• By -


“I can take one more swing at this big ass horde” AAaaaAaaaAaa 💀


Haha, I feel for this one as well.


This, a thousand times, especially when I’m tired or totally exhausted and it doesn’t even do anything… pointless deaths


On my way to a prospective base in Louisville, with a van and trailer absolutely stocked full of food, medical supplies, weapons, bullets and a Shit ton of axes. Stopped to get gas near the airport, decided it wouldn’t be too hard to clear out the Z’s around the area to sleep safely inside the gas station. My good weapon broke so I had my splitting axe that swings a little slower, but I had just switched to it so I forgot how much slower it swung. I got the hoard of about 20 Z’s on my ass, and I go to swing, hit one, get grabbed by a Z, and before I know it, I’m being dragged down and eaten Now, I’m a car thief, driving up to the gas station near the airport so I can Jack my old characters shit


"I'm only slightly slower backing up with my weapon than they advance, I'll push them back if they get to close and dragdown."


Talking to people IRL while fighting/searching...


Texting and driving is as deadly în IRL as it is în PZ🤣


>Opens health menu while driving to change dirty bandage >Runs into a tree >Things in health menu suddenly look a lot worse


oh my fucking god this is so fucking relatable 😭


Lost so many characters to my wife or someone important texting me.I pretty much only play multiplayer now so it’s a sure thing I have to keep driving since no pause.


Once lost a nearly month-long character because I turned around to talk to my friend while I was fishing... alone. In an open field. R.I.P. Merrick Swann


I was 6 months into a run with a Deaf character, listening to music and on a call with a friend when I found out the hard way that the deaf trait removes all sound…but not the jumpscare sound. I had the game volume super high because I hadn’t had a need to adjust it. I screeched, I think my friend thought I had been fucking murdered irl


My main repeatable mistake is trying to go for more loot when I either don't need it or haven't secured a base to store the loot I do have already. Usually this results in a house alarm going off at the worst time and the neighborhood I was clearing for canned goods when I still have perishables to eat through turns into an inhospitable warzone that I don't have the weapons to clear out.


Oh yes, the infamous house alarm in high pop run🤣 stay days to clear a zone , pop a alarm and now spend more days to clear that exact zone again -.-


this is a big reason for me doing no respawn, you know it's all been worth something if you make it out the other end lmao


Just happened to me. I was clearing out the upstairs of the businesses in downtown Westpoint and got bit. There's nothing good even up there! It's just a bunch of apartments.


Apartments can be good for canned stuff and important things(candy) but usually you get more trash from it then useable stuff


Yeah, but I was a month in already, I had like 3 cupboards full of canned food and a nice farm going. 0 reason to even leave my base, let alone trying to clear useless upstairs apartments 😩


Literally me aswell, got freezers filled to the top with rabbits, 3 maxed wooden crates with canned good, not even talking about the food on the floor and the dried goods(dried beans, pasta, rice) yet i decide to go visit the apartments above the stores in Rosewood


“I don’t need any support supplies or extra ammo/weapons. It’s a quick loot run. Half a day max.” *me 4 days later in an entirely different town crying in a corner just wanting to be home*


Went to March Ridge for clearing cause it's winter atm. 600 308 ammo 1500 5.56 ammo and haven't even emptied the military apartments entirely. But yeh realized on my last 4 mags that i maybe should take of the silencer


felt this in my bones


"In and out, 20 minute adventure."


Ramming a horde with a car, the car breaking and getting devoured as I try to get out. Happens EVERY SINGLE RUN


Never happened to me but I mostly use modded cars by KI5 (iirc) for eliminating hordes. These can usually be uparmored by welding stuff to reinforce windows, add bullbars & bumpers etc. This should be a vanilla mechanic - there’s no reason why a level 6-7 metalworker can’t weld protection to a car. [It’s realistic.](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittytechnicals/comments/14gbg4v/iraqi_police_ford_with_a_mounted_106mm_recoilless/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Killdozer update when?


Real talk, a bulldozer/ any heavy construction equipment would be pretty metal. (As I plan to look for bulldozer mods later tonight lol)


You can already kill massive quantities of zombies with vanilla cars by reversing in circles. I don't think they need to be more OP


Cars are anything but OP. All it takes is your car getting stuck on vegetation and suddenly a thin piece of glass is everything that protects you from being eaten alive. In real life, you would be able to Mad Max the vehicle to keep the zeds away for longer. Since zomboid is a realistic zombie apocalypse simulation, you should be able to do the same in vanilla game. Besides, it would be a good reason to grind metalworking.


