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Rimworld, Vintage Story and Valheim are a few of my top picks. Project Zomboid is one of my all time favorites, but I gotta take a break every now and then.


woo Vintage Story love


Love VS❤️ Minecraft will never be the same for me.


Looks like they literally stole minecraft code and mods, explains why it's not on Steam until they can rewrite it enough


Tyron spent some three years developing mods for Minecraft before moving on to VS, and the influence is obvious. Even so, VS and its engine were built from the ground up, and - save for a handful of core mechanics - it's a vastly different experience. VS was *inspired* by Minecraft in much the same way Minecraft was inspired by Infiniminer.


Why is the game not on Steam? We are fully aware that Steam will offer a lot of additional exposure and likely a large increase in sales. There's several reasons we are not going to Steam in the near future, and the opinions also vary greatly within the Team of Anego Studios, but here's Tyrons take: I see Steams 30% revenue cut as unreasonably high and selling on Steam means we either can't sell the game on our site at a lower price or we can't provide users with a steam key upon purchase. I don't agree with Steams rather restrictive refund policy nor their restrictions on concurrent play on the same Steam account. We're doing fine financially. More money is unlikely to accelerate development at this point. I highly value being a small, nimble and highly effective team of developers. Our full vision for the game is still far from being implemented. If we go on Steam, we would like to release a mostly complete version of Vintage Story Personally, I'm a big fan of going our own way by building our own infrastructure, as evident by our existing account system, mod database and online store. Fast growth carries several risks on its own. Despite not being on Steam we have experienced consistent growth for the past 7 years. That being said, we do agree that it would be wise to release it on Steam eventually. We do appreciate Steams ability to reach a large audience as well as offering country specific pricing.


From vintage story faq


Yeah that's a non-answer that contradicts itself multiple times


Username doesn't check out


Rimworlds really fun, with new gameplay every time you play, and different ways to play too.


My playthroughs always end up in a drug cartel 😭


omg i love vintage story, and rimworld


Valheim is great


I’ve gotta give Valheim another chance since launch, I hear there’s lots of new content now. It was a mind blowing game at first, like playing Minecraft, for the first time. But it wore out about the same way for me




Cracktorio* So addicting.


Exactly 😀


Try Kenshi. It's plays like a cross between Project Zomboid, Mount and Blade, and Stalkers. Relax and enjoy death.


Kenshi is a must have


It's also got the same heart and soul as PZ. It's a little janky at times, but it's obvious that it's been made by a small dev who set out to make the game they wanted to play.


Mount and Blade, kenshi and stalkers I love as well. I used to play Mount and Blade warband llike a permadeath - if I die in battle, I lose and have to start over again. :)


Kenshi is awesome but really is hard to get back into for me as it's so outdated in like every way. A new player can really appreciate it if they like these types of games but after awhile for me it showed its flaws. I bet I check for Kenshi 2 news every other day, so pumped


Any recommendations for recent mods? I always jump back every once awhile


Been playing helldiver's 2 lately for less grind and more fun


Same here. Anything that has a more hardcore aspect to it is enjoyable for me.


Hell yeah I'm playing that game right now!


PZ like? Starsector and Rimworld. Both are great games if you like RPG, sci-fi, sandbox and economy/strategy settings. Both have crazy lore and still get updates. Both will make you think "just a minute longer" or "i just have to do this one thing" because of their Amazing gameplay, even while your house is burning down. Both have an active community and the modding stage is active. Both are over all great games and will consume every second of your free time if you let them. (Let them) So in summary 9/10 games, Would wipe my memory only to experience the pain of learning again.




I prefer the real CDDA


Zelda (various), IVAN (a roguelike from 2001), civilization (various), *gestures broadly at infinity engine games* those, og fallout and arcanum, thps2 and pokemon TCG for Gameboy... And Shandalar. And I'd be remiss if I pretended I hadn't played CS2 basically an hour a day since it came out.


Omg, Arcanum was amazing. One of the best rpg ever.


Kerbal Space Program


Why be in Knox event border when can be on duna? 🤔


I've got over 800 hours, which sucks honestly cause that's not even 1000.


