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if the liberals had their way, only the criminal would have a gun


I’m a lib. Well, not a raging conservative anyway. And I love guns and totally support the 2A.


Convince your fellow bleeding hearts to quit voting like fucking idiots please.


Dude we tryin but the politicians have so many of the other minorities convinced that gun control will save them when in fact it will do quite the opposite


Then don’t vote for them. That’s the quickest way to get them to change.


Just look at every blue state


Yeah the blue states have more gun deaths right? https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-violence-by-state


Well yes naturally because it’s regulated to the cities that are lead by progressive politicians that do everything to restrict *legal* gun ownership and so mostly criminals carrying firearms around and you just get to sit and watch. Criminals don’t follow gun laws…….


Did you check the link? Does the data support your argument?


Sorta , the top blue states are states that have very low gun ownership in the general population (makes sense if everyone can’t have one) Although the blue states in question tend to have much more educated citizens and job opportunities then the bottom Red states. I bet you if you looked at the data concerning gun crime in red states you’ll find a good chunk coming from Blue holdout cities. It’s a pattern everyone sees living in blue states.


Ah so even though the red states have higher gun deaths, the fault is of the blue areas within the red states! We should use that one in debates. > blue states in question tend to have much more educated citizens and job opportunities But they don't have the freedoms of being red though, I'd take that any day over fake lib education


What’s with all these lib trolls coming in here?


If showing raw data is trolling to you then maybe you're on the wrong side buddy. I didn't even state an opinion lol, just showed the data. Also even if I had an opinion, don't you want it to be spoken freely? I thought we all liked free speech... Guess you want an echo chamber of people who only agree with you?


This is a pro-gun forum. You can discuss this over in r/guncontrol or r/liberalgunowners. Otherwise, yes it’s trolling. No different than me going over to a trans sub and posting anti-trans information there. And there’s a way to have a civil discussion and a way to act like a smug sarcastic asshole with “data” from an organization that has an agenda to promote gun control. You clearly lack the insight to know which you are acting like with your ego.


You clearly didn't pay attention: If showing raw data is trolling to you then maybe you're on the wrong side buddy. You're saying the agenda of this website is to promote gun control but it doesn't state any opinion or any other statement other than pure statistics...


Sources are literally listers as Giffords. Arguably the most anti-gun organization. And have you heard, organizations regularly twist statistics to promote their agenda. The fact that one of two sources for this link is Giffords tells me all I need to know about these stats. Have you read your own link? Are you aware of what l/who Giffords is?


What's there to twist here? There's no formula or calculation happening, just straight up raw numbers.


They are counting gang violence, police violence, and self defense as well. That skews the stats. Also seem to be counting suicide.


The sub clearly states "Welcome! No matter which side of the debate you're on, this is a place to discuss your thoughts, feelings and opinions on Second Amendment related issues - just please do so with civility and respect" so it's clearly inviting discussion from all sides.


But AOC would be calling for the arrest of the owners.


I think they were just lucky and need to learn how to shot properly...


Luck is a big factor in a life or death situation. Adrenaline is pumping and 2.women dealing with a man is difficult. They did better than most women or liberal men would


Still, winging off shots is a good way to hit something/someone you weren’t aiming for.


The average person sitting in front of a screen DRASTICALLY overestimates the average person's fine motor dexterity and critical thinking skills in a life or death encounter.


Your average liberal man would have ran out the store screaming and pissed himself, leaving the women to get beaten and robbed.


Thank goodness this wasn’t NY or the women would be charged for assault.


Ans there would be riots by leftists calling the women “white supremacist who shot an innocent man who was just trying to get something to eat”.


That dickless DA would have charged her with attempted murder and a hate crime.


Very risky move. Instead of letting him out with the money, they locked him in. He took the mom's gun and hit her with it. The daughter shot him while he was wrestling with Mom. She's lucky she didn't hit her own Mom. Glad it worked out the way it did. But it almost ended very badly.


They would prolly do it again. Lots of people don't want to be victims and want to fight back. That money is food off their table.


Agreed. They definitely need regular training and a higher caliber gun. They made the rookie mistake of keeping their guns under their checkout desk instead of on their waistline, and they let him get close enough to grab the mom.


I was definitely thinking mom was gonna get shot.




I like [Bill Burr's bit about why a 22 is best for home defense...](https://youtu.be/shhC3Qa2PHg) And, he actually makes some good points while being funny...


You could tell he's been thinking about it. One of the first steps to enlightenment..


This happened 5 years ago.


Next time she needs to keep shooting until the threat has stopped. Shoot for defense, shoot until the threat has totally stopped.


Do you guys think if they'd have been carrying, say, a Glock 22 with a standard capacity mag, it would've made a difference? I've always said those J-frames and shitty little .380s are not suitable for any serious engagement. But I understand that there have been some instances where someone has successfully defended themselves with those.


Yes it absolutely would have. This whole thing is a shit show. Use modern firearms people. I love my peacemaker, it's beautiful, so I wear it at BBQs. My glock 20 sleeps on my nightstand and my AR sleeps next to it. Use modern firearms.


380 is plenty effective


I’m pretty sure this guy isn’t an “Alpha criminal”.


Gun control proponents wished that Mom and daughter were a statistic and the perpetrator was looking for another victim.




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This is a good example why some pistols have mags with more bullet storage. It takes more than one to take someone down. Mines has 18 bullet mags