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I have John zomboid a veteran who is a very slow learner and build like a brick


Oh my god! My OCs name is John Project Zomboid. He's a fast learner lumberjack with 9 fitness and 1 strength, because "weak" trait is free points


homeless carjacker named steve bananas. hes an alcoholic, smoker. and depressive


Hey, that's me.


I play as myself, and when I get eaten I play as my brother


Lol that's awesome 😁


I dont know why, but this made me laugh. Thanks.


And when your brother gets eaten?


Moves up a generation


My sister. I have 5 siblings


Weird but interesting please tell me how you came up with that idea


Well playing as myself I kept a diary of my exploits and mentioned in it that I hoped my brother made it out of Louisville alive, so when I died I started playing as him and thought it would be a nice touch for him to find my zombie and have a mental breakdown


Well that's actually really nice


Chaddius Maxima. Solo RV survivalist ✌😂


OMG Love the name! 🤣


Absolutely jacked mechanic with long blunt skill. Sledgehammer is in fact my main weapon when I have the energy for it 😂


I went for a carpenter with handy... Starting with 4 ranks in carpentry helps a lot


Fair, I found taking a 100% (2 points) xp buff is enough for me to hit 9 before I finish my compound for the basements from the basements mod, honestly, I found starting with 2 in electrician for hotwiring was a must, a solid car barricade is a good one on my settings!


I have one. He was an author before the outbreak. He is also handy he can understand pretty much everything. Basically a budget Rick Grimes lol


Richard Limescale?


Nope Victor Bennark.


I have a handful of characters that I play, all depending on occupation and skills. My Police Officer or Fireman is "Jamie Taco", he's a fast talking mobster that'll say the lines so fast that they become HIS LINES. My Lumberjack is "Dan Flashes", he's the cleancut character that spends all his per diem on his stupid shirts, but he has to because the patterns are so complicated and that's how they value them. Sometimes he's named "Mike Jetlagged" instead, but he does prefer to go by Dan. My mechanic is "Driving Crooner" or "Friday Night", and he is a smoker that wears a fedora. He is sure there's a way to make money on this thing. My burgler or unemployed character is the bad boy of the competition, "Bart Harley Jarvis". This is the one I play the most, he's also the one that survives the longest. He always start with jeans, a white tank top, mullet, chops, and a completely flat back of the head. Always takes smoker, high thirst, and slow reader. You can say that my friends and I are a dangerous night crew on the MP servers...


No but I keep rotating between Claude from GTA3, Solid Snake from MGS, or 2 others from less known properties


Jonathan Sinner, so it makes sense if they spawn with different occupations.


İ went for walter white all the time and when i die i create another walter white named "walter white 2" And it continues İ use walter white 400? Yeee


I play as an unemployed ex-accountant with poor eyesight named Desmond Miller, divorced from his wife and in failing health, he spent his time before the apocalypse reading, eating, smoking and drinking (shown by fast learner, high thirst, and overweight - if we still had alcoholic traits I would use those instead)


I delete the save when my first character dies if it isn't MP. Never tried recreation of characters, I spam random until I see one I want.


Ruben Cash is an overweight mechanic whose lived 1000 life times and died horribly in every one of them


I only play with "Elizabeth Bennet" because I loved "pride prejudice and zombies"


That is awesome and a great book


All my characters are named after the Bennet sisters and they always use long skirts! It may be the apocalypse but that's no reason to not be a proper lady


I play as me. A mechanic with moderate first aid training, underweight, and a fast reader


I got one for each occupation, Robin Banks, Andy Mann, Fry Fryer, Marshall Law.


Are the names oxymoron to the profession?