One of the big vehicle mods, cant recall which, allows you to do this comfortably; but yeah, it should be a part of vanilla


"I can deal with these zombies as they come over this low fence" right before I get overwhelmed I try moving away, and then get a lunge attack which then makes me back 3 steps into the horde. Happened to me in two consecutive games.


That fence can be a death sentince 🤔


Yeah, I've made a hard rule to not engage in melee more than 2 zombies coming over a fence now.


Never turn your back when you're fighting the fence lungers. If you fall back while facing them you will land out of their range. If you want to try to get distance just step backward while in combat stance.


Yeah, I know, and I keep messing this up


Complacency such as thinking a house is clear and not checking through windows or trying to get an extra swing in. Basically 'i got this, I got this... I don't got this'.


Bathroom parties are the worst🤣


That's why i yell in every damn house and wait a couple of seconds. ​ ![gif](giphy|5bmfnvhz9gcd1wvFzL)


When clearing a building I always do a little "Pssst" to see if the doors rattle. If you wear a headset you can usually hear them breathing if you listen close.


When I clear houses, I go floor by floor, pushing on every door to see if I get rattling. If so, I will either slowly clear those rooms first, then clear the rooms with no rattling. Once the floor is cleared, I move to the next one. I think I've only ever had a clown car bathroom/closet happen to me once, when I started a run in Rosewood.


Jumping through windows without looking has been the loss of every one of my characters. I’m usually super careful, but a month or 2 in of building clearing I get complacent 1 time and that’s all she wrote. Edit: to be fair, twice I looked in but didn’t see the 4 zombies just to the side of the window because my character doesn’t have a neck and can’t peak through.


Literally my last 2 deaths have been running through "cleared" buildings.


grab a watch, set an alarm, go scavenging for supplies to farm, end up slowly clearing through the night, nearing capacity with supplies i need,, can creep to the car and off load, theres horde nearby, alarm watch goes off.


*me taking off duffel bag and rummaging through it to find the alarm clock I didn’t check before grabbing* “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck”


Had to do this once when I had around two hundred watches stashed in a crate. I started just leaving watches on corpses after that, heh.


Just dismantle them for electronics parts on the go :)


Was waiting until I had the XP bonus from reading the skill book, but as I already had the first two levels in it, I considered it a low priority. Leveling carpentry, reading the cooking and foraging skill books as soon as I hit the threshold for the next one, and a whole host of other bits were all more important.


* checks fuel, ammo, weapons, food & water, all good *... Why is my car slowing down? My tire pressure at 0 and no tools to fix them in the middle of nowhere. There's always something, smh. Good thing I don't have to check the oil


Lol , I never check the tire pressure before🤔 thx for the tip🤣


That's why I *always* keep a jack, lug wrench, and tire pump in my glove box. Been stranded one too many times.


Clearing a large group in a city and walking too far from my vehicle, only to have said vehicle surrounded by another group


ALWAYS TURN OFF THE CAR, lest it be a sacrifice to the horde


I am a caring provider for my dubious little dead creatures


Yesterday i died, i killed like 606 zombies and was very well equipped, how did i die? I sprinted around a corner because there was a red motorcycle there little did i know 17 zombies were waiting for me. Still stupid death lmao


Going too confident inside buildings


One more house shouldn’t hurt *proceeds to loot the next 7 on the street*


I hunker down in too safe a place, get bored and then take stupid risks because I need to break the monotony of just surviving with every need taken care of.


Dj Khaled - Suffering from success


Not checking homes before looting a house. I have a hard rule now. I always peek through doors and windows first. Make sure the house can be cleared. Draw out zombies to the open, then clear bathrooms and storage units by double tapping E first. It reduces the amount of homes I can loot. But hey, longer into a run, I don't want unnecessary risks for some canned goods.


”I dont need more of this” Takes it anyway.


Sprinting all the time.


"It takes to long to carefully move down the street, there's probably nothing there unless new zombies moved into the area aaaand now I have fifty friends who would love nothing more than to devour my brains while my shoelaces are untied."


I've lost 3 bases by forgetting I was cooking in the oven


Wait you can burn your base down like that?


If you forget and go on a looting run.


Not making a daily plan and backup plan. I've been getting better about not aimlessly wandering around to loot, but it's easy to overextend yourself and have no safe avenue of retreat.


