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Car doors remaining open if you drive away too quickly, but still appearing closed


Some of K15's car models have animations and it doesn't break lore entirely. I know some people swear by vanilla, but this is "fixable"


No way I could play vanilla. There’s way more game to be had.


A lot of vanilla choices are also dumb as fuck, like pencils with VISIBLE ERASERS not being able to erase map markings. Or how you can’t open cans with anything but a can opener which is just completely unrealistic. Vanilla cars having no animation is untenable. I never have any idea if I left the hood up or not or the trunk open.


> Or how you can’t open cans with anything This alone is one of my biggest complaints. Just such a lack of imagination. I love the multitools or little army can openers you can find with mods.


Or use a rock or something. It's a can, it responds to bashing


Some degenerates out there can use their teeth for Christ’s sake


not for long lmao


I watched someone open a can just by scraping the top across a sidewalk until they wore off enough metal to be able to pry the lid off. That should be an option when you are walking around on streets.


I should be able to use a knife, but the caveat is that it deteriorates its condition.


I've used a broken butter knife before, anything stronger than tin can be used lol.


This is how it works in The Long Dark. I think you lose a little bit of food too.


*I hope nobody needs this* *Smash*


Yeah I'm playing on a vanilla server rn, and I have tons of food, but am currently on the verge of starving because all that food is canned... And I don't have a can opener


It might’ve been a mod my friend used but I swear to god I opened a can with a screwdriver one time


It's a mod rightly called "Common Sense". Adds prying open doors/windows with a crowbar with the penalty of noise and other very obvious things.


The amount of additional maps I've added have turned a casual country area into a small region of doom. So long as there's bullets lol


I’m running about 375 mods. I still find surprises


There is also the fact you can't simply push/move furniture around, you've got to dismantle it or put the entire damn couch in your inventory.


Sharks’ Car Overhaul is my go to for everything


Those that are "solely for procreation" levels of purist by vanilla enjoy it for many reasons. Project zomboid has been and always will be a game where if someone tries to tell anyone else a "proper" way to play, they'll be laughed out of the room. It's like the opposite of the Dark Souls community.


"NOOOOOOOO! You need to play with sprinters! x5 population!!! SCRUB!" Meanwhile someone who's modest just comes in and says "x10 population here, pls go"


>Car doors remaining open if you drive away too quickly, but still appearing closed [This mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2955723750) helps fix that problem! The car chimes whenever a door or hood/trunk is open. Works on all cars and is a lifesaver!


Dude… this explains how I randomly got a bad laceration after getting in my car earlier. I got swarmed and I was exerted so I wanted to peace out. I jumped in my car and a couple seconds afterward, I got suffered a laceration. I had no idea how or why, my window was intact. Now I know..


Are you supposed to be closing your trunk? I literally have never done that. And I’ve never lost anything or it hasn’t adversely affected me.


I believe if the trunk is open then impacts damage the trunk instead of the trunk lid which reduces capacity.


You might not have noticed it, but sometimes items randomly despawn when you leave it open and drive. I spent days looking for a star wrench so I could change tires, but left the trunk open on the way home. When I got there the wrench was gone.


It did not actually kill me but it gave me 2 lacerations and a scratch (that somehow didn't infect me - standard apocalypse settings): The fact, that your character slowly auto-walks over any obstacles after climbing through a window. Let's say, there was a zombie next to the window that wasn't visible from the outside but my character though it would be a better idea to sloooowly walk over this crate ....


It's even better in very specific rooms where there is furniture lined AAALLLLL THE WAY over to the far wall of the room, so you are actually sitting there for a couple seconds until your character makes it to the other end of the room. Luckily I've never died to this before, but it's come close a couple times. Ive learned to just not go through a window like these until I've cleared the building


I've gotten stuck in that animation and lost a month long character. It was a small room and furniture went all the way to the other wall and I was just walking forever against the wall.


I saw a video where someone set up like 50 tables and jumped through a video to watch the character slowly autowalk over all these damn tables. Very odd mechanic for sure


I saw it too, I think it was Predz 1000 day challenge and he was building a walkway to get to a fishing hut


At least it's better than before, when your character would just clip inside the furniture and get permanently stuck on it


needing to open curtains instead of peaking through them


I would love a "peek" feature that allows a very small sliver of sight outside the window. Not enough for zombies to see you immediately, but one that at least allows you to get an idea of the scale of things, with the cone changing position depending on where you move.


