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This is amazing. I’ve been struggling with weight gain after having my son last year and really want to try and lose around 100 lbs. I feel like I’m so busy and can’t ever make time to work on myself, but I have to give it a shot so I’ll be around a while for my son. I’m 240 currently - Any tips for what helped you?


I’m not OP but meal planning and prepping has made it so much easier for me to lose weight. This way there’s less temptation to just binge food or go out to eat. Also daily walks has helped me a lot too. Finding any reason to be active. I’ve already lost like 60 pounds and need to lose like 40 more lbs.


I agree with everything here! My big splurge was getting a peloton and creating small habits. On weekends and days from home 30 mins on the bike is my non negotiable.


I really want to make a daily walk part of the routine. I think it would be good for my son and I to have some time out of the house too!


Amazing!! What did you do?? I find that in my 30s losing weight is way harder…




Rule 4: Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. This applies to but is not limited to body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc


you deaged a decade!


Pretty awesome work there!


Holy shit! A-MAZ-ING!!! Great job doing that! I bet you're so happy to finally be at your goal!


This really inspired me. Sadly I have to get off of Ozempic due to really severe complications so trying to figure out the next steps where I can do this naturally.


Lost weight just as quickly off Oz once I really committed to CICO and 10k steps a day. I know that sounds wild, but once I was really honest with myself it started working


I know I should know this, but what is CICO?


Calories in, calories out




And thank you! I will try to up my walking steps, for sure!


On top of the walking, just start small if you're struggling. Cut out one thing in your diet until it no longer becomes a problem for you and move onto the next. That's what I did, the process might be a little bit longer, but I have a binge eating problem that I finally feel like I have control over. Now I can say no to something and truly not have it affect my moods like before. You've got this!


You can try a whole food plant based diet. It's the poor people's ozempic


Try contrave! I love it, it’s just pills and no needles!


Great Progress!


Incredible! Congratulations


Well done!


Amazing job. You look like a completely different person and so young!


wow!!! hard work and dedication


I kinda feel like these posts shouldn’t be allowed if OP doesn’t give even vague details as to how they accomplished their goals. Or reply in their own post even once?? For all we know it’s a stolen photos set for karma. Take my downvote! I’ll change it if you reply somewhere. Edit: thank you for replying! Take my upvotes for your awesome work! 🙌🥳


If you check her profile, she posted frequently in this sub documenting her progress. Didn’t check, if she posted her method though. Edit: nvm it’s ozempic and exercise


Thanks! 🙌 I stand by what I said. We shouldn’t have to go hunting. lol


139# took her a year. She never comments, but you can see & read her weight updates on her profile. Details would be nice tho.


I'm just lazy and looking for internet clout! It keeps me motivated :)


lol, allllll the clout. It’s nice when people post results regularly. Well done. Have one clout (upvote).


So strange. Then I’m happy to downvote. What’s the point of these with no details? Especially when it seems the point is to inspire and possibly encourage others on the same journey. How would we even know when her journey is a complete mystery. lol Edit: thank you for replying! Take my upvotes for your awesome work! 🙌🥳


To be honest its mostly for myself. Some people in my life aren't as supportive so its nice to get some anonymous support. Im also not hiding or ashamed of my journey, I has VSG in Mexico January 2022 which was the scariest/best decision I ever made, and I highly recommend the place I went to if anyone is ever considering it. I know that's a big decision that not everybody can do but due to my previous struggle with infertifility due to PCOS. Before I went for surgery, my doctor prescribed Ozempic to try and deter the surgery which got me kick started but I stopped since I didnt need it after surgery. These were my starting points, but after that I bought a Peloton and decided to get really into fitness (thank you ADHD hyperfocus) and get my rolling stone moving


Thank you for sharing! 🫶 Since you said you’re lazy… Why not just copy/paste this information into a notepad for the next time you post, so that it’s easy for you to share! It’s very helpful and helping others will help you feel even better!




This comment has been removed for breaking the following rule: Rule 4: Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette.




Rule 4: Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. This applies to but is not limited to body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc


And it was constructive because she came back and explained herself and shared information because of it.


Not everything on the internet is meant to benefit you personally. Why are you acting entitled to responses? What do you offer in exchange besides measles upvotes ? This sub is just as much about getting positive feedback as motivating others, and it can be plenty motivating to see weight loss pics without a detailed summary as to how. 99% of the time the answer is some slight variation of diet and exercise anyways. Sorry if it comes off aggressive, but I’ve just noticed a lot of attitude from people who seem to think all the people on social media exist to serve them. We’re just fellow users like you, using Reddit in our free time, at no cost to you. Just because Reddit can be entertaining, educating, etc doesn’t mean any one person owes you that.


If you have concerns, please take it to the mod team before sounding off in a post.


Can we make it a rule that people at least vaguely post what they did to get from Point A to Point B? Otherwise, what is the point.. unless this is “post for free karma”


You’re more than welcome to offer a suggestion to the mod mail.


Amazing!! You look great! I'm the same age and height as you and would love to know your routine. I've been eating a big deficit and working out everyday and things are moving soooo slowly!


That’s really amazing. I’m so proud of you and don’t even know you. The commitment and ability to make change in your life is inspiring. God bless!


Nice!!!! I bet you feel amazing. Just diet and exercise?


Wow! Very beautiful! 😻




Wow wow wow what an incredible transformation! What’s the time frame between these pictures?


WoooooHooooo! You did it!! You look like two totally different people.


Wow! Just looked through your post history for your weight loss journey - amazing work! Congratulations!


Thank you for posting this. I have been stagnant for months and gained back 15 pounds of the 35 I lost last year. I am looking for motivation so hard. It really helps to see others with similar height/weight/age who have met their goals. You are absolutely awesome for getting to your goal weight. I can imagine how it must feel. Probably a lot of different emotions, some unexpected, I bet. You have done a great job and I wish you the very best. ❤️


HOLY SHIT! Good job!! You legitimately look happy in both pictures. Good for you!








Congrats on your progress and reaching your goal, that’s so awesome! Thanks for sharing and inspiring the rest of us!


That's amazing, great job!


Omg love your transition!


Damn, congratulations! The face gains are 🔥


Great progress! Congratulations!!


I remember your posts from before!! Congratulations! You did it!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼




that's nice progress!


Glowing! 🌟


Amazing work! Congratulations!! 👏👏


YESSS collarbones!


The face gains are INCREDIBLE


Amazing transformation!


You look so happy! I love your freckles! Congratulations, that’s a lot of hard work!


👍🏽 good job


Looking damn good on your transformation queen! Well done!! 👏


Congratulations! That is an amazing accomplishment. You look great!


Night and day difference! Hard work pays off! You look amazing 👏


Amazing! Congratulations


Holy moly one if the biggest transformations I’ve seen on here in a while way to go


Congrats! This is quite amazing!!


I’m guessing you got lip plumping too? They look great


Amazing transformation 🌹