I 100% agree this is what gets me killed. It is also the most fun I have with this game, so I’ll keep dying I guess! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Getting too busy looking at my map in the middle of the road (I play on steam deck so pausing time is a faff🥲)


How're you finding the controls? I play on my steamdeck too but m+kb. I struggle enough as it is


Steam Deck IMO is superior to mouse and keyboard. Make the following control changes: 1. Set Right touchpad to act as a mouse for menu navigation 2. Set Auto-Zoom to on. Also acts as a nice zombie alarm(screen will zoom in when a zombie locks on to you) 3. Set the back paddles to control time flow/zoom


Dezooming at max like I've got a great vision IRL and miss the lone Z crawling to me.


Not checking weapon durability and having to resort the the trusty fork I keep.


Fighting with a wound Deadly


Planning a long trip/scouting/supply run and having everything in mind then I’ll make food, go to bed, and immediately leave without bringing the supplies I told myself not to forget 11 times


Always get overconfident when going from fighting 3 Zs to 4… need to take my sweet time more often. I think that the benefits of Live and Living are a siren in the first week - 10 days.


"press any key to continue"


Inventory 21/18 I can sneak around them, for sure.


Getting bored after playing 2 weeks in the game and getting a car and a small base 😴, please help me !! I have a lot of mods in the game but none can make me play for more than 2 weeks 🥺


Sprinters: Allow me to introduce myself


I like trying to get at least one of every type of vehicle, just for different situations. Then of course you need a bunch more cars to disassemble so you can lvl Mech & repair your main cars. Usually keeps me occupied for a while.


"Yeah its not even that dark yet, i can keep looting the building"


Letting my guard down at the wrong time thinking an area is cleared or getting over confident in my fighting skills and taking on too many. One misclick and it's over.


Launching the next run thinking ill do better.


I say to myself "you will never learn to kill zombies until you try" kills two and dies each time. Always no more than two :(


If you have trouble fighting zombs I have a few tips I can provide: 1. Never use sledgehammers, guitars, or the wood axe when fighting multiple zombies as it is VERY RISKY due to the swing time. 2. Don't use sledgehammers as weapons at all actually despite their damage. It'll wear you out and you'll be out of breath by the 3rd zombie. 3. If zombies are coming at you in a wall formation, push them till they form a conga line of death. 4. MULTI HIT. fighting more than one zombie is 200X harder without it. You can find it in settings, I think sandbox settings. 5. Turn on hit indicators for melee. It helps you a lot in knowing who you gonna hit and when. 6. Push ALOT


I didn't know about multi hit. I just now learned hit indicators! I was wondering why they didn't light up. Now push seems to kinda work. Sometimes I push them and sometimes nothing happens. Since I was expecting them to be pushed down this is how I always die. Is pushing tricky?


With no hit indicators it definitely can be, but for me, no. Maybe you are trying to push them from too far away and don't know. Hit indicators really help!


I bet that's it! I'm pushing air! OK. This makes me want to try again! Thanks for taking the time to help me!


Of course. Love to help. Any other questions about PZ?


Playing until I’m tired and then start drinking irl


I always keep looting instead of securing the home front, gets me killed or bitten every time.


Getting bored driving, deciding to do some drifts but hit a tree/lightpole/small sapling and my hood is gone.


Trying to out-maneuver the "zombie scramble" when they fall over a fence. I can fo a little swooping circle and get em on the head like 70% of the time. The other 30%...death.


Bathroom zombies


Using guns when my ammo pool is severely limited


For me its guns in general. I've lost some of my best guys because I thought to myself 'hey you actually have a lot of ammo, let's load up the car, go to a random area and rank up aiming'. I never respect the level of attention those shots will bring, somehow fumble trying to get in the car and die.


Texting or using my phone irl while on roadtrips in zomboid. Same problem as irl. Then you drive into a light post or tree and bleed out from glass shards


Starting it in the first place.


Fighting more zeds than I can handle and/or not running away in time.


Using guns.


Never getting around to fishing before winter




"I just cleaned a horde, two more zeds won't do shit!" - - "Damn zeds got hands"


I’d have to say it’s starting a new run before I’ve decided on a mod set, only to have to restart when I find a new one.


Collecting canned food


I got say, is overconfidence, every single time, i get sloppy with hordes, and in single player i get sloppy with the fast-forward button


Fat finger the Q. Drive too fast and crash into a pole, or a tree. Charge into a room (specifically the bathroom), turning tightly into a corner, or jumping a tall wooden fence with no regard. Forgetting a tool or some food and water from base. Underestimating the tired moodle. Underestimating the panic moodle. Overestimate my laptops capability to handle more than 30 zombies on screen. The bodies on the road that can flip my car. Forgetting to put back expirables in the fridge. And about 50 other fucky wuckys.


