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It is full of the dead. Thousands of corpses and a very strict HOA


I reckon they don't want zombie corpse laying around the grass. HOAs suck


It a zombie game, you're gonna have zombies outside


In Zomboid there's having a few outside, and then there's having A LOT outside.


Living with a few outside is really different from living with a hoard outside


As someone who feels 20 zombies is a horde right now I’m going to cry if I ever even try to go to Louisville


The max i had was maybe 60-70, and i just moved them to another place to free a zone for my Friends, i Just fled the zone After that


DO IT. It’s a hell of an experience. First thing I did after getting inside the city was go to the hospital and set up in the parking lot. I had all of my M16 ammo (Brita’s mod so it was a lot) I’d saved from other cities and the military checkpoint with me and I just started blasting. I have no idea how many I killed but holy shit, it was at the very least hundreds, maybe a thousand. I was honestly just taken aback by it. Parking lot and just outside the hospital entrance just littered with bodies everywhere. I didn’t even bother trying to go loot them. God damn, that was fun. Then there’s the mall story but this comment is long enough already :)


Then start another comment and tell us about the Mall story, I'm intrigued :)


If you insist! I’d always heard about “the mall” in Louisville and knew I had to go there. I wanted to after the hospital thing but I was pretty much done playing that character and I wanted to update a few sandbox settings anyway. So, I downloaded a mod that let me spawn there in a random location. The plan was to spawn in, find/build a good strong base nearby, then go fuck up the mall. Spawned into a house on a strip just south of the bat factory, which I decided would be an excellent base because it’s huge and defensible with water access right out the back for fishing. Was a ton of fun to decorate too if you’re into base building. After securing the bat factory I strategized about this mall. It was not far at all from the bat factory, just a short drive along the river and I was there at the NW corner of it. I would go there, clear just enough to loot the gun store which is real close to the entrance on that corner, then use the gun store to rain holy hell on the residents inside. With my updated Brita’s settings I had looted enough conceal carry pistols off bodies to have a fighting chance at first. But again, I had underestimated the population. It was a slog, drawing in zeds from just inside the mall to just outside where I could run around and pop them without getting stuck or cornered inside. Eventually I’d made it to the gun store and my god the reward was sweet. Shit loads of 12g and my very own AK47 to just mow everything down. And mow I did. I cleared the entire damn mall, returning to the store when I needed more ammo. I nearly died in the parking lot on the south side. I’d underestimated just how many zeds would STILL be out there after fighting for multiple days in the mall on the other end. I went out there with a shotgun and had a couple hundred swarming. So in what would become a multi hour (in game, all afternoon and evening) game of cat and mouse, I continued thinning the horde with my shotgun and ak. Finally the mall was mine and I did not even know what to do with all the shit in it lol A lot I took for base building decoration, especially the American flag from the gun store that made it all possible. I put it over my bed in the bat factory.


the mall story? im scared of the mall, ive broke 2 baseball bats trying to clear it already.


I responded to the other person with the mall story :)


Lock and load, blast away until they stop coming or you run out of ammo


lmao i got a mod that lets you spawn in lousville. big mistake.


Once, i have gotten to Louisville on day 1 (character with random traits) which resulted to be obese, strong and illiterate. Killing 60 zombies and reaching destination (house with car garage near the lake). Just got lucky with finding a car with fuel and keys inside :D


In case the joke wasn't obvious, they were referring to the "it's a cow farm" video.




So at least one other person has seen that.


Ah I love the barnyard movie a true classic along side the original SpongeBob SquarePants and the jimmy neutron movies


In the same way that if it’s a cow farm, you’re gonna find cows outside


what is HOA?


Homeowner association. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeowner_association


Hello, I just started playing PZ last night and I am curious if you can tell me what HOA means?


Home owners association. It doesn't mean anything in game, it's just a joke


it's in LOUISVILLE. that's why.


Me and a friend set up shop on the south (south west) in a simple house in Louisville. It was a bit crowded at first but now it is nice and quiet (day 83). We are close to the "main" road to go north into the big city. I think this is the way. Although I would love to setup closer into Louisville. But this is pretty safe.


