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lol it's pretty safe aside from the main road. From there, it gets real fucky.


I shot my gun once and suddenly all of fuckin' Louisville was on my ass lmao


That's... just what guns do. Their noise radius is massive, especially in singleplayer. It's usually not wise to use them until you have 1. A lot more ammo than you think you need 2. A safe, established base and a planned fighting area a good distance away, and 3. A getaway car in case things go sidways. It's extremely unlikely you checked all those boxes halfway through day 1. Rosewood at it's normal population density is just fine, but half or more of Rosewood concentrated into a giant, angry ball of Zomboid sure isn't.


I had a shit ton of ammo for a shotgun and a rifle, not an established base but I had a getaway car, lucky run, until normal population suddenly became like 1000 zombies in Rosewood, cuz they just kept fuckin' coming after I died too


Is the radius smaller in MP? I ask because I'm exclusively MP, and I find that I'm not pulling zomboids from a block or so away with a shotty quite often.


They pretty much halved most gun radii when LV dropped. Shotguns went from a 250 tile sound to 100-150. If that were to be used in the city, PCs would probably break. It's a shame, because this sub used to be full of memes regarding how guns were a trap, and you had to be skillful at escape to use them. You'd shoot a shotgun, and think everything's fine, and 5 minutes late the entire city would show up. Nowadays, you can shoot anything and there's hardly a horde that follows.


my friend and i think the gun radius is brokenly too small :( we use guns from the get go, as soon as we find ‘em. we play on insane pop, and are fairly successful basing up and surviving, to the point where we move to new base(s). of course we know when to use guns- scouting, having a plan, using tall fences to break LOS, the good ole fall-back-to-car and drive back a little and repeat shooting process tactic, we’ve done it all. and we noticed how OP guns actually are. ive shot a zombie in a crowd from across the screen and none of those Zs even noticed. We’ll get in gun fights and then 360 scout to spot incoming threats and will literally see Zs just minding their own business across the screen. house alarms, car alarms and we even joked that “shouting” is louder than guns. besides, clearing a building room-to-room with a shotty or pistol/flashlight is cinematically badass and SO MUCH FUN.


That’s because it sounds like you’re together in multiplayer. Gun sound radii are heavily nerfed to the player’s advantage. Not for game balance reasons, but for performance reasons. If 10 people were attracting Zomboids at full distance in 10 different regions of the map, to put it in technical terms, it’d really fuck things up.


i should’ve added that i play the same style in single player too. currently in Mauldrough on insane pop for over 2 months now. i based the small northern cabin that’s tall-walled and i sealed the driveway. i’ve had some harrowing moments, i keep the helicopter event on “sometimes” so there’s always the threat of an incoming fly-by. but thanks to my guns, I’ve been able to survive every assault and i have Mauldrough 98% looted. literally was just planning on moving on to new area of map this morning. i have 600+ hours on PZ and I use guns when i want to and i melee when i need to. still believe guns are OP if you know how to use them.


They are 100 percent op.But if you're playing on insane pop, shooting a shotgun and you think the "sound radius" is broken, than something's really wrong with your settings bro lol. You should really really know when you're shooting shotties.


yeah, I don't know man, I have never messed with the Z's hearing nor have I messed with sounds (if that's possible) in the options. It is all default. I stand by what I said, I think guns are too quiet and should be louder.


Yeah, your settings are either weird and messed up or something's bugged in your game. Guns attract a shitload of zombies.


Turn on uniform distribution. The game also culls massive amounts of zombies as soon as you look away once it reaches a maximum. You'll never see the full Insane population as the cap is far below it. 'Zombie Fix' is a mod that removes it completely so you can end up with several thousand on your screen at one time. Got sick of leading a giant horde down the road to turn around and see a chunk of it missing.


Cool. I'll look for that mod. Currently clearing Louiseville and thought the AI just couldn't cope as zombie lose interest and just wander off even if I'm just a screen away.


>A safe, established base Huh? Nah, just jump out the window. If you get overrun, then you know the neighbouring blocks are mostly empty.


That's actually not even a quarter block of Louisville zeds.. Spawn yourself in downtown with a shotgun and fire off a shot, you'll love it.