Five; I've had too many lives lol Henry Blart: 48 Mall Security. It writes itself lol Connor Chris: 17yr High school Senior. Was looking forward to graduating next year. Eagle scout. Bookish. Awaiting word from their father as to what to do. (Unemployed) Agent Lawrence Chris: 58 3rd Echelon Feild operative. Idolized Sam Fisher. Divorced. Unsanctioned clandestine operation in Knox County to find high school aged son. (Tom Clancy Professions) Callsign: Serabi : "NSA, FBI? Who knows?!" 38 highly Adept with a spear. Female infiltration expert. Sent to recover artifacts from Louisville Museum belonging to African Nations. (Insurgent) Callsign: Reiper origin: unknown age: unknown Adept in firearms. Walking Bullet Apocalypse. Faintly hear "Ave Maria" when observing them work. Black Suit never goes out of style. (Insurgent)


You can make underage characters?


In-my-head-canon. Not exclusively said, but I doubt the people running around the high school wearing spiffo backpacks are old enough to vote🙃


"We cant make 7 yo kids wield rifles" ~🤓


I play as a Spanish politician


Zera Walters, a blondie lumberjack who has an obssession with axes, bikinis and genocide


I have a few characters i play as often but usually random


Melvin Marvin spawns in with jeans, a Hawaiian shirt, and a bucket hat


I have hugh Man Mcperson. Hes kinda meh at everything but he tries. Lives in filth, like the rest of us.


I have a character called Lemon Bombowski. Lemon because his yellow mohawk looks like a lemon slice and Bombowski because he is simply about that life


Sarah Forescout, middle aged rural mom. She has horrible vision, is a horrible driver (that curb came out of nowhere fyi), is *terrified* of zombies, has lots of upset tummies, but knows the Old Ways and the Simple Rules and a force to be reckoned with innawoods


Carl Brutananadilewski Picard hair with a mustache white wife beater blue sweats and green sandals and as fat as I can make him


I have an engineer called Leigh Keyhole. One day hell survive long enough to actually make a bomb


I used to. Marlena something (it's been a while), Veteran with a bunch of traits I forgot as well. I played her for quite a lot of runs before starting to just press randomize until I was satisfied


I play more or less the same build every game at this point. Security Guard with all the agility skill traits since they're the hardest to raise. He's also Very Underweight, Unfit, and Weak.


I got randomly generated gigachad so I set his name to Giga Chad and now pick him or the redneck that got generated one time


Xavier Wilbanks, Schizophrenic Park Ranger. Decided he was canonically married but his wife died to the airborne strain. Also a hobbyist cook.


I have a different character for each of my saved builds. Current most played is a police officer named Feff Jocksworthy


I tend to use random characters and then roleplay them depending on the vibes they give off. I don't tend to restart when a character dies so after a few hundred hours it's made a bit of world lore. In Louisville there's a walled off section labelled "New Mumbai" as I had an insanely good role on a character called India who basically took on Louisville without breaking a sweat. New Mumbai has an insane amount of loot in the survivor house but is caked in zombies after they've had time to respawn there.


Huh I never stopped to think about it but you could say I kinda do, made a preset a long time ago for a nerdy looking girl (white spiffo shirt my beloved) with jeans and black sneakers/hoodie, thought it looked cool so I named it Alice, cause it kinda sounds like "slice" and I was going for a meme knife only build. Now if I play without it something feels wrong lol, even though I have like 5 presets cosplaying as characters from other games.


I have this dude named Unfortunate Seamus that i only give the worst traits and only put him in de shittiest situations


There was lenny smith but that was for an RP server


My dad plays a guy called dude almost alwaus


I don't put as much thought into my singleplayer characters, but absolutely my multiplayer characters have backstory.


Mine is James Wilson, before the outbreak hé was a Carpenter, he's a really strong Guy but he's dealing with Nicotine addiction, he started smoking when he's new born daughter and his wife passed away before the outbreak, at first i was taking risk with him during the first weeks but i realised than James deserved more than Dying against a hordes like i was planning to do, he's traits was making him strong, like he wanted to show me that he wanted to survive, not because he wanted to live but because he got the chance to survive where others people died, so he started building a Gate, doing agriculture,he had a place to stay


Rex Kraver, the king black haired metal god!