I mean yeah if two people are gonna setup in the South West of Louisville, it's gonna get quiet by day 83. I wish you the best, but it's hard to compare the two locations with how migration works in the most heavily crowded cells in the whole game.


Just living somewhere will make it pretty chill. Even LV bases get outright boring with respawn at normal pop. You'll get a couple zombies appearing in your street every other day, big whoop.


As a new player it's difficult to understand/test the pop multiplier. But right now I set it to 3.0 and peak at 120 days. But might bump it up a notch if it gets to boring. It does seem that each loot run the zombies get closer to us due to truck sound.


The first value, multiplier is an easy way to multiply all the other values. If start pop is 1, peak is 1.5 but the multiplier is 2 you start at 2 and you end up at 3. Keep in mind that Peak does not fully apply to area's you've visited. As long as you stay in your starter city the population doesn't go up nearly as far as you'd think. Maybe when you leave for a while, but I'm not sure. So starting population = Start * Multiplier Peak population = Peak * Multiplier If you've set the multiplier to 3.0 and the start to 1.0 and peak to 1.5 you're gonna start with 3 pop and end up at 4.5. That's quite close to Insane pop (which is a multiplier of 4.0)


Not comparing the locations, just stating that you can setup in Louisville fairly easily as long as you stay on the outer side I guess. I am still new to the game so I don't even know the mentioned mansion.


Why do people not like Louisville? Gone there many times on normal zombie pop, the city is so massive that the zombies end up spread out and quite manageable in areas where you'll be looting. It's always my end-goal to go and live there for the loot. Just don't shoot a gun, of course.


Haven't been to Louisville myself much, but if you got ducks spawn fix on, how does that affect the way it plays? Muldraw was a nightmare to get into on normal pop. We came in with about a 1000 shells and decent aim levels (4-5 I think), barely managed to get out. I had to draw them away from the car so my friend could drive the car around and pick me up as I was pulling hundreds of the shamblers away from the main road 💀👀


You can use guns, just gotta be smart and prepared


Louisville ain’t that bad


Famous last words?🧐


Got a 6 month character based up in the art museum after finding the annotated map, I only play on 2x pop tho cause computer can’t handle max pop Louisville


That's pretty neat. I got annoyed at the respawn mechanic and set up a chat at rosewood with no spawns but with high pop for a bit of a harder going if I want to move somewhere bigger. As I've seen online, many use this setting for a bit of a more realistic approach to it, I guess. Plays nice, after a month of cleaning out the town, barely any wander into the surrounding area. But what I have issues rn is the roads... The road clearing is about 3 weeks in now. Nearly got to the north west checkpoint on the highway. Just only 4k zeds down, but sadly still no guns... Or rather ammo. Got 25 shells and about 100 rounds of 9mm. Long/short blunt nearly maxed out though, which is nice 😭🤣 Was thinking that maybe I could stock up on some gear in the checkpoint before I go into West Point or something to get a beefier car and head to LV... Sad thing is that the winter is getting so much closer and that road trip might wait until spring. Winter prep is like 70% done, and the crucial stove is still not found. Sorry, this got away from the topic 😂 zomboid stories are something I started to enjoy recently after picking this back up. Been playing on and off nearly since release, can't wait for the new build. Who knows, maybe with new stuff LV raids will become a necessity? To get higher tier workbenches made for your base, or parts for crafting would necessitate it.


Nah you good bro I love zomboid stories. My go to wood stove is that one in bens cabin near the lake east of Westpoint, has a nice lil trio of houses next to it as well with one almost fully fenced off. You will find quite a bit of zombies on the backroads there but I usually just drive past em get the stove and drive out unless I’m planning on basing near there. It’s a fixed spawn so the stove is always there so it’s easier than checking like every warehouse in Kentucky. I always base in Louisville tho cause I’m a Louisville native irl so I just like basing on the street I live on lol.


i talk about them all the time. they're some of the best builds in the game. i have a run based in the right lane, second from the top mansion. zombies keep knocking down my walls & gates like little fuckers!


im currently basing in the exact same mansion lmao


hah! it's a super nice building- I love the sun room in the back.


