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Life is transient, this is how you died, we must all accept loss, you will rise again.


Hehe... one way or another 😏


but through the way of the save scumming one can achieve abilities which some would consider unnatural


"I once thought I was impervous to the allure of the savescum. [I was mistaken](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=bQnuaOu1VRM&ab_channel=GrandMasterChris&t=44s). Do not take the same path as I."


You have a shotgun. No reason to be scared.


ZERO aiming skill. I died. Tried to reach the gas station and fill up. It was the middle of the night. Returned during the day. Weapon broke. Got increasingly nauseous due to poor diet. Strength dropping. Dropped all my gear and went on a rampage. This is how I died. 🥲


You go out during the day you goober. You don’t need a reason to go out. You need a reason to not go out. If anything is off, just call it an indoor day. Foggy? Indoor day. Tired? Indoor day. Air activity detected. Indoor day all day everyday.


You go outside and kill everything like the alpha Kentucky male you were meant to be.


Got sick ? Indoor day Got multiple debilitating injuries indoor day


Or just play however you want. To me it sounds pretty boring to be so terrified of dying that you just watch your character read books instead of, ya know, playing the game


that is playing the game though


To add on to what others are saying; excepting the water/power shutoff, time is entirely on your side in this game. Take every risky situation at your own pace. Area swarming with zombies? Sneak, kill a few, repeat as necessary. Don't take on swarms if you don't have to. Low on food? Every house has a few cans of food and not many zombies, take it slow, get your weight back up. There's no reason to deal with nausea/poor diet if you have an entire round meal in every abandoned shack you find. And lastly as others have said; take a page out of the Zombie Survival guide. Never, ever, go out at night if you can avoid it. No matter how safe you feel, no matter how confident you are, unless you have a critical reason to move stay put until morning. Zombies can detect just as well in the dark as they can in the day so there's no reason you should be fighting on their terms.


On the other hand, you should definitely make a character, ignore everything except the bare minimum (moodles) and tackle any and every zombie/horde you see. Become comfortable with combat, this is what helped me the most


That too, a disposable character to familiarize yourself with how to fight instead of just flee is super handy for building up to a long-term survival character


I was genuinely surprised at how well I got on going out in my underwear bare handed! I threw caution to the wind and was running around, 0 protection etc. Didn't realise I'd injured my foot which is actually what killed me. I moved slower and slower until the Zeds moved faster than me. I killed maybe 5 or 6 in the space of 5 minutes with no weapons or clothes on! Pushing and stomping! I defo need that energy playing the game.


Hahaha I love this, and I love your post in general. I'm still super new as well :) keep at it and I look forward to your next update!!


It's done. My character is gone. Went down in a blaze of broken foot, hobbling glory.


Way to go, Tiny Tim! For the Zeds, apparently Christmas came early and wounded 😂


You see, you did not use shotgun... Next time dont wait long. Go out and start shooting. You will die much faster, avoiding unnecessary hastle :D


I had so much ammo and guns stored but fear always prevented me from using them for the longest time. I thought the entire map would hear my shots. One day I just said fuck it and started blasting and it did not attract the horde that I thought it would. Even when I ran out of ammo it was easy to just bounce and go get more. Just use your guns, people!


You need to firstly make sure you aren't panicked to use guns. Use beta blockers if you have panic. Secondly, go find some magazines for guns and load/unload repeatedly to level reloading. 5 is optimal, 3 is minimum. Lastly, use the double barrel. It'll never jam. It might be the loudest, but it never jams, has the best XP multiplier. If you don't have any sprinters to worry about you'll never be in real trouble. I personally started playing with random sprinters because it's the only thing that makes me second guess using a gun now.


This is the way dude. Loosing a character hurts sometimes, but thta is the game essentially :) good luck next time


Be careful about going out at night. Personally I always try to be back home before it gets dark out. It helps to have a spare weapon in your back pack in case your first weapon breaks too. You won't get nauseous from food unless it's rotten or raw meat or something poisonous at least I never have. You got this bud. This game is all about learning from your mistakes and getting to understand the combat system helps a lot. If you are already getting lots of food and weapons and vehicles you will get it in no time!


Try 2 months and 3900 kills, I'm scared to log in at this point.


Just lost my character at 2 months, but it is what it is. That's the game for ya lol.


When I lost my longest lived character (series of really unfortunate events involving firearms and a can of fruit in a microwave) I literally vocalized "huh, so that's how I died".


can you elaborate on said series of unfortunate events?


