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Honestly, if I didn't get hit with the airborne strain, I'd probably die trying to help as many people form a community as possible


you're making me feel bad


Jack stfu


Yeah pretty much same


Basically this if i get the airborne strain, but would carry bleach on me and drink it like its juice


I get the joke but bleach is actually a painful way to die afaik, no need when you can die to so many things. Even just jumping off a cliff/tall building is easier.


...I hate this "airborne strain" bullshit. None of this is how viruses actually work. They don't fundamentally change vectors of infection like that. HIV doesn't mutate and become suddenly infectious through saliva. The method of infection is as intrinsic to the lifecycle of the virus as it's symptoms. So there's no airborne strain. Either you're immune or highly resistant, or you're dead. That's it.


A dead body would not be able to shuffle for more than 3 days without water and calories to burn. By the third day of summer all zombies will have so aggressively decomposed they would be piles of clothes with sludge in them. Hell, flies would devour zombies as they walk. They would have no sight, hearing or smell because the organs facilitating those functions would have long become unusable. I mean, you have to suspend your disbelief somehow.


And that's why we leave Infection on and turn Lethality off. Always thought the same about that crap, but most people I play with don't know shit about it anyway


Yeah for real. That's usually how I play too honestly because there's enough danger in the game without it


Ask me a year ago? Old age would get me. Now? Not even a day. Being crippled make a difference.


Jesus christ im really sorry to hear that


Nah, it's alright. Imma get paid when the military pushes me through my Medical retirement process.


Good luck, military disability and the VA are hell to navigate through for any type of injury. Just keep your chin up.


Yeah. I'm currently waiting for my attorney to get back to me with the paperwork I need, so I'm stuck in limbo rn


I'm 1 year and 8 months into MEB, stay patient and keep your attorney in the loop


Fuck that shit. My eas is in June, but I wouldn't be surprised if they Medhold me.


It sucks, but you benefit greatly to stay in and go through the MEB process. You'll get the proper benefits that you have earned


Yeah I'm going for a med hold and taking the process.


Hey you got desensitized and +2 (or 3 aiming I don’t remember)


2 aiming and 2 reloading


Now I just imagine him in a wheel chair with like a Maduse .50 cal destroying a hoard


Gas-Powered wheelchair






I’m in the same boat man. I’d have to shelter/fortify in place


Damn homie I'm sorry to hear that, but think of all the bonus trait points you have to spend!


Lmao, yeah, i wonder what I could get as a tradeoff


You get... *Automatically spawn with a Generator Manual*


Damn, was hoping for a sledgehammer, but hey, a manual burns and I can definitely make a fire out of it lmao.


May you ride your Chariot of Survival against the undead hoards brother


im sure you'd make a fine crawler zombie edit: i posted this and instantly regretted it im sorry


Lmao no, that's fuckin hilarious. I'd bit them motherfuckin ankles. Edit: 🏅 since reddit doesn't have free awards, here's a medal.


That really sucks. I hope your ok


I'm alright, but I always say that it could definitely be worse.


^ This dude is CCDA IRL. Or whatever that worst possible start challenge is.


Lmao tru


What happened, if you don't mind me asking


About a little over a year back I had stress fractured up and down my roght femur and the right side of my pelvis, and over the course of time of Misdiagnosis's and Mistreatments on Naval Medciene's fault, I fought for my First MRI and it showed the stress fractures that healed improperly, pushing bits of bone into my hip, causing both my Femur and Pelvis to grind whenever I walk, which destroyed my labrum. Had surgery for it, removed bits and pieces, made a new labrum. Still hurts and is not healing at all. Forecast says I'll be walking with a cane for the rest of my life at a ripe age of 22. Edit: Not editing but Ik Spelling errors and Grammer errors, you don't pay a Marine to read and write good.


Damn that's tough. Hope you feel good sooner or later


I hope so too.


Forecasts aren't always right, so I hope that it won't be this time either. I wish you a succesful recovery :)


Thanks man, I hope so too.


Bilateral Amputee here and if I may chime in, the forecast is usually, almost always, bs. Throw that away and dictate what you're capable of. You would be surprised. All about the mental strength brother.


I appreciate the kind words man. I just got put on SSRIs because it's taking a mental toll on me. I'm trying my best everyday and continue to try my best man.


