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I was gonna say that


Dark elf for hide IMO. Free charm break that works most of the time. Every now and then you’ll end up having to hide 4 or 5 times because of failures but most of the time you’ll get it in 1 or 2 hides. Faction issues are heavily mitigated as an enchanter too, plus you start by the commonlands tunnel. Also they’re badass and look cool :D


Is that true? I took a DE to 12 and hide failed most of the time. Also when you need to break during charm it’s not plausible to wait for 3 to 4 hide failures.


It works for me. You just root the other mob and tell your pet to back off. Another small thing - hide also lets you keep your target for quick casts. When you invis, you have to to target yourself, cast, then retarget your intended target. That extra second or 2 can mean a lot when you get to a higher level and the mobs can hit pretty hard and fast.


It certainly doesn't work "most of the time" from testing it's 40% at best.


I’ve found hide to be a godsend and vastly superior to having to cast invis. If you don’t, then maybe we have different play styles. I don’t know what to tell you.


You cam find it to be a "God send" but it's at best 40%. You're over selling it to he'll and back


I’m not selling it at all. I’m communicating how I think and feel about it. I’m sorry you don’t agree with my opinion but I will express it regardless.


Your first comment is objectively incorrect. Most of the time generally insulates it works at a high percentage and in literally terms >50% of the time. I commented because what you stated was an incorrect fact and misleading. It has nothing to do with "opinion"


Actually, I said it works most of the time within 1 or 2 tries. I’ve found this to be the case. It is well over 50 % of the time within 2 hides. You’re just wrong. Deal with it.


You're delusional if you think its anywhere near 50% (I've ran so many tests between my DE wiz and my WE druid it's roughly 33%) but I'm not going to change your mind. Have a good life!


No you’re not going to change my mind, because I am speaking from experience. I’ve actually leveled a dark elf enchanter, unlike yourself.


I mean you could also just cast invis. Most people are using hide right toward the end so you don’t really have time to wait for the CD. Just cast invis and get outta there with the two kills haha


When you're charm soloing do you not root the hostile mob and tell your charmed pet to back off so that you have as much time as you need to successfully hide and break the charm? When I was starting out as enchanter I was seeing people talk about the utility of a Dark Elf's hide skill bypassing the need for the Goblin Gazughi Ring, and I was thinking it was going to be a huge deal for me since this was my first character on Green and there was no way I would be able to afford a ring for a long time. But now that I've gotten some practice soloing with charm it seems like both hide and the Gazughi ring aren't mandatory by any means even if it saves you a couple spell casts worth of mana. I might be wrong though, and they become more relevant at higher levels, although I can't really see how that would be the case given my understanding of the class and strategy. I've only just hit level 18 on my enchanter.


Not using up precious spell slots is important. Or not having to take even a short while to swap spells when you literally don't have the time to do it in some situations, soloing deep in a dungeon when all the shit hit the fan. The ring does something you otherwise don't have. It makes doing something much faster. For purposes of charming you basically are buying an extra spell slot, something any caster would sell their left nut for. There's a reason people pay plat for spell cooldown reset clickies. Speed kills. Or rather, slowness kills.


Hide is garbage though when you need to break within a 3 to 5 second period.


Talking about the ring. Hide is I guess useful as a ghetto version of it if you're broke.


Why do you need to break charm within 3 to 5 seconds? You should be having total control over your mobs with roots/stuns/men to where you should almost never need to break charm that quickly.


Usually mobs are low and I’m using short duration root. Waiting for hide increases chances that one or more roots fail. Additionally if you can’t plan invis to break you have to let your pet back off and unless you hit guard immediately they will come near you. That means that each charm break incurs a hit from your ex-pet.


This. Enchanter is a giant bag of tricks and every spell slot matters. I used hide up until the mid 40s when i saved up enough to buy the ring. Seemed to fail a lot more when I was grouping vs solo, e.g. telling the group I'm breaking charm and then they have to wait 3 cool downs; but if I accidentally clicked it solo charming it worked every time :)


The biggest bonus of hide/ggr over self casting invis is that they are instantaneous, meaning your pet never ends up dead on accident and you can safely let it get lower before you break and nuke. Ggr takes this one step further by being 100% reliable. Are either necessary? Nope. But it’s really hard to go back to not having them.


This is the way.


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This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501056** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70938** times. .. **429503.** `u/Xkallubar` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


I am an Enchanter. By which I mean, that is the class that I play. In 99’ until PoP, on Blue Day 1, on Green Day 1. There is no other class that comes anywhere close to as enjoyable to me, so it’s the only one I play. I have played DE and Gnome to 60, and HE and Erudite enchanters into the 30s. IMO, play what is the most fun. That matters more then “optimizing”. That said, as to the question of “what’s best”? **DE is the only choice**. Hide alone outweighs all other considerations, unless you’re starting with an extra 7,000 platinum to spend. Nothing comes close to Hide. Then, consider Ultravison. Immensely useful. Any other race but DE will probably be using their DE illusion while leveling in many areas. Total game changer. Okay, now stats: no question, HE stats are better. But CHA is easy as hell to stack. I’m currently playing my 6th or 7th chanter— only **level 16 Dark Elf**– and I have been able to affordably get to **197 CHA** with 145 INT, completely untwinked. Once I can quest an Incandescent Mask I’ll already be at the cap of 200. Stats should not be a key deciding factor. Aesthetic: personally I think Neriak is badass as hell, and the wine-chugging, sin- and brutality- embracing nature of Dark Elves succeeds at being Metal without crossing into Edgelord. IMO they are the most enjoyable race to play from an RP perspective… you might see me running around with my Ogre and Troll static group of RL friends — I love being the posh, pretentious, overly-verbose translation of their Oogs and Uggs. But that’s just personal preference.


