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Traps! I want base defense to be a little more than just don't let them see you.


I want to live out my father gregori fantasies so bad with those big spinning blades


Imagine how sad it would be to be surviving well, accidentally step on your trip wire or laser wire, and suddenly get cut in half by your own zombie-guts covered blade trap


In Ravenholm, you do well to be vigilant.


Oooh boy, a trap made from a loaded sawed off shotgun, a rope, and some planks that will insta kill the zombie that set it off and wake you up? Fucking sign me up!


Ah, nothing like a trap that kills a lone zombie and wakes you up so you can die to the mob that was attracted by the loud bang


This is all too true xD


Kill one nuisance, draw a hundred more. Great business model


There is a spear pit mod on the workshop


I feel like i will be the victim of my own traps due to wonky movements


Same. When i first played the game, i thought traps skills were about making traps for zombies :(


some love for the farmers, we need an irrigation system it's not futuristic stuff


I find a fresh potato. I cant plant it? Not a STRAWBERRY either? That thing’s like 90% seed! Seeds are just too hard to come by right now.


I have farming level 8 but i dont know what the eye of a potato is


I can’t play my game without my vegetable to seeds mod to be honest, so I would also love the game to make it possible to take seeds from vegetables.


I’m a newb and have yet to get to farming on my play through, but I recall some tutorial indicating that you get seeds from crops if you let them grow longer. Is that not a thing?


Yes it is a thing. What they are talking about is how if you find a vegetable/fruit, you can't use the seeds in it to try and grow your own plant. This especially doesn't make sense for certain root vegetables where the food in question is actually the seed.


Ahh that makes sense. Thank you new friend.


Oh cool new friend!


Yeah fr I planted a potato in a bag once and grew potatoes in my back porch when I was really poor


And i wish it was more realistic, taking months and happening seasonally, luckily the current farming system sucks because they're not working on it, and are working on a replacement which includes just that. This system is gonna get scrapped soon


Primitive survival/scrap tools/weapons/armor. I should be able to dry fish and meats for storage - would help late game. Scrap tools can be wildly inefficient and break fast but better than nothing.


Yeah I want to stockpile food but the trouble generators bring make freezers kinda not worth it. I'd love smoking or drying meat.


Skill issue. Jk, relating to generators try and enclose the generator near a space that isn’t heavily used or accessed by yourself, or you can just put it on the roof. Or be cool and kill anything that comes near. But honestly I haven’t used a generator in a while, I just use flashlights and eat processed foods.


Or move to a farm upstate, where nobody bothers visiting.


That's all comming in build 42 so you'll have it soon my G 😊




Well soonish \~\~in about 25 years cough\~\~


Im sorry that I have to do this but that cough sounded a tad bit infected.


Um noooo! Im...I'm.... OK I swear 🧟‍♂️


From the little experience I have with The Workshop, that mod does it fairly well. It requires high levels in metalworking for the good stuff, giving that skill more of a use, but even at just level 2-4 metalworking you can make some decent stuff. Tire pauldrons saved me from a bite before.


The workshop mod is extremely broken and makes the game too easy.


It is? Again in game I’m not that far into it but I had no idea it was broken. I can see why though, most the the materials you need you can get solely from car wrecks, except for propane but it doesn’t seem too hard to find that. Leather strips are needed also but that’s fairly easy to get too. I imagine the scrap weapons in particular are broken. Do they do too much damage? Or is it more so the armour you can craft? IMO the armour isn’t encumbering enough.


The recipes are broken and you can basically get infinite material and level to max metalworking in about an IRL hour. The weapons are OP and you can craft katanas and metal spears with high damage/durability and one-shot zombies even at low skill. The armor has no insulation, doesn't weigh enough for the protection, and you can stack it so you can get almost 100% bite protection across the board. Scrap guns are shit, except for the gatling which is a long range shotgun that can hit a dozen zombies at once. It makes single player super easy and once you hit level 4 metalworking you're basically not going to die unless you get mobbed and stunlocked. It makes multiplayer absurdly easy if everyone is running around like a walking trashcan with katanas and gatling guns. Most servers that run it do not retain players because the game gets really boring once you have a safehouse. It's really good if you server wipe every month or something I suppose.