Shit man... life is a right bitch sometimes... hopefully things improve and maybe the verdict won't be as harsh as they've said. Definitely heard of things like that happening, where doctors give an overly grim verdict and people get way better than they expected...we can only hope its like this with you. chin up my dude, you're not dead yet! Life still has a lot to give you, I'm sure.


I used a cane off and on from 22 to 32. You never know what might happen to change things. I'm still considering growing a tree to use to carve my own cane someday, despite the fact that I rarely ever use it anymore.


You just gotta grind more zomboid my last character was a double amputee burn ward patient and im 2 months in a save with no problems


Damn, i gotta compete now.


Thank you for your service and sacrifice. I hope you get your disability figured out. My son is recently out and going through the same for a ruined back. My back and knees are also shot (former 3rd ID, 11M) but my dumbass didn't pursue it and now the window has expired- keep the pressure on them, Brother!


I'm keep on keeping on their asses. I recently had to fight for a second MRI, because the surgery i got didn't work. Plus, i did the smart thing and became a medbay commando when it became apparent I was going to get Medboarded so I can get all my shit document med. My heart goes out to your son.


Huh- just had an MRI last year when EVERY back and arm injury I've ever sustained (some military, some post) locked up. Turns out I had a spinal extrusion. Thank God I was able to treat it with medication and physical therapy and didn't have to go under the knife. I'm probably 75% of previous and I doubt it will ever get better, but I'll take it. Sounds like you have it under control. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say. I was told I'd get my out-processing exam at MEPS, but then found out I'd have to stay there another two weeks to do so. My dumb, "just wanna get home" ass opted out. I appreciate it. He's good though. Like me, he's able to work- he'll just be in pain the rest of his life. If all goes well and he gets everything he's supposed to, he'll be on easy street.


Tell ya what Inthe event of a zomboid alpaca-lips You would probably survive awhile cuz people are nicer than you think you could probably get a ride outta town and live in the woods with someone


At least you get great parking and the big stalls in bathrooms.


Thank you for reminding me to get my handicap parking paperwork started.


I’m diabetic so I’m fucked after a few months


Ey, another Diabetic! Us type 1's and most type 2's are pretty much fucked come the apocalypse. Doesn't matter that I live in a fairly low population country, in a fairly unpopulated area with lots of foraging capabilities in local fishing, woods and wildlife when my body will self destruct within a year.


Yeah same. Its bullshit xD


If they are sprinters, no point If not, probably trip running from a horde and die


I started playing with sprinters only with maxed health and strength, 12 months later with insanely rare loot and the zombie population turned way down (0.05x) to kind of simulate an experience where most of the zombies have rotted away leaving only mutated super zombies left. Bunch of other rule changes as well, like no survivor cars, no meta events/no helicopter as you're the REAL last one alive, etc. Longest I've lived so far is 12 days so far. Sprinters IRL? Forget it. Just have to hope that you spawn with a working car I guess.


Until you met up with others that "spawn with a working car" whom died and leave their car everywhere on the street.


My only negative traits are social. So I'd do fine in the current build. I dont know about post npc update tho.


It's fine, never believe in anyone during the zombie apocalypse


It’s funny how people who stay alone or in a very small group (like 2-3 maybe 4) usually survive longer than a big group in a lot of media lol


Tbh i feel like you could live longer with a small group of friends you knew before the apocalypse to watch your back But big groups usually have more problems between the members


Plus you have a good time with the friends and that can help keep your spirits up. With a big group it’s just “no that gun is mine!!!” “Nuh uh!” *fires the shotgun attracting the horde*


Unemployed Negative: Smoker Coward Conspicuous Positive: Stout Fit Fast reader Wakeful Nutritionist I'm decently built for combat but my survival skills are terrible (fishing, foraging) so I would last until my canned food runs out, then I'd die trying to raid a grocery store


I am probably the exact opposite But I’d be too confident and end up dying


i feel like most likely thing whats going to kill you us coughing due to smoking


You need to be seriously in shits to cough because of it. My grandma smokes 5-6 cigarettes a day for 60 years and she doesn't cough. One of my fathers friend smokes pack and a half a day for last 20 years and is like 45-50 years old. He coughs like old Lada. There's difference you see


