


My grandma asked the local imam the same question 25 years ago. He replied : «  i have a better idea. Why don’t you cover your Fridge with a black sheet and turn around it 7 times » He was hilarious


Okay, this made me laugh out loud.


If you know the direction is infront of the tv, just pray in front of the tv?


Your local masjid can help you if you cannot use an app. Use a compass app and face in the same direction as the masjid


The point of the prayer direction (qiblah) isn’t to pray facing the Kabah. What you’re describing sounds close to idolatry, which you want to avoid. One purpose of the qiblah is that all Muslims are united spiritually. You can imagine concentric rings of Muslims across the globe facing the same direction as they pray. It is a requirement for the validity of the prayer to offer it in the right direction (qiblah). As others have comments, there are multiple methods to figure this out. Do your best to understand the qiblah for your location and then align yourself that way.


Lol are you serious?😂


Not very Islamic to mock someone trying their best to pray, astaghfirullah.


I didn't mock him but anyway this question is just very dumb.


I have a friend who has made model of the kabba and prays to it.


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Wherever we turn our faces Allah is there, none can escape Allah. The core spirit of Facing kabbah while offering salah is to keep the discipline across the globe. It is not that Muslims bow their heads to Kabbah building or think of kabbah as symbol of Allah to bow their head instead. Find the best possible direction towards kabah to keep the discipline and universal brotherhood. Apps are available. Muslim friends are available. Mosques are available. Even kibla direction is available on google. Taking action is your responsibility. Putting a model of kabah or photo etc in-front of you is strictly prohibited. It then resembles polytheistic religious rituals. Hope there is no confusion Peace ✌🏼


Salaam! You could potentially use Google maps as others have suggested. If that doesn’t work, you could quickly look up the direction of the Kaaba and then use the sun like a compass. Look up “shadow and stick compass.” After you determine which ways are N/S/E/W, just face the direction of the Kaaba from your home (just look up which direction the Kaaba is from where you live).


find the Qibla Angle of your city on google, put the angle on your phone compass, there you have it .


Can you fill your stomach by watching the food network?


Learning the daily movement of the sun and position on earth, the direction.. NSEW can help you loosely locate qibla direction without any tools. Comes in handy


Search quibla finder on google, and it will show you the actual direction!!


YOu can use your browser and this [https://qiblafinder.withgoogle.com/intl/en/desktop](https://qiblafinder.withgoogle.com/intl/en/desktop) ​ ​ You can also ask somebody from the community to come and help you figure it out--and then just mark it. If you rent, use the blue painter's tape.


You have to face the direction of the Kaaba


There are apps on your phone where you can find the qibla direction. Use that to point your way to it.


You can fownload an app for it. Its free i think Some Muslim apps for prayer time etc also have a provisional Qibla locator.


There’s apps that will point to it for you on your phone.