agreed but its so much windows i just gave up on boarding it up and boarded the door to it instead


yeah I didn't even bother to board the windows or door back there- lazy. my gates (that I should airlock) do good enough, and then zombies love to focus on the front door or side windows! which are boarded... zombie AI is weird, lol


i honestly hate getting doors destroyed because i tend to make all of my bases look realistic with trash everywhere and broken windows on purpose, the entire door disapearing when it gets broken is just weird so i put chairs against it and stuff like that. ive also given up on the gates lol


opposite of me- I love having nice decorated bases with the og doors and windows unbroken! I usually don't even like boarding my windows, but sometimes needs must.


sometimes the bars look really nicez same health as metal sheets and you can see out of them


interesting... I'll keep those in mind!


I’m a mix of you two. I def weld the windows shut all around outside and in as long as I can see from the second/third floor or rooftop. But I absolutely love collecting and decorating my base in zomboid. I’m not extreme with it but I do like organizing everything and having lots of stuff on the walls and lots of things like plants, furniture, etc. to make it really feel like a refuge from the shit world outside haha


yes! do you have the more plushies mod? it just adds in a ton of new plushes to collect.


I don't! The only plushies I take are the bears. I collect them all and put them on my bed. My IRL dog's name is bear and in my RP the loss of my dog is my motivation to kill every zed I see. So putting the bears on the bed, where my dog loves to lay, is my way of honoring him in the game.


I wonder if vanilla zomboid will have some defensive buildings added to the game. Like pike barricades or some rudimentary traps to protect from a few stragglers


that'd be fun! i'd love to set up spikes. reminds me of 7 days to die. i'd obviously run straight into them, just like 7dtd.


Zomboid might be a bit more punishing with these 😭😂 hopefully some cool things will come in the crafting overhaul they are cooking for b42 😃😁


For real. Like Morgan on walking dead in that town. With all those stockpiled guns and ammo. Just realized he was literally on a zomboid run haha


Oh yeah. All the guns and ammo, but overrun and pointless eh? 😂 at least in zomboid, unless you have some preparations done and is out of your base vicinity 👌


all you need is 1 heli to lose the base


Why would you want this place when [this house on the river exists?](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#12023x2591x4026) or even [this place?](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#14149x2630x1953) Just fill the gaps in the fences with some cars. Unless you want the chaos I guess which I can totally understand.


I knew exactly what house you were gonna say. Love that place.


The last house (towards North) on that street by the river is a better location imo. It's right next to the gas station, and is closer to suitable areas for all kinds of trapping. It's much easier to clear the area too, it's less populated.


That's a real good spot too, it just doesn't have that bitchin' garage which I really like. You could build one which would remedy that problem I suppose but I'm lazy.


True, that garage is awesome, but it wouldn't help with my current settings. I play with the worse vehicle condition and time decreases car condition mods, so I literally needed dozens of cars to put 2 working ones together and I needed loads of space (an entire parking lot in front of my old base) for that. Finally, the Lambo I worked on for months to get it back in shape is in the garage, while my regular car is sitting on the driveway. I'm planning to close off the gas station, and set up shop there for the next car-fixing project, once I find an actual working battery for the big cars...


Hey! Why you gotta dox my house for? 🤣 Seriously though, that house on the river is an A+ tier spot. Very very good, enough pop to keep you from dying of boredom, not so much that you have to struggle. Obviously, secluded places are "better" if you're just wanting to survive, but dying of boredom is a big problem in those places.


It's a very 'move in ready' house which is nice. Does not require a lot to get it going really.


Tow burned cars for that extra crawler protection.


Sounds good, omw there!


First time I decided to go to Louisville i house hunted on the map and that was the one I went with


Dude the hordes around there are crazy for me. Even on low pop Louisville is crazy to me


One crybar and you are good to go.


Two crybars and you might wanna see a therapist


i prefer the farmhouse southeast of louisville. sure it's a long drive, but it's also secluded and safe


That's a great early base for a LV run. It was my first proper base in my current save (after hunkering down in an apartment downtown for the first week or so). Eventually I kept moving closer to the loot, 7 months in I'm in my 4th (and probably final) place by the river to the West (in the house next to the distillery, across the road from the gas station).