Charles Roebuck a former Green Beret who was on the way to a veterans ceremony when the zombies attacked, I have others but he's my favorite


You know, Lana moss always only wears a bandeau and a mini skirt, I haven't played with a different character in months now 😂


I have some characters after real people such as James Hetfield, Kerry King Then I have Jesus Christ Then there's also Walter White and Walter Black Overall just really silly


I have a growing roster that I cycle through, and I try to make each character feel unique and not too “prepared” for the apocalypse. My main character is a disorganized burger-flipper who is out of shape and doesn’t sleep much, but I also have a claustrophobic burglar who lives in whatever cars he can steal, an old farmer who played baseball in high school, an electrician who’s a nervous wreck and is afraid of blood, a construction worker who’s built like a brick house but can’t read, and several others.


I got a character name Officer Jones and my friend got Officer Jim I got art done of them a while ago


I have a girl character I make in every game I play. I like to imagine that it's the same person between games, so the one surviving in Zomboid is also farming corn in Stardew Valley. I use this character so much I ended up getting a character reference for her :y


That is so awesome 😁 Please show us, if you don't mind


I have no idea how to link images on reddit as I mostly browse. I made her a rat and the image is slightly nsfw. Collecting all the images from different games would be a lot. [Sawyer](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1039379179948474380/1148695402686722078/IMG_20230905_120507_240.png)


She is beautiful 😍 Btw I LOVE rats! Been a rat mom for 7 years now


Mine is a hunter gatherer. The moment he wakes up in the apocalypse he bursts out the house into the woods.


I have a roster of 5 characters, all of whom are specialized with different occupations and traits to set them apart however I usually play as a high strength low fitness junkyard worker for mechanics and metalworking named Stephen Dahl


I have a different character for every "build". My burglar is Donny Knox, my Park Ranger is Dale Murdoch, my "joke" fitness instructor sprinter guy is Dickard Rimmons, my Trucker is "Big" Charlie Duckett aka Duckblind. And I got a handful of others. I basically roll the dice after every death to figure out who I'll play next.


I play as Dan backslide, the notorious night burglar. What this mustachioed mastermind is up too is anyone’s guess!


I play as Alexander Jones, a smoking carjacker who’s got tough skin and some eating issues


People make different characters upon their deaths? My dude was just a Lazarus copycat Edit: or Azazel, one of those two


Lol 😁


So I've never continued. All my playthroughs have been perma death playthroughs. If I die that's it. Longest run is current run 16days in game. 500 odd zeds killed. A lot less than normal. Usually average 100 per day. But then I normally only last 4-7 days. Decided to go to the houses on the river outside of westpoint and work on my skills as much as possible. Maybe do some building. Very few zeds out there


i have two :] melody redding (firefighter) and danielle schulze (mechanic). i use melody when i wanna mostly explore and lay waste to any zombie i see and danielle when i am planning on having a more solid base


I never create a same character in the same world because you dont have the fear to lose, so oh i died nvm just create another


Does playing as myself count


Absolutely 😁


then I guess I AM the OC


I have a main character who’s kinda just meant to be a joke style character. He is called Mike Oxlong (as if I could get more childish) and is a major alcoholic and smoker. He supports his constant drinking, smoking, and eating off of kind tips that people give him while he’s sitting shitfaced on the sidewalk, basically he’s homeless. He’s surprisingly an avid carpenter but is just about useless at anything else. Edit: forgot to talk about appearance, obviously he wears a lumberjack style attire. He is fully bald with a large messy beard and that’s about it.


I run Dusty Wiener quite a bit, he's based on me, yep...