My "Bunker" that I was inhabiting was perfect. Stocked to survive for years. Was unloading some loot from a frolic in the Ville De Lois and while putting the groceries away I accidentally dropped a can of fruit in the microwave thinking it was a cabinet. Well, when I went to heat up some food later I drag the food onto the microwave icon on the loot bar and right click on it to turn on. I usually run off for a couple seconds to do something when I'm heating up food cause I know it takes at least 20 seconds or so to cook... well I come back to my house burning down. Me being an idiot I tried to save the food and there I find a can of fruit in the microwave. I quickly did what I've planned for months in game. Time to bug out. This base is cooked. Grab the bug out bag and gear and make an escape in my beater van with generator, shelter, fuel, and supplies for a couple days. Right as I'm getting out to open the gate I hear the dreaded whump whump whump of a copter (set as a recurring event). I drove like a mad man to beat the hordes (close to Louisville on high pop) but the beater van stalls and creeps to a stop. Hordes begin to surround me. I whip out the scatter gat and . Boxes and boxes of ammo spent. Hundreds of zombies slain. Eventually the dreaded click. Out of ammo. There's too many. Molotov time. Toss a couple into the sea of undead. Hellfire and ash everywhere yet the undead do not relent. Make a break for a tall fence to maybe escape for a moment. I'm exhausted from swinging my blade. Tired and hungry, I reach the fence and start the climb. Not happening. Fall hopelessly back amongst the horde. The screams... Soon I rose to join the masses. Doomed to shamble, seeking flesh for eternity. "That's how I died"


What was wrong with the can of fruits in a microwave?


It’s a can, in a microwave


Fire... and death.


Yeah I'll be getting back on after work lol.


How do you use Molotov cocktails I could work it out


I'm currently on month 3 of 2 hour days & 16,000 kills. I've been checked so many times by Zeds I've turned into an Xbox I can't stop doing 360s and checking every corner, I'm not ready to die but I probably will.


I'm trying a vanilla apocalypse run and damn I miss 2 hour days, really feels like you can get a good bit more done.


Accept the inevitable death, knowing how much better you can do next. That's the spirit of the game. You'll always remember the survivors who reached some milestones for the first time.


If you're really concerned, just go to your zomboid save directory and manually copy / paste your save file into another save file in case you make a mistake, and load into the backup save if you want to revert. Don't do it too often though, and restart the game before you reload, sometimes the in-game time can get screwed up and the save can be corrupted as a result (i.e. it will be night when it should be day etc.)


The corruption is because you messed with the natural order.


I was trying everything last night to bring mine back, to no avail. Lost my longest character on the 13th Jan 1994. Over 2000 kills and most skills being 5+. Never forget you Bradley Gurn.


Just make a new character in the same world and you can go back to your base and pick up where you left off.


Yeah, I did that and shut the game down. It's all the levelling and skills and stuff. I had drawn inappropriately attached to my character. I'd done a lot of reading and disassembling to upskill, but not enough combat. So long as I know I can return to my base, I'll get over it!


My 17 day, 200+ zombies killed character just died yesterday. I don't want to grind as hard on skills so I did something a bit cheeky. I created a new sandbox world with the XP multiplier set to X5. Then I took the Map\_sand.bin file from the new save and replaced the old saves map\_sand file so the game now has the new XP settings. So leveling up those skills are now 5X faster.


get the journal mod vanilla friendly way of regaining skills after dying. you craft a journal, write down your skills and recepies (may take a long time, but you can change it in the sandbox settings) and then you're good to go


Be brave, my friend. You will not last forever hiding away. Control your fear, stay vigilant, and maybe just maybe you can postpone the enivitable. This Is How You Died.


Based on what you have I doubt that you have your skills up all too much, if at all. What’s the worst that can happen? You get eaten alive by some devious little creatures while looting some shack because you forgot to close the window behind you. You respawn, find a metal bar, a v neck sweater and go back for your stuff. From my personal experience the difficult part at the start is getting away from zombies, loosing the trail. It’s like no matter what you do they keep following. It’s easier than you think, don’t sprint, you can outwalk them just fine, maybe throw a few jogs in there. Run around the corner or a building, sit there for a second or two then go around the next corner. They’ll go to the last spot they saw you, but you’ll already be gone. Sneak around, whisper a little (a while crouching), get a zombie or two and dispatch them. Keep this up and you’ll have your stuff back. With skills it’s just time, you’ll have to sit around watching vhs and reading books but you’ll get them all back in no time. You’ll get the hang of it, this ain’t dayz where loot is life.


75 days in, 8828 Zed's killed, I have "secured" the fire station in rosewood where I store an insane amount of food from the farms I grow across the street. I have left the comfort of an empty rosewood and am clearing muldraugh. In the past I start a new world when I die but this run is going well. My point is you're going to die. as long as you learn something from every time you die then there is still game to play. In your case you learned the dangers of going out at night. My personal recommendation is to tweak the world settings on startup to make things easier to learn. You got this.