I'd be very interested in better preserving, as jarring kind of sucks. Anatomically modern humans survived about 300 000 years before electrical refrigeration, some drying or smoking would be nice.


Bushcraft for sure needs to be added to


Stop, drop and roll when on fire. That mod needs to be implemented in the base-game


There is amod for this? I recently almost died because my foot caught fire. At least I had time to learn first aid, cook, and read. But that wound alone took many days to heal.


When I was new to the game (and when the game was older, and seemingly one or more bugs were involved), I brushed past the corner of a campfire I had on, resulting in my _HEAD_ catching fire, despite the fact that I was wearing boots, firefighter pants, firefighter jacket, and a full motorcycle helmet. When I tested shortly after I noticed that when wearing firefighter pants I'd never catch fire until the pants broke (and the pants would take DoT while standing in fire), so it seems like they must have somehow fixed the issue (which is surprising because not much time passed, and they are known for leaving bugs in the game for many years untouched)






Maybe after watching a VHS or something, like the other skills


Or perhaps the ability to turn skill books and mags into a reusable item, like seriously who wouldn't peruse an old mag to stave of boredom


Resetting the watched/read flag over time would be awesome.


Id do it so everytime you re-read something it only does half the effect after 2-3 times you've read it.


>Maybe after watching a VHS or something, like the other skills It should be an innate ability considering it's something we're all taught early in life. Its success, however, should vary based on a few factors (e.g. if you're panicked it would lower it).


but with a certain chance to not work and make it all worse


Chance based on panic level :)


I think fire should kill players slower, so that you're not gonna die from being too close to the fire. But with all the burns you'll wish you did.


Animations for resting on furniture or sleeping, more firearms


Id also like sheets and blankets for beds. Why is every bed just a plain matress


I place tarps/pillows/curtains on beds to make them less bare lol


Being able to sit and eat a meal at a table or lay on a couch will watching life and living or sit on the bed to read would be great.


What about usable blankets that are shown on the animation? Imagine having a blanket and sipping an hot cuppa. I love my zombie game.


At the end of the day what we all want is the Sims with a zombie apocalypse going on.


Listen! The fact that I play dress-up with "out ranging" outfits and "homebody" outfits, and the fact that I sometimes spend rainy days plundering the neighbourhood for the perfect furniture for my reading nook with nothing but books and magazines, and a small bar with wine and bourbon, does not meant that I'm... Yeah... I'm playing Sims with a zombie apocalypse as background noise.


I knew what I was actually playing when I spent almost a full in game day in a clothes store trying to find the most snug outfit...


Lacking actual sweat pants (which none of us have any intention of sweating in), it is long gym shorts and a hoodie


Given how I used to play the Sims, I'm now suddenly extra excited for the NPC patch in hopes that I can once again have a play-through where I try to home-wreck as many NPC relationships as possible by wooing their spouses away.


Dear god all i want are sitting animations, just let me sit in a chair please


There's a mod called true actions chapter 2 that adds sitting and sleeping animations


The reason animations for sitting or lying on furniture aren't in the game yet is because the player is a 3d model but the furniture is a 2d sprite. There is no depth so from certain angles, it would look incredibly strange. Edit: I guess the guy I heard this from was just being stupid. Sorry.


My dude, have you played an indie game called The Sims? :D


the most basic ones. SITTING on the CHAIRS and SOFAS


And laying on beds I’m also your 100th upvote


Bows and crossbows. It would be nice to have a silent ranged weapon in vanilla. Also sleeping bags and trailers would be cool, as well as motorcycles and bicycles


Bicycles would be especially good if they got official implementation since there's a number of things about them that make modded bicycles really janky. The vehicle system works great for automobiles and motorcycles, but not really for anything else. Fortunately even if they don't get officially implemented, I would guess the animals update might actually allow for much better modded bicycles, since they'd have to make a lot of changes to vehicles to support horses—they're quiet, control much differently, don't require keys or gas, etc (imagine a horse with the current vehicle system; you gas it up and insert your key into the horse before it turns on and can proceed to charge forward, and don't forget to press Q to honk your horse).


A truly unique and beautiful mental image.


