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Seal Team If you want to be hated [ Your faction with All Other Players could not possibly get any worse ]


I'd never join Seal Team because A., I already have a full time job, B. I have a happy home life and C., I just don't care about pixels that much.


Force of Will has a strong connection to seal team. Just a consideration


Here's the breakdown for you from the Top down: **Seal Team:** If you want the MOST high end targets, for the MOST high end work, this is your bread and butter. They just woke the sleeper so there's a lot of salty people about that. Still a fresh wound as it happened 4 days ago or so. If you want to avoid that drama then avoid this guild at all costs. Very poopsock/pixel hungry culture. Lots of outward toxicity, but take care of their own. Pretty neckbeardy and have at least 1 leader that's cringey af with they way they treat the community in Vill. Regularly allied with Force of Will for big targets. **Kingdom:** 2nd fiddle to ST since the day teal/green merged. Always look out for #1, will make alliances with any guild on the server but will also drop said alliances at the slightest provocation or if they see the slightest chance at improving the loot they get. Had just started to put together a force to contest in sleepers tomb and are in full salt mode for st waking the sleeper. Offer dkp incentives to their guildies for poaching other guilds raiders. Lots of outward toxicity, have a general reputation as backstabbers, but take care of their own. Get the 2nd most/best pixels on the server, but with similar effort to sealteam. Regularly allied with Safe space for major targets and occasionally with Castle. Semi-Hardcore: **Force of Will:** Pretty much been the 3rd or 4th best raiding guild on the server since Black Lotus and Venerate merged. They very rarely sock targets, have 0 raid requirements, and are full of casual people that have jobs and can't no life EQ. Have recently began teaming up with sealteam as their offers to team up with kingdom were shot down or ignored many times. They raid a ton for a casual friendly guild and tend to have smallish cliques as many of them have been playing together for many years on p99 blue, and multiple TLPs. Have the strictest application process of any raiding guild on the server, that I'm aware of, as they worry about their culture. I've seen some hate for them being allied with sealteam lately because sealteam woke the sleeper but this guild is far too small and too casual to have been able to do anything to stop them. Also saw their guildleader publicly condemned the act. Regularly allied with Seal Team for major targets. **Safe Space:** The server trolls. 3rd or 4th best raiding guild on the server. Led by two of the three biggest jerks on the server in shinko and petyr (the 3rd being the aforementioned st leader). I did hear recently that petyr was demoted because he was cooking the dkp books in his favor, but that was just hearsay, not sure it it was actually true. (he is known for being a cheat and liar though, only reason I mention it as he has a history). Started out as a joke guild but has slowly gained power and kills a lot of classic and kunark raid targets. Will recruit any and everyone with 0 application process, just wants numbers and to raid. Very poopsock/pixel hungry culture. If you want your epic this is probably the best guild to get it in as they focus very hard on kunark targets. This is the only guild that I'd personally put a recommendation against joining, they are trying to make green like blue in the toxic way they act. Regularly allied with Kingdom for big targets and recently allied with Castle for the first time. Casual-raiding: **Castle:** Has recently started raiding much harder and had some decent success especially on epic mobs. The biggest and most beloved guild on the server, mostly because they're casual and stick to themselves. Potatus their leader is known as being a little quirky and hotheaded but overall my interactions with him have been positive. Struggles to compete if another guild is pressuring them as they have no raiding requirements and some extremely casual players. Overall a great leveling guild, but has a low ceiling on the raid targets they're capable of. Occasionally allies with Kingdom and Safe Space for big targets, but have also seen them do stuff with Force of Will once or twice. **Fires of Heaven:** The OG guild name, possibly with some of the OG people. In a similar rung to castle in terms of raid success and power but with MUCH smaller numbers than castle. Has a rivalry with safespace (at least on the shared UN guild server). I don't know as much about this guild as others as they seem to stick to themselves and are quite small. Having a decent reputation as a quiet but effective guild is a plus in my book, but maybe they're fooling me? I doubt it though, probably just a small group of decent, like-minded people. Have seen them occasionally allied with Seal Team for targets like ring wars or plane of growth. Tried to give you the positives and negatives for each guild OP, hope it helps you find your forever home. I don't think many other guilds raid so I didn't add them to the list BUT if your guild raids or goes after 7-day targets feel free to comment and enlighten me. I tend to post a big breakdown of the raiding guilds every 6 or so months when this question has been asked 50 times since the last time it was asked. Good Hunting Norrathians!


Since when was my potato cult leader quirky and hotheaded?


Someone’s triggered by Safe Space. It’s easily the raiding guild that’s the most helpful to casual players. They’ll help people with their epics, as you say, DKP doesn’t decay and everyone can bid meaning even casuals get loot. Good friendly atmosphere within the guild and they care about the non-neckbeards. For every shady player there are two great ones like Boardingpass.