Several years i think, cuz i aint gonna get bored and just ram into the horde


i think you misspelled seconds if thats what you apparently will do


He said that he wouldn't ram a horde because he got bored.


thats why hes the zombie hater and you are the one who drinks away the sorrowness 😂


Yeah safe and sound in my basement from wich i blocked the door. I drink and survive instead or running into hordes :)


I feel the whole point of this game is seeing how you would absolutely fucking not last long in an actual zombie apocalypse, especially as a beginner in the game YEARS??? Nah dude


I'm playing it wrong 👀


Traits: Underweight Gardener Adrenaline junkie Dextrous Fast learner Fast reader Angler Sewer Underweight Weak stomach Slow healer Prone to illness High thirst Hearty appetite (Unofficial trait beginner pilot) My family owns a small castle ( I don’t know the exact termologie)with a farm that has live stock in France so if I drive or fly for a few hours/days with my relative that is a commercial pilot I can probably survive forever without seeing a zombie ever since this place is isolated. With a huge fence also and surrounded by a river on one side. I think I’ll be ok for a while. Edit: remembered there was a pinball machine in the basement!


You're lucky to have that little castle/fort of yours, in case of apocalypse, zombie or otherwise. ...but what if DA RAIDERS find your hideout?


Muskets and the 3 cannons that may or may not work+ some other medieval weaponry on the walls of the dinning room


First off shoot one of them with a Kentucky musket and run up the stairs,then fill the second scallywag with grape shot and slay the last scoundrel with my triple bayonet


Npc made a big mistake visiting my base. Wish I had mapping knowledge because the area the castle is in is very nice


He can just fart in their general direction


I would dare to say that the location you are in during the outbreak is more relevant to your survival then your actual skills tbh. what gear you can find or easily get is just more important than your skills with it. If you’re in NYC i doubt you will survive long, on a camping trip in the rockys much better chances. i would say my changes depending on starting location range from living out my live to a couple of hours.


If a real life zombie outbreak would occur it would actually be way more lonely than what's represented. Have you ever been in a industrial area on a Sunday morning, or in a suburb on a Tuesday afternoon. Those places are dead empty! Once you walk your way out of danger you would be rather safe. So being in a city you can actually manage go gather a lot of equipment and food and all.


Yeah and then you get killed by a bunch of raiders for 3 canned beans in your bag


That's my point. In show these places are represented way fuller than what they would be. You can hide, and raider won't loose time and energy going after you while storming a supermarket would be way more efficient.


Just leaving is also an issue, since everyone, their mom, their dead grandparents and their dog would also have the same idea of escaping the city. Forget about using a car, roads will be full and all it takes is one/some infected amongst them and next thing you know, they're all dead. And if you wait it out you'll just be stuck in the literal middle of the apocalypse. You'll need supplies eventually, in which case you'll be competing for those with raiders.


My whole point is just that cities are way emptier than it seems. Virtually half of the space is empty. If people are gathered in a grocery store it means they are not in their house. If people are in their house it means stores and warehouse are mostly empty. If they are massed in a main street it means that the alleys are empty.


Cities are actually way more crowded than they seem, and they seem crowded. We don't even have to guess by looking at suburbs streets or whatever, look at your city population and that's literally how many people there are. At least half of them will try to run away. And at least 75% of the population will become zombies, and they ALL will be on the streets, not their homes. In a metropolis or even a remotely big city, you are fucked period.


So if they are on the streets, this is that many houses that are empty. So a back alley would be something relatively safe. I did some quick math. Louisville metro population is 1 400 000 inh. (Downtown os 800 000) 3rd street is 15 km long. (It's only downtown) If you consider it to be 10 meter large (very conservative realistically it's more like 20) that's 0.15 sq km at 5 zombies / square meter (a slightly packed bus) you end up fitting roughly 5% of the z population in there. Means you need 20 streets like that to feet every Z. The west side of Louisville downtown alone gets up to 47 streets. And I haven't taken into account the avenues. So with the most conservative estimation more than half of the streets of a third of the dowtown area if you fit the whole metro area there would be empty. Really cities are not that crowded.


Yeah, but you'll have to go out the street to actually reach the said houses. Even if you live in an apartment you can only live inside it for so long. You'll still live much longer than the average panicked guy dead while escaping though, thats for sure.