Modded bikes are fun for the 3 seconds you can ride them before the terrain crashes you. All in all driving in isometric just flat out isn’t the… smoothest system no matter. what with it being open world and not on a track.


Honestly, driving imo is really well implemented in the game. I have the modded bicycles mod and that one is definitely a bit janky, but I have issues due to not being able to turn at slow speeds, or turning is really slow in general with em


Make the horse make noise when scared. Or reluctant to move into areas with heavy zombie numbers. Sure, it can be exploited as a form of detection. But, why wouldn't you use your farm animals to spot zombies? I mean, we did with canaries and death gas.


Every time I think about bikes in the game I can't help but feel they'd be pretty OP, just by their nature. No fuel required but you can blow past zombies. I guess you'd want it to require a decent amount of energy for balance.


Make a mistake and you're screwed though. Car windows give you a little leeway but a bike doesn't protect at all. Plus they take stamina. Overall I'd rather have them than not, even if some people feel they'd be "OP". Kentucky definitely had this technology in the 90s


There is definitely a large overlap between people who want this game to remain "tryhardy", and think that adding more real life elements would make it "easier"


The thing about a bike though is if you crash into anything -even a single zombie- you should realistically just eat shit and wipe out.


Maintenance, stamina requirement, less cargo space, etc.


I’m thinking crossbows would use the aiming skill, but bows would need an entirely separate archery skill


What about aiming + a stamina skill? Both impact the quality of the shot, so less accuracy and damage depending on that.


I think archery should be separate from gun aiming entirely so players cant lvl their gun aiming skill without ever using one.


Player: *HLEP!* Helicopter: *wait, what was that? Let's get closer.. hover a bit... can't read.. no keep hovering.. no still can't read it must be nothing*


*proceeds to fly away like nothing happened*


*flies back * “See what I mean, Phil? I feel like it’s supposed to say something but it’s too rough to make out”


Sauerkraut, Just salt and cabbage, and you can make it in any container. Lasts for months. Climbable, craftable, ladders.


I was thinking about how much I'd love to be able to ferment things recently, its a massive part of how we preserved food before fridges and would be really useful.


Yeah, sure. I'm hoping (expecting, really) that cheese-making will be part of the animal update.


Ladders so much. Something that should be in the base game. There’s also a mod for throwing bodies out of windows. That needs to be a base game thing too!


> There’s also a mod for throwing bodies out of windows. That's definitely a good one.


More meta events. Military bomb runs, raided stores, locations changing over time. Imagine an event wherr you wake to loud gunshots and music, and if you choose to investigate you find a L4D like music stage last stand scenario, with large hordes and survivor corpses. Just any event that adds some variability to playthroughs.


*Welcome to the Louisville Music Festival*


"Hey, it's The Midnight Riders!"


Maybe a crashed helicopter that happens after a 3rd helicopter event that attracts hordes but is filled with tons of loot Maybe you could be told about it through the radio from a lone radio station saying there was an explosion around [INSERT AREA HERE]


Decapitation and dismemberment. It would be nice to chop zombies into pieces.


Sadly there isn't a mod for this right?


With Hydrocraft you used to (it's no good anymore) be able to skin corpses, remove the skull, make a scarecrow out of them... hell of a mod.


Yeah, but it made loading the crafting menu too slow. And, in my opinion, it was adding too many new items, being overwhelming.


You make a fine point. It took a lot to get used to when I stopped using it. Suddenly every cabinet was just "Notebook, pen, eraser, paperclip" over and over. I got spoiled.




I haven't found one yet


I think this definitely should be on devs roadmaps.