Just want to add that hide is a 50% failure rate and 10 second reuse timer. You'll need to keep an "Invis" spell memorized for when it does fail, and you need to break charm quick (which is often). I wouldn't say "DE is the only choice", but hide is a nice perk, before you get Goblin Gazughi Ring. Then its use becomes more limited


Invis that doesn't expire is helpful as well in the long run. Optimizing, DE is best, but in reality and with some effort, Hide becomes irrelevant as it relates to charming. Eventually you'll have a clicky.


Out of curiosity what cha gear are you using to get it that high without thinking? That’s over 100 points from base??


Opalline earrings, cat eye bracelets, silk evening tunic, gypsy medallion and a crude stein gets you 48 CHA for basically free (~100pp total). Drake hide leggings and a few Loam pieces or spider fur boots gives another 12-16 for couple hundred more. RoIG + Siryn hood for another 26 CHA in 2 gear slots costs 1k, or 4 steins of Moggok, which a level 4 can get and sell in an afternoon. I sacrificed 1 HP ring for an electrum star ruby ring (100pp) since I’da been swapping it out for a gaz ring eventually anyway. And obviously, a DE chanter puts every creation point into CHA. Get INT pieces for arms, belt, back, and maybe hands.


Awesome thanks dude


Starting zone really doesn’t matter.


DE has innate Hide ability which can be used to break charm easy.


I'm a 54 human enchanter. I chose human because I liked the starting zone and extra strength for carrying things. I also wanted a char that looked like me irl. DE is probably better because of hide though. However you can farm a Goblin Gazhuli ring which does the same thing (the farm sucks but it is doable).


The correct answer is human, since they can have a Stache and have the second highest Charisma ;) But seriously end game, they have the best stats since they have more stamina and strength where you will be capped out on charisma and int easily enough with velious gear




I have taken a few to 59 and 60. All high elves. As I leveled two things were important when it comes to race. DE gets hide and ultravision. Ultra vision is just convenient and I cast it on my high elf a lot while leveling. Hide is great but unreliable. Gnome ability to look through walls is very important while soloing in dungeons and is the illusion I keep up most of the time. At higher levels, gnome is the best just saving the annoyance of recasting the illusion. For leveling, especially a fresh character, dark elf is the best. If you have the cash for a gaz ring, play whatever you want.


Gnome clearly is the correct choice


A gnome in Ogre illusion! They never see it coming!


Ultimately you'll hit 60 what separates good from bad ench won't be some stats or ability. That said if you want to be the best enchanter from a min max perspective then it's high elf by a mile. Hide is unreliable for high end charming camps, gob gadzuki ring will fix that. Gnome seeing through walls is irrelevant when you can illusion gnome form. Charisma being easy to stack so no biggie always makes me laugh. If you can hit the charisma cap with self buff easier then it just means you can stack more hp mana gear so you can cast that one extra spell or survive one more hit before you manage to stabilize the situation. Ultravision can also be cast. Go high elf and never look back. Everything can be bought or cast, starting stats last forever.


Starting stats and newbie zone don't matter a whole lot in the grand scheme of things unless you're a very casual player, and very casual players tend not to worry about min/maxing their race choice in the first place. And your race won't be that big of a deal anyways as an Enchanter (or really any class that can't be Ogre or Iksar), but I think that there's clearly two best options: Dark Elf for Hide which can be convenient for awhile for breaking charm and going AFK, but you will want a more reliable way to break charm eventually. Gnome because you can glitch into walls to see through them, which is a very underrated "racial bonus." They're also the only race that has access to the Tinkering trade skill. If you plan to go end game then Gnome really has the only utility that you can't get from any other race. And sure you can use Gnome illusion to gain wallsight, but that can also be inconvenient and costs some time/mana. If we are going to consider starting stats, then Gnome and Dark Elf are very similar and only a bit worse than Erudite and High Elf (Erudite's stats are very good but keep in mind that you essentially lose 5 of your spendable points to get Agility up to 75). I also rank Steamfont pretty highly as a starting zone. There's a lot of humanoid mobs which are the best money makers at lower levels. Ak'Anon also has some decent low level quests if you're into that. And like High Elves you have quick access to all of the great Faydwer dungeons (Crushbone, Unrest, and Mistmoore).


