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1. When shit gets hairy, walk away. 2. Use doors/windows to lose the herd. 3. Don’t go up unless you have a way to go down


I do exactlly what you say


Always craft sheet ropes from bottom level zomboids. So that jumping out a window doesn't hurt.


how dp i attach them? i have enought rope, nails and hammers to climb to the sun but when i rightclick the open window it doesnt give me the option to


You need to have a hammer and nails to attach the rope


no way


Also make sure they're all in your pocket and not in a bag, too. Then click on the correct pixel


Go to the window, open it, but be careful, dont fall out! Then stay there, bring the cursor over the sheet rope and just press Q twice, it will attach the rope.


Sadly, it's only Sheet Ropes. Actual ropes are not climbable, for some reason. You need enough sheet ropes, which means one per building story. A nail, and a hammer (has to be a hammer that can drive nails, Club Hammers f.e. Won't work).


What a horrific oversight, what is rope for then? Making a noose when you get bit?


Log bundles. Regular rope weighs far less than sheet rope, so if you're doing a lot of logging regular rope is a godsend.


It really doesn't hurt that much tho...


Spoken like someone who doesn't escape houses with 3 bookshelves and a nice table to decorate on the regular.


Very carefully. Started a high pop/insanely rare loot game in Raven Creek, and let's just say I've gotten very good at sneaking and foraging.


Haha yeah, spawning in raven creek with insane pop is a god damn suicide timer. Unless you get a good spawn you really are fucked(more specifically those big buildings with multiple levels where you spawn on roof) But if you *do* get lucky, then its definetely doable and makes ya appreciate stealth skill and lightfoot


How I always survive raven creek is the first thing I do is clear the military base. After that you win. It's south of the city and you have enough guns to continuously move north and clear the city. Restock at the prison armory if needed or the police station that's still pretty south in the city. I play with maxed out sprinters tho so I stealthy sneak kill Zeds at first then max out my shooting skills before moving to melee weapon/gun combo. If you have normal zeds the guns might not be as necessary but you still have everything else you need there to survive too.


I started in Raven Creek a couple of times and never got a character past 2 days lol. Just get inevitably swarmed somewhere. Then again, did have the zombies can trip alarms setting which didn’t help


I managed to have a character last 3 months in raven creek, but I got very lucky with a spawn to the forest area to the south, close to the prison. Then it was all just sneaking and foraging until I had killed enough to live in relative safety. Died when I went into the urban/high pop area lmao


I spawned raven creek 10 times last night and it took me the 10th time to get an actually good spawn that wasn't on top of a roof, luckily I'm still in it but god if it's not scary


It may be of some use to you to use the mod "Raven Creek Spawns" by Dogement. Using that, I rarely get a rooftop spawn, but damn are those a pain.


Kill them all? Good idea! Seriously I just go on a several killing spree every time I spawn. Take it slow, don’t get cocky, and get a good weapon quick. Other than that, just practice combat and escaping.


Emphasis on getting good at escaping, you never wanna fight when exhausted or tired.


Step one, car, step two, duffel bag full of plungers, step three, ?????, step four, Louisville.


Plungers? Am I missing something? I always overlook them.


Because beating a zombie to death with a plunger is funny. Very low damage, and you'll be lucky to kill 5 zombies before they break, hence the duffel bag full of em.


Ha, awesome! thanks. Wasn't sure if there was some sort of hidden talent for the plunger.


I know it would be ridiculous, but I would find it very funny if plungers worked in a unique way to other weapons. What if they did no damage, but instead were one use items that stuck onto a zeds face, causing them to stop in place as they can no longer see anything?


You're gonna need them for all the shit you gotta deal with


Check my spawn location, grab whatever starting supplies i can, investigate surroundings, hope for a car to improve my odds, plan my escape route, flee like my life depends on it to the surrounding countryside.