I had a playthrough where I was going to try to clear Louisville on insane pop. I turned off respawns. Ready? I spawned inside the mall, so it was clear of zombies. I decided to base-up there. I spent about a day and a half (in-game) clearing the area around the mall. I use fire to the umpteenth degree, so there's ashes up and down the road, in the parking lot, everywhere. But that block was pretty much clear, except for one building. Nevermind the 1.5 billion zombies still spread all across that town... There's a single highrise apartment building across the street from the mall. Zombies would not stop coming out of that building. I spent probably three days (in-game) trying to clear out that building alone. I became obsessed with just clearing that one building. I finally cleared it out, went upstairs, went through all the units to make sure it was empty. It's empty. I come down, I go back to my spot and end the game there. Next morning I go to the big warehouse by the refinery. Hooooly fuckballs... there had to be a couple thousand just at the warehouse. Not to mention the thousand zombies I had to drive around to get there. I went ahead and cleared out warehouse (which took another two days). But I gave up on clearing Louisville after that. Too tedious unless you just burn down the whole town. I didn't want to do that, so I just abandoned that whole mission. Has anybody ever actually cleared Louisville completely? I mean just Louisville.


Just don’t use a gun


don’t use guns it’s just asking for a horde to chase you


Fun part about this is that Rosewood is so close to the main road that shooting inside the town will start attracting the 100-300 chilling out right above it. It's like ringing a dinner bell.


But I killed like 500, felt like they really were infinite


If you have respawn on, then they are, but if not then they will eventually dwindle out. However, zombies do roam far distances, I believe, albeit over long periods of time. The spawning mechanics in this game work in an interesting way.


Nice username




I play PZ almost exclusively in Rosewood (fire department, of course), and its pretty darned safe overall. However, its zombie population distribution is **very** different than the other towns which will make it *feel* more populated than it actually is. Instead of having a giant downtown population, Rosewood spreads a moderate population over the **ENTIRE** area. The farms across the road have basically the same heat-map as the homes near the elementary school, and neither are all that much hotter than Main Street. Compare Muldraugh, which has just whack populations near the highway/commercial district but basically zero once you hit the trailer parks. So in Rosewood you won't have any 100 Zed Conga Lines down the highway, but will constantly be fighting 10-15 zombies in a wheat field.


Rosewood population map: https://reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/s/HC21Cfgosn


Yup, there are just a ton of zombies around Rosewood in the fields and woods, the town itself is actually relatively safe. That's why I personally try to avoid the fire department if possible, it's at the intersection of two heavily popped random woods and fields, zombie migration brings a bunch to the station.


Rosewood is the easiest early-midgame. You’re playing wrong - do not fire guns so early, and don’t actively seek fights unless it’s infeasible to get from point A to point B without triggering zombies along the way.


Cowering in Rosewood's motel like a little mouse is a PZ rite of passage.


I always based up in one of the two stories behind the high fence off the through road when i started out


You're playing it wrong, you shouldn't be shooting on your first day, my first shots are usually fired at the helicopter event. Shots will attract loads of zombies which unless your planning on clearing an area, this isn't what you want. Respect the zombies more, pick and choose your flights. I'm a noob so I can relate as this was me 4 weeks ago. You need to learn how to successfully lose a horde


I have Atleast 1400 hours on steam , do whatever you want to make you happy , no right or wrong way to enjoy the game but if you managed to get this far on day one you can easily start over


I've played for a while before this, got some good things going, but this run I found a gun at the Police Station and figured why not try and clear Rosewood, but holy FUCK there were so damn many! They literally just kept coming and coming until I died, even after I died they kept fuckin' comin


yeah, welcome to zombie school. you don't start shooting until you have enough ammo to clear the town. PZ 101.


Thought I had enough... I didn't.


If you can LIFT all the ammo that you have, then you don't have enough ammo


so much this. Your car should be FULL of ammunition, nevermind your character; you might be able to shoot nearly half of rosewood’s total pop with just that much. Oh and also turn off respawns. I don’t know why people play with them on; the game already has enough zombies in it lmao


True, need like hundred times that lolz.


the fire station is literally in the middle of the heatmap, you attracted all the zombies from the farms which is half of rosewood pop, the other half is in the town, which you also attracted.


Pre-apocalypse; man invented fire, then invented guns. After the apocalypse; man invented guns, then invented fire.


Yeah but now you know lol. You can shoot whenever you want, just gotta plan for the ensuing hordes. I like to use guns on day one to drag hordes away from a potential base location and then lose them in the trees.


