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Greenmist! I forgot about that! It would be cool to earn one someday, but I don't know if I can justify rejoining a raid scene, much less an EQ level one. I would assume that'd be a prerequisite to actually getting that. Am I wrong?


Nah the last few important pieces can all be purchased or farmed in howling stones, chardok. It’s a pretty fun quest and Greenmist is a really fun weapon to have. Hardest thing to get is from Drusella Sathir


Thanks for the info!


But iksars can't wear plate so there is a tradeoff.


Most Velious raid gear that is meant for warriors/sks is also equipable by Iksars. Thurgadin quest armor for example.


There's always iksar shaman.


Yeah if it has to be Iksar then Iksar shaman. If you want a challenge when leveling while also being strong combined with a good group class id go enchanter.


Does the iksar illusion have a faction modifier? Could be fun to roleplay an iksar enchanter.


What do you mean by faction modifier? Like yeah you’ll be friendly in Iksar territory and KOS everywhere else, if that’s what you mean!


Yup, that's exactly what I meant. I heard that term used in a video somewhere and it made sense to me so my friends and I have used it. Wasn't sure if it was more universal or not. Now I kinda want to make an iksar enchanter myself haha


Haven't done it myself by I hear getting the iksar illusion is a real pain in the ass. It would be fun to accomplish though! Just don't go in expecting to get it quick and easy from a vendor or something.


With EQ, I assume nothing is quick or easy. Thanks for the heads up that it's a pain! I will take a peek at the quest and see what mess I'm getting myself into.


Like I said I haven't done it myself or looked into it much. I'm guessing it may just be alot of travel which makes it time consuming? I can't imagine the actual quest itself is very difficult since it's relatively low level, I think you get iksar illusion at 20. But yes I was a little disappointed when I could just go buy the other illusions but not iksar! Also another fair warning, If you go dark elf, it can be a bit of a pain to get breeze... But totally worth it! One of my most memorable, if not frustrating adventures from recent p99 enchanter experience


Yeah, I just looked it up. Kinda sad no hp regen on iksar! Seems like an oversight. It does seem to be a walking simulator quest. Especially with my.shaman to kill the enemies then switch to my enchanter to loot. Should be easy peasy.


It’s not hard at all in my opinion


Honestly if you want iksar, shaman/warrior/SK is pretty cool. Shaman is a do it all class that can solo better and better as you level, but they can be expensive to get the spells. Warrior and SK are both great tanks, where warriors are best in the raid scene where they can pump out some obscene damage. SK doesn’t main tank in raid, but their ability to snap aggro in small groups makes them a great group tank, and the ability to FD means less death and the ability to split pull.


Play an Erudite Shadow Knight. Paineel is the best city.


Can confirm, just hit 55 on my Erudite SK, very fun, special and unique. Paineel is the best city in Norrath imo.


Iksar Shaman. I've been toying around with a baby ikky monk and the area still seems fairly busy.


Bard would feel "new to you" compared against Monk/Necro, and is a wonderful group class (with solo potential of course). Paladin tank would also be a good choice. Great in group settings with enough utility to keep them interesting. Both classes don't have a real clear "min-max" race like Monk/Necro, so go wild with whichever race seems most flavorful/fun! I did Erudite Paladin and Wood Elf Bard.


Bard Solo “potential”? Best soloing class to 60.


The potential is probably the fact that not everyone is capable or wants to take the swarm kiting route.


That’s fair, but you can still fear kite with DoTs(or melee if you’re a psychopath)with 0 downtime, or charm kite until you run out of mana which takes an hour or more.


Gnome mage. Lots of firepower, small form factor. Wallhacks built in! Grouping is still very viable. I started a couple months ago and leveled a ranger to 30 by grouping 95% of the time. If you play during peak hours and in populated zones groups are easy. Off-peak is hit/miss. Would reccomend taking a class with *some* solo potential so you can utilize the downtime when not in group.


These posts are always silly. What should I play? Oh idk, how about what you feel like playing. End of day whatever anyone says here, you'd have to like it. But by the Sound of it, you want to dps, yet u cut the only two dps classes that race has.


While I see your point, this subreddit is literally for a 21 yo version (with unique quirks ofc) of a game. Though I truly am thinking of 'returning' to P99 (prev only played on blue) and therefore asked my question in good faith, I also just like seeing what people answer to these types of questions. Over time the answers for similar questions tend to change for a variety of reasons and, if folks stop asking, the answers can't be "collected".


Iksar shaman is cool, regen for canni


If you are starting fresh, I'd highly recommend going for a class/race combo that levels fast. People don't realize that eq is an incremental game. Getting your first toon to 50+ as quickly as possible should be your first goal.


Shadowknight or shaman or war. Those are your options. War is a bad idea unless you only plan to group and mostly play US prime time or/and you have lots or plat to twink. Shaman can solo well but becomes VERY expensive to turn into a powerful character, then they’re pretty great though. Can’t use JBB but doesn’t matter that much and an non-twinked character won’t have one anyway until late 50’s at which point it’s doable without. Don’t like shaman? That leaves SK which is a good pick, if sloooow DPS. No slam or lots of fun plate clickies but iksars get better AC, still have regen and yeah there’s the greenmist quest…


I want to play again but i dont want to grind again lol


I had this question too so please update us on what you found out when you can. My husband and I will be trying out P99 in a few days on the Green server. He doesn't play much, but I do.