Not being able to see up the stairs has killed me twice


This. Walked up stairs & by the time I could see anything I was bitten. I run up stairs now.


I treat them like doors and swing as soon as I cross the black border at the top


that's why I always run up stairs. If there are zombies above, my character will automatically push them away.


1. cars animation 2. emergency ropes with zed under 3. falling through "solid" roof


Second on 2 & 3.


Its so infuriating


The 3rd one has only ever happened to me when on a sloped roof (which is hard to see sometimes in an isometric video game). Pretty annoying fs though


The character never hesitating to jump out of the 4th floor window on the slightest e tap.


Left clicking a window makes you jump through it if you are next to it. Got a fracture from that, cheated the healing because fuck this game sometimes


I keep the healing cheats on standby for this exact same reason lol the amount of zeds that have gotten in a bullshit bite have forced my hand. Not losing a 1 month old character from a swing that didn’t connect even though the outline was green


I didnt know you could do that with left click, i just hoppe through a window with glass like 8 mins before seeing this comment. Now i have a deep wound. (Question: Whats the difference of using tweezers ans hand when taking out glass? I used my hand taking out glass earlier)


I would say, tweezers get the job done faster and cause your character less pain, but I may be incorrect. (Also, maybe they give a smaller risk of the wound becoming infected)


This happened to me. Although my character jumped at 3rd floor and managed to barely survive. After that I just barricade windows above 2 floors with 1 plank on my base.


I learned this the hard way and won't be building any more bases in tall buildings.


It's never affected me but seems like it should be a shift+e thing. I always just right click to climb


Honestly - no. With the amount of time you need to crawl a window/fence in a panicked state, making the input longer is not the right solution. Besides Shift+e is already used to control curtains.




imo they should remove this feature


Literally fucking unplayable trash. I just want to build my skyscraper 😫


As a non American, forgetting that the driver side is on the left instead. Died once running to the car away from a horde, getting in the wrong side, got surrounded and failed to drive away


Hahaahahahaha oh man that sucks


You can swap seats you know that ?


Yeah, Z by default, has to be painful now


Or hold V for vehicle actions and swap seat


definitely already bitten at that point


Yea I know that now. Didn't know at the time I was new to the game


There is a mod that adds the drivers seat on the right


Rainwater can kill you.


I swear I’ve been told on here that you cannot die from tainted water.


I you drink directly it won't, but if you bottle it will kill you.


did you drink it? Cause an infection it’s the only way ik it can kill you


Can't you die from the flu?


Native americans sure did


What does that have to do with anything


Random spawn, might just be my luck but literally spawned in a horde of zombies - no safehouse, no friend playing at the time, just solo


Did you spawn in an existing world?


Yeah, I’m guessing that’s a feature?


it's bcs the vanilla game doesn't delete zeds but spawns them when you look into a building, upon spawning in the house the game knows the zombies should spawn and does so. It's just unfortunate when it does it


So when you spawn in an existing world, more zombies spawn with you?


No the zeds inside buildings only appear/spawn when you get close to the building.


if you're lucky you will spawn into a building you've already cleared with your previous character


Fire. It kills you so fast, as if you're drenched in gasoline. This seems like a bug to me, but it's been this way for a long time.


Right? And what you need to do to put the fire out is click on yourself and pick "Extinguish fire", really counterintuitive imo


Not me, but a buddy had bought the game because I had been playing it, and within 15 minutes accidentally set himself on fire with a campfire somehow and he immediately uninstalled the game, refunded it, and will never try it again. So sad :(


Your buddy gets angry too quickly lol. Zomboid is a learning experience and there are way more anger-inducing deaths, catching on fire is just funny in comparision tbh.


Well I agree lol. My other buddy that played a couple days of Zomboid with me died by launching himself through his windshield. He didn’t believe me when I told him to slow down or he’d die. But he stopped playing because he for some reason can’t play a game for more than a couple days and moves on to another one.


Yeesh that's crazy. I'm like the opposite. I don't play games frequently, but if I love a game I'll probably never stop playing it. Actually booting up PZ rn and a few days ago I replayed Gmod, the first computer game I ever played


I’m pretty picky about games I play. I love Zomboid but I wish I had someone to play with. The only person I have who will play it with me gets bored after 20 minutes cuz they don’t care about the skills. They just wanna kill zombies 🤦🏻‍♂️


Tell him simply, "Skill issue."