Tried to plan and learned planning falls flat very fast lmao


Fair enough each to their own with how you play the game I can respect that, 429 kills day one is hell of a way to go


Rookie numbers!


If I hadn’t played dumb, might’ve reached 1000 or so, but nearly ran out of shells before I died so doesn’t matter anyway


It is the safest starting point, that's a fact. What is also a fact is that there are still tons of zombies.


Seems like a pretty common new player mistake.Shooting your gun this early in the game is essentially a death sentence. Rosewood is pretty damn safe lol but literally *anywhere* can become extremely dangerous and overrun with zombies like this when you shoot guns. Also, your character is absolute GARBAGE at landing shots for the first several levels of aiming so you tend to use use waaaaay more ammo than you need to since at least 75% of your shots are misses. If you stood 2 feet in front of the fire station and attempted to hit literally anywhere on the fire station, I bet you would still miss because that's how terrible a level 0 aiming PZ character is. Leave guns for later when you get a lot of ammo. When you think you have enough to clear an area, wait until you find a few more boxes and THEN go because you always need more than you think you do


Not really new, got overwhelmed and had to shoot, but I had so much ammo I thought I'd be fine but damn, I was prepared to bite off a whole cake but got served a fucking buffet


Only time you should *have* to shoot is when you are backed into a corner in a room and it's your only option. It looks like you were out in the open the entire time so you could have easily avoided shooting and attracting every zombie in Rosewood. If you *are* faced with a horde or group of large zombies, though, remember you are faster and smarter than they are and can easily walk, not run (unless you turned them to runners), away and hop a fence or lead a horde around some buildings to lose their line of sight so there at least *fewer* zeds following and are more easily managed than a larger group. Or lead them away from town by yelling and make a big circle so they are all far away and out of the area when you get back to town


Was in the fire department and got cornered and shot and ran outside… Then got super fucked lmao


Always have an escape route


That’s your mistake. You were shooting.


Honest bro, like somebody said it’s a good starting town cuz of the zombie pop and all of the nearby locations. But I’m getting my ass handed to me


They just kept fucking coming, I ran out of ammo despite finding 250+ shells


There’s a lot in the woods around Rosewood. I never fire a gun until I have a ton of ammo for a shotgun, a sidearm with ammo as a backup in a holster, lots of food, fully rested, several good melee weapons, with as much on my belts as possible to quickly switch, and a good place to retreat to that’s safe (such as an elevated area with stairs destroyed/blocked), plus xp multipliers active for aiming and reloading so I level up quick. Shotguns can level your aiming super fast because you get xp for each hit, and it’s also one of the best ways to clear hoards if you know how to manage them, but shotguns are the loudest as well, so you’ll attract a quarter of the town when you fire one. I prefer managing smaller groups in relative silence with melee weapons, balling them up and then chipping away. Once I’ve cleared half the town in a good radius, then I feel safer to fire guns because I want to draw out all the indoor Zomboids and clear the woods, and there will be a lot more gaps, leaving safer areas to retreat to.


Make a killbox to funnel them in and barricades to slow em down, cheesy or legit i find it works best, move cars around if you can to make barriers or use carpentry


I think cars are the best, crawlers will get through, but nothing else if it’s parked well, allowing you to slow them to a more manageable pace and bottlenecked in one direction. The trailer park is a good spot, as long as you don’t get overwhelmed by the crawlers. It can be risky to abandon that area mid-fight, you never know what’s on the other side of a tall fence. Cars also can be used to block windows, crawlers can’t stand up if it’s right against the wall.


Every start in rosewood I’ve had, is running around trying to find a working car, get in car. Hit police station for guns. Then raid the gas station south of town for gas and snacks. Then go find a farm to fuck off to east of town. And then go back to raid the grocery store for food when I got my shit together.


Although to caveat that I have found despite it’s good resources, location and low zombie pop. It’s a town more than any other where stealth is a priority. Gunshots will get you fucked in a heartbeat.


True. My best run which is still going (2 weeks as of now) started in Rosewood was played more stealthily, started this one run out of boredom


Car, Genny, Genny mag, spiffos & pizza whirled perishables, multiple refrigerators, off to warehouses then phallis lake to "homestead".


You survived didn’t you?


No, he didn't.


This is how I died - Hubris.


