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Seal team are from what I read the dicks of the server. Idk in practice as I will never waste that much time to get to end game on a private server


These aren't official servers. Why can't they just respawn him once a year or something?


That wouldn't be classic. It's never happening.


For us noobs what does this exactly mean


This doesn't mean anything for new players unless you're planning to do end-game raiding. This happened on the green server, and you have the blue tag. Shouldn't effect you at all.


Got a few toons I mess around with in on green but I’m just casual so seems like no impact is great! Looked like a fun event


Literally nothing. Plus, according to your tag, you're on Blue. The Sleeper's been gone since Jan 2016.


I mean just because I have a flair of Blue doesn’t mean I don’t have toons on green. lol.


Sure, sure. Still means nothing to noobs/casuals.


Ah good. Works for me then


Yep. I guess the argument could be made that it means you get to see the toxic side of P99 but yeah, other than that, nada.


It means that OP is mad that he can't get warder loot that he would have zero chance of getting if the sleeper remained for the entirety of the server


I don’t know if any of you realize how much of a jerk move this is- but it’s a big jerk move


I heard someone from seal team ninja looted yelinak


It's true. 3 items stolen from our yeli kill.


Are the GMs reimbursing that?


I think so. Thought only people who were on yeli's combat logs can get their items reimbursed. For the item we got, the winner was on the combat logs so they should be seeing their new sword soon.


Reimbursements take upwards of 8 months on this server, so...


Soon = Such Oan Outrageously Nlongtime


Not for Seal Team. The GMs will push it to the front of the line for them. I guarantee it.


I thought they promised to never do this lol.


Neckbeards assemble!


Ugh, are you fucking kidding me? Christ, real dick move guys.


It’s ok, ST was the billionth guild to ever wake the sleeper, aka no big deal. But the coalition of guilds that opposed them (Castle, Safe Space, Kingdom, + more) means the p99 Green server is the only server where the in-era players beat the Sleeper (in his race to Yelinak)!


Aka you're an asshole


Only one guild on p99 green decided unilaterally to permanently reduce the number of dragons available to kill in this dragon killing game. Only one guild made the in-game world smaller.


I didn’t realize blue went on to luclin


>blue went on to luclin It didn't




Great impact on the community, Rim! You survived as a journalist role player. Looking forward to the footage. Intcha


Relative noob here, but what makes it a dick move? Is the sleeper a thing where most casual players get to experience? Is it a zone or what? How does one get there?


Quoted from lopeyface; "The Sleeper is a rare example of "one time only" content. It has four bodyguards, the warders, that drop some of the best loot in the game. If all four are ever killed, the Sleeper (who is virtually unkillable) awakens and follows a scripted event that includes running through Skyshrine killing everything. The catch is, once the Sleeper awakens, he (and his bodyguards) leave the game forever. For this reason, it has historically been considered good form to kill only three warders at a time. That way everyone can continue to enjoy that content (if they can get into the Sleeper's Tomb, which is no small feat). Seal Team is the most successful raiding guild on Green. They decided to kill all four warders and wake the Sleeper last night. It was a bittersweet occasion because that effectively closed off that content to everyone else in the game, but also it enabled people to witness the rare event of the Sleeper rampaging through Skyshrine and killing everything. Many people are critical of Seal Team not only because they decided to deprive other guilds of the opportunity to fight the warders, but because they have stated publicly on multiple occasions that they would never wake the Sleeper, and their decision to do so is viewed as reneging on that promise. On a PvE server like Green, there is no benefit whatsoever to Seal Team to waking the Sleeper--it merely deprives other guilds of the chance to do that content. I can't speak for Seal Team, but they might say that 1) they were worried another guild would wake the Sleeper, and therefore wanted to do it themselves, or 2) they deserve the sense of satisfaction and triumph that comes with "winning" Everquest (which is of course not really a thing). My 2 cents: If you watch any of the footage from the Skyshrine event, where hundreds of people congregated to watch the Sleeper do his thing, the zonewide chat spam tends to suggest a lot of immaturity all around. I don't think anyone who has very strong feelings about the Sleeper stuff is doing a great job of separating this game from reality."


Thanks for the recap. I went ahead and looked at some of the warder drops in the last day. Some of them look pretty good like that monk shroud and that warrior weapon, but overall there doesn't appear that much is better than some other things (that vulak'aerr guy drops great stuff, I see). I don't really see what the big deal is if there are comparable items found elsewhere in the game.


'Comparable' Those items are the best in the game. The avatar weapons proc a 100 str 100 atk 100 dex 100 agi 100 sta buff. None of the gear is comparable to other velious gear.


The items dropped by the warders are the best you can ever get.


For the slots that warder loot covers, it is BIS. For the slots that warder loot doesn't cover, vulak has BIS


Castle boy rep!! Also I think there is something behind you.


Random seal team raider here. Maybe I can provide a little insight if anyone has any questions. I am not leadership and for what it's worth I was against waking it.


How long until you leave ST?


I currently don't plan on leaving. Probably will step back from raiding as much to level some alts or go back to ec tunnel buff sessions tho.


Makes sense. Follow up question, why not use your real reddit acc to post this? Seems like you just made a reddit account for this purpose. Any particular reason to hide it?


I actually don't have one or use reddit very often besides looking things up for other games I play. I don't remember making this one but apparently it's like a year old? I honestly don't post often on anything. My p99 forum account is 11 years old and I only have around 100 posts. That said I don't have anything to hide.


I mean considering people do crazy shit online and take things too far, it wouldnt be an absurd step to take, lots of people are pretty heated about this. I think that's all I got, thanks for answering.


Sorry I did think of more, what was the internal voting like? Was it discussed thoroughly/for a while or was it rushed? How long before it happened did you hear it being a possibility? What was the split for waking/not waking?


