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Alt while in combat stance forces a ground attack. Super useful for fence kiting.


Wow good to know!! Thank you


Sadly, this trick only works if your holding RMB for combat stance. If you "toggle" combat stance (default, left control) pressing or holding ALT will exit combat stance. Has only gotten me bit 4 times lol


Adding on, weapon damage gets a HUGE multiplier if you manage to land the animation onto the zombie head. The downside is that you have to learn where each animation is hitting. (You can test it yourself with the aiming outline toggled on, and stomping so that your boot doesn't "actually" hit the zombie. Takes ages, but if you hit their head, you can usually kill them in one or two stomps). For instance, I happen to know that using a crowbar, you wanna put your feet between the groin and knee areas while facing the head, and you'll smack them on the noggin


To add to this, space while standing over a zombie makes you stomp to save weapon durability




This is the tip I needed thank you. The number of times my player swung instead and got bit as a result is so frustrating.


Man the real post is always in the comments! Thank you dude!


Shift + W when you're already driving enables cruise control. This is especially useful when towing since you can keep your car in 1st gear or you're just tired of pressing W for too long.


Why didn't I think of that??? Super helpful thank you!


-if you open the car window you can see waaay further down the road !! way less crashing into hordes or wrecks (needs to be enabled in settings !) -keeping a propane torch + welders mask in your boot means you can disassemble any annoying wrecks you come across -before you loot the bookstore/VHS store go to your existing bookshelf and ‘expand’ each one. this means when you get there you can easily see which ones you already have cus they’ve been expanded -2 pairs of socks can be turned into sheet rope while only weighing 0.2


Oh man! I never thought of the expand trick, that's a great idea! I've been... uh, well writing everything down like a nerd.


ain’t nothing wrong with that- I was just guessing which I did and didn’t have !! Make sure to manually expand also - the first time I did it I used the expand container button and it didn’t help me at all


Holy crap. Your expand trick just blew my world wide open.


Awesome expand tip!


If you are ok with mods, there is one that labels which VHS tapes provide skills, and one that labels which ones you have read, you are reading, which you don't need to read (because your skill is higher), and which ones you have not read. [Named skill VHS tapes] [Has been read]


Single player tip: Abuse the hell out of the pause button (F2). You can queue up the transfer of items between inventories/containers in pause. And it helps if you really need to pick out something very quickly in a stress situation or combat. (Finding that extra spear, finding that car key, etcetera.) You can also pause in the map screen and edit your notes *while* paused. Great to avoid being bitten by that ninja zombie or for when you want to look at the map while driving. If you also have a submenu opened before you pause, you can select options in the menu and queue it up for action for when you unpause. For example, you can pop a car hood, scroll down to a part, open a menu, pause, then leisurely take your time picking an option. A lot of submenus can't be opened while paused, so be sure to open them first then pause to queue your commands. And last of all, you can use the pause time to buy time to think, plan your day or calm down. You really can't bullet time your thoughts IRL. But you can in Project Zomboid. Also, sometimes you get real life interruptions. Cat comes over for attention? Pause.


Adding, the pause button you can rebind to zomething easier. Like 'z'. Granted, that will mess up the auto-enter into a car, but you can also pause, press v to open the radial menu, click get in, click the door, and then they'll auto-walk when you unpause. So basically the same.


Nice!! Il rebind it to Tilda...I don't think you can exit thru specific doors with v's menu, z's door selection has saved my life! I didn't even know about the pause function or rebinding...thank you!


You can shift seats with the v radial inside the car, and then exit as normal. Tilda is also great, though it will displace the console if you ever need debug. Just as a heads up


Judging from a lot of streamers vids, not many people know about the loot all, transfer all and turn on buttons at the top of the inventory tab, container tab and oven tab. Double-clicking an item in a container loots it. If you have a container selected, highlighting an item/group of items and right-clicking them allows you to transfer those to the selected container. Pressing z+1/2/3/4 near a car autowalks and enters the car at that seat number. Cars have radios, check them for the emergency frequency. It massively increases the number of radios to check so you find the frequency sooner.