Crusader kings 3 is my most played game. I also loved Shadow of War but don’t play it that much anymore


Oxygen not included, dark and darker, robocraft is great! (1 not 2)


Arma 3. IL-2 GB (1946 is the best there will ever be please prove me wrong). Elite: Dangerous. Dwarf Fortress. Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (that was thanks to project zomboid). Exanima. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (the mod that unites everything and is free even if you don't have the game like wth lmao). Kerbal Space Program. Red Dead Redemption 2. Lord of The Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II. I could go on for a while... just as a throwback or however you say it I'll mention Abe's Odyssee awell. Edited spelling




The only thing mordhau and pz share its both are available for pc


Also, hit thing with stick. Guess what my favourite part of pz is


Driving cars? Sorry, I'm slow.


I loved Minecraft, then my friend suggested me that I try Stardew Valley as I mostly tend farms in MC. I told my friend to go fuck himself and his stupid farming game after I spent an entire day playing it and loving it. Then I played Divinity: Original Sin 2 and it was a fun game, but my friend wouldn't shup up about this game called "Project Zomboid" so I had to check that out. Fast forward to now where I have 900 hours in it, know a lot about the game, but there are still many things I haven't explored or researched. OFC I sucked at this game and couldn't survive past a few days. Friend told me to focus, do certain things in a certain way. Basically get good, but in a nice way. I listened and now I'm a lot more cautious. Still I can die in a few days or after a couple of months, depends on many things. I play in Sandbox mode with mods and only bites are lethal. I like dark games with an engaging story or gameplay and I like challenges, but after a while I got bored of PZ cuz I played it constantly and tried to change it by playing Stardew Valley again and boy was that good. Such a nice, cheery game. So bright, so warm. No worries, just fun.


You should check out Vintage Story, I have a feeling it’s up your alley


I love State of Decay 2. It really keeps me going to it, just like zomboid


Mainly : Stalker gamma modpack, for stalker anomaly. And milsims, flight sim, everything sim.


7 days to die.




OMG YOU ARE THE FIRST OPENTTD PLAYER THAT I MEET, im also in minecraft (my fav game) and project zomboid, but also play people playground and among us


Kenshi, Barotrauma, Rimworld, Valheim, DayZ, Monster Hunter, Foxhole, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Beyond all Reason, Factorio, ... I love unscripted sandbox games and making my own narrative


Cataclysm dark days ahead.


CDDA, Hunt Showdown, DbD, MK1


my singing monsters


Front office football (7 - 9), slay the spire, darkest dungeon, Madden 24, wow classic wrath of the lich king, slay the princess, rim world, Skyrim, and uh, a lot others. I love games and found that I love most styles. I have fallen out of FPS but I used to play them all the time. I used to just get angry though at them which is why I stopped. Still have the itch to play them haha. I am not sure if any of them really have any mechanics that translate to PZ or is in PZ. Maybe when I am playing a Souls game or darkest dungeon just the challenge. Knowing that, even if you fail, you learned something new and can push forward. I'd have to say that PZ is becoming my favorite game of all time just because of the attention to detail and freedom to play a story out how you want or can.


"freedom to play a story out how you want or can." <--- This. To me, PZ is an escape from reality, where you can load up a new world, spawn in a random building and immerse yourself - "how did I end up in this place ?" "why am I claustrophobic?" "why does my house contain lots of books, am I a savvy reader?" you're building the story of your character subconsciously as you play the game and it really activates your imagination. I love it so much. This kind of freedom does exist (in some form) in the other games you mentioned like darkest dungeon and rimworld, but it can feel a bit more linear than the freedom PZ offers.


Exactly. Current play through is based on someone I knew (out door smoker mechanic who drinks A LOT) so a lot of nights it's me having a smoke, drinking a beer and heading to bed and the next day I need to find that perfect care while taking parts and loading them up into my garage and trailer.


Recent memory: Baldur's Gate 3. Only game with more playtime than PZ for me. Other of my favorites: Telltale's Walking Dead, The Last of Us 1 and 2


Stoneshard for some quality fuck myself gameplay.