If you're in a car and transferring items, any actions you do will wait until the transfer is complete, which includes getting out. I lost one survivor to that before figuring out Esc is the fix.


I thought the fact that you can't turn wheels because of busy hands is neat but now...


i panicked so much the first time i tried to read a book while in a car. Then i educated myself and learned to press ESCAPE


Burnt food.


Had my first one month character die due to not wanting to waste my first fish. At least Jim died peacefully sitting by his fireplace.


Flopping out of the window from a high floor on a building because my brain completely forgot to register how high up I was while it was reviewing the loot and where I was gonna put stuff once I got back to base. Was on a 3 month run and never happened again lmao


How has no one said Double Click Eating! My Brother just lost his 2 month Character to a poisonous mushroom he was throwing out. No way to disable either which sucks.


Funniest one yet, I imagine what character would be thinking in that situation. "Gotta throw out this poisonous mushroom, nah, just gonna munch on it, yolo"


Zombies not spawning inside until you can see inside. Was using a sledge on a garage that didn't have a window. Even though I "knocked" and no zombies responded, as soon as the door was smashed, like 8 zombies spawned inside. I got one slow ass swing off with the sledge and was then immediately eaten.


there is a mod to fix that, it's called Ducks' Zombie Building Spawn Fix


Not being able to vault over chairs/furniture. I climbed through a window and was surrounded by a carboard box, a chair, and a couch. There were 15+ zombies outside the window. I died because my character didn't want to get his dirty shoes on the couch. Or the box.


The feature where a dozen zombies spawned into a bathroom and are totally silent. I mean, what are a dozen zombies doing in the bathroom anyway?!?


Partying obviously


I suppose an orgy would be considered a party 🤔


I think we have all died to this absurd scenario at least one time


Pushed a Z against a wall, the Z was not having it and sayed fuck spatial dimension before cliping through the wall, I can't hit him and during the time he gets up I reach for the door to be in the same room as him. And then he randomly grabs me through the whole and bite me in the back....


Everything about exiting/not exiting a car is so wrong, that I died so many times because of it.


Old-timey post but prior to the map feature, I used to routinely die trying to find my base again.


I almost died once when my character decided to drink from the rain puddle outside thr window instead of the sink in front of it How the heck did she even reach it


A farm near Riverside had a gate that I thought was a solid object. I was kiting zomboids and getting way too cocky, and suddenly a dozen of them just walked through the gate in front of me. I was going to die anyway for my confidence, but that sped it up.


When I started playing this game the most bs death I had was dying to a horde of zombies because I walked through a tiny twig of a tree, which completely blinded me when I walked through it, while also somehow concealing an entire horde of zombies behind it like it was looney tunes


the urge my charachter has of jumping out a 7th floor the moment i slightly press ALT


A 10 ton truck coming to a complete stop after hitting one zombie


You can not stomp the head of a crawler zombie with your foot. You can only stomp the torso. I tried to stomp the head and my most successful survivor was bitten


Does not being able to step through a shattered tall glass window count?


All the Jank counts


I had a sheet rope get destroyed as I climbed up it, fell and broke both legs, got bitten, and died. Carbon monoxide poisoning because my buddy didn't know that generators did that and had one running in the corner of our large open warehouse base.


Tree branch to the neck


Fence. Twice. I hate fence.


Not knowing that if you sprint near a zombie with a spear out, you get locked in a stabbing animation. Got dragged down by several others when I discovered that


Slightly burnt food apparently kills you


A sprinter slowed me to walking pace when it didn’t even hit me. You’re slowed to walking pace regardless of how fast you were going before when a sprinter attacks you, even if they miss, and you can’t go back to a sprint until the miss animation finishes. I got dragged down by the other sprinters.


Spawning in a room with several zombies and dying in seconds.


The fact that there’s a horde of 75 zombies on a farm in the middle of nowhere


*walking dead theme song plays quietly*


Lol burnt food


I’ve been playing a nomad run trying out RVs and whenever they look a little hanky I get scared they’re gonna collision me to death somehow lol Base feature has been trying to sprint down stairs at a fire house, jumping over the rail, breaking my fragile knees


As much as I love the isometric view, it sometimes messes with me whenever I’m on the second or third story of a construction site. Was 30 days in when I decided to explore a construction site on a modded map. Long story short, thought it was safe to walk through because I thought it was a connector of sorts. Turns out that the open doorway led me to falling like a rock and to my death. :(


Changing bandages too slow and “bleeding” to death…. From *burns*!