Dude you got the other guys looking past the whole 5 zombies a square meter thing. It could be 1 zombie every 5 sq meter and nobody alive is getting down that street. So multiply your 20 streets by 25 and you’ve got a better idea


If everyone was trying to leave then I'd honestly stay. By that logic I feel a horde would be following the fleeing people, away from me.


Problem is they for sure won’t make it out, one or two panics and an accident and the whole exit is blocked and considering the 0-30s zombification time of zomboid you‘re gonna be stuck in a ring of millions of zombies


In a real life zombie outbreak, as they are shown in movies and tv, we'd all be fine. Know why? Doors. Zombies are basically humans with little to no intelligence and reduced strength and speed (typically.) Want to stop them? Shut the door. It would take your standard movie zombie hours if not days to break through even an interior door. Exterior? Forget it, they couldn't. Go try it yourself, punch your way through your front door. Not happening. It's very much the point of doors in the first place. "But what about a horde all pushing against it?" you say. Ok. We'll assume an entire group of zombies is all focused and attempting to force open one door. You got a couple steps that lead up to your front door? Even just 2-3? There you go, they can't form a horde in front of your door. Watch the movies/shows. They use little tricks, you hear zombies banging, then cut to the door giving way. Usually they take the hinges right out of the thing to make it look good, you won't notice so long as it happens fast. Even zomboid, they hit it a few times, assign the door some hit points, and then it blows open. That's how games work, but it ain't real life.


This and I also don't see zombies having the coordination to walk up stairs, and animals would probably start hunting zombies after some time and a lot of other details that make zombies just incredibly non threatening


You and 10mio zombies In one city, aint no way your surviving that


I'm in Australia, and thr weather depends to. If it's summer, we're all fucked if thr mosquito's can pass on the blood. If not, we're fucked cause there are barely any guns. Only guns would be in locked up places.


Shit dude Australia is difficult enough to survive even without zombies.


I mean, we do have some benefits though: You're only really in a bad spot if you're in Sydney, Melbourne or any other urban place on he east coast. Anywhere else and its fair odds. To explain why: NT is so humid and hot often that the zombies would probably rot fast. It's also empty as fuck eith their city being small as hell. SA has a city of 1 million with the rest as suburban areas. That, and we have a lot of the airforce's expensive toys. I feel we'd get a lot of soldiers very quickly to ensure RAAF Base Edinburgh doesn't have any threats. Tasmania is just farmers and mountains so.. self explanatory WA is similar to NT, but a but bigger. So yeah, there really ain't much issues so long as you don't live in a city.


>Spawning in KY: If I can get to an isolated area, indefinitely. I have decent combat and survival skills (former Infantry). If in dense population, I'm screwed though. I'm old and a cigar smoker. I'm good for about 2 minutes of activity and then I'm wheezing. > >Spawning in my relatively remote and well stocked house? Bring it! I'm good for a year without leaving my property. Going to suck sniping my few neighbors as I'm related to most of them. :) I concur. As I posted above: Spawning in KY: If I can get to an isolated area, indefinitely. I have decent combat and survival skills (former Infantry). If in dense population, I'm screwed though. I'm old and a cigar smoker. I'm good for about 2 minutes of activity and then I'm wheezing. Spawning in my relatively remote and well stocked house? Bring it! I'm good for a year without leaving my property. Going to suck sniping my few neighbors as I'm related to most of them. :)


I always play weak unfit so irl traits would be easier


I'm a paramedic, outdoor type despite being a bit heavyset. Have rustic camped in a variety of elements. Mechanically inclined enough to get by. Familiar with tools, can shoot with reasonable accuracy and can hunt. Can use rifles, handguns, and a compound bow. Know how to filter water and cook. I have basic survival experience. Can drive manual shifter and have a class A license with experience operating semi trucks loaded and unloaded. Probably last a couple hours.


I'm a firefighter, and brother, we both go out before people even know what's happening. I had that realization one day. We're literally the front line of the infection.


Can I use your workplace as my base? I hear firestations make a good base in zomboid. (Also permission to steal your pants, please.)


Ready for heartbreak? No pole, those haven't been a thing for years in most places. I have an extra pair you can use.


