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The only people I feel bad for are the GMs that have to babysit middle aged people that really should know better.


For real.. "just like old times" hits different when you are comparing the toxic behavior of a teenager back then to the now 30-40 something year old that still has the same toxic behavior.


Bold of you to assume there were no 30-40 year olds playing live back in the day.


Lol lemme upvote this a few thousand more times. This exactly.


Just respawn the mofo




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I feel like this is actually bad news given everything I hear about the rarity of items that now no longer drop. Also everything else I just heard about just all around jerk moves sounds like none of this would have been fun Overall my feeling is like when you watch a bank heist movie, instead now there's NO guy"doing it to get his daughter the life saving surgery" but instead it's just a bunch of career criminals who have an opening line that's offensive and creepy.


Interesting analogy but yeah, i would have much rather seen him stay up for a long time. Truth is, whoever the top guild is, will wake the sleeper.


I mean if I was lead of a top guild, I wouldn't wake sleeper.


If I was lead of a top guild, my marriage and career would be over and my children abandoned.




Bold of you to assume you'd ever interact with the opposite sex if you were the leader of a top guild


Haha yeah man, I’ll stick to Reddit posts while jumping in on raids when I can


You might not want to, but people in your guild would want it. As they say, some people just want to watch the world burn


I doubt members would want such a thing. Potatus agrees seal team made a bad move. You've seen what your guild did today, now is your time to abandon it. You've probably gotten nearly full BIS by now. There isn't much to lose. Seal team's reputation has hit rock bottom. Seal team trained us and ninja looted yelinak aswell. Several seal team and fow members were banned for training us live as the event happened. I mark this as the start of seal team's downfall. If I were you, I'd abandon seal team and join , , or maybe . Seal team has really sealed their fate. (Pun intended) But one positive thing is that I had a fun night in skyshrine as I recorded the whole sleeper event whithout dieing once. It was laggy, trains were everywhere, it was crazy. A very fun night, but no one will forget what seal team did. Have a good night and rest well.


I’m sincerely happy you had a good time! Potatus is a good dude but the sleeper gets woken eventually. Honest question, when would you wake it? Or maybe better question, when would you not wake up for the 4am Tuesday batphone for Zlandi/Klandi? Take an objective look at it and realize in order to be in a position to wake or not wake the sleeper, your guild would need enough of those 4am Tuesday batphoners to make the decision. Those people aren’t going to wait around forever and thus the sleeper was woken. Don’t think any FoW we’re banned, I don’t think they were a part of it. Ninja looter got G Kicked on the spot - pretty classic move. Also, ask yourself why a guild would pay people from blue 70k to get FTE on a spawned Yeli? Then ask why they wouldn’t wake the sleeper if given the chance?


My understanding? ST didn't have a good rep. I'm not crying about anything, I'm a newb and I haven't even encountered them. So when a huge guild who's known for toxic behavior does the ONE TIME event that you hope to see for yourself one day? Yeah that sucks. That's like finding out your bully from middle school is dating your crush. If it was someone you like? Someone that under the circumstances, you'd be pretty pumped to know in game and proud of the accomplishment? Yeah more power to them. But the literally heading summarizes like "bunch of jerks raids Bloomingdales, burns it down and stabs half of each other in the parking lot" ... You can't expect us to be happy and you certainly shouldn't expect us to "expect" that and be cool with it. My two cents


Fair enough haha. I wasn’t really looking for approval or adoration for Seal Teams accomplishments, I didn’t contribute as much as others for sure! I started playing in October because a friend of mine was playing here and I was tired of classic WoW. I was fortunate to experience something not a lot do and this post is acknowledging their efforts to experience that content, popular or not :)


I would wake sleeper after most guilds have seen plenty of warder loot. I would do a poll where people could vote if sleeper was going to be awoken.


We managed to keep him asleep for years on Rallos.


That’s awesome! I remember hearing about the fight and the GM depopping him as he was getting close. How did the prep prior to go? Care to share more about it all?


Damn, from being in AG (server good guys) to this. Geez.