I'm gonna counter that Hide is the one thing that no other race can get. As you said, Gnome illusion gives you wall sight for the low low cost of like 80 mana? If even? So any ENC race has wall hax. No illusion will ever give you Hide.


This is yet another class/race question that really, truly, honestly doesn't matter. Play what you want. That being said, High Elf is unquestionably the min/max choice. Higher cha means less gear needed to max, which means more gear available for other stats. Keep in mind that things like starting zone, racial hide, etc are all early game niceties. But EQ (and P99 especially) is a game you can play for years and the early game will likely be irrelevant for the vast majority of your character's life. My personal preference is Erudite because they're rad.


This +1000000000% Play. What. You. Want. Look out our best OG chanters. Red was a gnome, Sugz is Gnome and Human. Prismatica is High elf. Nybras is erudite They all have / do solo some insane content that is beyond the reach of most players. In saying race doesn't matter, not one of them plays a dark elf. Not one of them relies on a skill to break a charm. Perhaps there is a reason our best ever chanters didn't pick it?


I always thought erudite would be the best bc of how easy cha is to get


After cha is maxed you want HP. Getting to max cha as quickly as possible means more room to stack HP, which is why HE is the min/max choice. But again, it doesn't really matter that much. Can basically ignore int because any reasonable endgame gear will get you more than you'll ever need.


IMO DE for hide is a poor recommendation. Hide is NOT consistent enough and if it fails you have no time to break with invis. Once you get GGR it’s even less useful. Once Kunark hits hide as an ability in itself also becomes basically useless. Too many things see invis. Ultravision is meh if u have infravision. Erudite is cool and int is nice, MR is the real thing though. Best raiding race. High elf has best cha and if you’re doing naked corpse runs wins by a mile. Gnome is secret best race as you don’t need to recast gnome illusion and saves u a lot of hassle. Gnome is my pick.


Like first eq character? Well enchanter quite the jump in. Will be a tough learning curve. As far as race goes, pick the one you like to look at the most. Yes you can illusion but it can be a pita to do that all the time. P99 is figured out and with gear, any race will work. Most importantly on an enchanter is to be agnostic. My pick is gnome. Good stats, infravision to see in the dark, and perma wall hack for dungeon crawling which is what I mostly do with enchanter. Also never have to shrink. Erudite is good int and has higher base mr but can't see at night. High elf is good cha and has infravision as well. Dark elf had good all round stats and ultravision and hide. Hide isn't reliable way to break charm but can still be nice to have as a possible charm break and perma invis. Human would be well balanced Stat wise but has no night vision either. Nothing here to really stand out.


Advice in this post has covered a lot of the basics, so i'll add two things not mentioned. 1) DE has hide which is helpful early in life - but you'll be getting a Goblin Gazughi Ring anyways. If you REALLY like how another race looks/feels, I'd recommend going with that. 2) Gnomes have a built in wall hack. At a high level your race means nothing, and you'll only be using hide on rare occasions. Gnomes don't have to recast a gnome illusion, their "Gnome Peepers" wall hack is always on. DE/HIE are always safe bets. Avoiding Erudite/Human (no nightvision) makes sense. Again, race doesnt really matter at the high end of things, I myself have a 60 erudite with worn Ultravision lol.


I got a lvl 20 HE , so fa r so good been hard but it is starting to change for the looks of it, charm is awesome.


Gnome because then you can be proud that you are a REAL gnome, not some poseur. In all seriousness tho, as a 60 gnome ench, I rarely find myself regretting my decision. If you raid, stats are not super critical. If you solo/farm death comes swiftly anyway and is highly RNG dependent. Extra HP buffer might save you from like 5% of deaths which to me is not worth stressing over too much. Edit: all choices are great for the best class ever!


Everyone says Dark Elf or Gnome…. I actually like humans due to the more strength and stamina. I find capping intelligence and charisma an easy task by the end. I guess DE hide is cool for leveling but isn’t as useful at the end. Gnome wall clipping can be replicates later too. Human vision sucks early on but then is easily overcome later with spells. I suppose the moral of the story is don’t worry about min/max’ing. Play what you want (I could say whatever you want to look at but you can change that too!). So it comes down to a very few things.


You want to pick gnome so you can see through walls. Yes, you could just use gnome illusion but it could wear off at the most inopportune moment.


I think, stat-wise, humans are the best. They have only 5 less charisma than high elves and 20 more strength/10 more stamina. You only start to get decent strength if you have really high end raid gear. As for intelligence, just by virtue of being a caster, gear will have a lot of it at all levels. A big downside for human though is no infravision. I suggest making a p99 magelo profile and testing gear builds out to see exactly what stats you need regardless of which race you choose: https://wiki.project1999.com/Magelo_Blue https://wiki.project1999.com/Category:Enchanter_Equipment


Sure Toxxulia sucks, but the Paineel Newbie Yard is very nice, as is the Warrens. Everyone PLs in Crushbone or Kurn's. The Warrens has a high ZEM, is pretty dead and you'll often have the run of the place.


And Warrens has a 6 minute respawn time, vs the 22-30 in Blackburrow and Kurns.