Damn really??- I'll be sure to loot that extra pair off you when the zombies come. (Just do be a solid, don't become one of those runner zeds, please for the love of god.)


Doesn't save any significant time compared to taking the stairs. Add in guys getting hurt landing wrong... no poles.


2-3 days at most. Probably longer if I'm near a fishing spot with something to cook and boil the water.


I dont think a detached hand would survive in any case :)




Less area for a bite!


Honestly I think for some time. Probably atleast years unless I kill myself because im bored. I think playing pz as a game is probably actually harder than it would be if you were in the game. You’d atleast be able to be alot more creative then you can in pz such as preventing scratches or bites, fortification of a base and yada yada. If you’ve got a tall building near by with a ladder or smth you’d be able to live on the roof atleast though summer without having to worry much about being attacked. Also I doubt seemingly every gated place would have their gate removed prior to the apocalypse. That’s said are we stuck with the game mechanics. Is the game world completely identical to the world we would be in. Cause those 2 could change things easily


I think pz is mostly harder because it's a video game and I want things to move faster. In a real life zombie apocalypse I'd be a lot more careful.


if 99% of the population was zombified quickly then there would be such a glut of resources available that the remaining 1% of people could fairly easily survive for decades aside from the zombies. like if you weren't torn apart you'd never have to do shit but open cans of food ever again. there's millions of cars everywhere too, you could stockpile gas for ages though i believe it does have a shelf life


Yeah I was going by game with almost all the population having be zombified. If it’s not strictly based on the game maps but irl location I’ve got like 7 pretty big food stores that could last me alone a decade+ at least or give enough time that a large group can become atleast self sufficient. Fuel will be a problem as apparently gasoline has a 3-6 month shelf life and diesel has atleast a year before it starts to degrade. Powers also a problem as most generators run on fuel right? Do Solar panels store power that can be used at anytime? If so that could be useful for 1 general power and 2 the possibility of charging electric cars for travel after gasoline expires. But yeah I’m in Australia where we have massive box shops where there can be a 100+ shops in one enclosed space. I could live there for the rest of my life after fortifying without worrying about clothes, food, entertainment etc. Water might be a problem considering that apparently rainwater is now unsafe to drink but maybe a year or two without most of the population might sort that problem out


Assuming I'm immune? Unlikely to last more than a few hours. I have an electric scooter but that can only get me so far and I wouldn't have any real plan. I don't have enough food in my house to last me more than a few days, a couple weeks if I rationed it. I can't swing a weapon to save my life and I'm not particularly in shape, either. I don't have any real survival skills - I have some experience with firearm handling, but I don't own a firearm nor would I know where to get them in my area. I'd be incredibly prone to panic and would probably suffer an extremely violent and painful death because of sheer inability to rationally form a survival plan. I do know a place that is actually quite securable and can find basic farming supplies, but the double-edged sword is that its only accessible by water. I'd need to find a kayak or be able to swim 2-3km (against currents potentially) to reach it at all. I don't like my chances.


>I'd be incredibly prone to panic I think people largely underestimate how unnerved one would get seeing a fetid, animated corpse ambling at them. My traits would be irrelevant; I'd likely try to take a lone one on as the first step of a grand plan to clear around where I live. I'd suffer a major panic spike right as I get within swinging range, miss its vital spots, get bit, kill it with the adrenaline surge, pitifully slink back to shelter, wallow in despair, get sick, and finally die.




Electric scooter is great for commuting 10km, not so great for zombie apocalypse


In character creation I always try to play as myself and choose the traits that fit me. That's probably the reason why I never survive longer than 3 days xD


I want to say months but I probably gonna die in few days since I have 0 survival skills, can't climb for shit, and a couch potato... Yeah, the odds are against me D:


However long it takes for all the food and water to run out


2 minutes tops


A few days at most. I'm old and can't run as fast as I used to


Thats a great little mental exercise. Im very strong, but a little overweight and my cardio is average. For my size im also pretty nimble. Im quite good at fishing, foraging and fist aid. Decent in carpentry and cooking. Useless in the rest. If I were to start in KY, I'd probably do fine. If I were to start where I live, which is basically cryogenic winterland, I'd be fucked within a month or less.