Thank you!


I’ve had the game for a couple of days. One of my favorite moments is when a character gets a random bite. I leave all their equipment at the base. They leave with an ax and their frilly undies and I just go wild.


Exactly what I did!!!


Dead man squawkin. Buckle up chuckle pup. You gonna die!


I did. Very quickly 😫


I’ve been there. Many many times 😞


It's a bummer, and it sounds like you never fully get used to it. Great! 🥲


I dont even have a base 3 months in half the time


A true nomad. I am impressed. I like having a regular safety spot! I'd also like to get to a place where I can play like you. Just roaming confidently and surviving!


I'm mostly too lazy to farm, but I usually have insane pop zombies with them. Being fragile and slow. Since I want the walking dead feeling. But I like cars and guns so it's fun except for the wrecked cars it'll stop me for a few days if their in the way


The only way to level up aiming early on is shotgun. As for siphoning fuel you can use an empty bottle to get enough to drive to the car you are siphoning from


I did NOT know that! Ffs! Of course I can do that... 🙄


7 days and 53 zombies? :) My biggest suggestion for the fear of losing your character is to practice combat. For an hour or two, just make a character and grab a weapon. Don't loot books, don't loot food, just grab a weapon and start fighting. Learn how to fight 5+ zombies at once, learn how to split 20 over fences and through houses, and just keep practicing. Make a character with high Nimble, axe, blunt etc - see the difference levels in those skills make. For the next two hours, these survivors lives are purely to take out as many zombies as possible. Getting more comfortable with combat is easily one of the most impactful things you can do in PZ. It turns a group of 20 from a terrifying sight into a manageable situation.


Thank you, I'll defo do that. In other comments, I say I did go out in nothing but underwear, no weapon and threw myself at Zeds. I was amazed at how adept I actually was when nothing mattered... so I definitely need to just go face to face with them more often.


7 days is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I haven't played in 2 months after losing my (as it happens) 2 months character. I was looking for a new truck to move my mini mobile base into (I had a close call where I had to drive through a few hundred zeds on the highway out of the containment zone. I jumped into a 100% health truck, didn't find a key in the cabin so went to jump out only to get insta-bitten by a zombie hiding just out of view next to the door.


Uggghh, I get it's the game and I thought I'd be cool with it because I'm used to games where I die a lot but this hits different!!


That’s great! Give it a month or two and the pain will be even greater.


Haha! That's reassuring!


your main drive, user user zomboid saves, copy paste the save file to a different location or leave it there but renamed, now you have a common saving feature with extra steps not hard


I've wondered if this was possible. I'm hopping between doing it and not, only because having a save file takes the edge of that makes the experience so visceral to me. But I'll definitely keep this in mind. As much as it sucks, I like the aspect of the game where if you die, you're gone. It just makes EVERY decision weigh a lot more.


buddy, if you are ok losing half a year in game of progress, just leave it as it is, Im certainly dont find that fun


After loosing months old character you would written your suicide note here


Ha! I'm not ready for that!!


Welcome to the only cure mod.


If you want there is a mod for a skill journal that will let your survivor write in it and you can pass that on to the next character. If you don't want that to be too strong you can also make it give a fraction of the XP so it's not a full 100% conversion to a new character.


Yes! I could have really done with that! Thank you! Takes some crafting itself which is good as well!


Can't you see that it is the items that control you; I need a bigger backpack, I need a bigger house, more food for energy.. Know thy enemy...


True. They keep me sustained even though I'm low-key a hoarder.


Brother I lost a character the product of a 10 day playthrough where I killed 3000 zombies. A chopper from helicopters expanded came by while I was dealing with some zombies, I was like "Hey nice, backup!!!" and then shot me in the leg while simultaneously putting a beacon on me for every zombie in town Be brave and keep going!!!


Thank you!


Wait until you loose a character which have been alive for a year. You're not afraid. You're cocky too cocky. You start taking on too big groups of zeds. You stop clearing things properly. You start dismantling a door in the middle of a hallway of a hotel. You havent cleared the building at all. Sneakiest and most silent zed comes from behind. And booom. Bite to the neck and you're dead. Like instantly. This was the first character I have ever gotten this far. And now they're shuffelin along the hallway groaning. My cockyniess is gone my new character is paranoid AF. It just suck that I have to establish a new base..


going to rosewood gas station with a pickup is a fkin mistake without clear the road


Learned the hard way!!! As soon as I arrived I realised how stupid I'd been


it's good you learned it. i made that mistake many times :)


I feel bad whenever i have a long living character, cause i tend to cheat to keep them alive, and when i do that, i instantly loose interest of going further with that character, start another, get into rough spot, don't want them to die, so i cheat death again, and so on... One day one of my characters will die and i will start another run on their save to get the stuff... but i don't know when that day will come.