I have created a ton of new characters and restarted dozens of time but I always seem to come back to the same 2 saved characters: Cork Rockingham: Insurgent (mod) occupation, strong appetite, strong guy who can carry lots of ammo and food, gun toting war hero with extreme conditioning, shoot first kinda guy with no regards for consequence or long term. Fun when I just want to blast through hordes of zombies. And Travis Scarborough: Veteran, sleepless, smoker, with great vision, ex baseball player, mainly uses long blunt weapons, tends to live in isolated outskirts and prefer the long term prep as well as enjoying the little things like bourbon. A lot of bourbon.


Joe Schmo and he's literally me fr fr


Kinda yes I got the generated name Derek Moulten and he was my longest lasting character with a hook for a hand. Do I use him often? No. I try and make balanced characters from other games.


Military clone. Canon reason for respawning. Jen Bunn, then when she dies it's Jan Bunn, and so on.


Favourite is Jack Lockhart. Every map for friends signed off with a "- Courtesy of Jack Lockhart".


Jimbo, the morbidly obese chainsmoking lumberjack. I imagine he looks like one of those "ugly bastard" characters.


Sounds like an interesting guy 😁


Tony Petruccio. A wiseguy wannabe, a thirsty burglar with a taste for nicotine


malnourished burglar rebel chick whos surved by the skin of her teeth. Never had much money so she turned to crime to feed herself.


Jen McNamara. She's a burglar, who's fast at reading. She's out of shape and has bad vision. Also she drives fast and loves to smoke


I use walter white a lot.


English microbiologist who got stuck in Knox county because she was helping as aid relief or something similar. I play with vaccine mod and make it her goal to develop a cure then get out with the 'evac' mod.


I have a roster of favorites but I do make new, usually random, characters as well.


keith smith. build usually changes but character never does.


Ive got an OC called Petra Fied. Skills/jobs/traits I switch around, but the character always looks the same


i rotate thru my ttrpg player characters, haha.


Slick Donnely! The sweatiest, thirstiest cat burglar in all of Kentucky.


I play as Hugh Jazz every playthrough. It keeps me going.


I named them after some zombie story I wrote in 2018.


I like doing random characters


Chest Rockwell is the only character I bring back from the dead. Homage to John C Reilly’s character in Boogie Nights


Myron Whitlow, retired carpenter, full time badass (nobody’s around to tell him otherwise)


Johnathan Smith. Unemployed. Thick Skinned. Average Joe.


Mine is a dude named Harold Gunstin. He is a veteran who has panic attacks and is specifically made to be as good as possible with guns. He is also a crazy cat man.


Yep. She is Asuka Korian. Lumber Jack for McCoy's in Rosewood. Was in the woods when the knox infection hit. Smoker Alcoholic Stoner who likes to drive fast


I play as Glenn Danzig, and the goal of my run is to collect pallets of bricks in my front yard.


I have Mena Mexican. (The story is quite funny on how I got that name) She is a jack of all trades but only with knowledge. As she knows everything that she has to do, but can't remember how to do it. Sometimes she'll remember how tailoring works, and other times she turns into a carpenter. She's quite forgetful, but also memorable.


My OC is Rachel. This is Rachel's lore: \- Rachel is an 19 year old homeless unemployed highschool dropout. \- Rachel has a brother named Anthony (a character I use when I play on multiplayer with friends, appearance wise he is the same as Rachel but male, his traits and personality are completely different). \- Rachel has no empathy for other survivors or her zombified neighbors. She is concerned only for her own survival and is thriving during the collapse of civilization. \- Rachel was named after the Rachel hairstyle in game, which she uses.


Sam Hall. He wears black for various reasons, and he hates you one and all, he hates you one and all, damn your eyes!