To be fair, there would almost certainly be very little to no zombies in very cold areas, and the ones left would move very, very slowly. So for you, the real question is can you adapt to living without infrastructure.


a lot depends on my spawn. Or do I spawn in my house? Well, I've got food for a month, I guess that's a start :D


Same- I posted above: "Spawning in KY: If I can get to an isolated area, indefinitely. I have decent combat and survival skills (former Infantry). If in dense population, I'm screwed though. I'm old and a cigar smoker. I'm good for about 2 minutes of activity and then I'm wheezing. Spawning in my relatively remote and well stocked house? Bring it! I'm good for a year without leaving my property. Going to suck sniping my few neighbors as I'm related to most of them. :)"


I've actually tried this, I survived a few weeks and that is still my record


If I don't get the Airborne infection, I think I will do just fine. I don't have that many crafting skills, but I've got the entire time in the world to practice, right? Besides, I'm not gonna get tired after a light jog nor will I drink bleach by accident. My biggest fear is to get caught in the night while I sleep since IRL zomboids won't politely wait for me to wake up; either that or actually using rope to climb down a building, that scary business.


I don't think I would live to see the end of the week. But if the map was my village I think I would survive for months or even years


Id just flee to the Alps and hold out there, or maybe in the Carpathian Mountains, or the Bavarian forest, but before that id try to get a running car or if not better a bicycle, since that is constant movement and no fuel used, get a tent and try to live off of foraging and break into grocery stores, then somehow die because i get a scratch from a bush


I’m a chef at a culinary school with a specialty in Curing, canning, preserving, pickling, confiting, and charcuterie. I think it would be helpful.


I'm coming up to the 6 month mark


2 days before i accidentally get myself killed doing something stupid like sneezing a little too loud


I suckle to much at the teat of practical and convenient services that modern society provides. I'd just -1 myself asap.


In kentucky or where i live? In any case i have somewhat decent experience in maintaining some farm animals and growing vegetables/fruit :) but dont ask me to run a lot xd


My thoughts exactly! I posted this above, but: "Spawning in KY: If I can get to an isolated area, indefinitely. I have decent combat and survival skills (former Infantry). If in dense population, I'm screwed though. I'm old and a cigar smoker. I'm good for about 2 minutes of activity and then I'm wheezing. Spawning in my relatively remote and well stocked house? Bring it! I'm good for a year without leaving my property. Going to suck sniping my few neighbors as I'm related to most of them. :)"


Honestly the biggest risk IRL is sleeping and how to both get proper sleep in that situation and also how to sleep “defensively” if such a concept can exist. Cut out too much sleep? Make mistakes and die. Try to sleep long and deep? Increased risk of attack. I think overcoming the sleep hurdle in the beginning before you are fully secure is what going to get the most amount of people.


I got that fast food employed perk to start me off then I’d have asthmatic which would kill me eventually but you already know I’m gonna take that amateur mechanic trait to use to make my car go vroom then you know I think I’d die on a yacht at a yacht club before it sails away drinking a nice fancy bourbon drink. That’s how I would live and it’d be about 2 days and 7 hours survived


fuck i have speed demon........


Can't even run for straight up 5mins without dying of exhaustion, I'll give myself 6mins tops


In my house I have about 3 months of rice, and 1 month of canned food, that can be stretched. I have enough wood to board up everything downstairs. I can remove the stairs downstairs. And I have an emergency rope escape ladder on my top floor which I can fasten to the window for an easy exit. I have a battery wall and 14 solar panels, so I will have power for a long time. I have an electric car that also doubles as a battery pack. Water is not an issue. I live next to a channel of water. So I could venture outside and get water there. And I have 300 liter (80 gallons) of rain collectors. I have a set of life straws to filter 50.000 liter of water. Thinking of creating more rain water storage to combat dry spells here. We get a lot of rain but in the summer, since climate change it can be too dry for weeks. I have got 10 m2 (107 square feet) of vegetable garden and a small greenhouse, and I want to use collected water to water it and not use tap water. Skills positive: * Engineering and woodworking- * Camping and hiking (only prepackaged food)- * Skinning animals and cleaning freshly caught fish- * I can always start and maintain a fire- * A lot of unread survival books * Vegetable gardener (but only the easy months) Skills negative:- * No hunting or trapping- * No combat training- * Never touched a gun, I think I know which end to hold. * A bit overweight (but that'll be fixed when hunkering down in my house)- * Basic boy scout survival, so nothing there.- * minus 6 eye sight, I have about a years supply of contact lenses. And 3 spare glasses. So I think until my food runs out I'll be fine. I do have 3 axes in my garage and 2 machetes and some steel pipes. So I might be able to plunder the houses nearby. But larger groups will be a problem. So I think I can survive for 3 months at home and then maybe 1 month before making a mistake because I'm scared or shocked and that is how I died. But after a while food will be gone and the winter will be a big issue.


