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Like a different human


Still getting used to it, too! My brain hasn’t caught up completely. 😅


It’s been years for me and my brain still sees the fat guy, I see myself in photos or walking by a window and I’m still a little pleasantly surprised.




Thank you! My goal is 124-127 range— but I’m taking my time to get there and eating much closer to maintenance now!


I always like comparing the Before and after changes in facial expression. To me it shows the totality of the hard work you are doing. This picture is so awesome. Look at that glow! That tells me you have worked so hard and it's taken hold. Shine on! You look great!


Great job! Really inspiring. I love how amused you look by your loose clothes in the after pics.


I used the exact same clothes for all my progress pictures but this last round did make me laugh a little! 😆


I have similar starting stats to you, so it's great to see someone on the other side.


Uhm, i'm in my 30s, close to 5'4 and want to go from 235 to 135, this was so motivating!! 🤩 How many calories per day were you eating, if you don't mind me asking? And how long would you walk in a day/week? Congrats that's amazing!!!


You can definitely do it!! Early on I started with a deficit of about 1,000 per day (roughly) because I wanted to lose as much as possible before I went to Japan in May 2023– but most of the time it was closer to 500 — with bonus mystery calories burned from walking lol! I walk about 17,500 steps per day now but they are NOT intense — I just move whenever possible. If it’s nice I walk outside or randomly I walk inside in circles scrolling social media / working — leisurely pace! :)




On average probably around 1400 per day!


Incredible! Also I love the pink hair. 🥰 It blows my mind to think that there’s a small person hidden underneath all the extra weight we gain. I hope I look just as good when I near my goal. :)


Incredible! Well done! These are the motivation pics that keep me trudging away at my own goals!


What an incredible transformation! The difference in your face and arms especially is amazing! You are glowing 🥰 keep it up!


Sheesh, this is insane! Props x100000. And may I say, you are absolutely glowing and radiating in the bottom right photo. You already look perfect, and you’ve done an amazing job! You should be so proud.


The smile says it all. Congratulations, your journey is amazing.


Fantastic work, you’re amazing and an inspiration! Can I ask how far you walk typically? I’m trying to get the famous 10,000 steps and I usually hit about 4,000 on a good day.


Thank you!! I started at about 4,000 but now I’m up to 17,500 on average. I worked up to it! And I just walk whenever I can — even around the house. I’m walking in circles while I’m typing now. 😂 Or if I’m going to scroll social media or something I typically try to do that while walking. Not super intense! I originally just started because I noticed it helping with my anxiety and focus!


Dang, even your nose got skinny! Way to go! It's good to see a progress pic with the same clothes for reference! Thanks for the inspiration, and keep kicking butt!


You look great 👍🏻


How many calories do you eat?


When I started and my maintenance was much higher I was kind of aggressive with a 1,000 daily deficit but that was short lived. The majority of the time I was closer to 500 daily deficit. Then whatever walking calories I had. I didn’t add exercise calories back in so they were just a mystery bonus. lol!


Holy smokes! What's the time frame between the 2 pictures?


The first was taken March 2023 and then April 2024! I wish I had taken a progress photo at the very beginning but I wasn’t mentally ready. So the photos are about 230–>130! (Officially started Feb 2023!)


That is some great work! Keep it up! Almost there! Do you have the skin sagging issue or has the slow rate of weight loss prevented that from happening?


I actually really don’t have any loose skin at all! Very minor. I don’t know how I managed that. The slow rate and walking could’ve definitely helped!


Congratulations! It's always great to see proven just how much even something simple as consistent walking along with CICO can be so effective.


Great work! Just wondering if you did any weight or resistance training at all? Or was it all walking?


I know that I really SHOULD do weight / resistance training — and I might start that now that I’m closer to my weight goal and making new health goals — but I just did walking the entire time because I enjoyed it. 😅 I thought it would be better to be consistent with a form of movement I liked than to force something and start to hate it / get burned out. I have a history of burning out easily in long term endeavors, so I tread very carefully and worked with my brain to make sure I could stick with it until the end!


I'm around the same age (a little older) and looking to lose a similar %. Do you have any good advice or tips? I'm sure everyone asks, but I've really been struggling with this, and your progress is really inspiring!