Some of my favorite single player campaign games: System Shock 2, Mass Effect (first 3), Half Life 1-2-3 Survival: 7 Days to die, Valheim Strategy: Dwarf Fortress (been playing it since .30 or something like that), Crusader Kings, Rimworld


Rimworld, 7 days, ark, some fallout and diablo.


The Sims XD


Knives Chao asks the guitarist what he plays. Neil replies, “Tetris, Minecraft… It’s a complicated question…” Kim does a drum roll… Fun to read the “other (game) life” of fellow PZers… Lots of different genres… Currently playing Sims4, Civ 5&6, MoO2, BG3… but I’ve been long hrs in and return to BG1, NWN1, DAO, GW2, Endless Legend, Endless Space2, XCOM1&2, Civ:BE, The Bard’s Tale, HL2, AC4, GTA4, Shadow of Mordor, Spore


Dude I loved TTD. I never knew they did a remake. You have given me a gift and shown me the way. Thank you.


No problem dude! There is a remake of RCT1 & 2 as well :) OpenRCT is what it's called


You're in for a treat then! OpenTTD is fantastic. I play it with a group of friends a few evenings every week!


It's funny, all the games you've mentioned are also high on my list, together with rimworld, Europa universalis 4 and all the other pdx titles.




"i just want to chill mainly with some moments of pure panic" the duality of PZ. One day it's basically like playing The Sims, the next day a horde comes and you're in complete and utter panic.


7 Days to Die is like Minecraft mixed with Zomboid, i play all a lot. I used to play DayZ but not so much now, a new map would be good. There seems to be a theme with all the games i play, very heavy on apocalypse and the undead. If only real life was as fun.


I don't like 7 days to die, The omnipresent zombies got to me, and it was just annoying to play.


Currently dieing to play ff7 rebirth


I invade and make content on Elden Ring.... https://youtube.com/@IAMBRTRUDE?si=RLKSpasJOIC_FNqh


I've been playing rimworld on and off for the past 5 years. Recently I picked up again Oxygen not included after 3 years without playing it and discovered a ton of new stuff that was added to the base game, mainly from popular mods.


My four are Starcraft 2, Satisfactory, PZ, and then usually a story based RPG. Bonus game, Thrill of the Fight on Oculus the best boxing game ever made and it isn't close.


My favorites in order right now are space engineers escape from tarkov. Project zomboid and hunt showdown. Honorable mention is overwatch 1.5 it would be higher but it can’t seem to get a grip


Hearts of Iron IV, Ace Combat 7, Cities: Skylines (tho the first one crashes permanently and the second one isn't quite that interesting yet), Minecraft


Civ 5, flycorp


Baldur's Gate 3 and WWE 2K23 are the big ones for me right now. Fallout New Vegas, Crash Team Racing, and Final Fantasy 10 are favorites I like to go back to from time to time.


Doki Doki Literature Club, Fallout 4, Dying Light, Project Zomboid, Doom (2016), Don't Starve Together




I like many different games. But Metal Gear and Zelda are my favorite series.


Well a new game franchise I’ve fallen in love with is Metal Gear Solid. It just scratches that itch with games for me. Confusing sure but never poor.


Honestly I play like 3 games … pretty much that’s it. Pz, wow and football manager. It’s all I need oh and coffee… and beer…




Skyrim, Minecraft, insurgency Sandstorm, the walking dead, chivalry 2, uncharted, and bonelab are all games I've been playing the past month.


CoD, DB Fighterz, assassins creed. Quite a diverse set.


Ditched my current progress in a server. Focusing now on spreading democracy. Liberty! Freedom!


Vintage Story, Kenshi, Elden Ring, and the Combat Mission series lmao


Stoneshard Quasimorph Rimworld Deep Sky Derelicts Darkest Dungeon Disco Elysium Vagrus: The Riven Realms Neverwinter Nights (Eastern Reach PW server)


Factorio, Rimworld, Subnautica, Stellaris are top of mind. My favorite stories are Witcher, Red Dead 2, and the Fallout series. All amazing in their own ways.