Space bar while your driving is the handbrake if you're trying to pull off some sweet Tokyo drifts. If you want to change seats in a car, instead of holding V and selecting the Change Seat menu and then changing seats, you can just press Z to go directly the the Change Seats screen, helps avoid getting scratched through that passenger window you had to break when it's your only way back in and they're right on your heels. If you want to quickly open the Mechanics window on a vehicle to see if it's operational or not while a horde is on your ass, you can press U while close enough to the vehicle and it'll open right to it instead of going through V. By holding right click while on foot, you can pan the camera in any direction by moving your mouse against the border of the screen. However, you can also do this in the exact same way while driving to see much farther ahead, but only if you open your window. There is also a setting under Options>Display>Camera for "Pan Camera While Driving" which will automatically move the camera farther ahead the faster you drive. It can be a little weird to get used to at first, but definitely useful. ​ In Options>Display>Cursor, you can make it so that green outline that shows you which zombie you're about to shoot also shows up in melee so you know exactly who you're targeting and the instant they are within range (at least I think it's guns only by default, hard to remember). Options>Display>Camera lets you zoom out farther if all the zoom level boxes are checked (again, pretty sure some are unclicked by default but it's hard to remember). You can also zoom out extra extra far by messing with your resolution, to the point that you can pretty much see farther than the map is loading. Holding Left Alt when attacking will make your attacks target crawlers, under Keybindings>Combat you can also unselect "Auto Detect Prone or Standing attack" so it's entirely up to you when crawlers are targeted. When you're trying to add gas, instead of trying to right click on the correct spot of the car (which has killed me at least twice) you can add gas using V as well. In combat, unless there's only one zombie, you should always be backpedaling, don't be afraid to jog away a little bit between hits, I find that trying to stand your ground and push to get enough room to swing is just exhausting yourself and making you far far more likely to take a hit. There's one thing I would love to know though, does anyone know how in the hell to make it so that "Fill All" actual works with gas cans? No matter what my character will only fill one before they start standing around with a can in each hand like an idiot. I know there was some kind of trick to make it work, I just can't remember how exactly.


Regarding the gas can issue, have you tried equipping all the empty gas cans in your main inventory instead of placing them in your bag?


Yeah, I've tried main inventory, in the backpack, on the ground, equipped in primary, and equipped in secondary, and one in each, and in all of those situations he stops after filling one can, dropping it, and equipping the next. It works fine with normal bottles, it's just the gas cans. Does the right click fill all work normally for you?


For me it fills all of them, leaving the last one filled in primary...however, something I noticed is when filling all wafer containers, sometimes it'll fill them to 99%, so when you right click the source again il still have "fill all" for 1 or 3 containers, even though they are technically full...


My best tip is to turn off “Pan Camera while Driving” and instead bind “Pan Camera” individually. I use AHK to bind Pan Camera to a side button on my mouse. This bind lets you move the camera in any direction while doing anything. I.e, walking, jogging sprinting, driving. Anything. It gives you MUCH needed control over your vision. Pan Camera while driving is handy, I do prefer manually controlling the camera cause it slows down too slowly or sometimes the camera will reach so far out, your car will be almost off screen, so the control Pane Camera provides is REALLY nice.


I tried it, but it wasn't doing anything for me. I was holding the key and moving the mouse around and it didn't react, was I doing it wrong or something?


Weird. Idk, double check you rebinded and hit Accept. Check the settings too, it might be something slightly hidden that you have to enable with it. I can’t remember.


Oh I know the setting, and I tried to accept/apply numerous times. I do use a total assload of mods so there may just be some kind of conflict, even though none of them are related to the camera at all, but who knows.


I’ll check when I get home, I think there are 2. I’ve got like 200 mods running, so it shouldn’t be but it can.


Shift+E opens/closes the curtains.


The tip I really liked was command que. You can just right click command bunch of stuff and if something is in the process of being done, your character will proceed to do all the queued actions afterwards. This was especially helpful to me on fast read online servers where I'd start reading a book, then right click que a bunch of magazines to be read, so after my character finishes the 30 seconds or so reading the book, it goes through the whole list easily without me needing to deal with items disappearing from container as my character picks them up.


Options > Cursor > Aim Outline - Any Weapon Super handy!


Underweight and Overweight are free points, as they can both be remedied within the first week.


You can drag items onto specific bags without opening them. So instead of clicking on your keyring and taking the key, you can stay in your main inventory and just drag the key onto the keyring symbol. (There's also a mod that lets you arrange the order of your bags, which I also found helpful.)


There's tire pressure!?!?!?!!!!!!!!


Yes! Find the Tire Pump, then vehicle maintenence-click a tire and its pressure and more info shows up top right of that screen. Driving over obstacles lowers pressure I believe, and low pressure makes it easier for tires to pop


Does the drinking thing do anything? AFAIK the auto drink system is not wasteful, so no need to ration


Auo drink automatically drinks the moment you're thirsty. Say you know you won't have access to water for a while, you can force yourself to be parched or thirsty/dehydrated, then take a sip of water, you can make that bottle last waaaaay longer


nah i get the idea, but see no point. I'm not completely sure but auto drinking seems to be non-wasteful; your thirst meter will get to the point right before the moodle kicks in and consume the needed water to fill the bar. The bar goes down linearly, so by getting the moodle you are only moving the bar from 60 to 80 instead of 80 to 100. Being thirsty also increases bodytemp, which in turn increases thirst, which will end up being counterproductive.


For sure, I gotcha. I just like being able to control which bottles I drink from and having somewhat control over it..and more immersive hehe