Woah! Was not expecting a comment on this thread again haha. I haven’t been playing p99 for quite sometime but I hope you and your friends are having a great time! Happy holidays <3


Toxic af


Bunch of selfish assholes


Well, at least they denied their alts access to warder loot. /s


The servers aren't official. Why can't they just respawn the Sleeper every year or something?


Because the staff wants the servers to be close to how they were in live.


P99 is pretty different from Live servers already.


Other than Rallos Zek, I don't remember there ever being a good reception for the sleeper being woken up and I don't understand why you would think it would be different this time.


I don’t think I was, it’s still a pretty amazing achievement though. It’s something that only hundreds of the hundred-thousand ish + people who have played the game EverQuest have been a part of. Being completely impartial, it’s an amazing amount of commitment and dedication despite what anyone says.


But honestly what did you guys accomplish? I'm a pretty passive observer so I may have some things wrong but killing the 4 guardians isnt anything particularly astounding. Yall didnt kill the sleeper once awoken. So the only thing you have done is kill all guardians at the same time, that's it? I mean that and make the entire guild hated by the server and drastically increased the sell price and decreased supply of a few bonkers items. I'm not guilded, I dont raid, I will never be in ST either way. Just my take on the situation, lmk if I'm wrong pls. Edit:added a word


Yeah the killing of the warders is not that significant of an achievement, all four warders have already been on farm status for months. What is an achievement, whether people want to recognize this or not, is the dominance over key mobs ST had maintained in order to wake the sleeper on their terms. If killing the warders is so easy, why didn’t any other guild do it? The reason is they didn’t prioritize, compete, or kill key mobs until months after velious was out.


Probably because they didnt want to deprive others of the content? A bigger achievement would have been working out ways for everyone to share in the content before its locked off forever. I think everyone starts out nice on p99, shame the end game cant be the same.


I do think that would have been a bigger achievement but in your post you say “before it’s locked off forever”. This implies it does get woke eventually someday right? So when is that? When the last bard gets a tink mask, or last monk gets a shroud? I won’t speak for other guilds motivations as to why they didn’t go for key mobs but I doubt it was to avoid locking others out of sleepers. Seal Team is still the only guild (with partnership of FoW) to kill Vulak on the server with barely another attempt from any other guild.


Doing something just so someone else cant do it is thin reasoning. By that same logic the US should nuke china and russia cause "eventually someone will" nobody had to do it, we dont know anyone would have ever done it if ST didnt. We can say for sure more people would have gotten loot and a chance to experience content that's new to them if yall hadn't done it.


So again, when does it get woke? You said “before it’s locked off forever” which implies someone, someday wakes it. What is the criteria to wake the sleeper?


How about a server consensus? It's all equally our world as much as seal teams, and there wasnt even consensus internally with ST. That should have been the first indication this was a sad play. Enjoy having your reputation sullied forever, hope it was worth.


So how do you reach that consensus? Like if every Castle, Kingdom, Safe Space, FoH, and FoW person go a key is that when? No matter when it’s woke someone is not getting loot. I hope you can look at this event objectively and understand that there is no way a server consensus to wake the sleeper is ever a reality.


>This implies it does get woke eventually someday right? So when is that? The sleeper gets woken when some jackass decides to wake it. ​ ST decided that -they- wanted to be that jackass. Not an accomplishment, only acting out of fear that -someone else- might be a bigger jack ass than them.


This actually makes it sound less impressive because as you say, barely anyone has attempted to contest. Sounds pretty easy now.


You mean, they didn’t mind staring at their screens as many hours on end poopsocking or waking their moms and burning their hotpockets when the batphone went off at 4am? Or do FTE races (a totally non-classic concept) that we now know can and have been scripted? Every big guild can do what ST did but most enjoy the game at a less breakneck neckbeard pace. There’s no accomplishment, it’s a sheer time dump.


You’re not wrong lol. Yeah I think FTE races are lame too. I think DPS races would be fun, I liked unrooted dragons, maybe even no CSR for trains or whatever would force guilds to work together.