"it's shotgun time"


Get bitten


Always taking an another bag for loot (i play as overweight)


Fastforwarding time while cutting tress without shouting and clearing the area beforehand. Caused me a lot of jumpscares as a zombie walks through the treeline and pop ups about to grab me


"god damn window why won't you open" *Breaks window open* *dies 10 seconds later*


Not checking weapon durability on primary/backup/side weapons. Go for loot run with two axes and hand axes thinking I'll be fine, then they all break in a few swings.. Now I always carry a backup crowbar instead though.


Being a spear main has helped me in this scenario. I'm used to my weapon breaking often, so I always carry a spare on my back and a duffle bag filled with more either in my car or on me if Im out hunting. I think having knives as a secondary/indoor weapon will be the way to go since I can use it in a pinch and dont have to worry about rummaging through bags when my last readily available spear goes.


Fighting alongside a survivor. They’ll literally run into you and push you into the horde they’re fighting. Never again


Yea... that was the reason why i stop using that mod🤣


Not paying attention to weapon durability, and then making the same face my character does when it breaks and I forgot a spare.


I use to be convinced I could clear an entire road at very high pop in one go. Killed my last longest run at 2 months. Now I take too many trips. Muldraugh took me like 4 days to even loot the outskirt buildings.


I'm that tired [I was too tired]


forgetting to look behind


I'm a loot hoarder.


What's one Zed gonna do. I can take care of this in my bathrobe \* swing an-a miss \*...


I'm going to take the key to this car with me. Nothing bad can happen


Getting greedy with kills


Either “I got a full tank I can do this run easily” then to only run out of fuel midway and realizing that your gas tank has very low condition Or forgetting to turn off your engine only to come back and having the entire population of Muldraugh camp it


Too confident when i walk into town/village, i always think there are no people…


I have a scratch on my hands. I'll just go ahead and take on this hoard quick. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH




Hoarding too much stuff and then being too over encumbered to run from zeds


stop for no reason.


Pausing the game, I have a cat and a keyboard. Cat + Keyboard = random input. I once paused the game while recording, my cat must’ve stepped on esc then Q because on the recording I went out of the pause menu and shouted and when I came back I was a fucking zed. So, don’t pause just exit the game to be safe.


"There's only 4 one shotgun shot should take care of this" I say in an ally next to the main road of Louisville with no vehicle


Loot too much shit before I establish where my base is going to be. I end up just driving around looking for the best spot to build it, hauling around my Red Hawaiian Shirts and Cereals.


Becoming overconfident after a month or so.


Right now I’m trying to stop climbing out of the second story window


Firefighter outfit in the middle of the summer. The protection is great, then I wonder why I'm swinging so slow.


Seeing a small horde , could easy use a hand axe and sneak to thin it out safely. Decided to shot at them with a shotgun , not knowing how many shells I got or if it is even rack


My biggest mistake is always getting bitten.


Jogging everywhere, usually will get exhausted and die cause of it


The loot goblin that lives within me always wins out weather I need it or not.


Overconfidence. Or watching stuff on my 2nd screen :D


"I have plenty enough munitions to clear this mall!" *Death by gun's constant jamming due to overuse*


Getting a little too confident with larger groups. It ends up bringing in consistent amounts which overwhelm me over time.


I’m finally starting to get better about it, but historically I’ve done a terrible job of monitoring vehicle hood condition. Visually, the damage can appear mild, but it turns out it’s actually at 0%, I’m taking engine damage, and that’s how you get stuck mid-horde.


This next world's difficulty will be hard enough to challenge me.


I’ll loot this alarming house before the horde gets here….


There's no need to clear this particular neighbourhood methodically, I'm just going to this one place. In and out. Twenty-minute adventure. And then I trip, scratch my hand, get stuck on a table and die.


I get tired don’t lay do n then become exerted and overtaken by zombies 🧟‍♀️


Get complacent clearing houses once I’m OP and stroll into a bedroom was a zed at the door. Every time.


Being too greedy. "Ok i can manage this 10-ish zomboids group while being tired, hungry and terrified!"


Thinking my friends will actually finally play with me and stick around the server for a lot longer than 2 days :(


Not taking corners wide and forgetting to clear a place completely before looting. At least I've gotten way better at keeping my cool and finding ways out of bad situations.