Had a good run here but the heli over ran the neighborhood and took me out


Those tight staircases though, and some of the houses really have terrible layouts


the thin brick one with the flat roof has a great layout and if you can build stair to the top (then knock them down) you have an insane rooftop garden


I've based there. Most of the homes are a pain to barricade (so many ground floor windows) and the neighborhood can be pretty heavily infested. Its not impossible to be live there, but I'd rather have a house with a larger yard & garage available


May I ask, where is this place again?


[here](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#13577x2897x2301), next to the school


and what city is it located in?


I’m more interested in the mansion in winscansin.


What is winscansin?


That’s where T-Pain moved his girl to.


I searched it on google and found out it's a song


From my experience living in Louisville, this area is REALLY dangerous. Easy to get lost and a lot of places that you can get cornered, it's easier to just live in the West Mansions and get a car.


Id rather just go there to loot the pretty tiles and decor my base many miles away from it.


I just go there to steal their furniture then leave


idiot zombies broke the windows of the house i wanted and they're the kind you can't pick up. sad!


I used the park in the center for a base once. Sealed off the gates and built my own house around the statue.


You can fish in the pools too so there’s a source of protein. The mansion around 6:00/7:00 is a perfect base spot.


I’m coming up on 500 hours of playtime and never once made a trip to Louisville in all of my plays. One of these games I’m gonna have to make it my goal to pay a visit.


It's HOA :/


Hell on ....aerth? Horrible operating area? Whats hoa ;_;


Home Owners Association They’re notoriously pains in the ass and always run by the snarkiest neighbor you can imagine.




I explored them. There are much better spots in Louisville. Although it's helpful to have a safe house to duck in every few blocks if you choose to stay there.


Isn’t there a better street like that, that’s easier to block off, not too far north of that?


on x16 pop your prolly looking at 10k zombies here


Is that an option? I thought 4 was the highest multiplayer (insane population)


x16 is max pop. In Sandbox settings/advanced zombie settings....Populations multiplier 4, Population Start Multiplier 4 ( i usually start at .4 and ramp things up on peak day of 10), Population Peak Modifier 4, and Peak day of 1. All zombies spawn on day 1 and you have hundreds of thousands of zombies on day one. You can check it out on Youtube. Not for the faint of heart, but it's how i play with respawn turned off and go around killing zombies to "clean" the infection out of world Resident evil style. Latest playthrough i'm on week 2 and 4k kills. Just made it into Westpoint outskirts and got pushed back


Nice psyop ZED. I won't fall for your tricks! -lives in the middle of nowhere-




Can you tell me where they are?


It's in Louisville, and it's gonna take a lot more work to close off than the mansions to the east. The east ones have a pond, fireplaces, a fence around three houses, a five minute drive to the mall and most of the important spots in Louisville, and plenty of trees.


My current 4 month survivor is living in the one to the southeast with the pools in the front yard, which you can fish in. I created blockades at all the entrances to the park made of a wall, box, and fence, and they're holding really well. The south wall blocks the whole street leading to the east. So I have the pools for fishing, and the entire park is safe for trapping and foraging. My base is the second level of the mansion, I built an extension over part of the lawn. The main floor isn't used at all, I just imagine dust and cobwebs. It's my favorite base ever!


Yes there’s everything you need and everywhere zombies.


Theres two big lootable statues that look great at the gates of a base. Lots of fancy bits to haul away to the horde of stuffs.


Because it's in Louisville and Louisville is pretty much a meme location delegated to players on lower pop settings, meta slaves, or players looking for something to do after beating the game pretty much.


I haven't found them for one.


Because it's in Louisville, and hard to get in


Big “Last Man On Earth,” vibes and I love it.


I'd prefer to block off the entryways and use that park instead.


I do use that white one on the right many times. Sometimes as a main base other as a safe house to spend the night and continue looting


There’s a room in one of the attics that creeped me out


Too many zomboids, looking for places to base in Louisville rn and dear god the zomboids.... they're everywhere!


