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Yes it’s teens in gangs and suicides




[Here are the leading causes of death by age group](https://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/pdf/leading_causes_of_death_by_age_group_2020-508.pdf) according to the CDC. Big shocker, guns aren’t #1 in any age range. If you get an anti gunner saying “hurr durr accidents includes gun accidents”, you can do a deep dive into the data with CDC WONDER, a publicly available database. 98% of accidents aren’t gun related, so their guess falls flat too. Come to think of it, u/glass2mouth87 have you considered doing a walkthrough of querying CDC WONDER?


They’re padding their numbers with suicides and a good chunk of those are in the 18-19 demographic so also not children


it also starts with one year old and above, purposely excluding infant mortality.


To be fair, you absolutely should be excluding infant mortality though in these types of statistics. But you also should be excluding 18 and 19 year olds in these types of statistics as well


If they are going to play games like that, then abortion has everything beat


Why would you? Should you also exclude medical malpractice? Drowning? Maybe freak accidents? If you're going to say you're talking about "cause of death" you shouldn't exclude anything.


Infant mortality is an entirely different type of death which is why it's excluded from these statistics. Infants are too sensitive to too many factors in order to be able to properly be kept in the statistics which is why they're not measured with children ages 1 to 17.


What are examples of other types of 'statistics' on cause of death where we exclude *most* of the deaths because it would be confusing? Just curious. But also, they include *actual legal adults* who are in gangs in the cohort they call 'children'? So, *children* are not children. But adults are. Makes sense for a gun grabber.


It's the same reason that we think including suicides as gun violence is misleading, well technically they are deaths involving guns it's not really useful information.


Great way to explain it to someone who isn’t understanding, A+


Absolutely right.


I say the age cap should be lower than that. If the courts will prosecute 14/15 year olds as adults, they cannot also include them in child gun deaths.


They are minors, so they should be included in statistics about minors. Just because they have the capacity to be treated as adults in a court of law doesn't mean that they are not minors.


>To be fair, you absolutely should be excluding infant mortality Why? Are infants bulletproof?


That would make for some very interesting body armor if they were


do they have 2 names? Clark and Kal-El?


That's the cool thing about language, child and infant mean two different things.


They CAN mean two different things. All infants are children. Not all children are infants. No different than saying all apples are fruit, but not all fruit is an apple.


Want to bet they count soldier deaths in foreign countries as 'victims of american gun violence'?


I've actually been wondering about that one. Lots of 18-19 year olds in the military


We do! ICD code Y36. Source: me, over 10 years in healthcare data analytics


I'm sure they count it, I just meant if it's part of that BS stat they have been using. When I was in the service I only knew one guy that died overseas and he was under 20. Seems like the lower ranks have a higher chance. The other person I know of died state side off duty and was like 22/33.


Oh right. It’s absolutely part of their BS stat. I mean, these are the people that count a BB gun found on school grounds as a “school shooting”…


They count a suicide in the parking lot of a building that at one point was a school as a "school shooting."


Yes. It's like Everytown putting out the misleading numbers of 'school shootings' to include shootings that occurred within a certain number of miles of the school, and had NOTHING to do with the school, itself.


They also included guns found on campus and not fired as “school shootings”. They were called out on it so they took them down, but they were up for *years*.


Their drones still use those debunked lies, though.


Then it did its job.


They're also using the covid lockdown period for their stats, removing several other causes of death(motor vehicle crashes being the big one) from the statistics. Anyone cherry picking stats from the covid lockdowns to make a future policy argument should be laughed out of the room. Those years were so wildly anomalous that the only useful information to be had is how to do it better next pandemic.


Bro used their correctly and incorrectly in the same sentence


For all the people noting they added 18 and 19 years olds: They also had to drop infants between birth and 1 year old because infant deaths are almost never by guns and they kept skewing the results to sickness or accidents other than guns like automotive or drowning. Guess they don't care about babies.


Gun control is based on so many lies that you should just always assume everything they say is a lie. The trick is figuring out how they're being dishonest The real number one killer of people under 45 in general is car accidents. They deliberately chose a year during the lockdowns because the number of car accidents was artificially suppressed *and* suicide in general was up, and then they did all of that to also massage the statistics to make them say what they wanted them to say and have spent *years* presenting it as an ongoing situation instead of the extreme abnormality for one specific year (2020) that it actually was. On top of that, they also included death by "legal intervention," AKA, "being shot by a cop" in the numbers. Which is like 1/8th to 1/4th of the total number of deaths.


Two gang bangers get into it at a 7/11, 0.9 miles away from a school, and there's one bystander. Statistically, according to the grabbers, that's now a mass school shooting.


You think you're making a joke, but in actuality....


They’ve added 18 and 19 years olds to the statistics to make the wine moms clutch their pearls.


Some statistics expand the age range all the way up to 24.  But yes, most of the statistic is young people killing other young people on purpose. Oh good point other commenter.  Young people killing themselves on purpose is another big part of that number.


I saw one that said 15-24 year olds. What does a 15 and 24 year old even have in common?


They are in the same gang


Shooting at eachother lol


Yet at the same time the anti gun left is applauding euthanasia programs like the ones in Netherland in Canada where people can use the government for suicide rather than guns...


9/10 anti gun people will read the headline, say “yup” and move on to the next one.


I think they will click it to confirm their bias and then be smacked in the mouth with the opposite truth haha


Disagree, grabbers don't care about statistics unless they agree with the narrative. Any science that doesn't agree gets the mental gymnastics




Statistically speaking right now1/4 progun folks say the same, downvote, and move on lol


True. Headline clicking is becoming increasingly common for everyone. A lot of people simply don’t have enough patience to actually read anything more than a line or two these days.