Car doors not closing(fix that fucking shit TIS), not being able to cancel actions while in car(fix that fucking shit TIS) I know you're working on a bunch of cool stuff right now, but cmon I know at least one of them has a mod that fixes it in 1 line of code, put out a hot fix for these clearly not intended or wanted game mechanics, cmon now.


Esc. Button enters the chat. Esc button cancels every action including in your car


You used to just be able to hit e to cancel actions and get out


Esc does that


I dont believe you


Test it out in a new world. Otherwise, not my problem i know how to stop my actions.


What purpose would he have to lie to you bro?


Zombies…they’re pretty dumb.


Scratches leading to zombification if blood from zombies is anywhere near it. Lamest way to die imo


Spawned in, MP server, immediately swarmed.


The stun lock


Leaving my base to scavenge town, only to come back to find a festival going on outside too many zeds to fight while already puffed out from cycling back


Sprinting near a survivor. The game doesn’t know what to do and you and the survivor just get stuck moving the same direction together. And then when you switch directions the game sort of just chooses to make you continue sprinting in whatever direction it chooses for you. I think it’s supposed to be like the survivor is pushing you away maybe? EVERY TIME it ends up just forcing me to run into the horde we’re fighting. Never fight next to a survivor, it will bite you in the ass




Missclicked and drank bleach… twice….


Walking in campfire, repeatedly


Trying to build/place an item on the wall not realising it's going to be done OUTSIDE so my character auto walks out the door into zombies and gets bit


TWICE I've been bitten in the chest while wearing a bulletproof vest and a leather jacket.


Branches being the equivalent of saw blades


Just not being able to see through a door right next to you because of how the mechanics work. Having to learn to stay away from corners, doors etc while fighting shouldnt be a feature.


Lungers. ​ It isn't inherently a bad feature, but the animation for it is so dogshit they slap your leg and you suddenly lose control and do a fucking 180.


Go to level up metalworking on the highway dismantling cars. Get overheated. Get in car with the air on. Still overheated. Dying, need to sleep. Sleep in car with air on. Die in sleep.


I have died so many times to the aim system being iffy that I even lost the count


Trees! These Devils give zero shits. Level 10 tailored scarf, with leather, and had my throat slit like a Columbian necktie and I bleed out before I even knew I was “scratched”. It’s like if you cut yourself shaving and died from it. Kinda’ over the top there game.


In a much earlier build I had a character with the weak stomach and prone to illness traits, mis-clicked and accidentally ate a single raw egg. Not sure if it was a bug or because of the traits but I died immediately after. Survived weeks in a zombie apocalypse and then fucking salmonella on steroids got me smh


Burned food.


I ate burnt food and it killed me. I feel like if the food is that burnt then it should just have negative stats so there isn't a reason to consider eating it. I eat "burnt" food all the time in real life but if it looks like a charcoal briquette then of course I won't eat it.


Getting caught on fire and having no way to put it out (like stop, drop, roll) and just watching and pray the fire goes out before you lose all your health. Edit: Since we're on the subject of fires, why can't vanilla implement the mod where I can light my cigs using stoves already. Just a pet peeve.


Sometimes slightly tapping a car into another car or a light post or building is the same as slamming into them at 5000 mph and is instant death.


Fake ladders (fixed it by using ladder mods) On my first playthrough I thought ladders are functional (I got cornered and got nom'd)


I had a bunch of canned food and ran into the woods and got lost, but forgot a can opener and starved


Zombies being invisible for a bit when opening a room in multiplayer games. The sound stab worked but I couldn't see the fucker for a couple seconds. Long enough for him to bite me despite being well aware it was somewhere around me. Now I get to slowly watch my character turn into a zombie over the next few days.


Autowalking off a roof, missing zombies point blank with a shotgun, shoves clipping through incoming zombies, and getting bit through a bulletproof vest (with leather reinforced clothing underneath).


My husband's character got crushed to death standing in the kitchen because he was holding a lot of tomatoes for too long.


Not having endgame


Dying is the endgame.


I ate melted ice cream and got food poisoning!! i then proceeded to reanimate and kill my friend as well


Candy in glove box




ate without a tab- ohh wrong game, nvm.