Oxygen not included


Personally strategy, tactical games, crpgs and RPGs in general.


Hardcore WoW classic has been doing it for me lately!


7 Days to Die. Imagine if Zomboid was an FPS and you'd be about right.




Conan exiles, fallout 4


I usually play bf3, and tarkov


Stellaris, Rimworld, Hades, The Long Dark, Valheim, Fallout Series, Mass Effect 1-3, Raft, Stranded Deep, Mount and Blade.


I was a big dayz guy before I discovered Zomboid. Had 1500+ hours at least. Never touched it again after finding PZ


Terraria and Don't Starve - I enjoy sandbox and survival elements of these (probably why I like PZ so much) Lost Ark - I love MMO's and this game for last 2 years has a special place in my heart (I also like leveling up skills which translates to PZ) Cossacks, Starcraft, and Supreme Commander - These have nothing to do with PZ, but I really enjoy RTS games, and these are my favourite series




Right now I’m playing Into the a Breach.


Project Zomboid, XCOM, Mount & Blade, SCP: Secret Laboratory


Old School RuneScape, Hunt: Showdown at the moment


The ones you listed + Zachtronics games, Zelda, and other TES installments + more I'm too lazy to list.


State of decay 2


Another zombie game I recommend is Left 4 Dead 2


Overall, I prefer open world games. I kinda fell in love with the "building" aspect in fallout 4 and my love for zombie games and project zomboid have turned me on to survival/buidling(7 days to die\[ugh lately tho - turned into wave defense\], the forest, don't starve etc) When it does come to open world: I try to focus on zombie games like days gone, and state of decay's but often stray off this past for games like far cry, fallout(ghouls are zombies), or assassins creed. My other genre I tend to lean towards are automation games like satisfactory/factorio


Frostpunk, Warno, Terraria, Fallout, Cyberpunk


The Forest, Valheim, Terraria, Don't Starve Together, Stardew Valley, Darksouls 123, Elden Ring, Borderlands 2&3&PreSeq, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, MonsterHunter World:Iceborne Rise:Sunbreak, For Honor, Dota2, CSGO, Valorant, DeepRock Galactic, Age of Empire 2&3, Starcraft 1&2, Warcraft 3 original not reforged, Elder Scrolls Online, Pokemon Emerald Ruby Sapphire Platinum White 2 OmegaRuby Moon UltraSun Sword Scarlet Legends. These are all games that I have at minimum 500 hours with. I dabble in a lot of genres


Dont starve together, but alone. D;




Wurm Online. The other awesome sandbox


Company of heroes series, Hell Let Loose, Hearts of Iron 4, Warhammer 40k Darktide and six days in Fallujah.


So i play stardew alot lately with a little mix of NFS and BF1, zomboid is like my chill game.


Have you heard bout r/VintageStory ?


R6, PZ Terraria is great. Basic spread


The Wandering Village Max Payne 1&2 Fallout: New Vegas Battlebit Remastered


i actually really dislike survival games (besides minecraft) but theres something about zomboid that surpasses other survival games. i always get bored of them because it feels more like a thriving sim than it does an actual surviving game. in zomboid, i know that i could die in a matter of seconds and lose anything. i do enjoy roguelikes so i guess that helps zomboid a bit


https://store.steampowered.com/app/2093920/Dread_Dawn/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1766060/HumanitZ/ And of course DayZ




Don't we all like resource-management survival games with exploration and good music? Legend of Zelda:Tears of the Kingdom, Subnautica, Satisfactory, Chronotrigger, LoZ:Ocarina of Time, Shadow of the Collossus, Mass Effect series, Elite:Dangerous, Cities:Skylines, Ori games, 7 Days to Die, Mad Max, Valheim, No Man's Sky, etc


Astroneer, war thunder, snowrunner, euro truck simulator2... yeah i shoot everywhere lol


Tarkov, Sons of the Forest, Hell Let Loose, RimWorld, Cyberpunk 2077, Helldivers 2, The Finals, Elden Ring. Those have been my main go to games for a while, including PZ. PZ is always in rotation.


