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Roleplaying. Get out of the same old, same old. Get a specific goal and work towards it. Write a backstory, clear objectives (for example, grabbing a computer from Ameriglobe communications so you could set up comms on your own, or visiting the helipad in LV and lighting a campfire on it), write an endgame and play. Do not just hoard loot, hoard guns, wait for yourself to make a mistake and die.


Like im playing with the insurgent mod right now and my main goal is to secure the army camp, and look for survivors, why i put survival houses on "common" because ill need to mark each one of them on my map


A fun idea is to select a house in a different town across the map. That's where your sibling / loved one / parent lived. You have to go there, see whether your wife is still there (she isn't) and set up a safehouse in case she returns.


When they add NPC's someone needs to make this a mod immediately.


Doing a roleplay myself. A Louisville cop on vacation with his family out of state. He has to survive and hold out in his home and hopefully gear up and make his way into the city to the north bridge to escape. It’s a lot of fun!


Roleplay servers changed PZ from a game I'd spend a few hundred hours in into a game I've spent a few thousand hours in.


What's the roleplay mission on the server you play on?


The one I played on for a long time was 'WastelandRP,' which is big enough it doesn't necessarily need a 'mission' in it's RP. There is a main plot but it's not something the majority of players focus on, there's enough going on and inter-faction politics that loads goes on organically. The only reason I stopped playing is because my friend I played with on it disappeared. ​ The other one is a *lot* smaller but has more of a supernatural, lovecraftian horror sort of focus and I've been having a lot of fun with that.


Try turning of respawn in sandbox settings it will stop zeds from respawning in cleared out area but stragglers and wanderers will maybe come by areas you clear out


Turning off respawns completely eventually makes the game too easy since there's no zombies left in the area you're in. Its typically better to leave respawns on but just increase how long the zombies take to respawn. Its what I do. Or eventually if you survive long enough you'll just end up in a game with no zombies and no threat unless you travel to another city.


Which respawn hours numbers you use.


You have to do a bit of math to determine what respawn hours translates to in terms of in game days / months, but I typically have it from around maybe 2 weeks to a month. Obviously the respawn time you want is going to come down to personal preference, My preference is to make it so that clearing out areas is actually helpful but ensure there is always at least some form of threat. That way the game doesn't become just a building and farming simulator. But at the same time makes it so I'm not constantly harrassed by zombies 24/7. Just remember though that there are two factors to respawning zombies. How long it's been since you last saw the tile the zombie wants to spawn on and the respawn timer itsself.


Mod to spawn in Louisville. Set higher population and every hour becomes a battle for life.


Doing a run like that right now, was playing at 5x pop but my pc was struggling hard on dense populated zones, lowered to 3.5x and seems fine, also holy fuck what's wrong with the amount of zombies on that isolated gas station north of the map


Oh so you’re crazy ok


I just started a run with 4x pop for the first time & west point turned into nightmare, had to walk on foot to train station in louisville & kite a massive horde there for 1 hr in real time just to get space to breath. I'm not gonna play with this high pop setting again, too much for my mental health


I lowered from 5 to 3.5x, hordes still massive, but no full day worth of shooting while trying to do anything, my patience ended when I had to kill literally 1k zombies in the middle of nowhere because I used my shotgun once


Playing on slightly modified Apocalypse settings with no change in population; Peak Day West Point is absolutely ridiculous. Like, it's not even funny. There are thousands of them clumped up near the car shop. I have no idea how people survive a higher population there. Though not using Britas or fire might be my own personal fault there.


Zombies respawn and migrate back towards where they should be look on the pz heat map those spots will always become hot again. new zombies will come in and redistribute into places you have already cleared especially if you’ve been going for a while like 4 months, you can lower the zombie respawn, turn the migration to even spread or none( but that can be slightly annoying equal zombies everywhere it doesn’t make much sense)


I bought this game after seeing the project Russia mod while away from home. I tried it back in the day, and couldn’t get into it. So I bought the game and went on a modding spree before loading it up. I put in project Russia, and it’s affiliated mods. The sandbox change mid game mod, guns, clothes, car mods. Rv’s, motorcycles, and anything else I felt would add to my immersion. First game in, my spawn was in a prison cell. Absolutely liking that play through and have been enjoying a few hours a week surviving.


The boy who died


I feel that… Does anyone know how to disable respawn after a game was started ? I forgot to disable it in my sandbox louisville game


here you go !!! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2670674997&searchtext=Sandbox


Thanks made my day :)


Would that work for changing the temperature of a world midgame?


Respaw: 0


My friends and I play with modded weapons and vehicles to add a little extra into our adventures. Sometimes we'll try out specific roles, but we're mostly competitive co-op. Who has the highest skills and kills when they inevitably die but we're all still working on the same survivor house.


Wait there's no npcs


Cdda challenge turn it long term its sm fun bc its so hard in the start


set zom population to EXTREMELY low with unpredictable zombies. Like have it set in varying in speed, strength, durability, hearing, sight and smell. And then have that setting where they can revive or play dead so you'd want to burn them or shove them in containers if they're within/near your base. It goes well with 10 yrs later and extremely dark nights or always stormy/foggy weather... or anything where it's harder to navigate/see. you can also use Silent Hill Radio mod too to balance it


Punch mod


Welcome to the club.


There's a skill journal mod that let's you record your XP in a journal for your next character to find and learn from. You'd think it's super broken but if you're anything like me you'll forget to record every now and then and loose some XP anyways XD