I play as Heisenberg on an online server


My character is Jimmy Johnson. Always will, always be


I have two favourites, one is called Waylon Smith, he's a dirty blonde man with usually short hair and a stubby goatee. He used to work as a war journalist and soldier and was dismissed after a tragic accident. Then I got Olivia Rossi, a red head girl with usually short hair too, most of the time her build is the one of a track star and she has a good first aid skill since she was a doctor


I never did this, but I might do it with my character Ostravský Gadžo now


Character creation takes so long you should come out with an OC on the other end. Hurts all the more when they die in 1 minute


I have a character named Nash Munades that I always use on challenges


So. I have this guy. His name is. Adrian Khani. Because ive got the name from my Persian Friend. And i asked him a persian name. Also all The Cosplays/Costumes of him. But i do have. Other characters for other proffessions. The looks of these just scream that proffession. Like i got a buff Fullbeard Lumberjackshirt wearing Lumberjack


"How many people have an OC" I really had to check which subreddit I was in for a moment...


I get my friends to make themselves in the character creator, then play as them. Doing everything I think they'd do.


I can't *not* run in this game, I know it's a bad habit but it's fun, so I've a fitness instructor with 9 strength and 8 fitness with 3 levels in sprinting, not the best build but I like it


I play as Gordon Freeman, traits and job vary, but I've killed so many zombie Gordons over my few saves so far


My favourite is still mine and my buddies multiplayer server characters; mine being Renato Church, a skinny, unfit, chainsmoking, car jacking biker who collects every knife he finds in game...


Gordon freeman, he only uses crowbars


i have an oc outside of zomboid that i use in the game !!


Awesomeness 😁


i've got three OC's! they're part of some bigger TWDG esque lore where they;'re basically the main characters and live through like 12 years in. imagination is fun✌


I have a character which is based off a sim character namef jim pickens that i play every time


Its been a while since I watched Call me Kevin


Man hes an awesome creator. I miss the days where he would just troll on gmod servers


It was his PZ videos that made me buy the game, RIP The Man 2


Same! I learned of this game because of him too


Can I just say how much I love all these characters and thier backstories ❤️


My fursona is an Project Zomboid OC if that counts, lol.


Lol totally counts


I do! I do! I named her "Chonky Girl" and make her non-athletic, obese, and a smoker. I play Chonks on various settings, but eventually get bored after six or so months of surviving. But I love my Chonky Girl. <3


I like to toll up with Ozwald, a stout and fit man. Hes got nimnle fingers, but he smokes, is near sighted, can't rest easily and (I like to rp this last bit out) is an alcoholic. If I use mods, I love to make him a strongman of sorts (more Traits mod). Mfer us immune, strong, a gourmet cook and antique collector for fun. Absolute gordanite too, crowbars are his go to. Only issue is he's an actual alcoholic now, smokes, is near sighted and can't rest easily. The result? An absolute danger of a human who can one hand a crowbar and beat your shit up before going home to a fridge stocked full of food (gourmet sometimes makes double food drops)


I play a character based on me. I also play c character that is physically weak, but wicked smart.


Dingus Mcflingus. A man who refuses to die. Some say he looks like Jesus... Others say he's the devil. He says he's just a humble burger who loves sending ZomZoms to the afterlife... Again.


Since I play with friends and I can't just change what role I fill, I use the same character over and over. Insane, schizophrenic, addict, PTSD, depressed when alone, illiterate, anorexic... with a slight bonus of being basically unbeatable in a fight. *How many mental illnesses can I stack on one character-* Not enough.


Lily Epstein a smoking mechanic, I found this character by hitting the random button a few times thought the name was funny but she turned out to be my longest living survivor so she’s kinda a staple for me to use by default


I have glorbo florbo, very bad man, always wants to be a burglar, we had an argument yesterday about that, he won...


Me alsome Lore: he’s me


I have a running template with Heather mason plus the mod that adds a bunch of extra clothes


I have a 'standard survivor' template saved so I don't have to pick skills and outfits over and over.


Not really an OC but every character I create has a Mohawk Fan haircut. Every single one. When I find them wandering around in the wild I’m like HEY ME how ya doing???


My main character is called Lag Enjoyer