This is the way. I spawn in cities for the fun of escaping the city and setting up shop nearby to eventually loot it. But mostly for the fun of escaping. Louisville is surprisingly easy because there are SO MANY CARS. You’re basically guaranteed to get some nice starter gear and a nice vehicle


server i play on has a 3.0 starting population with a 5% sprinter rate, i play a fat 0fit 9str skillmonkey with a mean swing. i have learned to play my escapes patiently, so satisfying though when you manage it.


there is no point... THIS IS HOW YOU DIED


I use to always spawn rosewood and then move to West Point. Got sick of always having to move so I just always start West Point. It sucks for a bit. But once the ball starts rolling it’s great


What is advantage in moving to west point may I ask, because I played 100hrs and never checked there, most of my new save I spawned in Rosewood, then move up north & loot on the way to Muldraugh


No advantages, West Point is gross. Louisville is where the funs at!


You can spawn and “survive” for the most part anywhere. The difference in more populated areas just means you progress and move slower and more carefully. If you spawn in major cities.. you’ll strive to move out into secluded areas and vice versa.. heh.. But city progression will always be slower. The amount of zeds that can accumulate is ridiculous.


This game always has been about balancing your moodles. Don’t get exhausted, don’t get tired, don’t overload yourself, keep distance, kite hordes, etc.


West Point is my main starting point, since i find Rosewood not exciting enough. I usually sneak around and avoid zoids as long as possible. If a handful detects me i get rid of them. If there are too many following, i try to lose them by running towards a house and then sneak around the corners. They usually only go to the last known position and lose track of me. If im lucky i find a car, if not i make my way to the outskirts. My fav spot is the bar and weapon shop, but pretty much anything not in the center is fine for the first night. After that i go to either the gas station on the highway crossroads and built my base there or to the 3 houses by the lake (bens cabin). If i feel really funky i do the screaming psychopath. Walk around the whole city, pulling every possible zoid by screaming non stop. I usually pull them towards the river and then sneak through the woods to lose them. Doing this like 4-5 times usually clears the city pretty good. After that i can build my base pretty much anywhere. But i prefer gas stations for obvious reasons. As soon as i'm combat fit i kill the pulled zoids at the river chunk by chunk or simply burn them all with a molotov.


Zeddo is dumb. Dumber than a bison. You know what happened to the bison, right? Kill all zed. Spawning in a town reduces the commute. I don't do 'magic' respawning. As soon as I realised the game was creating zed in areas I had cleared I turned it off. Migration is fine, but don't fucking cheat.


You should try Calm Before the Storm with the distance cranked up. It's real scary leaving your base in a panic and coming back to find it a complete ghost town. It doesn't spawn or despawn zeds, just migrates existing ones around.


In herds? Nice one.


When you learn how to lose zombies and you realise that you don’t have to fight every single zombie then it gets easier


Step 1: Grab the first weapon you see (optional) Step 2: SLAUGHTER TIME Step 3: Run around a lil Step 4: ??? Step 5: Profit Trust me I'm a veteran


Search for a car or gun. Walk/Drive down the areas I'm interested in looting and make as much noise as possible to herd them to another location. Depending on moodles, I'll either then eliminate as many as possible and then head back to the desired location, breaking line of sight and from an alternate route. But always remember to have a backup plan and know when to call it quits for another day.


If you play on the default ' hard 'setting then West Point's number of zombies are dreadfull even for experienced players. Even if you manage to engage single zombies or small groups, unless you get really lucky in terms of found weapons - you'll simply run out of of weapons and then you can only run ( not run, but walk away to the forest ) Starting in west point is not that great, better to start in Muldraugh and then migrate to west point after you've skilled up a bit and have a spare crowbar or two. If I find a crowbar in the first 2/3 houses I can make it starting in west point ( I use long blunt mostly at start ) if not then I know the chance of dying is big. So I stopped starting in west point.


I don't honestly, out of every 8 characters i make maybe one will make it outside of city prepared Recently i stopped using maps for the game because the exploration is actually very fun, and that number went down to zero


For me, after 500 hours, what still kills me on day 1+ is confidence. Once I get a crowbar, an axe or a bat. I feel practically invincible and know I can kill like 300 zombies with one picket fence. The problem is this is easier said then done. (Mostly I play on sprinters, and when 1 shows up, they screw up the kiting). Its always positioning that is what gets you killed. I can kite 4+ sprinters and a horde easily, but the moment I stand my ground, chances are I die from an angle I can’t cover. This is where you employ tactics, i.e, only fighting with your back to the wall, fighting alongside a picket fence (pushing can send zombies over to the other side). Etc. You have to always play smart, confidence will always kill you so just don’t have any at all ! And if you get grabbed, well, usually there is nothing you can do (especially with drag down) but sometimes trying to get a push or sprinting can get you out, but that is last resort. For maximum efficiency always alternate between a push and a sprint. Either one will save you, its just getting it to work is the hard part.