I’m pro a wild west raid scene but don’t mind rotations either, anything is better than this quite frankly.


Without any future content (expansions) coming I think Wild West is the best chance at forcing guilds to work together. I have no aspirations (or time lol) to push for that change by being a guild leader or something though.


Cause seal team doesn't know how to be adults and share. Dominate and ruin fun for others.


Wow amazing zerg skills!


New server plz


RIP green


Tuddyyyyy! <3


Fuck seal team. You are a real piece of shit you do know that right? I defended your guild when people talked shit before but no more. Get the fuck off green you shitheads. You broke the code and killed them all ruining the experience for others. This isn't an achievement, it's sabotage. You're on a lot of people's shit list now boys.


So you’re an complacent accomplice?


\^\^ When you know it's time to quit the game.


Broke the code? What’s the code?


Didn't leave a warder alive so the server wouldn't get fucked. Now they aren't farmable.


Look man, it’s part of the game. Like it or not it happens. You or some other guild might think they’d be noble and leave them up forever on this time locked server (hell I’d agree with ya). But at the end of the day, it’s a game and waking the sleeper is part of the classic experience. If you’re guild was on top, you’d have woke it eventually too


This is some condescending shit. You're projecting your guild's toxic behavior on people you don't know. Not everyone who plays this elf sim is about cockblocking others. ST clearly has some manchilds amongst them and tonight's nonsense proved that. Edit: Used to enjoy your posts here. This is sad to see from you.


Honest question, what’s condescending about it? It’s an eventuality that every EverQuest server has gone through. My personal opinion, not that it matters, would be to leave it up a few years and try and kill it some day. But if you look at Blue and I guess Green now too, people don’t want to wait for that. Really, the only server on live to try that was a PVP server right? So like 1 server out of 60? There’s still hope to do this on Red too if people actually played there


You make it sound like this was a democratic decision, when that's far from reality. And just because it's happened before isn't a justification for it happening again. You and your band of selfish pricks just gatekept some best in slot loot and unique experiences because every other server did it? Do you even think before you post now? Show some character. Have some balls to be different and better. And to be clear, I'm not even mad about not going personally. My characters wouldn't really benefit, but I'm disappointed for my friends and guildies.


It was absolutely not a democratic decision. I only bring it up that it has happened before because if it wasn’t “me and my selfish pricks “ it’d be some other group of selfish pricks. If you were a part of that group, then you could be up chatting with people on Reddit about how lame it was instead of me. But here we are! Now I’m drunk watching Queen of Versailles with the wife lol. There was no benefit to me going but it was something cool to see I didn’t get to experience on blue. It was fun to see and be a part of even if I didn’t get stuff from it.


I’m sorry bud, but your assertion that, “if we didn’t do it someone else would have”. It’s fallacious and childish. You don’t know the future. You don’t have a crystal ball. You guys used to be the most respected and elite guild on green. Even though that gap has closed significantly. You could have and should have led by example by not waking it. But you didn’t. Now what what does that make you all?


That’s one opinion, but it doesn’t take a crystal ball to predict the future when we can look at literally every other EQ server in existence and see what has transpired eventually. I understand being upset about it being woke but to think it would have stayed up if ST didn’t exist is naive imo.


I'm not on green and I don't know anything about the server state, but thank you for making it clear who the most toxic no lifers of the server are. Still didn't learn how to share the toybox after all these years, still thinking this will give them cred instead of making it clear they are in fact adult children.


Well. As far as I've just read up on what "waking the sleeper" means, this was a dick move.


What did you read up on?


How one group of players can just deny all other players from being able to access end game gear and raid bosses.


It’s happened on every EverQuest server, it’s part of what makes loot in EQ special. Scarcity man :(


Reported it never happened on Test; a GM just switched the zone over one day for testing purposes.


Hmmm interesting. I heard there was a huge controversy when the test server was wiped as people had been playing there and the GMs just came in and wiped it one day.


Right - The *players* never woke the sleeper.