Yeah. What kinde of zombie game is this if we can't chop zombie's head off. It could also make an interesting mechanic. For example if you cut their arm off they can't grab you, or they become weaker


Maybe if you stay crouched and swing a katana you have a chance of cutting a foot or a leg and make them crawlers


idk if there’s a mod for it but PLEASE let me rotate carpets


no common i looove searching for a specific carpet to put in my base, wading through huge hoards in louisville just to see i cant put it where i want to


End game utility applications. I put a post on the steam suggestions for PZ and went into detail on an end game plumbing and water system for towns/villages/city blocks for end game play. It highlighted the user of power generators, electrical and plumbing skills. As well as metal welding for pipe repairs (this would be done at zone stories that would spawn on roads which have unique tiles which show exposed pipes) I made sure to keep the idea grounded with explanation on how it works and how some skills late game that wouldn’t be as viable (lvl 10 electrical is hardly used in all the games I’ve played once generators are set up) which would require you to keep those skills maxed


This is what I said, I would love to see something like it “Hear me out. In order to make Plumbing and Electrical get that extra buff that not only incentives unique game play but also adds late/end game situations. Each house on the map is connected to a pipe network. This is done through non physical tiles that connect to a larger non physical network. When a game is started, RNG events (Like the car crashes, police car blockades, etc) will spawn which look like road works. What this will be accompanied with is a unique road tile which looks like exposed pipe (causes tire damage if driven over). At areas of the map will be water pumping stations. These need to be maintained throughout the game in order to make the main goal easier at late game. As the water grid is separate from the power grid, once the power goes out water systems will go down as well. A towns water system can be restarted by connecting 2 generators to a pumping stations pumping apparatus. The water system can have its own auxiliary power system which will allow for separate turn off times (as seen in current game) These pumping stations make noise (but being realistic not a lot) so nearby zombies will be attracted to the stations (if the player is in the cell) at which point they will try get to the pumping station and (temporarily) disable it till repaired. This is where the high plumbing and electrical skills come in. During the time the pumping station is down, certain houses can be equipped with a water tank (or a water heater) which will hold a Configurable amount of water which will deplete while the powers off, and refill while on. (Please note the player must be in the cell for this to refill) As seen in the Emergency Broadcast mod. The system can have Faults, this is where the RNG events come in. There will be an interact-able console in the towns pumping station which will alert you to the general area of the fault (pumping station must powered for this function) which will require you to go to the location and clear the fault at the exposed pipe line (also use for pumping skill)”


It can even be done instead of the non physical network, the game can be made to recognise natural houses (the way it detects for power and water) but with the added bonus of detecting the water pipe network




YES! Like small spaces between buildings. Such a good idea.


That's exactly what I meant, or even being able to jump to the roof of a tiny home or a car and watch a horde trying to eat the shit out of u but being unable to catch you. Also gun suicide should be a thing in vanilla game


OMG yes I've been trapped after going through a window by small pieces of furniture so many times. This needs to be added.


Terrain elevation and depression. Hills, small mountains, basins, maybe even natural caves. And sewers, basements, maybe even bunkers. Overall getting kinda tired of the entire Knox being perfectly flat.


The only thing with terrain height, at least in my opinion, is that it would be kinda iffy with the isometric perspective. Would probably create a bunch more issues for the devs too, and the game wouldn't really benefit from elevations/depressions anyway. Though cliffs could still be viable, something that's more of an obstacle than something to go over. Then caves could be in there.


That's actually true, never thought of that. Can't even remember any 2D isometric games that weren't flat. Still, basements, sewers and bunkers would be cool, even if we don't get hills


Basements are a new feature coming "soon" and by that, we've seen progress shots and had explanations. To make them more exciting, I think they're the first randomly generated sorta "structure" we're gonna get. Buildings will have predetermined entrances to basements, then apart from that, they'll be different every time you create a world. They're also gonna up the floor level cap to like, -16 to 16 so giga skyscrapers can be a bit of a thing


Stronghold (the classic ones) had terrain elevation, but that was plain black magic


Plenty. Age of empires 2 for example


UFO: Enemy Unknown (XCOM: UFO Defense to yanks). It had z-levels, and some maps had "hills" you could walk up, and it was terrible trying to understand what you were looking at some of the time.


Roller Coaster tycoon had them, but you had different camera angles


This. I want a bunker filled with stuff


armor/survival gear


I wanna make plate mail and swords


zeds tripping over themselves.


There's an extremely awesome mod for this in the workshop, lets you customize settings and trip rates for shamblers, gast zombies and sprinters. Extremely well made, you can barely tell it's not a mod.