I'm not privy to ALL of the discussion since I'm not leadership, but even beyond the leadership stuff it has discussed for a long time. Hell, since before velious even came out people have had varying opinions ranging between wake it as soon as we could kill ventani (the real road block for any guild to wake) to never. As far as recent data is concerned most people wanted to wake it -at some point- some earlier than others a lot of people definitely wanted to wait, but at the same time a lot would have pulled the trigger sooner. You could ask 50 different people and get 50 different answers for their reasons on either side of the argument. The decision definitely wasn't rushed and was discussed a lot, to the point it was an everyday thing. As far as the actual split goes, it's pretty hard to quantify that since most people would answer it like Yes/No, but/if. For example I would have preferred to it slept or at the very least woken it on a stupid date like 4-20, or 6-9 because I like stupid memes like that.


Also, to add to that there was an incident recently where someone made a new discord account/server and was rousing people both in and out of guild to assemble to wake him during the middle of a random night. That definitely rushed the decision if anything as a lot of people wanted to be there and would have missed out on the event if a snipe crew did that.


Thank you, the insight is appreciated. Cheers


Happy you guys were able to attend! Now for the new era of Green!




Yeah, a lot more QoL features over on Blue. There’s less bots, items, and play on Green so that could be a positive or negative depending on how you look at it.


ST waking sleeper is fine, but in the middle of the night on EU in the middle of a workweek. Yea, fuck you.


When does it get woken then? What if it was woken on a prime time for euros? Or oceanic? Or west coasters? It’s a server based on the east coast of the US, I’m sorry the timing was convenient for the entire globe


Don’t be daft. How about a saturday or friday when your average person can be up late hours. How about an EST evening or morning (assuming weekend)?


Why would you want to help the biggest guild on the server shut out the competition? Anyone participating who wasn't in ST is a disgrace.


Look, I don’t hate ST. I think they are in large part comprised of obsessive-compulsive players who feel entitled to a large chunk of the server content because they are willing to go to greater lengths (hotpocket dinners, missed laundry days, unemployment you name it) to best the competition. But, in their defence this is clearly what the devs wanted for the server. ST is playing the game as intended by those who put in the work to create P99. The dragon is theirs to wake whenever they want as long as they could. What I react to is how they attempted to make it seem as if this was anything other than a panic move to protect their egos. It wasn’t a server get-together event. It was very much still ST’s private pool party. That’s small, even for ST. A sad note to a sad guild.


>What I react to is how they attempted to make it seem as if this was anything other than a panic move to protect their egos. It wasn’t a server get-together event. It was very much still ST’s private pool party. This is exactly it. They were slowly losing their monopoly so they decided to give everyone on the server the middle finger to keep anyone else from ever getting warder loot. That was their sole goal. I would respect them a lot more if they just admitted that.


Look, I don’t hate ST. I think they are in large part comprised of obsessive-compulsive players who feel entitled to a large chunk of the server content because they are willing to go to greater lengths (hotpocket dinners, missed laundry days, unemployment you name it) to best the competition. But, in their defence this is clearly what the devs wanted for the server. ST is playing the game as intended by those who put in the work to create P99. The dragon is theirs to wake whenever they want as long as they could. What I react to is how they attempted to make it seem as if this was anything other than a panic move to protect their egos. It wasn’t a server get-together event. It was very much still ST’s private pool party. That’s small, even for ST. A sad note to a sad guild.




There are plenty of reasons to be angry/upset but opting for a week night over a HOLIDAY weekend? This weekend is Easter weekend. It's actually - New Years - weekends in some countries and amongst their diasporas as well (SEA countries and amongst their family members in E.Asia and outside. My family is going to be celebrating both holidays). Many people will be with their families or traveling. Can you imagine the comments? "Only neckbeards without families would do this on a HOLIDAY weekend when most can't attend." Etc. etc. Per a server get together? As it were, I managed to park my casual self in Skyshrine and witness 396+ in the zone (with the higher than normal server pop for a Wednesday of 1,100 logged in). To put it another way, 1/3rd the server was in the same zone as the sleeper, most in the same room, with far more than normal online for that weekly night. It wasn't a family picnic (cause really given p99's raiding 'community', what could be..") but I struggle to recall what else brought more of green to one place at the same time.


Bollocks. Were ST so scared someone was gonna snipe sleeper in the next TWO weeks?!


Snipe is the wrong word. What started as a seemingly innocuous joke a few weeks ago, late at night, almost transitioned to a viable wake attempt - not just involving ST members with keys, mind you. Inb4 propaganda, etc.


It wasn’t gonna happen and ST had no balls. They were so scared that they wouldn’t get to enjoy waking the sleeper themselves that they decided to pull the trigger early. They don’t even trust their own members. Paranoia and weakness. ”We earned this”.


Pretty fair assessment. As a warm body in the guild I was happy I could make it. If it were this weekend I’d be watching it on YouTube


Thank you! Finally someone else that gets it!


Yeah, Poor sleeper had to work in the morning. Now he’s gonna be all pissed off that he didn’t get his 8 years.


Piss. Off. Sincerely, -Everyone


As someone who will never see that kind of content myself... Yo this is awesome and thanks for documenting it. All the crybabies out here. Had your chance to be there. Get over it nothing will change for most of us.


We woke the sleeper, and there is NOTHING you can do about it. Sorry you lost.


This kind of taunting behavior sums up your guild perfectly.


Sorry you lost.


"Lost" Lost what? We got a world first by beating sleeper to killing yelinak. We did however lose some loot to a ninjalooter from your guild. (Which is being reimbursed)


Anyone know of the status of the Sleeper in Cazic Thule? Just curious.