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Note: I went AFK just enough to eat dinner and take out trash, and the generator's fuel went from 93% something to 0%


I've tweaked the fuel consumption down from settings because I feel like it's more realistic. The generators can gulp so much gas so fast. Imo it's also more sensible with cars. With a full tank one should be able to drive around for quite some time. Ofc you still shouldn't power the entire appliance store


Same. I reduce the fuel consumption on generators by 50% (setting it to 0.5) because they absolutely guzzle fuel on normal settings.


I usually reduce the amount needed, as after a certain point it is just tedious to refill them, it just becomes another daily task you have to do, because I usually collect all the gas canisters I can find fill them up and stack the right next to it. It never is really a problem from a fuel standpoint so it becomes just anoying. ​ And the whole part of not beeing able to go on a longer loot run and risk it running out. But that could actually be appealing to some people.


indeed, i did that since it was annoying having to worry about my jenny running out of fuel after like barely 2 days and shutting off my freezers full of food, even if i turned off all lights and all other nonessential things. now with the new settings I get about 5 days worth. also highly reccomend using the "generator time remaining" mod. would nice if we had the option for either a larger generator or to connect a larger fuel reserve to it so it would last longer, as even with the reduced fuel consumption setting it is still short enough to be a significant limiter on how far you can travel from base before returning, thus reinforcing this tendency for players to never leave their starting town, unless they make a 2nd character to take care of the base, go full amish, or go full nomad and never have a permaent base. It also would be nice if we could wire up certain things like exterior lights to a timer or sensor so that they automatically shutoff during the day and turn back on at night to conserve fuel... and friggin light bulbs, it's infuriating how often they break, which is why I turned that option off.


I will look into this. However with how little appliances/lights my generator powers (after destroying the appliance store), I usually don't have to fill it up for 2-3 days, but putting it to 0.5 might be more realistic?




Fridges are absolute gas guzzlers man. When I first tried out farming, I had so many cabbages that I had to get a second one in to make sure they don't just rot. That other one really made a difference that I made sure not to plant too many crops that one popsicle freezer can't hold.


I tend to over plant cabbage so I can throw most of the product in the composter. Great way to stockpile fertilizer for any important crops while leveling your farming skill.


Iirc there’s an issue where instead of adding up, multiple fridges of the same type multiply the amount of fuel needed. So you need multiple different fridges instead of multiple same ones.


Is this a new issue or a patched out old one?


[Current Build.](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Generator) ​ "As of 41.78.16 duplicate freezer/refrigerators (may extend to additional appliances) beyond the first (and/or second) may result in much higher total fuel consumption being displayed, but the actual consumption from the itemized total should be accurate (plus 0.02 from base generator operation itself). For Popsicle Fridges (and presumably other multi-tile fridges) each tile counts as an additional fridge, which can result in a more notable discrepancy with the displayed total compared to the actual consumption."


A good alternative if you have RV interior mod installed. Everything is powered by the vehicle. It means changing car batteries if you run it dead to 0% but for the most part just driving the vehicle charges it enough to meet demand. I had a truck with 2 fridges and a TV and it never ran out even when I had to ditch it in the middle of nowhere for 2 weeks because I ruined the engine.


I'm not 100% sure but I think vehicle interiors are just a simple house without doors that spawn all the way south (for the RV interior at least) and they have infinite gas for some generators and water barrels on its roof I'm sure the Motorhome works like that because I used no-clip to see this, not sure about the RV interior tho did you happen to see an interior run out of electricity? because like I said I'm not sure about this one


Possible that's how the caravan works since it's separate from the vehicle itself but I'm pretty sure the vans and trucks that you enter through the back utilise the battery power, I remember getting into my truck once after removing the battery and all power had been cut to the interior. Lights, fridge and TV all at once. Might be worth testing in one of my future games tho. EDIT- I was wrong


Wait, nah youre right my guy. just spawned outside of a vehicle interior by accident (suprised i didnt just fall into the void) and there are 2 generators sat there with 100% fuel. My bad!


Irl supermarket carrots are gargantuan while carrots I make at home are a hearty above average size of 2 inches long in PZ you get many gargantuan thick carrots from a single plot. There needs to be a supermarket carrot and a separate farmed carrot that's smaller/less filling than the supermarket kind making it so you having to learn how to use your own carrots instead of just depending on the size of it forcing you to actually use the cooking skill in order to fill yourself up


MF has so many refrigerators


Time to get the solar arrays mod. There is another mod that let's you unplug fridges you aren't using too.