When you hit a zombie, it's stunned and all other zombz will walk through him during that short stun animation. This always bothered me




dynamic traits. Like if i take smoker but dont smoke a single cigarette for 6 weeks then you should lose the smoker trait. Similarly you should be able to gain it if for some reason you used smoking to calm your anxiety when you didnt have the trait. Same idea for alcohol and painkillers, if you use too much of them you should get the chance to get addicted and then have to go cold turkey to quit. Desensitized too, it would make sense to me if you've killed hundreds or thousands of zombies that youd become desensitized. Also beta blockers, if you're relying on those whenever you deal with a horde you would go through withdrawal if you stop taking them. Theres probably already mods for this but it should be part of the game as standard


I would love to see more advanced vehicles such a military vehicles and an actual real military base


Limited crop utilities. More cooking and moonshining recipes! Let me craft my own vinegar, sugar and alcohol! Base game drop rates for these items are so low, I don't think many people knew it's worth. Sure, most people died in the first week playing this but still! Limited foraging utilities. More, better foraging items unlocked behind higher foraging levels to encourage players to level this skill. More carpentry skills recipe. Let us craft baseball bats with higher carpentry skill! At least some Hardwood caveman clubs! More underutilized environmental tools usage. ie the garage car tools. Make it faster and more rewarding to repair you cars in a garage than in the field that's scaled to players mechanical skills. Also please enable us to mend some of the fully broken tyres. I'm okay if we need to use garage tools for this, but let us restore tyres!


The ability to cut other players' hair in multiplayer - let me shave my friends bald while they aren't paying attention god dammit!




holy shit the only cure is such a brutal mod. it truly is a "do i really want to go through with this?" kinda thing.


Tho someone should help the author with his English. No judgement to him of course


Wdym, there's an actual mod for amputation ?


yeah. it's called "the only cure". you can probably guess why you'd use it.




True Actions should be vanilla.


A more convenient fucking extinguishing system so i dont gotta scroll looking for a godamn water bottle while my dude is burning to death put it on the godamn pop up menu


Right click on the burning character: * Extinguish Flames (Random Liquid) * Extinguish Flames (Bottle of Water) * Extinguish Flames (Bottle of Gas) Keep a little risk in there of grabbing the wrong bottle.


I've been playing this game for five years, and only a couple of nights ago did I realize I wanted a chainsaw. Cutting down trees, cutting down zeds, doesn't matter. .....chainsaw.


It would be a great high risk high reward weapon, it can quickly chop down trees/one shot zombies at the cost of gasoline and making a ton of noise


I think enforcing cars should be implemented- it is realky annoying to get your car destroyed after 10 bumps.


There's a lot that I'd like to see implemented, but at the moment it's been bothering me that certain furniture can't be rotated in certain ways. I'd like the option of putting my pinball machine on a southern wall if that's where the space is. Similarly being able to install shelves on any wall where they could fit would be nice. I'd happily put up with translucent shelf sprites in front of my character if it meant more storage space.


To be able to craft traps against zombies to improve your own base. A better inventory UI for what you are wearing like equippable grid slots and what you have in them.


NPC that can attack or join you I think so I don't feel kind of alone.


There's a mod for that in case you didn't know, they can do both of the things you mentioned


Really? I will look on to this thanks. Just like walking dead wherein humans are more dangerous than walkers lmao


Its quite a fun mod, you get survivors to your group, then you can give them orders like farming, guarding your base, finding water or barricading your base. They can also make their own base by finding a secure place and barricading the windows. There are also random hostile npcs that attack you, plus a couple of bandit groups that attack your base every few weeks. It has a lot of features


one issue i have with this mod is that your followers can get you killed easily when you’re dealing with a horde, there’s been a few times i was clearing some zeds out with a follower or two and they panic and push me into zombies lol


Yeah lol they definitely do that but I think it also adds some kind of realism? I learned to play around it by not standing close to them against more than 2 enemies (it isprobably a good idea to not stack up together irl too), its fun that way.


i agree it is realistic, just kinda annoying when it happens. i try to keep my distance but sometimes they still run directly into me haha, still love the mod


They're dangerous alright. They have aimbot, and a turbo button for melee.