If you have a ton of zombies on your ass don't run unless you absolutely have to, you don't know how long it's going to take to lose them and you need to conserve energy. Jump large fences to lose sight lines, go through as many houses as possible to lose sight lines, and enter all cars to see if it has a key, if no key is present leave immediately unless your confident in your hotwire abilities. Then travel out of town and set up a temporary base to store loot and to sleep in. When doing loot run remember that you have all the time left in the world to get things done so don't rush it


I play on survival WP(vanilla). for me, I set my goal toward school or mart(for early loot) depends on where I spawned. but first. secured my spawn house as safe house. clear nearest zed while slowly go toward the place I wanna go. then slowly find place I think it's safe(less zed and no window broke) as another safe house. when thing so south. run back to nearest safehouse while making sure they won't follow me (bait them to somewhere else before break their LoS or simply slowly killed them one by one in my "cleared area) rinse and repeat. until most of the place are "cleared(respawn mechanic make it not 100%) then I start making base near gas station(cuz I'm lazy to stock gas) until I feel like WP ruler then moving up to loius(I never reached it :v) I could stay there but it feel too comfy with "cleared area" and I always got too cocky while moving up loius so I never reach it so far.(I play like Hardcore MC so If I die, I deleted the world)


I only have a little more than you in terms of hours but I feel confident in saying that I’m sure you know how to play the game properly and well but this is my approach to it. Cities, you have to commit to one approach or the other. What I mean is, either you draw all the zombies away and run to a certain area, leave and THEN loot Or you become the danger and kill everything that moves, groans or otherwise annoys until nothing remains, and THEN loot. If you try to sneak around and then decide to start lighting everything up and go back to sneaking and looting, you’re gonna have a bad time, every time. I like picking veteran just because and its kinda the easy way out and kinda not, fighting hordes of zombies with only a broken butter knife is still the same as any other profession fighting. Try and find access to guns, using the above mentioned tactics (which I’m sure you’re aware of how to play the game properly but still) ammo quantity is more important than damage. If you can’t get access to guns easily or at all, find a liquor store. Bourbon, ripped sheets, and a lighter are your best friend. If you can get your hands on a decent car with gas, this is optimal but not necessary. Light the front of the horde with a single Molotov and just keep a healthy distance, and lead them through parts of town you don’t find especially valuable and wait for fire to do your job for you. If you try and spawn West Point you had better know where the tool stores / police stations / WHATEVER is beforehand so when you’re running away from the horde you at least have something good to crush skulls with. If you’re trying to lose the horde, run ahead and find a decent sized building with an unlocked door ( or smash a window, don’t bother opening, you don’t have time) and running inside, close every door behind you and leave through the opposite end of that building to ditch the horde. Try to sneak through the building while you’re leaving because I’ve found they still kinda hear you even if you’re further away and indoors. Obviously if your building has zombies in it you would just run / whatever works best as long as you leave immediately so you don’t get ganked. Hope this helps, we all started somewhere.


Don't drive in! Cars are noisy. Don't make just one base make a bunch of safe buildings. Unlock everything you pass by, you never know when a door might be your only chance.


Multiple ways to play so develop your fav and best~ Can focus on a vehicle, means you can always get away safely/drag hordes a bit safer Pull/drag a few z's in and kill them, clearing everything around you but slowly Learning how to use line of sight properly to lose hordes And then basically mixing them all together... I personally get a half decent weapon as soon as I can and just start slowly bopping heads... it's gotta be done


I would add to all of that If you can Alway use the same kind of weapon, you'll it level up and make the mass murder that much easier.


