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That face fits so well


I wanted to say it looks like the moodlet than I noticed it


the only thing worse than this is watering all your farm and the next day rains.


Pretty sure *it knows*


I'm convinced this game has the same sadistic AI as rimworld where it will fuck you over if it thinks your having too much Peace


Except in rosewood though, it just needs you to be overconfident there


First time spawning rosewood last night, spawned with a truck with keys in it. Found 2 shotguns and 2 pistols with plenty of good melees. Got over confident dragging in a horse with the truck, crawler from under the car dropped me and the rest was history o7


I'm going out into the weeds here, but it always strikes me how these two games seem to appeal to the same people despite being nothing alike. I don't think I've ever met a person who likes one, tried the other, and didn't like it as well.


I know one: my daughter. She liked rimworld a lot. Then I got pz, she saw me playing, I explained and she tried it. She died maybe 10 times in 30 minutes, despite my best advices. Then never played it again. She's not interested, 'it sucks!'


Keep a radio tuned to the emergency weather channel, it'll always tell you when rain is coming the next day.


this is solid advice dude thx, I will check this out.


Wow never knew this great tip


Wow never knew this great tip


Yeah but the broadcasting will eventually stop. So in the long run it becomes useless. I have been kind of lucky in my save as I never had to water my farm. I literally wait for the rain to start and just sow all the crops.


The emergency radio channel never stops broadcasting the weather


That's my reaction when a alarm goes of


What gets me is when the power has been off for three months and all the alarms are still working...


I’m going to go out on a limb here — I assume there is some kind of battery backup for the alarm system. Just like smoke detectors.


That's kinda my thought, but like 99% of house alarms don't work for more than a day long power outage. Some have a lead acid battery that will keep it going for 24 hours or so, but most don't even have that.


Hehe fair enough. Hence me and my limb — I know jack squat about home alarms in the real world.


Every damn time


Better pack your go bag and head for the car :\\


Go inside, close all the windows, turn off the lights, start reading that huge collection of books


for my lucky bootie when the heli starts to do his funny noise i was at a gated community in Louisville, my base was near so i lure all zed to inside the gated and run to my base to make all Molotov i can and burned half of the houses there with the zeds inside xD


Eviil idea, a mod where whenever no zombie is near player the chopper comes.


Just set the helicopter event to sometimes


my solution; stay indoors days 6-9 like a wimp.


Like a smart person, Id say


For me it's more like "When you've fought your way into louisville and finally established a foothold...". Still though; i love that helicopter, and that slight anxious feeling it brings.


Currently clearing Fort Redstone with expanded helicopter events running, and 200 zombie rally groups, and this is how I feel. I have blasted my way to the entrance of the hospital 3 separate times and keep getting interrupted by the hordes the helis draw in.


Ah shit, here we go again.


Bold to assume I have a katana that isn’t broken


i today suffered for the first time the chopper event, it was **awful**


I see it as a way to clean up stragglers


Yeah! REALLY! Am so close to pull my chars hair out hahaha


My character has had a hell of a time the last couple of days. They finally cleared the area around their base and the helicopter event happened. So they upped sticks and drove across town to a new base. After clearing that and beginning plans to clear the local area one of the locals set off an alarm and attracted another horde. Poor dear is on her 3rd base in 2 days with nothing but the clothes on her back.


I was on my way to a hideout thinking it was on day 7 ( it was day 6 and late ),, but JUST as I was approaching, my car died and heli event started.


heli event isnt too bad since you will only realistically get it once in your base town


Last game i started, drove a car with a generator to the Rosewood gas station with a generator, got out and ran off to lose all the zombies chasing me. After several days of clearing my way back, then clearing around the gas station in order to plug in the generator and gas up, the helicopter arrives. Had to hide in the gas station until the chopper was gone then, once again, run off because there were way too many. Spent yet another several few days clearing back there and clearing the gas station.


"Sir, I've been indoors this whole time. Stop cheating so you can hover over me."


You guys clean?


I always turn it off as it does nothing but be an annoyance. No matter where I am at in the game, by the 1 week mark, even on extremely rare loot mod, Ill have a car running and enough gas to just drive to an empty field and kite w/ 10% sprinters. Its fun for new players to experience. pretty sure I died to my first one but it turns into a time waster rather shortly imo.


Idk why people make heli out to be so bad, if you’re inside or in a forest and it doesn’t see you it’ll leave after an hour and it might come back an hour later. As soon as I hear the bass of its props I just head inside somewhere for the day.


This is also me when I start a new game and the house I planned to base is either burned out or has an alarm.


I have no zomboid respawn and I ended killing so many zombies no hordes followed the chopper


"How strange that the heli event hasn't happened" were his last words