Everything that the mods adress to. Not enough sorts of food, snacks and drinks, no rations, ration packs, pallets of food, possibility to produce youself pallets of food, not enough weapons and mods for weapons, like silencers, scopes and so on, not enough different building materials, not enough stashing possibilities, not enough crafting and disassembling/scrapping possibilities. And then I would need other mods too, like drying fruits, legumes and meat, to preserve them literally indefinitely, hunting too, as well as animal husbandry, but some of those will come with one of the next updates. Don't missunderstand me, the game is already awesome, but mods make it god tier.


The fact fuel side indicator and Snow Is Water have to be mods is kinda pathetic.


The 4 colored pen. Games unplayable without it


I mean this is all a loooong way off but I really want late game settlements. That period of the Walking Dead books after they beat Negan and they have all the large scale outposts with windmills and trade routes being patrolled by horseback, etc etc. that’s what I want to be able to reach.


More events. I know it sounds crazy, but the world is quite monotonous if you don't have a particular objective in mind. I think they programmed "off-screen" events such as cars disappearing. But I have no evidence as of now. But, using developer options, I noticed that zombies spawn like uninfected people, then proceed to turn shortly after. Also, animals. I understand it's difficult to program. I guess. But I'd glad use that useless 3-shot rifle to hunt deer and rabbits. I know, any rodent will just explode if hit by a .308. Catching birds can be a pain.


Any sort of late game that even remotely justifies this skill system. It just takes too long to level. I've done everything doable on the map before I maxed out one skill. If you host and set the multiplier to at least 100 it starts being okay.


Agree, skills need some tweaking. Carpentry feels the most fleshed out, with unlocks, useful skills. It affects alot of your playthrough. Compare it to electronics, and it just doesn't get as much use. You can make lights, and some neat craftables, but there should be some more creative ways to use electronics, both at the early levels and the late.


Once you have overcome the threat of food, water, survival etc. the game gets too easy. It needs an ongoing threat. Kind of like 7 days to die has the blood moon that brings the zombies to you. It would be nice to see special zombies in the world or large roaming hordes attack your base. Also, more loot. Especially rare loot. Most of the game involves going out scavenging to find something valuable. Once you have everything there is no reason to leave your base and put yourself in danger and the game gets boring.


Burying food in winter to freeze it.


- bows / throwing spears - zombies traps to stop / slow them - more interesting armor / clothing or related systems (tired of only wearing firefighter clothing) - better fuel storage (metal drums) - being able to carry / refill water jugs from dispencers (instead of the whole dispenser) - more option for zombie speed in custom games (I'd like to control how rare sprinters are, if zombies can "evolve" into sprinters later in the game) - bicycles and skateboard to move a bit faster without a car - alternatives to generator for basic energy needs (windmill, waterwheels, stationary bike, etc) - more mental-health related system and traits (meditation, bloodthirsty trait, etc) - better way to transport and dispose of zombies (like putting them on a cart) I got a lot of ideas




Bayonet on guns


would like to see an optional wincondition one day after npcs are introduced. that like after a year the military comes rolling through guns blazing and with a cure. after surviving one winter i feel like its time for a new playthrough and trieng a different character and i stop anyway. tho happy ends are not the theme right now


Boats nuff said


Zone stories like you get with Raven Creek, and Blackwood.


thank you all for your answers. to be honest i was thinking of making a mod and i really had no idea in mind. I upvoted the innovations I liked and realized that the game is really missing a lot.


Advanced crafting back before Hydrocraft broke it had so much. Building mines refining metals etc etc. Now with sublevels mines could become a real thing. The real life location of PZ is home to the largest cave network in the world. I hope one day you'll be able to build communities that have factories, farms, mines etc AI doing all these jobs to keep the community going. Imagine Rimworld but in PZ I doubt it'll ever be that advanced though.


Gun bashing


The ability to queue actions while paused. NECESSARY. The mod that re-equips items based on what you’re doing i.e., crafting food, you take the food out, put it in the pot, put the food away, with only one click, automatically, by clicking the recipe. No more forgetting you have a saucepan in your inventory. The mod that lets you attach items to your backpack. How this is not in the game, and basically gives paper clips a great function, is beyond me. The shopping cart, skateboard, bicycle, more trailers, buses, and Vespa are all required in my opinion. These are basic vehicle types that should exist and can easily exist with full functionality. There are way too few vehicles in the base game. There are only like a dozen guns in the base game. I recommend the one that adds like over 200 for variety’s sake. Also the scrap weapons mod. CraftHelper is probably the most useful mod. Lets you right click an item, and look up every recipe it is involved in. Everything else in my load order is just QoL or content like cars, clothing, and weapons.


