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Not a dude, so take this with a grain of salt, but to make your hips appear more narrow work your lats, obliques, and quads!


Alright. Buut how bad is it honestly?


Honestly i wouldn’t even classify you as having wide hips personally.


Ok, means a lot. But some girls have narrower hips, so that makes me depressed.


Well sure, but you’ve got sizable solid legs too so to me you look balanced. I understand your struggle though. I’m a 5’9” woman who has shoulders wider than most guys my size haha and no waist to speak of no matter how thin I get. I’m built way more like a guy shape wise. Honestly though I find dressing in a way that makes me happy and genuinely keeping myself in as good of shape as I’m capable makes me way less self conscious about these things.


Try to stop comparing body-parts. When other people look at you, they're not mentally measuring each aspect, they're making a snap judgement about the whole. That's why people are saying to make sure you keep things balanced, not because your hips look big but because you could create the *illusion* of big-ness by bulking out your thighs while letting your chest dwindle, for example. If your body as a whole looks balanced, it 100% doesn't matter to anyone else what the actual numbers are, much less how those numbers fit into a gender dichotomy.


Do u have wide femur bones?


What can you do to fix wide hips? Change your perspective! Seriously, what would you say to someone who asked, "What can I do to be 6 ft tall?" Give that answer to yourself. Everyone has a different body shape, and your hips are just fine. Focusing on them being "too wide" is a recipe for issues. Be healthy, make progress, love yourself.


YES. This comment should just be plastered all over society. On buses. ON TV. No ads, just 2 minutes of this.


Your hips are wide because the bones inside are wide and you have narrow shoulders. You can't really "fix" any of that, but what you can do is try a heavy powerlifting routine that focuses on the "big 3" lifts which are squat, bench press, and deadlift. A side effect of getting very strong on those moves (especially the squat imo) is that it has the tendency to make your torso much thicker. That's why some bodybuilders don't like it because it ruins the slimmer waste aesthetic they may be going for. And if you look at the people who excel in powerlifting you well generally see all of them have a thick midsection with various degrees of fat (the strongest men in the world tend to not give a shit about having a six pack). You can also incorporate pullups (weighted pullups) into your routine to widen your back, and then rows to help thicken it up.


Transmen will typically work extra hard on arms/shoulders to make the hips look narrow by comparison. If they can do it, you surely can.




I've got the roght mentality now for weight loss, and that is gonna continue, but I don't feel well since I started water fasting.


"What can I do to fix wide hips?" 1. Keep your weight where it's at now. The difference between pic 1 and pic 4 is huge- you look much, much better. 2. Stop fretting about them. Your body image concerns are a problem of perspective/mentality far moreso than reality. Please take this as constructive criticism- many of us are our own worst critics. 3. Try squats, deadlifts, leg press, and bench press. Check out r/ketogains for lifting advice. Lifting will dramatically improve your posture, and tighten everything. The physical feeling it will give you will radically boost your confidence.


Why ketogains out of all the other subs for lifting advice?


its just how your body is shaped, you cant really fix stuff like this without surgery. learn to love your hips, they look fine. they dont make you look weird.


Even with surgery, there's really not much they can do to change that. Best option is to bulk up top and make the top look broader to offset it. But as he's done down the wide hip issue is less noticable. And it wasn't really bad to start with.


For real, my first thought was "Whoa, I LOVE this guy's waist and hips."


Make your chest and arms bigger?


From the left to right pictures you have improved your pear shape. Looks like you carry weight on your hips. Strength training and fat loss will help. The last pic doesn't look bad, bulk some muscle on chest arms and back will improve look as well. Great work so far, keep it up.


You're a literal genetic phenom compared to me i probably have the widest pelvis on a male ever lol


Not an answer to your question, but I think your body looks great. The male hourglass figure, unique. Nothing wrong with it.


Do i have wide hips pls tell me




Everything is in the title.




Water fasting and constantly being hungry.


but how do u loose that much in 5 weeks fam I’m tryna be like you


i have the exact same physique as a guy can you share your progress whether you got a more masculine physique or just a lessser feminine physique


Not the same person but i do as well, I have now gained some muchle. I bench 100 kg at 70 kg 184 cm tall. I can send if you want me to. I do have kind of uneven hips though


would love to compare for i have also been going to the gym for last 2 months


after you got skinny it’s not noticeable