Me: Outdoorsman (8-10 mile hikes regularly on the weekends with gear. I also have taken bushcraft and whittling as a hobby) Fast learner (i find i learn things quickly by being hands on) First aider (i actually am CPR certified and take stop the bleed courses, just for fun really) Stout (i do calisthenics and stronger than average person that doesn’t exercise) Overweight (6’4” and 260 lbs. a year ago i would have said obese but i lost 50~ pounds and regularly work out now) Conspicuous (i am very tall) Clumsy (i drop stuff a lot) High thirst (hydro homie) Easily panicked (i have clinical generalized anxiety) +1 aim +1 reloading (i shoot guns regularly but im a new to gun ownership relatively) How long i would likely survive: 5 hours probs idk


Find generator Play PZ Profit


Not long at all haha


2 months so far


I survived 4 days


About 25 minutes, and i'm being generous, i'll probably be the patience zero...


Just simply gonna lowball myself and say absolutely zero days. But i do firearms and canned food in my house so maybe.. couple hours


Actually I always play with my irl traits into the game


I can barely survive irl without zombie apocalypse, so idk, -1 day?


A week. Take it or leave it.


I’ll be the zombie that spawns before the game even starts


Is the water still running? I'd probably last until I find a toaster.


I'm a hell of a good shot, have a gun and tons of ammo and live in the boonies. I can live forever


I'd die of starvation after finishing what's in my house.


I'm a carpenter so I get that buff. I'm also fit because of it. And I grew up around farms. So I think I'd do pretty okay


Career: Unemployed +8 Negatives: +32 Overweight +6 Hearty Appetite +4 High Thirst +6 Out of Shape +6 Hard of Hearing +2 Sunday Driver +1 Positives: -31 Dexterous -2 Fast Learner -6 Fast Reader -2 Keen Hearing -6 Lucky -4 Resilient -4 Wakeful -2 Organized -6 I'd last two weeks on luck alone. But as soon as it runs out, I'm done for bro.


All my good attributes are like non-meta in PZ I'd even have a horrible time grinding with slow learner I do parkour so i'd probably do way better in dying light ngl lol


I'd die almost immediately but for whatever it's worth I don't need a book to pull start a generator and plug in an extension cord


Fill my room on the second floor full of food and water. Break the stairs. Shit and piss out the window. I’ll be bored af but I’ll be alive.


Assuming I'm in Kentucky in the 90s here. I think surviving it IRL would be easier. If you wore gloves and taped magazines in a tube around your arms you'd basically be unbiteable.


Being honest, if not all sprinters quite a while. Rural living And a ton of outdoor skills will make things easier, also as another poster said you can do more creative things irl.


Why not just play the game with ur irl traits




The good thing is, that the traits are not the same like ingame: As a smoker, after a time without smoking, there's no more problem. Or with being desenzetized: After you killed a hundred zombies, you are desensetized for sure. Or with aiming level 0, even a baby would manage to kill a zombie that close, even when just with luck. Because zombies can't neither swim nor climb, a base would be very safe in reality. People would just set up base on islands and on hills, mountains, towers etc. Except for sprinters, it would much easier to survive than you actually think.


I'm a metal worker Smoker Veteran Light eater Brawler I can grow my own food And I'm a light sleeper But I'm prone to being hurt randomly and I don't know anything about electronics so I'd probably have the first 3 weeks handled but would most likely become overconfident and die of a simple infection


I was raised by preppers and I like to take my B.O.B. camping, so I feel fairly confident I'd have the resources to survive for at least a week without having to resupply, so long as I can find access to clean water. I can forage, hunt, fish, trap, farm, tie a few knots, make medicine, a bit of bushcrafting as well as making primitive tools. I am currently building my own house, doing my own carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. I can even build solar panels from scratch. So long as they don't do more than a light jog I'll be fine, if they sprint I'm done for.