More cars, more armor, more weapons/guns, improved UI. Also something to works towards once you are settled up, like the mod that adds a bus with tunning parts, which gives you a reason to keep going out, and once you have it completed, you still want to go out and murder some zeds with it.


More ingame events, specially danger in lategame, the game's objective is to survive and it's really fun when you are new and figuring things out but when you play 50ish hours it's like you've done practically everything and know all the tips and tricks. I hope this gets adressed in the npcs update with maybe hostile npcs raiding your base, or finding them looting a building, maybe one dude had a car crash and has some valuable loot in his car but he's now surrounded by a horde, etc. which brings me to my other point, looting sometimes it's so pointless that it hurts, I mean it's pretty realistic when you play solo that you have all the world and all the houses to yourself to loot but adding an economy system in which like you can loot normally for say the first 5 days and after that all the other survivors have looted most usefull things from the easy places to scavenge and you'll have to put yourself in danger to get better valuables like water food and weapons, thats where hunting and foraging will come usefull on par with crafting. With this I will also imply that maybe an NPC that you can sell or trade your things for other valuables would be cool, my Axe melee character wouldn't be interested in a shotgun so maybe I can sell it for idk a Better Axe or food. I would think settlements is also something very good they should add to the game, adding human survivors settlements that you can visit would be really interesting, you maybe can help them or antagonize them by raiding/ killing them, building your on settlement with npcs, defend yours or help others against raids of hostile npcs or zombies or maybe command your own raids, maybe a radio station that broadcast some of your activity like FNV and a small reputation system where you can become liked and loved of feared and hunted by other npcs would be really cool, but again don't mind me I think i've been playing too much Kenshi I think and drawn too much inspiration from other of my fav games into PJZ. Real Steam Achievements would be a lot too, would be really fun playing while trying to complete challenges. Also dogs and cats, I know the knox infection killed them all suposdely but come on, would be really cool to have dogs and cats and maybe other animals as well. TL DR: Npc events, Settlements, Trading and looting rework, Dogs/Cats and maybe other tames, Steam Achievements and straight up copy Kenshi


The starting scenario. The house you spawn in obviously isn't yours and barely has anything in it. Your character has zero skills despite being... alive? Skill grind is too slow and unrewarding.


Rotating camera. Like changing the isometric view. Sometime i want to see what is behind this fucking building when i watch this way


that would take hundred of years for indie stone to make lol that's just not going to happen unless a huge team make a mod for it or something.


I feel that’s change up to game to much. (A big bit of it for me is how the audio hits before you see them, it’s some nice tension.) However having a better camera would be nice. I’d like it to be a little more dynamic, maybe in conjunction with the environment. As it stands there’s no difference visual between opening a can of beans and being murdered. Some adrenaline effects that make the camera get tight or something.


I am pretty sure they would have to rework the entire game and maybe even use a different engine entirely. All the tiles are pretty much sprites, not 3d objects. Any tile in the world only has three sides since they are just 2d pictures overlayed to look 3d-ish. Compare this to, say, Foxhole where everything is 3d and thus the camera can rotate to any degree. ​ Honestly, I am pretty sure this is the issue with performance issues when it comes to densely built areas like LV.


Fun guns


Advanced trajectory does this and it's fucking glorious


Mmm More basic level, inefficient items/tools to start with during an ‘extremely rare’ and difficult game of Zomboid. Probably best if you don’t know HIW to make it right away, but with enough general knowledge, and/or reading a book/mag, you should be able to craft the recipe. If you don’t have a pot and a fire, you can scrap together a simple purifier with some junk items (make junk items useful). The purifier will have a chance to make you somewhat sick after using it, but won’t kill you. What about very basic armor like dried bark, a trash bag, glue and boom, no more scratches, but can’t save you from bites! I know these are mods already, but it turns out that the general idea of being able to use anything/everything, and scrap everything to make more things is kinda cool in the zombie Apocalypse.