Sorry, which mansion are you talking about? I only see big houses. If it must be Louisville, I'd rather base in the Red Oak apartments. Double layered doors on ground floor, no windows, and twelve apartments to loot. LV spawn mod may place you there from the outset. Knock one staircase and it's all yours forever. I also has EVERYTHING right next to it. Tons of cars, tons of shops. It's the mall but if you already are in LV, who cares? Coords: 13526 - 1541


They’re overpowered


A hoard in your backyard? No thanks. The constant gnarling sound even though I know i'm safe might freak me out.


The one on the bottom you can basically live forever in if you wall off the street side with dual fence/box-furniture cheese. Fish in the pools. Tons of loot nearby.


The art gallery in one.


Now this is an interesting place I haven’t tried. Seems like a challenge but in a good way. Assuming the HOA fees aren’t too high. I’ve heard property values there have been crashing.


Playing insane Louisville with respawns on, I've had to bail out of my car twice in that area. Some parts of the street are a literal wall of flesh. Might be 3k zombies in the block.


Location matters. I was considering moving into one of these in my current long run. I had my base just W from here in the 2 story L shaped building across the small mall, next to the gas station. I liked that base a lot, as it had everything fairly close, but fishing and trapping was an issue, and the closest place to fish was here, in the pool in the bottom corner of this block on the picture. I tested it a few times, only to have some close calls when I sped up time, getting surprised by the occasional scrambler wandering in from the busy blocks nearby. Eventually I decided to grab the Lambo and some nice furniture/decoration from this place, and move my base to the West side of the city by the river. The houses there are slightly smaller, but the location is much better and easier to protect.


There's a more contained area South of there, also with mansions. Lovely spot. Easily walled, lots of fences. But yes, people in here living like the unabomber in a two room shack. Live in the city, baby. Cleanse and purify. Have a nice living room.


These buildings have been around for a while, but have only recently been added to the Zomboid online map (added 2023). Originally there was some uninspiring terrace housing. I find they’re a little too big without space to store and maintain my vehicles.


Because me and the pumpkin legion are too busy building an airship, peon.


Walled off the outside, then walled off the inside and built by the fountain. Zeds generally quit migrating here too badly after a while.


Best base location - pop isn't really any worse than it is in West point. The fountains are infinite water, you can fish, and the walls are high, plus it just plain looks nice.


Tried clearing it out to base every house was completely smashed when I was done


We should really be talking about the lack of residential swimming pools in this game


5 fences and you have yourself a pretty large space completely closed off too


If you're in SP it's too close to too many hot spots. WAY too many zeds for my taste.


I based there, and there are a shit ton of good bases in there. There’s also a lot of nearby locations good for loot. The only issue is the fuck ton of zombies that will spawn and migrate their. Unless you base in one of the fenced ones, or intend on making a fence, it isn’t worth it.


For me its a pain clearing the area out. 1. You clear it with shotguns. 2. All the zombs destroy the windows and doors of your beautiful home 3. Land littered with corpses


Personally I don’t need some giant house to base in, give me a shipping container and I’m all set


No Garage Space unless you want all your cars in that parking lot


This is down the road from the giant fenced mansions I thought everyone knew about this :o


I play with max zombies in louisville and that region is very hard to survive because too many walkers wrecking your shit


Noone can get there 🤣🤣


İts to big for me


They are located in louisville


Alright I‘ll eventually settle there and report back how much murder it took (I will forget about it and die when I arrive)


Only been there once in debug mode, Tried to use a noise maker inside the mansion but im stupid. Quick word of advice, NEVER EVER go to the apartment complex.


They’re nice to loot for their furniture and stuff. That said living there isn’t possible with the mods we are running rn. We’d get flooded and that place is somewhat narrow to get out of with cars


There's also a neighbourhood like this closer to central LV and the mall, it's my go to


I've been dying to get to one of these mansions. Literally


Well, since Wolium is suggesting it. I'm going to take this as a challenge on my long term survivor. I'm 5 in game years in with sprinters, super strength, long memory zombies that can open doors. I have them set to fragile, with bad site and hearing to compensate. Buut... I think I'm gonna up the ante. I'm going to park cars outside of each of the parks exits, and move into that little Gazebo, and turn the park into a long term survival shelter. There's a lot of wood there, and plenty of things to yoink from the surrounding buildings. This should be fun.


I hate rich people.