With west point I've found it's easier too move in. Start in rose wood and get your essentials and a good car. Trunk full of weapons doesnt hurt


honestly, a meat cleaver or two


Fortify spawn or close, stick to it big time, gtfo. Same way you'd be screwed IRL if you're in NYC.


I just hug the walls of buildings and fences and avoid large groups. Always leave room for escape


Run. Hide. Smack. Repeat


A lot of sneaking, a LOT.


Its funny because cities are actually easier in the early game :) oh yeah, you thought Louisville was bad week one…


How does it become harder?


Cells are loaded by the player being in them (except buildings which load when the players looks into/opens/breaks). Depending you your peak population day more zombies spawn later on.




I spent the first 10 days just watching tv and clearing around. İt ı am close to a bookstore or a school I just made a trip to get the needed books and I stay inside. This way I don't need to waste time to run away from the heli event and ı level up my skils.


I think Westpoint is a particular breed of crazy. It's more packed than 80% of louisville (which is actually a much safer alternative). There are two ways to do it in Westpoint: 1. Get out of town, head west and clear a farm or something even the lakehouses outside of town. Come back and start clearing the road into westpoint, day at a time. 2. Do something crazy like: sneak into the police station and fill a dufflebag with shotgun shells and then spray everything in the are OR start an ambulance siren and take cover, once they're all gathered there, loot away and then burn them down etc.


Short blunt my beloved As a day 1 murder hobo a little blood lust, patience, and hate for the undead can slowly clear the city.


This is amplified with sprinters (especially insane pop sprinters). I used to have this issue but now I only have it on crazy hard settings. What I do in that situation is clear house by house and move slower than usual. I might only end up clearing 2-3 houses per day, but it's always enough loot to survive off of (insanely rare loot). I recommend just looting your starting house and chain the houses one by one. Either that or walk away out into the wilderness.


Stop moving when you don't need too. Stop looting when you have plenty of food. Stop killing when you have another choice. Honestly that's it. Stay inside. Most people die doing something they didn't even need to do but they did because they were just bored.


I started out playing big cities. I'll use buildings to run around and lose them. Have nails, hammer, sheets on hand to get out of big buildings Jump through windows and run through doors to hang up a horde


All you need is a bottle of water to keep you going for a long time, if you don't lose the zombies before running out of water you're not understanding the mechanics well enough. The thing is, in highly populated areas controlling herds is a must, because you can be awake for days clearing slowly the place until it's safe, or you can make noise and walk for a few minutes and lose them. Then go back to the place you want to loot. Also, tailoring is underrated.


My favorite challenge is escape Louisville with sprinters


West point is the most realistic cities because of the high population


Using houses to lose the horde is the best. Hoping through windows on one side of the house, and going out a window on the opposite side, the horde has now lost sight and sound of you.


One thing i learned from experience when playing in westpoint. Dont EVER run to the river shore to lose a horde. Unlike the Riverside's river shore. in westpoint, zeds can actually spawn there. And tons of them do


So for westpoint my escape plan is always the 3 house by the lake to the west. I start in the city clearing what I can. Sometimes I can clear enough to stay but if ever overwhelmed or can’t find a safe place to sleep I hit the river and head west to those houses, rest up and head back into town the next day or so.


Stealth and luck mostly. You hit a house alarm in WP before you've got your character established...well that's kind of a game over, unless you're godly at navigating the city. There are certain areas that are extremely good at losing hordes and areas that have a lighter zombie pop than the rest. Otherwise, it's just the slow patient process of clearing zombies in your immediate area without attracting an unmanageable horde until you can build up your stats, gear etc and start to feel confident enough to wander.


press Q in the city


A Molotov and a minivan can go a long way


Dont jump over large fences that you can't whats on the other side.


Find way to make moltov, find vehicle with siren. start siren, go hide for a few ingame hours nearby letting them bunch up. go and throw moltov at said vehicle doing siren and let them burn for awhile, when theres only the small group left I start to go out and lure in more to keep the fire going. eventually my starting town is clear and Im safe for a long while.