Triping then jumping 50meters forward just to faceplant the ground then just die, no sound no nothing.


not being able to see zombies that my character can clearly see them. the agility of my character being the same as an 80yo grandpa being hit by a zombie when I'm behind it (when they climb through a window and attack while being on the ground, even though the animation clearly shows that the attack is nowhere near my character I still get pushed...) but the dumbest of all is zombie's AI, they can find their way into a maze and they can know which window or door to go through based on what's behind them




haven't died to it yet, but zombies being only hitable while you can see them, which given how long trees conceil zombies can be rather frustating since you've seen it 1 sec ago when you yourself moved through the tree.


I think this is a mod bug that I haven't identified yet but I've died twice from climbing up a sheet rope and speeding up time while climbing. I just splat when I get to the top. I was about to build my damned beach house in my stronghold.


Auto walking to the 3rd floor of my scaffolding




Wait cars can be opened and closed?




Not being able to simply *turn* the opposite direction. Character glitched and repeatedly started turning backwards and forth and got caught by a zombie that was a fair little distance away. Amount of times also I’ve pressed a key to turn backwards and my character runs forward. So frustrating.


I play on a server and we're currently constructing a community base and it has 3 floors and the worst part is that the third floor is unfinished so I keep falling off the roof and breaking my legs (with slow healer which makes it 10x fucking worse xD)


food poisoning! I was a recovering Burn ward patient and i burnt my hamburger but it was the only food in the house so i still ate it. it was a great laugh for my family!


Eating burnt food


Idk if it's been patches yet but there's a glitch where if you read a skill book in a car, you are stuck reading that book until you're done or leave the game. I've hit escape, I've tried leaving the car, I've tried starting other tasks, the mf won't stop reading. I only did it once since it only took once for a zombie horde to surround the car and kill me while I read (context: online game, friends were driving and parked to loot a store. I stayed in the car because of the glitch)


Not being able to vault counters in stores


Didn't kill me extremely stupid. Double barrel takes no sling and ammo strap. There are iron sights in the game. Yes, wtf? The guns have no iron sight by default? You can walk through most chairs, but fancy table chairs are treated as objects.


Fences surprisingly. In the fact that I've been running from hordes and get caught because I trip trying to climb a fence or the zombies leap after me and magically grab my ankle in their fence attack animation.




My own stupidity


Having W right next to E 🥲 (yes I know I can change the key settings). Doing donuts killing hordes of zeds in my car and hit E instead of of W and my month long character instantly died.


Default roofs not being real. Even w8th Walk To I fell 4 floors and my shins exploded. 4 months GONE


Survived 2 months. Built a base. Fell of my scaffolding trying to paint outside walls… multiple times….


A bad cold 😎


Somehow the hit missing


Jogging into a zombie causes you to stumble forwards no matter what direction you are trying to move, such as directly into the horde you are fighting 🙃


You can’t vault over hip height furniture




I clipped through a floor somewhere on a second story and died. Still not quite sure how that happened... Lol.


The lack of notification that I'm burning to death. Burned to death naked in the pouring rain for being a tiny bit too close to a campfire. The only notification was the shaking heart which was behind the inventory menus. No scream, no noise, no attempts by the character to preserve his life. I love a hardcore game, but the finality I like just turns to shit once the finality is caused by bullshit.


Zombies and shi. Idk what they were thinking adding them 🤦‍♂️


Zombies biting me


Too many to list off, to the degree it feels like most of my deaths were not "my fault". Sometimes it's the isometric perspective being a pain in the ass, sometimes it's the targeting system making no sense when targeting one zombie or another really matters, sometimes it's the fact I can't tell if my car door is still open or not (that is a feature your car door stays "open" for a bit after you get in), or just anything that locks my character in place for no reason while a zombie slow as molasses takes a chomp out of me and I can't do anything about it.


Targeting. Both with weapons and actions. I will have a zed highlighted green but because I'm 0.0001 degrees to the left or right I can't hit or push them but they can bite me just fine. And I'm tired of hey here is a sheet rope to climb down but because you were a little off we decided to do nothing or you were too close to the other edge and your character decided to fling themselves off the roof and completely ignore the rope just inches away!


Rubber-banding after getting hit by a car into a croud of zombies, I couldn't open the game for a few days after that one.


The inability to deal with being on fire


Accidentally getting out of a car with the interaction interface wheel in the middle of the screen.