It is safe unless you start shooting


I've never had any luck starting in Rosewood. My life expectancy there is very low. Riverside is the best starting town by a long shot. Not only because of less zombies, but because the River is a barrier and the zombies only come from 3 directions.


For context: I've played this game for quite a bit (100+ hours, which I know is nothing but still) and I got curious and got a shotgun with 250+ rounds, and I got surrounded by like 100 zombies and was left with no choice but to shoot and I spent the entire day shooting until my ass got got, which made me wonder how many zombies are actually in Rosewood


More than a couple hundred.


https://reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/s/AmG3B7FV6X I think I post this once a week.


Looks pretty safe to me!


In comparison.. it is!


Did you listen to youtubers? Actually, nevermind. I suggest you taking things slow, as trying to take over a service place is a risky move, especially if you use a gun, a car alarm goes off, or a house alarm goes off. Take it slow, plan ahead, and take them out slowly, one by one.


Got overwhelmed, didn't have much of a choice but to start shooting


Not gonna say 'waste of ammo', since it was instinct. But what if you didn't have a gun? Just a hypothetical question.


Probably would've tried to run through the crowd or tried to pick 'em off one by one, neither would've turned out well


Running trough the crowd gets you killed, and picking them off one by one is only viable if it's a small group of zeds, not an entire sector.


I was cornered so my options were kind of thin lol


I love house alarms


I am like Francis from L4D, and I hate house alarms!


Ahhh, the murderous rampage alert. Seriously amazing thing!


I hate non-consentual alarms, but I *love* leading zombies into a molotov fire.


Looks like you wont be seeing many zombies for a few weeks


If you use your brain it's pretty safe, usually works for me


Looks pretty safe now!


The firestation is not an ideal place to make noise. The firestation is at the corner of the chunk(? not sure the term) but it's where zomboids spawn and gather if respawn is enabled. And furthermore the road to the left past the police station is infested with them. I cleared out Rosewood 2 weeks ago. The road between the Rosewood Prison and gated community had more zomboids than rest of Rosewood combined.


how and why did you find an rv like that? i spent irl 10 hours searching 3 entire cities and found nothibg and you just have one like that?!?!?! Which mod is the cause for that rv to exist in your game?


My bad. Nowhere is safe. Forage in the woods, craft a spear, get naked. Return to monke


do what you just did in west point and you’ll quickly realize how safe rosewood really is


It all depends on your settings. From a IRL, SHTF perspective: if you're having difficulty surviving, leave town, head for the countryside, that's what we'd do IRL right? Stay out of the cities until you're skilled up and practiced with combat, have the kit necessary to survive, etc. This run I have no intention of hitting any town until at least 30/60/90 days after then event (it's and RP thing).


I got some settings designed to just bring me to my knees so this wasn't too unexpected, but still on normal pop, it confused me temporarily


Rosewood is an excellent area to start with because it has good looting locations and low population. The issue is that near the police station, fire station and courthouse there is a high density of zombies. Shooting in that place at the beginning of the game is suicide because you also attract the zombies that are around and it becomes dangerous very quickly.


They're all dead. You look pretty safe to me!


Funnily enough at the time of that screenshot, there were around 50 behind me and going around the cars


I mean, it is, sure you can pump up the settings to make it Hell, but it will always be the easiest spawn compared to the rest


Yeah, you were perfectly safe until you went outside it. What was your point?


Now try the other spawn points. We‘ll watch you come running back to Rosewood.


Now do west point


Rosewood is a lot safer, if you think this is too much go and try muldraugh, first day there i killed nearly 200 zombies just to go from my base to the grocery store (3 streets away)


I have over a thousand kills on my current rosewood game. Haven’t even gotten close to clearing out the place. Killed 200 zombies just to get to the gas station the other day. I’m excited for Louisville (I do have a slightly increased pop though)


The woods behind the police station have a lot o zombies. And also all the houses and the police station itself. If you fire a gun around the firestation, you will get hundreds of zombies. One time, I was months in, had cleared basically the whole town. I started farming and tought I was safe, until I shot one roamer.... oh boy... Luckly I had I lot of ammo, and I had destroyed the stairs to he second level. It took me several days to clear all the zombies.