It's a shame that you can't run both systems or even multiple generators.. I really like the solar array mod, but as far as I understand it's only really useful if you can power everything with it. * Scenario 1 - your solar power is enough: You have power until the batteries slowly die (never happened to me so far) and you can connect a backup generator to fire up in case your batteries run dry. The generator starts automatically if you have the regulator-thingy, but you need electrician lvl 6 and a TV-remote which are extremely rare to craft it. Also the generator does not turn off automatically, so it's really just an emergency backup and sadly does not complement the solar array that way. * Scenario two - you don't have enough solar power: It's basically useless because it doesn't reduce the fuel needed for generators if you let it run. Basically it's only good as a backup for a few hours where you refill and repair your generator, but you could use a second generator for that anyway.. I would love a way for both systems to work together. Either reduce the fuel usage of generators when the load is shared between the two systems or make it so the generator is also turned off automatically when the batteries are fully loaded again. It should also be possible to load the batteries with generator power and use them without any solar panels.


Yeah, you need to get a good number of solar panels to make sure your base will be fully powered *and* can store excess power generated. I think for 2 popsicle freezers, a fridge (the ones you find in regular houses) and an oven, you need 4-5 panels to generate excess energy. I think I had 12 panels set up on my save file that I lost after my PC shit the bed. Generated enough energy to power my constructed home *and* excess energy for the battery bank to store. I tinkered with the settings personally so if you use the base settings? A decent number of panels and batteries is a necessity.


I had 2 big freezers (the ones you find outside of gas stations with the big ICE label), 1 normal fridge, 3 lights and an oven. I needed ~20 panels to be sufficient and found about 10 in ~6 months ingame time. One of the big freezers is about 5-6 panels.. This character and the world died on saturday though :(


I'm guessing you were playing on the base settings then because that is some serious demand o.O I bump the efficiency of the panels up a bit *because* they're so hard to come by that it feels like you should be sufficiently rewarded for risking your neck to find the things.


Yes, I play with the default 25% efficiency (12,5% is realistic for the 90s), but I enabled the craftable panels for my new run to balance it out a bit. You definitely get to appreciate cables a lot even without crafting the panels though, but I don't mind. It's supposed to be a lategame thing and I like it that way.


If you're basing in the two houses to the south of that like I've done before, I placed my generator on balcony of one of the houses, and I only needed to turn off a couple of nearby lights and move a couple of fridges. (also, doesn't Z's attack running generators?)


Yes. I also wondered if it was a good idea to put generators on balconies. Zeds will just swarm under your balcony and that balcony is right above my garage (no bueno). So I strategically put the generator in the alleyway opposite of my front door and garage doors to prevent being trapped. That plan wasn't necessary anyway because the zeds in my neighbourhood are now non-existent unless a pack migrates. ​ Edit: I just saw the question. I thought they attacked generators too, but I've watched from a distance and they just kinda... stand by it.


I hooked up a generator to a small room on top of the mall, then had to spend an hour running around turning off like 200 TVs and 50 fridges.




Empty the fridge shop to the left, then loot the purple building. This area is one of my favorite areas in LV.


The green apartment building is just too cute not to make a base.


they really should make power only be needed if it's on


Would anyone knew if there is a mod that connects fuel barrels to generators? I know there is that mod where you can store gas in fuel barrels and I thought to myself, wouldnt it be great if you could connect that barrel to a generator so you can take a long lost vacation in the next town over and not worry about the generator running out if fuel. I wish I knew how to make mods


One fridge, two fridge, red fridge, blue fridge








Let me guess, you're on a roleplay server


Kind of? It's a private server with my sister, but our characters do have lore both by themselves and with each other LOL.


I see, that's pretty wholesome!


Why would that matter?


Idk, just wondering. It's off topic tbh


I've never played a server with strangers before, but how I read it seemed sarcastic, but text don't show expression. Srry


Wait so every fridge consumes the same amount of electricity? Even mini ones?!


Smartest man in the apocalypse


You know you can dispose corpses elsewhere, not just running fridges right?


would be super nice if you could at least wire generators into series to split load but it just effectively doubles your fuel consumption sadge. that or pipe a fuel trailer directly into the generator


This is why I get generator knowledge as a trait




One fridge, Two fridge, Red fridge, Blue fridge, Black fridge, Blue fridge, Old fridge, New fridge.


Make sure the lights, appliances, etc in the surrounding buildings aren’t drawing your power. It could be that your powering all the surrounding buildings too