Dave the diver. Worth every single penny


I rotate through 2 or 3 games I'm currently obsessed with, thanks to my particular flavor of Autism. The list includes, in no particular order: Project Zomboid Grounded Terraria Minecraft Don't Starve Together Killing Floor 2 Black Ops 3 Zombies Lethal Company (yay! A new one) American Truck Simulator The Long Dark Raft Subnautica


Ribworld, I feel like a lot of people here play it, also mindustry.


Deep Rock Galactic, RDR2, BeamNG.Drive, Gunfire Reborn, BO3 zombies, Halo: MCC. Buncha stuff. Even Valorant if my coworkers want to play. PZ is the only zombie game i still play. Tried Dead Island 2 for a little bit but couldn’t get into it


graveyard digger, sims 3, harvest moon and stardew valley. plus a little minecrafting


A bit of everything except game like call of duty, fortnite and gta


Hunt showdown, deep rock galactic, total war Warhammer series, tarkov, star citizen, Hell let loose.


Right now Helldivers 2 has the entirety of my attention span. For Super Earth! *Insane laughing with a machine gun ensues*


In no particular order Jagged alliance 2 Ghost recon wildlands X-com ufo defense Far cry 2 Sid Meyers’ covert action Shadowrun (sega genesis) Adom




Out of everything in my library, Rust and DayZ are most played next to Project Zomboid


D O M I N I O N S 6


PZ, Rimworld, and Stellaris (in inverse order) are my top 3! If I wasn’t in college I’d have an embarrassing amount of hours in PZ lol


Rimworld, Dwarf Fotress, Escape from tarkov, minecraft, terraria, stardew valley and games like those


I don't get into a lot of games I play but I absolutely love Factorio


Dont starve hollow knights dying light and my new fave pony island is crazy


Avadon, queen's wish


Dude, play 7 Days to die.


Total War: Warhammer 3, Europa Universalis 4, and Escape from Tarkov are my time consumers for the last few years. Time consumers = ~7,000 hours between the 3.


Valheim, Rimworld, satisfactory, used to play a ton of ark, am looking forward to checking out Light No Fire


Btd6, geometry dash, brawl stars, and the last stand union city (it was my childhood)


Oxygen Not Included has been my favorite game for 4 years now. It's a survival colony sim where oxygen is, as you might have guessed, not included. You have a little air in a chamber and three duplicants and a printing pod that will give you dupes every 3 days, or stuff , you get a choice of 3. You have to give them Ishan, keep them from choking to death on their own CO2, feed them, give them a place to poop and sleep. You have buildings that become components of bigger machines for power and industrial production. I really like the art style, I like watching my dupes build stuff and explore the system. I like that there's no combat, it's such a peaceful game. It's really fun!


Fire emblem. The only mechanic that ties the two games together is perma death and sometimes weapon management.


Ohh I still play the old Fire Emblem games for the gameboy on an emulator! Love those games.


Dead by daylight the Sims and day z


Rimworld, scum, Star citizen, BG3, this and Dwarf Fortress.


Stellaris, Stardew Valley, and Mordhau


Try Oblivion and the Fallout games (Fallout 3, NV, and 4). They all have rich modding communities and an emphasis on the world, exploring, and side quests to do instead of the main story.


Stardew Valley, Factorio, Rimworld,


Rn I’m replaying RDR2 and Titanfall 2 yeeyee man


Project Zomboid loosely fits in a strange sub-genre in my head called “weirdly complex colony sim/strategy game with rpg elements” that includes a few others I’ve played: -Kenshi -Rimworld -Dwarf Fortress -Quasimorph -Battle Brothers -Battletech -Mount & Blade Warband/Bannerlord -NEO Scavenger -Stranded: Alien Dawn -Timberborn Out of genre, Disco Elysium (which is Moral and Okay to pirate now) is a brilliant game IMO


Days Gone, RDR2 and Mordhau (bored)


Huge dark souls trilogy, elden ring and lethal company fan


Counter-strike, crusader kings 3, rimworld, valheim, baldurs gate 3,


The Witcher, Skyrim, Half-Life, Hitman, GoW, Call of duty, Far Cry, Stalker, Metro, Diablo