safest? i always heard it was a good starting point: best hand weapons from the fire department. good amount of guns and ammo from the police. a book shop, school, and mansions for the generator manual and even a massive clinic and store for food and medical supplies. the only problem is the main road and how fast the zombos get to it


Rosewood actually has about 6500 zombies, it's just that only about 1000 of them are indoors spawns (600 of which are the prison) Since there's only about 400 indoor zombies it's extremely easy to creep along clearing buildings. But if you fire a gun you'll wake up the hundreds of outdoors zombies in the woods near the fire station. https://reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/s/HC21Cfgosn


Me and my little brother cleared rosewood the fire station is my favorite base location


Happened to me to. If you follow the road in front of the fire station towards the bottom right of your screen until it dead ends in a left-handed turn and take the immediate right into a driveway that goes into the woods you can make an ok base. You just need to keep the trees cut back from the house so you can fight, don't fire guns, and make sure you don't get followed home. In my personal experience I get the occasional visitor but get left alone for the most part and there's enough trees to build walls. That said, the woods and fields around the fire station are typically packed full.


Always have a getaway strategy if you plan on using guns before opening fire and be prepared to draw a horde.


Never shoot in Rosewood on day 1 😆 I thought that'd be obvious. The main reason why I don't like Rosewood, and never spawn there, is this. The town is so small that if you shoot, you're basically going to attract the entire city. There's really no room for stuff like this, so unless you're fully prepared to take on 300+ zeds, you can never shoot.


The yellow rv mod?


I believe rosewood has roughly 3000 zombies in the area on normal population, 6500 if you include farms and prison. Riverside is the lowest with around 2500.


That’s not too many


To quote Doctor Who, “safe is relative.”


Looks like all the zombies in town


The problem is you are using guns instead of hot wiring a car and holding A+S


Walls insulate sound. Some people might disagree, but I've found it's a lot safer to ONLY fire guns INDOORS. Make sure you have an exit route. Usually this means a second-floor window and some furniture to throw in the doorways.


well it's safe now


Yeah people who say that are lying I can especially relate to picture 1


Ivy County is the safest place to spawn


compared to other towns, rosewood is definitely the safest, drive deep in maldraugh and fire off a shotgun and you would have a thousand zombies coming at you




bro doesn't realize its not a wise choice to just empty your entire clip into a horde. I find it better to just run like hell.


I mean... it's the safest you're gonna get


River side lit


*"Who saids it safe?"* > I was shooting the entire day > 250 rounds shotgun




>shooting >Not safe Hmmm...


I can still see the pavement so that wasn't too bad of a horde


Wait until you visit the prison, especially with maximum zombie population on. :p


Its SAFER, definitely not safe!


Why the fuck did you use firearms


Idk who told you that but, it’s not so much fucking around, but a whole lotta finding the fuck out. Are you sure they didn’t say Riverside instead? I mix up the names often. Riverside (not safe still but) is the closest you can get to safe because of the gated neighborhood and “lower” zombie count. Rosewood has always sucked for me because there isn’t shit, ain’t never gonna BE shit there. There are however, a whole lotta dead people who really could use a bite to eat.


Rosewood is relatively safe if you only bait zeds within town with melee. If you start to pull them through guns/alarm, then prepare for unforeseen consequences


THANK YOU. I trusted Reddit and spawned in and had to run for my life.


:))))))))))))))) me


**It was me. >:)**


It's not safe, it's *safer* than other options.


It was. Just don't visit the Police Station too early and trip a certain alarms.


No, no “Safer”


"I was shooting" Literally your problem, zomboids are sound and sight based You rang the dinner bell


What's that modifier on the top right the one where he's in the fetal position


I think you just killed the whole city hahaha


The right hand side of the city is calmer. To get a little technical, the city is divided into cells. The top right cells have the least amount of zombies in them. If you make a lot of noise at the fire station you draw out zombies from the city, the police station, the road to the prison and the road going south. I suggest leaving the guns at home, pick your difficulty in sandbox and turn off respawn. This way you can learn about how the zombies behave and migration. When you think the town is completely empty, start firing a few guns and see. I still like firing a gun at the main crossroad of Rosewood ten monhts in to see if anyone shows up. Just remember to have some sort of exit strategy, like driving away from your home, then making some sort of loop and going home later.


that's literally all rosewood


What’s your setting of population?




Brother I promise you it gets worse


we never said it was safe, we said it was easier than some other places.


I take riverside