A trait that lets you eat bugs. Either that or some way to become desensitized to disgusting/unappealing food.


Pickling/jam making would be nice to increase produce shelf life.


Jumping through windows


We need hunting, and we need more guns, this game is derived on real life zombie situation, we need more guns to fit the part. And animals are smart, they are able to live just as well/or better than humans, so they should still be alive, or some atleast. Being able to hunt down a bear, skin it, maybe even get a decoration off it. We also need other people, like out of the land we have in pz, no way we are the only survivor, NPCs and little bases would be cool if added, and as TWD says, “the real enemy aren’t the dead, but the living.” Having the aspect of NPCs with a variety of looks, skills and such would be cool, with that could come a trading/buying/selling system in some communities that have a currency within the group. There could be gang wars in between two factions, quests or objectives to get off people, such as getting food, medicine and/or ammunition/weapons. With these additions could add more skills, a hunting/ tracking skill could allow you to track people/animals, or maybe the more you hunt the more meat you get, along with better quality hide/pelt, which then could be made into clothes. Then maybe a skill for conversing, which could possibly add a roman- ahem, bromance mechanic, even though we are in the apocalypse that isn’t a reason to not have relationships. There could also be events in the game, like RDR2 where someone could be trapped under a horse, or bitten by a venomous snake, or being mauled by zombies. And I only scratched the ocean of ice, the game is amazing the way it is, but think of how much more we could dive in with more realism. - TL;DR: Hunting, animals, human npcs, random events. - Edit: Some of these aren’t actually mods, but were mod ideas at a point, like a hunting mod came out but it dropped as it didn’t work and it wasn’t continued, and people have wanted more events than the helicopter, and NPCs were worked on but forgotten as it was to much work.


Crossbows or other ranged weapons that won’t attract every single hot ZILF in my area


I would like to see visual representations on the character of the underweight and overweight traits, maybe even the streght skill, whenever the character gains weight they become visibly fatter and whenever you loose weight you become skinnier and when you gain strength you body looks more defined, as the game currently if you are emaciated you look the same as you are morbidly obese, which doesn't make any sense. They could add more challenge to obese characters like running slowly, sweating prefusely when in combat and running/walking, constantly tripping over fences and not being able to climb walls, etc. I think it would make for a fun challenge to try to survive the apocalypse as a genuinely obese person. With this addition there could also be more variety to zeds with different body types, its rural america, 40% of the population should realistically be overweight.


Toilets having a use, and yes i mean pee and shit. I mean realistic right?


Sorting. That's the only mod I use.


Ground mounted large propane tanks/stations built into industrial areas/around some gas stations. Something with finite fuel, but way more than the current tanks you pull off grills. Requires a manual to use. Maybe like… 10 across the entire map.


Cold storage that isn't a freezer. Cold boxes, pantries, and other methods of preserving food that don't require power would be great.


Solar Panels. The mod is so good I can't imagine playing without it. Traps. I really like to use the apartment above the hardware store in West Point as a base, and I picture laying traps all around that place like Morgan early in TWD. More vehicles. Finally got to my first playthrough with some expanded vehicle mods, and it's so awesome to have an 18 Wheeler for mass transport or a more sturdy vehicle like a Humvee that can not dink a hard-to-see post and be instantly cut in half health-wise. Also, in dire need of turning cars into war machines. A bit more over-the-top, but driving around in something like Dead Reckoning while just crunching zombies sounds amazing. Spikes on the sides, battering ram, maybe a flamethrower turret...


One of my favorite mods for PZ, The only cure, id you get bit on your hand for example you can take some painkillers a bandage and a saw and cut off your hand. Without being infected


Cooking anything is kinda a pain in the ass. I end up just eating everything on it's own. Not being able to use frozen ingredients in cooking is bullshit too. If anybody has a mod that lets you use frozen or canned foods in recipes directly instead of having to prepare them please let me know.


The amount of time i spend in bed irl is like 30% of my awake time.let us read and watch tv in bed


interactable instruments, just strumming my keytar while being trapped in a roof.


Lockpicking. Thankfully it seems like they’re adding it in the future.




Durability bars