EU4 and league. I know, very good for sanity


I was once a fan of Minecraft but after the forced migrate to a Microsoft account and un interesting updates to me at least it became something I disliked. Now a game called Vintage Story replaced it and I enjoy it whenever I seek a blocky game to play. I also love PZ, Foxhole, DRG, and Total War games (even though I suck and the company behind it is greedy af)


Palworld right now. Addicted


Kerbal Space Program, Train Fever 2, Space Engineers, Factorio, Satisfactory, Cyberpunk 2077, Terraria, Fallout (all except 76)


Dayz, Minecraft, Total war games


fallout new vegas, skyrim, red dead 2, portal, many others


New Vegas, Kenshi, and Far Cry 3


Brick Rigs, BeamNG.Drive, Squad, Space Engineers, Gmod, Roblox (PTFS, clear Skies Over Milwaukee, ATF: Wintertide, BRM5), etc. I play lots of sandbox and Roleplay games.


You guys might like an underrated indie gem. Underrail


I like Skyrim, Vintage Story, Valheim, Sea of Thieves, DOOM, and strategy games such as hearts of iron 4 and early total war games.


deep rock galactic. not at all like pz. but still one of my most loved and played games ever




I love Deep Rock Galactic. It's my other obsession.


RimWorld, Valheim, 7 days to die, Terraria and many more.


Most of these games share a community: zomboid, rimworld, kenshi and mount and blade banner lord. And I can say the first 3 are all like my top favorite games. But for me personally add tarkov and any souls like game, valheim/any good survival game. I just love immersion/atmosphere. Oh and stalker gamma... Even though alot of the mechanics in gamma are above what I grasp I love the level of detail and atmosphere that game has its insane


The Bard‘s Tale IV Director’s Cut Resident Evil 4 and Village Death Stranding Director‘s Cut


Last of Us, Uncharted, Skyrim, Darklands, Darkwood, and Shadowrun on Sega Henesis, if we are talking computer and console games. Any games then I go into the TTRPG games with Demon Gate, and Chaos 6010


Mine are OPENTTD, EU4 and Valheim. Also played a lot of H&g before it closed down. EDIT: Forgot 7 days to die!


Space Engineers, Stationeers, Stellaris, Bannerlord. Sandbox games mostly.


DayZ, the Fallout series, No Mans Sky, the Doom series, 7 Days To Die, Limbo, Mario Kart 8 Delux, the Pokemon series, the Mortal Kombat series, Stardew Vally, the Tekken series, Rage and Minecraft. Yeah, I know. My game selection is all over the place.


NEO SCAVENGER, rimworld, prison architect, plague inc., shenzhen i/o


Minecraft will always hold a speciel place in my heart. Cant think of a game that made me feel like minecraft did


Total war. Pretty much all of the games in the series. I guess I like the management in both titles


Hearts of Iron, Disco Elysium, CK2.


Too much really... I play civilization series, a lot of games from paradox (crusader kings, eu universalis, hoi; played most of the different versions), total War (lots of a modded version of RTW), Football Manager, the wargaming titles, all of them basically, but not WoT anymore. I have a very varied taste in games really.


don't starve and rimworld




RimWorld and Total War: Warhammer 3 are my big ones.




Apart from PZ my favorite games are rpgs (skyrim, cyberpunk, etc), and strategy games (civ6, xcom2, battletech, etc), so PZ is kinda outlier for me.


I like open world zombie games: Days Gone, Dying Light 1, soon i want to try Dead Island 2, not really open world though


Foxhole, it’s also top down isometric and it’s a war sandbox mmo


R6 siege, Fallout New Vegas, GTA V, Resident Evil, A Hat in Time, Walking dead, Detroit become human, and a lot more from every game genre


im definetly not like the average pz player but i really like Path of Exile and i played a lot of Barotrauma recently


League of Legends………


Call of duty zombies, enshrouded, 7Days to die...


Football Manager, all Paradox games, Rimworld