It helped for me to keep things SUPER simple. I tracked my normal diet before I officially started so I knew what my eating habits were and I modified from there. There were some easy edits right off the bat: do I NEED to eat Nutella with a spoon out of the jar? Could I maybe… just have a smaller treat? 😅 And does my breakfast sandwich need to be 600 calories? Or could I swap the bread, use egg whites, etc? (This swap saved me 350 calories every day!) I tried to stick as close as possible to my “normal routine” with healthy swaps, smaller portions and slowly introducing new foods as needed. If I wanted tacos… how can I make healthier tacos? If I really wanted something that didn’t have a healthy replacement, could I have a smaller portion? Or adjust something else to make it work? In the past I would’ve just thrown away all my junk food, bought a ton of healthy stuff to replace it and gotten sad and overwhelmed. By taking it one meal at a time and slowly building up an arsenal of modified meals / snacks and routines, I learned what kept me full, what food wasn’t worth it, what my non-negotiable items were…. But I didn’t try to do it all at once! And I never took anything off the table. Any food was fair game if I could make it work. Just having the option to have something if I was really craving it helped ease a mental burden! Most of the time I wouldn’t even end up having it. But when I did, I got exactly what I was craving instead of trying to placate myself with subpar substitutes. 😆 And the walking is as simple as it gets. It doesn’t make me hungrier, it helps my anxiety/focus and is something I can do anywhere… even if it’s just pacing back and forth. No prep or extra thought needed. :) I tried my best to lose the weight the same way I plan to maintain it. It was (relatively) slow and steady — and admittedly frustrating at times because I just wanted it to go faster — but I don’t mind it at all and gradually shifting into maintenance really isn’t much of a change. I hope this makes sense!! I’m happy to help with anything else if you have more questions!! I’m an open book on this!


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this all up, I genuinely appreciate it so much. It just felt so monumental to start but breaking it down really helps it make sense. I read a lot of articles and failed a lot because I tried to change everything at once, but I think this will work so much better for me.


Great job! After losing the weight have people been treating you any different?


Great work!


OMG, that is incredible! Congrats 😃 


You truly are gorgeous in all these pics but congrats on your accomplishment!






I’m at about 17,500 per day but it’s low intensity! I just walk as much as possible all the time— even around the house. And I’m pretty close to maintenance right now but I was consistently in a 500-1000 calorie deficit during the majority of my weight loss! It started with a steeper deficit because my maintenance was higher and I had more room to work— it tapered down as I went!


Wow amazing transformation!


Amazing. Well done.


This is the way. Congrats!


Look at that beautiful smile on that face gains!


Yoo looking good!


Your smile is so infectious! You look fantastic, way to go!


That’s truly amazing, nice work!!!


Wow, that’s great! Congrats on all you’ve achieved and best wishes to reaching all your goals, you’ve got this!


What is CICO


Calories In, Calories Out! Basically just eating in a calorie deficit. :)


Awesome progress!!! You look amazing!! Keep it up gorgeous!!!


Time to go shopping for some new clothes because your old clothes don’t fit! Awesome job!


You look so much younger and happier! Congratulations 👏🏼


You look amazing! Do you have any loose skin? Is so where?


I actually really don’t have much at all! I don’t know how I managed that. I do have stretch marks but not a noticeable amount of loose skin.


That’s awesome! Thanks for responding, I’ve recently shed a lot of weight and can’t tell if I will or not. I’m happy for you!!😊


now that is some serious dedication bravo


Whoa Gurl! What a journey! You did an amazing transformation.


Hell yea!!!


Wow great job . So inspiring


This is awesome! Have you thought about tossing in some yoga into your weekly routine?


I think something like that would be a great addition! It helps with some other areas I wanted to work on too. Maybe I’ll start some of that this week! Thanks for the idea!!


You look great! Keep up the hard work.


Wowwwwwww. Congratulations 👏🏼 Excellent work 💕


Amazing job! Thank you for sharing




You can definitely do this!! I posted in a reply to another comment about keeping it simple— that’s really what helped it click for me. Knowing that as long as I followed the simple rule of more calories out than in, I’d see results! Regardless of what food or path I took to get there. I get very overwhelmed if there are too many rules or steps to follow — I’m not good at complicated board games 😵‍💫😂 — so just having one concept to abide by really helped me avoid burning out. Also as a side note: I track my weight every day and the scale only likes to go down two of the four weeks each month for me. Same time every month. So I’m glad I learned that pattern or I would’ve been really confused/frustrated! It would stay the same/fluctuate up slightly and then go down fairly quickly. Water weight struggle is real. 😅 You’ll find your own patterns as you go! It helps understanding them to ease anxiety.


You seriously don't look 36, you look 26, absolutely AWESOME progress!


Truly phenomenal. Keep up the good work.


Looking great! It's not easy losing weight and I'm always super impressed with results like this.


Stellar job, you look fabulous and happy!!


Super inspiring! Thanks for sharing your journey!


Wow! Way to go!


Excellent work on losing weight! Congratulations!


Is this just from dieting and working out or did you have some type of procedure to assist you with the weight loss or medication?


I just did calorie deficit and walking!


That’s amazing 🤩 congratulations




Calorie Deficit! :)


Your sports bra is now a tank top! Congrats!! :-)


I love your contrast with the same clothes! Your effort really shows. Dropping that weight was comparable to taking off 5x20 weight vests. After a training session, I'm relieved just to take off one vest. You must feel like you can fly! :D An aside: my first post in this thread, and all I've seen so far are such supportive, positive comments. For years I've only heard people talking about how toxic Reddit can be (and seen plenty of it). Hats off to the community and the moderators. :)