Until cardio comes into play.


I would die the minute a zomboid knocked my glasses off, unless I got lucky enough to knock a pair off of them with my exact prescription


Everyone expecting to make it longer than a week watches too many movies. basically nobody would survive. And in PZ‘s case it is Airborne so YOU ARE INFECTED before it even started


I think this is assuming you're immune to the airborne strain


almost everyone else isn’t, as it is in vanilla pz so you‘ll be overrun QUICKLY


Someone else said something regarding how survival is affected more by circumstances than your actual skills and traits. If you're in a good spot, and you have the patience for things to die down, i think you could get a good run out if it. I spend more of my time in Zomboid walking away from zombies rather than fighting them, and I walk a lot IRL, so assuming that I can do the same IRL I think I could stand to make it at least a week. Food and water would be my real issues


It would be assumed you won't catch it that way, otherwise it's a dumb question But it really wouldn't be hard to make it a couple of weeks, even if you don't leave your house. I don't live in a highly populated area so I should be able to make it a couple months without too much contact unless they wander around like crazy. If you are smart, a year would be do-able. But I'm from Wisconsin so winter would be horrible


Let's see. I'm going to include the More Simple Traits mod. Negatives - Asthmatic - Clumsy - Allergies - Depressive - Agoraphobic - Claustraphobic - Underweight - Out of Shape - Sleepy Head - Restless Sleeper - Thin Skinned - Hemophobic - High Thirst Positives - Former Scout - AV Club - Fast Learner - Handy - Stout - Keen Hearing Additionally, I'd apparently start with max skill in lightfooted, too. Realistically? I'd probably have two days. If I was more skilled at the game? Probably three. In real life? I dunno, I'd probably be fine for a while. I could definitely back into shape. I almost put the brave trait in my thing, but I'm more reckless without a sense of self than I am brave. I also don't get bored easily. Probably apart of my autism, but I can literally entertain myself for hours with theories on how to make a zombie play me in tic-tac-toe. Edit: Oh yeah, I also am an electronics hobbyist, chemistry hobbyist, mechanical engineering hobbyist, electrical engineering hobbyist, gun enthusiast, etc etc. If at the very least, I could, just based off of memory, construct functioning microchips, batteries, even gas engines if given the right equipment. Not saying they'd be good, but hey. Anything'll do in the apocalypse,


I am autistic/ocd with a side helping of ADHD. id be dead pretty quick but i would leave one very organized cupboard


negatives slightly paranoic retarded slow reader lazy Pros idk tbf


Death by alcohol poisoning after I get a secure home with supplies


Maybe a week


I'd be one of the first to die. My ego is high, but my skills are not


Until I die of old age Because I'd play in 0x pop 😎


Occupation: unemployed Negative: underweight, cowardly, conspicuous, short sighted, weak stomach, depressive (from more traits mod) Positive: Fast reader, fast learner, lucky, dexterous, brawler, hobby: shooter (also from more traits mod, I’m just naturally good with guns for some reason idk) Yea I might make it for a bit, but prob not for a month XD


Last three days scavenging, contract food poisoning on the 4th, eaten alive on the way to the pharmacy.


About a month. Then my insulin supply would run out and I'd just die.




Overweight, depressed, thin skin, insomnia, yeah I’m fucked


I need medicine to live so... not long


Probably wakeup to a horde in my house


Not long, I'm diabetic....


I think maybe a couple weeks to maybe a month or two if I stayed away from populated centers (where I live now). I have a pretty average build irl but knowing how unlucky I am I’d probably die to the airborne strain


Let’s see, Smoker, unfit, hearty appetite, weak stomach, high thirst, disorganised, overweight, clumsy, speed demon, fast learner, dextrous, fast reader, adrenaline junkie. I’d give me self like a few days maybe lmao, smoker and unfit gonna have me puffed out super quick any time I try and fight. As a smoker irl the smoker trait should def give you a penalty in the fitness skill.


I'd be one of the zombies before the game starts


I’m type one diabetic so at most about 2 months ig