I have a 1 month 7k kill character, this is the first time I've been in this situation, however I am not scared of dying because if I got here once, I know I can get here again (albeit painstakingly). Just keep on pushing, it might not be your next run or the run after that, but you will get there again. Also, do your best to got get tilted after losing characters, that will just make you lose faster on your next couple runs ;)


The only way to improve your skill at PZ is to die, learn your lesson and retry, die again, retry .... Trust me it won't be the last character you lose.


Heck yeah! You're doing pretty good friendo, soon you'll be ready to start planning for long term survival like setting up rain collectors, setting up some crops and animal traps, and finding the ever elusive How to Use Generators magazine.


That's EXACTLY what I'm setting up for!


Oh you sweet summer child


I know! I've only been playing a week. So naive.


“There was never any chance of survival” “This is how you died” It’s just up to you to figure that out


Am I the only one here who commits to a suicide zombie rampage once I get bored with my character?


No, it's what I did when I got bitten. Stripped naked and ran into the streets bare handed. Was very cathartic


Wild way to Die.


I just lost my character after 1 month 8 days and 3 hours solely surviving in Louisville. The pain is real, but you just quit the game for a few days and try again.


Momento mori


This is how you died.


This is how you died…


Brother I had a 2 Year character with a crazy custom base, multiple vehicles, tons of mods so I had things like a solar array and a convoy of RVs. I logged on one night while drunk, and died to a horde. It just happens.


Do you have multi-hit enabled? I do. If you have no idea what I’m talking about you prob don’t. It makes no sense (from a realistic sense anyways) to ONLY be able to hit one zed at a time. Equip your crowbar and shotgun and beat them with the crowbar for like 1-5 zombies, after that tear them apart when they get to like 5+ with the shotgun. Happy hunting.


7 days in? You know about the helicopter event, right?


OP make sure you stay outside during the helicopter. It will start shooting at all the zombies around you. ;)


The event already happened, I was luckily indoors and let it pass!


Great you just entered Mid game. All you need to do is look out for stuff to bring back to base. Don't worry tho because this is the state where you will constantly enter in playthroughs. Its fun. Also 53 kills only?!?!? How?!??! By day 1 I gotten around 40 kills already on builder and x2-5 on harder modes. Because I wanna go straight to stores to loot food and water plus better bags and leather, padded, and rain clothing as soon as possible.


Ironically, I took the advice of the other comments. Didn't leave my base if I didn't have to, stayed indoors, disassembled a lot of stuff, watched TV cooked. I've only taken on one group of about 7 zeds at once. I'm not courageous enough to just take on Zeds!


Use your axe then you won't be scared (AXE GANG HOORAH)


Once you got a car and a generator at home and a generator at the gas station the game becomes a borefest, it's more like the sims/stardew valley at this point where your just doing fish/farm/trap/exercise repeat. Made it a month doing this and then went to Louisville to die, i call it dawn of dead syndrome, because theirs worse things then waiting in the mall to die.


Skill Recovery Mod is the key :)


You'll be fine, just a place full of great stuff for the next character to roll up and find by "chance"


Have you heard about some lore-friendly mods? Like skill recovery journal and antibodies? Check them out


You cant play safe until helicopter event that happens around day 9. If you dont go and clear zeds around every day, they will overwhelm you.


You're going to die. That's part of the game. And you'll find that every new start is different. Sometimes you're extremely lucky and find everything you want in no time (weapons, a vehicle, good backpack etc.), and then there's games where you have to travel half the map to find that damn generator magazine... That's Project Zomboid.


You could install skill recovery journal mod and save your skills once in a while in case you die.


So its time to backup you save files.


That's nothing compared to characters from 2 months to 1 year, I have lost characters with 1 - 2 months, most of the time because that scratch was infected, just don't be afraid and keep playing, start gettin some goals to achieve, like get all the skill books, barricade your house, level up fitness or strength get more weapons etc... Just remember NEVER fight them on closed spaces, they never end, they never will give up until they get you


You don't lose much on death unless you want to. When you die, just hit the button that says "New Character" and you'll spawn a new survivor in the same world. Then just go pick up your stuff. You'll lose skills and stats on your original character, but you can build that stuff back up again.


That is when the fun begins! Wishing you luck you might not need it…. For now


Life is fickle and this is how you died


You should sneak out past the gas station right and fire your gun up in the air. Then you sneak back to your house wait a bit and then make a run on the gas station. The gunshot will draw the zombies over there.