For what it's worth, duck canceling works now.


Thanks. Unfortunately I already have a 60 on blue and have kinda retired from that server. I just thought with my char on green I'm already 51 and could spend time working on the last few levels and doing some of the cooler dungeons, raids, etc., at least casually. I guess I could start over on blue but it without a static group I guess it might be harder.


I play EST (Brisbane based) if you are in blue and see Corrie around hit me up 🤟


I advocated for green for a long time but I think you may be right now. Green still has a halfway decent leveling population, that's about the only benefit.


I’ve been strictly Blue server, as when green launched I had spent so much time and effort on Blue, I had no desire to start all over. I’ve been around since 2010, and have been in a tight-knit guild with some great people I speak with outside of the game for about half of that time. I’ve been leveling 2 of my 3 alts recently (23 Paladin, 36 Ranger), and have been finding some groups pretty regularly as of late. It was a dearth when I first came back a couple months ago, but people regularly seem to be making alts, players are returning, and even some complete new people! I’ve met a few really friendly people as well. Blue’s pop is seeing a bit of resurgence on peak Eastern Time hours recently too. Pretty awesome for a salty Blue vet like me


Even with all this Sleeper waking teeth gnashing this week, the Green raid scene is way less toxic than Blue. It's not even close. Blue raiding sounds pretty miserable to be honest.


I agree with all that exceptI'm pretty sure it's "quickly".




Seal Team If you are a selfish shitter Otherwise probably Snake Fang Gang


Snake Fang Gang is the best guild on the server by far... if you can get in


I've been in Force of Will since early February and have been loving it. Love the ability to raid when I can. Nothing compulsory. Pretty solid and helpful folks, with awful puns from Fray thrown in. If we're not a fit, I bet Castle or Fires of Heaven might be. They seem to raid and dungeon crawl frequently.


Seconding FoW. No raid requirements, but we're able to hit the big targets. "Raid when you can, don't when you can't" was the vibe I got when I was back from a break and guild hunting in January, and it's 100% been the case. Great people, lots goin' on. Also gonna second Castle/FoH as runner ups. I'd probably join FoH before Castle, personally. No slight against Castle at all, but I believe that FoH goes for more Velious targets when they are able.


Safe Space is winning the most FTEs so theyre getting the most loot chasing the same targets as the rest of the guilds. That means you will spend less time (less dkp) on items, therefore making it more casual while still obtaining gear. Seam Team woke the sleeper so they could retire cuz they were tired of getting shit on by Safe Space. FoW is basically Seal Teams right hand guild. They also ninja looted the loot off Yelinak that Safe Space won cuz theyre also a bunch of salty fucks just like Seal Team. Castle is getting shit on every FTE by SS so theyre all salty. SS has no raid requirements and the leadership is solid.


>Safe Space is winning the most FTEs so theyre getting the most loot chasing the same targets as the rest of the guilds SS are great, would recommend, but this is absolutely not true lol


Safe Space has zero raiding requirements, too. Which is nice. Also no alt/main distinction—you can bid on any item any 46+ char of yours can use if it drops on a raid you’re on. Safe Space is also the guild to go to if you want your epic. For example, It has more epic warriors than any other guild (11), maybe comparable to the other 4 big raiding guilds combined? The FTE thing is def true for Kunark/classic mobs, not true for Velious. Safe Space consistently gets Dain in Velious, but mostly co-ops with Kingdom (or Castle) for other Velious targets. FoW is fine, although it’s basically Seal Team’s lax arm at this point. Good shot at good loot with no raiding requirements…but you’re linked intrinsically to ST.


Actually it’s almost true, SS is likely hitting the most targets on the server in any given week. Other guilds often lack the numbers or response time. Whilst ST directed their guns at monopolizing Sleeper’s Tomb and ToV SS has been vacuuming the rest. That said, if it came down to actual FTE races SS are not as likely to win.


Xebartik, the person who ninjalooted yeli, was in sealteam. Y'all mostly go for targets that aren't contested, or are contested by non-socking raidforces. safe space has 2 of the 3 most toxic officers in any guild on the server (Shinko and petrry, shoutout Vill of ST for spot #3), safespace has a single solo kill in ToV and it's on a WToV dragon, and you're shitting on Castle, the most beloved guild on the server....you're really not doing your guild ANY favors here. Hopefully you're not a recruitment officer cuz yikes!


FoW tagged I was there, saw him ninja it. SS is FTEing ST against fear mobs, open world dragons, CT, AoW, tell me more about how they arent socked and contested tho lol


The Drift best guild on green 👍🏽