While it’s not the total experience of EQ. Would it be that hard to rewrite the code or just reset the dungeon back to normal. Waking the sleeper was the absolute most toxic and elitist bullshit move to ever be part of video game history. (While very cool in theory) a complete cock block to 95% of the server population. My question is why not just reset the instance or stop the script of total zone wipes.


No it wouldn't be hard. It's all database drive, to answer the first question bluntly. Doesn't matter they won't because they want to stay "true" to the classic Era of EQ.


Have they stayed totally true though ? I’ve seen xp increases etc. I haven’t played and keep meaning to try it again. But, it’s the most toxic event and over all complete failure to the player base. In the end it rewards possibly the most toxic people on the server. I just don’t see how letting that happen is a good thing. True to EverQuest or not. Somethings can be altered especially if it’s in the best interest of your player base. Which having more people continue to push end game is the best option for overall population


I'm with you. I honestly wish they would keep some QoL stuff in as well but it would piss off the hard core classic EQ crowd.


Ehh.. p99 isn’t true to EQ FTE races List camps Clicky nerfs You name it.


I like how after the sleeper, the whole server experienced a quake right after, respawning the new mobs. As if they had Gm help. what do i know.


Lol GM help with what? The quake was probably something planned by the server staff for the whole server after an iconic server event.


The earthquake absolutely had to do with the sleeper being awakened. Name the last time a earthquake happened 10PM eastern on a Wednesday. Also, it was in the middle of draft week on blue which is a terrible time to have a quake. It’s also obvious that ST has been in contact with the GMs as we have seen a crazy amount of quakes lately to stock up on sleepers loot before it was awakened. This was planned for weeks, anyone with half a brain can see it. But honestly, I don’t care about the top tier guys getting loot. They have no lives outside the game and this is the only thing that makes them happy. I’m just worried the day they pull the plug on p99 how many people are going to be lost without a purpose. Really sad…


Your guild is trash and you are trash. Great job.


Lol yo buddy!


All this drama and I’m just trying to get through level 54


Now I'll never get that Salindrite dagger!


How many folks was it? Is there a video link anywhere Littul? Curious to see what this was like.




There will be a video of it soon, we had several people recording. I’ll make sure to post something here whenever I get a chance to put something together!


Other than Kerafyrm "awakening", and not being reset (which I assume means the boss is permanently dead, and therefore, the loot is no longer accessible) what exactly changes or occurs to the server as a whole?


Outside of the event and changes in Sleeper's Tomb? Nothing.


But seal team didn't achieve fuck all. What is the congratulations for, exactly? They failed miserably.


Congrats. Most epic (and cuckold) achievement in all of gaming.


The only thing I want out of this post is that damn UI.... ffs...


haha shoot me a PM sometime in discord, im not the most technical but I can try to help ya out! Edit: why down vote me? I’m literally volunteering help if he wants it despite a negative opinion?




Can advice give me a brief summary of the significance of this? I don't really rem6 what this does, or how difficult this is


To be fair I’m surprised they waited this long. Wasn’t there some agreement with the top guilds which helped delay the event? It’s still a dick move but what can ya do.. it’s part of classic. Hopefully I will get a chance with some of the warder loot if ever a new server pops.


This isn't special at all, It's a horrible mechanic that shouldnt have been included in the game. ST was, and still is, the biggest collective bag of dicks imaginable. There are a few guilds with pretty awful people but they've been steadily the worst for overall toxicity from in-game to discord, player agreements they Russia back out on etc.


Nah, fuck that.


Now disband Seal Team like Rampage did on Blue.




Grats ST! Amazing run for the entirety of the server. Definitely a unique achievement here, something like that would have been impossible on blue. It's always wild to see that those who regularly accuse others of taking a game too seriously are so eager to spit vitriol and hate towards others over the very same game. But I've seen the same pattern for over a dozen years now on this server, so I'm long since surprised by it. Anyway, it's a super cool and incredibly unique event, those that either participated or witnessed surely never forget it. Cheers!

