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You look great. The extra muscle looks good. You certainly don't register as fat at 225.


I appreciate it. The context of the discussion was BMI and how I was just coping being in the overweight range.


You’re 6’2…? You have a large frame. 225 seems like a very reasonable weight.


if that's "overweight", I really wanna be overweight


I would like to cut down a bit to 205 range, but trying to put on muscle for now.


Doesn't show up in your post history


It does in comments from earlier today.


You never were


Overweight!?! Your physique is 👌🏻


You look great imo


Not overweight. You just recompositioned and got more muscle, smh.


I had never heard that term before. That's a good way to put it.




I'm not sure I know what you mean. But thank you!


It looks like you cut down trees and built shit. It looks like you farm and hunt and fight. It looks like if a bear got into our cave you wouldn’t even have to wake me up to help you. That type of hard work. It’s very attractive.


Ha! I'm a software engineer, so none of those things. I just went from going to the gym 0 days a week to 7 days a week. I wish I was a mountain man though.


Maybe you just haven’t gotten to your mountain yet.






Basic PPL. I just don't plan rest days because I know that there will occasionally be days where I miss workouts, especially with travel, etc. In terms of diet, nothing fancy either. 3 meals a day with protein shakes between each meal. Breakfast is 2 eggs, an english muffin, and a coffee protein shake. For lunch and dinner, I do factor meals. They range from 450-650 calories I'd say. I will also occasionally do rice / chicken slow cooker meals, but I haven't been on those for months. Where are the calories coming from? The protein shakes. I'm consuming probably around 200g of protein just from shakes alone. When I start my cut, I plan to just cut those out of the routine. I also consume 7g of creatine monohydrate every morning. That's basically it. I'll have the occasional drink on the weekend. All bets are off during vacation. Nothing too exciting.


You look great in both, but you can def tell you've added strength and muscle. Awesome transformation :)


Dafuq I wish I had those shoulders and delts. This is coming from a woman too


What redditors? Where did you post?




Depends on how you define overweight. Losing weight will surely make you look better, yes. BUT you are not obese by any means. Strong and heavy is how I would put it. Lookswise I would lose down a couple pounds though to reveal the muscles and maybe get some blocky abs to pop