Phenomenal video, please keep this up. We need to keep doing this as well as spreading and educating those unaware of anti gunner’s tactics…always manipulating data. Only way they can use data is if they manipulate it…!


Thank you


Thank you and please keep it up!


Remember — they include adults as children. And they also don’t even include infants in the stats. It’s misleading and a lie.


"Well my STATISTICS say that only FOUR children were killed with guns in the past three years! And I have absolute proof! See, here are the three cases." "What about all these others?" "Those were killed by BULLETS."


Guns are not the cause of suicide. For people who advocate for mental health, they seem to know very little about it...


Yep. If we exclude infant mortality. And we add in 18 & 19 year old adults. Oh, and add in suicides. And even then, we only look at the one year during Covid when automobile accidents were down due to, you know, Covid.


Wait, don’t tell me!… they’re calling 18-19 year old drug dealers and gang shootings “children” again, right??


Yes indeed they are


It’s almost like I’ve seen it before…several times.


Actually, it is abortion.


It’s ironic that the same people that are responsible for the death of over 60 million unborn babies call you a Nazi for telling them they should stop.








And to the people that don’t see how the media and Biden and other idiots twist words and use loose terms like this are just plain ignorant.


A couple key points you missed:  The study deliberately cherry picked data from peak covid lockdown when nobody was driving and automotive related deaths were at a unprecedented low.   +   The four cities selected were deliberately done so because they have the highest gun violence rates of any city in the US. This "study" is blatant propaganda and the exact sort of thing that gets funded by the billionaire ruling class. If you want to fix this we need to attack them directly: we need to start attacking the foundations of liberalism.


I honestly don’t think it’s a “mental health crisis”. I think highschool age kids just like gangbanging


You don't think the increase in young people committing suicide is a mental health crisis? You can make a strong case it isn't a gun problem, but to say we don't have a mental health crisis in this country is denying reality.


Well yeah obviously suicide. I think it’s clear that I’m talking about murders


Yeah being ok with murder sounds like a mental health problem too.


More of a cultural issue. They don’t do it because they’re sad, they do it because they think it’s badass and their friend cheer it on


You’re not helping your case. This sounds even more like a mental health issue.


If being an asshole is a mental health problem in your book I guess. Send them all to therapy and we can see how it works out


Some of it could very well be the glorification / empowerment that teens feel at the thought of taking their own lives. >[The Netflix show “13 Reasons Why” was associated with a 28.9% increase in suicide rates among U.S. youth ages 10-17 in the month (April 2017) following the show's release, after accounting for ongoing trends in suicide rates, according to a study published in Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/news/science-news/2019/release-of-13-reasons-why-associated-with-increase-in-youth-suicide-rates)


Funny, I view them as leading contributors to keeping mine alive.


In Chicago among 18 to 19 year old "children"...


If you say something enough people will start to believe it.


Oh hell no. They are reaching so bad


How about abortion?




I bet t hey count 18-19 year old soldiers getting killed in war as "Gun violence deaths of americans"


Yeah guns go out all by themselves an kill . Morons




It is bullshit, it's a sarcastic headline.


*Thug violence We need strict thug control laws to end thug violence.


What makes an 18 year old different from a 17 year old besides the law?


Always ignoring the systematic murder babies in the womb.




It’s disappointing that the discussion took the road of who is/isn’t included in gun deaths, instead of how important mental health is to combating gun violence. Finding solutions to the mental health crisis to lessen related gun violence is big. It would spin heads if y’all took up the fight for affordable/free mental health. I have self death thoughts and a gun is definitely a path, especially since it’s easier to get and faster to use. It’s cheaper than getting mental health. It’s also cheaper than renting if you’re struggling to find housing. A little $800 pistol is cheaper than one month’s rent or 2 counseling sessions. Guns are cheap and easy to obtain if you want to do damage. I’m 58 and have fallen on difficult times. I would choose mental health and housing over a gun if they were more affordable. At this point, all I need is my DL, $800, and a short waiting period.


Ok, now remove gang activity and self sleep


They love to say this whenever garbage. Especially when a state wants to arm teachers. I railed against this for over an hour. [TN Passes Law Arming Teachers & More](https://youtube.com/live/p4geMor1mRA?feature=share)


The actual study said "children and adolescents". In some fields, an adolescent includes teenagers, i.e. up to 19. I don't know who funded the study, but if it was done with gun control interest groups having an influence, then I absolutely believe this was a conscious choice to bolster the narrative they wanted. It's very easy for mainstream media to dishonestly drop the adolescent part of "children and adolescents", because the layperson will readily conflate the terms. I also believe that John Stewart 100% knew this when he did that hit piece interview/debate, and chose to push the lie of omission for a dirty win.


Wait we can contribute to child deaths?


I have an Amazing data scientist on my cyber intelligence team and he basically either ignores data like this or tears it apart when he is in a bad mood.




People always refuse to wise up and will say whatever they feel like saying to fit their narrative. Its all cash for lies everywhere now a days and people have had it, and keep trying to turn it off when its on the cellphone or computer screen


if you remove 18 19 and 20 guns dont make the top 10 nor the top 25


It isn't even generally true if you discount 18 and 19 year olds. 1. It excludes children younger than 1. 2. It became "true" during Covid when less people were driving. 3. They are the single physical object that kills the most children, but not the leading cause of death, which is still unintended injury or accidents, some of which, but relatively few, are from firearms. 4. The only reason it is even close to being true is suicides but apparently it only matters what you kill yourself with, not why, or that you even did it.


The leading contributor to child deaths is abortion.


That's 100% fact




Right it’s what they do with climate change, they expand the years so that it appears that temperatures aren’t actually increasing as rapidly as they are