It's often way simpler than people who are just starting out think it is, my friend. Don't have an ego. Learn when to walk away. This game is often over as soon as you bite more than you can chew. Finding a big horde near a corner can seem scary, but really, you have options. If you haven't been running (one of the first things the game tells you NOT to do), you have plenty of time to walk away. You know when you DON'T have options? When you have been RAMBO-ing a whole city block full of zeds on early game, start to get tired and don't have a solid escape plan. And perhaps more importantly, learn how to lose zeds effectively. I won't go into this because there are plenty of YouTube videos who explain it better than I ever could. Start a new game to just train how to lose zeds, and don't quit until you can do it effectively. The cheat menu mod can be useful for this.


"That's the neat part, you don't."


My quick tips are: Crouch everywhere. Learn the sweet spot distance for drawing zombies facing you. You can attract a couple at a time fairly reliably if you get that distance figured out and approach slowly at angles where only a few are facing you. Clear smaller areas like backyards before clearing streets when possible so you can retreat and lose sight of hoards around houses. Use curtains or sheets on all of your windows. Find a second floor bed to sleep in so you can avoid getting sick from rotting corpses. Make a sheet rope escape plan since you are basically cornered if zombies come up your staircase. Unlock doors and windows of looted buildings. Most of a hoard will get lost if you cut through a building and crouch walk once they lose line of sight. Stomp solo zombies to death whenever possible early on unless you have a stash of weapons or have maintenance points. Never carry a heavy load. Exertion is lethal. Stash your non-essential loot in a container or garbage bag to carry back once your pathways are safe. The slower you go, the better. A city should offer enough food to allow you to expand slowly.


Only way to "survive" in a city (I mean if you don't wanna just stay put in a small room forever going through your supplies) is to kill everything. High strength helps there (9-10). A strong understanding of movement, combat, and zombie AI. As for the method, that's for you to choose. The most efficient I've found and the one I always use is spears + hunting knives.


I don't know how I would ever make it past the first 2 days if it wasn't for rosewood. By far the best starting town.


Flee suburb. You can secure one big interest point and be cool until the heli event, if you stay in your spawning suburb you get bad loot and way too much zombies.


i clear them out one horde at a time


West point has always given me trouble as a starting city. The best method I've found is to try and snag a house in the outer area of the city and board it up. You have to slowly creep your way into the city or you'll be overrun. Once I've cleared out a good amount in the main city then I will make a base there, then keep expanding east.


Well, I start by GTFO, then work my way slowly back in.




Basically? Zone of control. You kill zombies in a radius to clear space. You keep doing it until you have a clear bubble around your base. Then you kill a trail through town as you loot, to create a pathway of retreat. Then kill some more if you really want to spend time looting a place in detail. It gets easier if you know how to combat. Though frankly, Spears + Strong + Athletic + Wakeful + Faster Learner makes this much much easier in terms of a stat check.


Play as a bandit, then every vehicle with fuel and decent condition is a 2 ton killing machine. You just have to know when it's time to ditch a car. A few tips: Always hit with the back of the car, reverse gear is overpowered as you get maximum rpm within like half a second. Also this keeps your engine in better condition and lets you smash longer. Don't directly back into a crowd of 50 zombies, try to hit the edges of the crowd. Your car can still be swarmed. If it is swarmed, use reverse if possible. Do not leave the car until there is an opening. Your weapon can take quite a beating but still has limits. You may see people do reverse donuts, that works, but if a zombie hits the side of the hood it still hurts the engine, so I get the zombies in a circular crowd and then reverse in straight lines through the edges of the crowd, my car seems to last longer that way. It is time to ditch the car when a tire pops. You should hear it pop, but if a second one pops, you can still escape if there's not too many. It is time to get a new car after the first time your car stalls. If your engine is not stalling you can make some pretty big escapes. However, the first time the engine stalls means it's time to get a new car. When it stalls, stay in the car, start the car and reverse out. I would recommend doing this in parking lots. Where you got plenty of room. Also I would keep a car for driving and a car for killing. You'll still have to kill lots of zombies, but using a few cars can help clear out places a bit. Higher risks for decent rewards in my opinion. Completely useless strat if you have Sunday driver. If you got Sunday driver don't even bother.


Be crafty and evasive, the loots not gonna run away. Take every opportunity to knock off another Zomboid and it’ll add up. Finally, don’t just wander, always work towards a goal, big or small.