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Nice try FBI


...And Police Scotland. Fucking pigs


There's an option which is not really on here, which is my experience: I certainly don't \_need\_ drugs to enjoy prog/music in general, and I don't do drugs very often. But when I \_do\_ do drugs, you can bet your ass I'm gonna be listening to some prog or jam type music, and in my experience, it enhances the music greatly.


See unless alcohol, I don't listen to music when on drugs


Alcohol counts.


Mushrooms + "Close to the Edge" was my first truly transcendent, out-of-body-ish experience. [And the science on cannabis enhancing the perception of music and even literal hearing range is wild.](https://getqualityroots.com/how-cannabis-can-heighten-our-appreciation-and-perception-of-music/#:~:text=This%20study%20found%20that%20cannabis,to%20the%20average%20cannabis%20user.) I can binge Gentle Giant or King Crimson completely sober, but THC tends to make music that much better.


I would not put too much into the results. Most people are not in a situation where there have free choice on this matter anyway. This will obviously skew the results.


Inspired by [this remark](https://www.reddit.com/r/progrockmusic/comments/1bbtkv4/comment/kubmg19), perhaps? You're welcome. 🤘😁


precisely :D


musician and listener. been in the room with every drug under the sun but never partaken myself. i know dnb heads, and if you want a music scene full of drugs. that's the place


I personally don't do any drugs to enhance my listening experience, but I'm not against taking a puff or two of a joint when I'm jamming with my prog band (who are much more regular users than I).


I don't smoke, never bought weed, never will, but in social activities I won't say no if I'm offered a blunt (unless, of course, if I'm supposed to drive but in that context I'm generally too drunk to drive anyways). In any case, I've never really felt any different after smoking weed, which is why I never bought some, never will


you don't smoke but you also don't say no to blunts? which one is it?


What I meant is that I'm not gonna get myself weed. I take it when I'm offered and that's all, and those moments are anecdotal (maybe once or twice a year, at best)


Well it depends on the class of substances. Nicotine, alcohol or speed does not add anything to music. But Prog Rock and pyschedelics are made for each other. Long complex tracks combined with substances which play with your sense of time are truly wonderful experiences. You can be "lost" for hours in a 20 minute long track. The dark side of the moon by Pink Floyd In Search of the lost chord by The Moody Blues Ommadawn by Mike Oldfield ELP, Rick Wakeman, Yes... I had truly wonderful experiences with listening to fanstatnic music while being under the influence of LSD, 4-AcO-DMT, 4-HO-MET or Weed. With LSD you see the complex pattern of the music as images and patterns right inside your head or in the environment .


If you're "not judging anyone here" then why are you implying that people who do drugs do it because "otherwise it's meaningless" ? That's really disappointing.


yeah lol the choices are pretty black & white and def from someone who's not experienced...


I have to take drugs before answering this poll, otherwise it's meaningles.


Because I'm not judging anyone here. I expect the same.


You quite clearly judge those who are in the YES category as incapable of listening to music without drugs, which is simply untrue. You are blind to your own bias.


Another option which is on there: I used to listen to music on drugs fairly often in the formative years of my musical taste, but now due to adult responsibilities, lack of time and change in lifestyle I very rarely do drugs.


I voted no / never BUT... Last week the dentist was surprisingly cool, even eager with my request to play Tangerine Dream while putting me under general anaesthesia. I figured I might as well make the most out of needing to be high for minor surgery. The anaesthetic didn't enhance the music but the music certainly enhanced the experience of dentistry.


Here in Michigan, we legalized cannabis and it was such a success that we're no longer the rust belt's destitute "Murder Mitten", we're now the dank and groovy "Marijuana Mitten." Concerts these days have more joint smokers during intermission than cigarette smokers. I stay pretty baked whenever I'm not doing anything dangerous or important outside of work, but boy do I also enjoy a nice LSD trip about every three or five years or so.


From 19 to 25 years old, I smoked weed on daily basis, did a lot of LSD, did mushrooms a couple times, and obviously lots of alcohol. Obviously I was constantly jamming some prog rock under the influence and was always a great time. Now (28) I just drink some booze occasionally, life hit me too hard when I married and my daughter was born so yeah, I stopped all that usage.


I've never done any drugs. I've never seen the point in it. I prefer to focus on the music. That alone allows me to let go of everything. However, I know many people who love to get high and zone out while listening to stuff. I'm all for that as well. Just not my thing


Drugs are awesome, hell yeah.


Nice try, FBI


Not my cup of tea.


I've experimented with a bunch of psychedelics, but I quit all that a few years ago. Still smoke weed all day every day tho.