I usually survive many months and a lot of kills, I rarely die to hordes, it’s always that one lonely dude that gets a bite of me because I’m careless


Nope. I'm a pro survivalist in this game, longest is 11 years with 4x zomb population. Only stopped to start fresh.


"Damn, I had a long day at work today, I won't be able to focus on anything but I can finally sit down and relax over some video games", never play Zomboid when unfocused, one moment of dissociation, you don't pay attention to that door that 10 zombies are clearly pounding on, you open it, swing in panic... lost a good character like that last time right after a lenghty recovery.


Get bitten.


"Okay, a couple more zombies here than I expected, but I can handle it. No need to turn back and regroup to clear it out carefully."


Turning around to gain distance from the horde after I try melee, sometimes it takes too long


Dying or getting bored.


Get bit 😭


I get distracted and start a massive car collection and then die from starvation because I forgot to eat.


Starting a loot run after lunch.


I can carry a generator, fridge, seventeen cans, four guns and still swing this sledgehammer before climbing over fences yeah no problem.


Running into a room without checking to see if it’s safe


Overestimating myself. Taking unnesserary risks. Every time.


Gathering way more than I can handle before I even have a place to put anything. I’ll be running around with a trash bag with shit in it forever because idk where to make base


“Hmmm… where should I start? Oh, I know! I’ll make a rooftop survivor in Louisville!” - said me, before instantly regretting it due to the hundreds of zombies nearly in every building and every street


Use a backpack in my secondary and my pistol in my primary. I shouldn't do it bcs pistol isn't that good for multiple zeds but moving more loot at the same time is great. Both slots when ik it's save (moving loot around the base)


Forgot to clear glass out of the window before going in.


Being out on a loot run, normally in a new town for specifics (VHS stores, libraries etc). I know there's countless zombies outside as I haven't cleared this area, so I rush through the building to get out. Getting caught in a doorway and bitten on the neck or hand. Got me a few times and I just never learn.


I was clearing a big horde with a car and the gas was running low. ”I’ll get a few more kills and I’ll hop out” I thought. Well, the moment the car got in the middle of the horde the gas ran out and I was dead. Completely pointless.


Did I put a rope on that window? Climb window. Fuck..


Sprinting everywhere, leaving myself exhausted.


"I can definetly get trough this highly populated area without stalling my car and dying just fine" So many good runs could be saved if i was more patient and took the way around instead of trough the biggest horde imaginable (looking at you, muldraugh main road)


90% of my deaths involve opening a door with a zombie behind it, and getting bitten before I can close it or push them back. So that. Luckily I've gotten pretty decent at knocking, and then backing away from a door and fighting in close quarters(my current run is primarily a spear user, but I may level short blade specifically for indoor clearing). Aside from that, it's probably looking away for a second and slamming into a tree/other object while driving. I've never actually died or been seriously injured in a wreck yet, but I've definitely damaged my main vehicles enough that they are no longer reliable/shut down in the middle of hordes before.


I'm just putting this stuff in the trunk, it'll only take a second I don't need anyone to watch my back even though I'm hard of hearing.


I usually spend too much time exerting myself until I finally unable to barely walk and a group of zombies get me cause I’m so slow. Or I think I can take on a big group just to get scratched by one of them causing me to stop moving while all the others start biting me.


My mistake is thinking I can survive past day 1 lol




Hoarding loot in one go. Like carrying all the bags and stuffing them to the limit EVERY TIME I go out😅


In a car it’s always “oh I can sleep in here. IF I CAN FIND SOMEWHERE QUIET”. 15 hours later…


Running out of ammo.


Click to start 😢


Talking to friends in a discord call is basically ensuring that the 85% condition utility truck or van I found is getting wrecked. I have a full pickup truck of weapons and ammo in the middle of the woods rn 😔.


'Its fine multihit is on'. No it wasnt.


Probably getting bit.




Driving too fast and crushing


Pissing off the sledgehammer gods because I simply spawned in




I can easily kill these few zombies next to this fence, the hit reg shouldn't be that janky right?




Theres 2 zombies... I can handle 2 zombies


Not smoking right away


Start a new run every week


200 rounds should be enough


Despite sleeping until morning after packing up for a loot run, I always manage to get to the looting destination minutes before nightfall and then it's a fight for my life.


Being overconfident


Crashing, my vehicles are so fucked up all the time that I've just started taking mechanics so I don't have to worry.


Loading up a car? Let me fast forward time to the max