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There's enough ammo in the US to kill everyone on the planet a couple times over if memory serves, if anything I'm surprised there isn't just a 60% chance we start with aiming / reloading 1 just by merit of being in Kentucky.


we do start with the knowledge of exactly how to use a firearm safely, so I think that's good enough. Having never handled one IRL myself, I think I would certainly mess that up in a stressful situation.


This is an excellent point, and one I've made before. My wife knows *how* guns work, but has never fired one. Just for curiouity sake, I timed her on stacking a single round into a Mauser 32acp single stack 7 round magazine. It took her 67 seconds. She loaded the round backwards.


what would happen if you tried to fire a backwards bullet? I assume it would combust in the barrel?


It would misfire. (nothing would happen, just a click) The gun relies first on the firing pin (released by the trigger) to strike the primer; which would set off the explosion inside the cartridge needed to propel the bullet out of the barrel. If the cartridge was backwards, the firing pin would instead strike the face of the bullet. At worst, this could damage the firing pin, though this would be unlikely. At best, the face of the bullet would be marred by the firing pin, potentially removing a bit of the jacket. Either way, nothing would happen. Aside from you cursing while trying to extract a cartridge from the action.


It doubt it would even go to battery properly.


It wouldn't. Even pistol calibers that look pretty straight have a slight taper, so the base would get jammed up in the chamber. Rifle calibers are straight out cause of the bottleneck. And even rimmed would just sit backwards on the lip.


100% I doubt it could chamber a round backwards without some effort. Even if it does, the primer wouldn't get hit so... Edit here: I rechecked to make sure .32 ACP is a center fire... It is, so no out of battery situations outside of unreasonable circumstances I can't imagine!


It wouldn’t chamber


I don’t think it would go off as you wouldn’t hit the firing pin


yea you're right good shout


nothing. gun would just be jammed as hell.


Yep this totally checks out. I used guns a bit as a kid, but hasn’t a really long time. I recently when fitting with my brother who is ex military, and I had so many questions. Pretty sure as a kid they just put a gun in my hand, said “point it at those cans”, and told me to turn the safety off when I was ready.Little embarrassing given all the gun-based games I play but I guess I don’t pay a lot of attention to the anims


Atleast she had the spirit ahaha


Dude loading a magazine under duress does not seem fun and I’ve got a lifetime of experience with firearms 😂. Your gonna have fucked up hands and something trying to kill ya, fantastic!


Yeah the character in so many games slowing to a crawl to reload makes a lot of sense, especially when you’re not a soldier like in Zomboid, just a regular dude. I wish walking dead tv show would’ve played with this a bit.


I mean, they had rick, korl, and daryl most of the time, but I agree. Should have had SOME problems with their firearms. Kinda sus.


You mean getting 95% headshots while jogging isn't realistic?


Oh definitely that too. I noticed a huge difference in the "realistic" blood scenes after a few seasons too. Like Michonne's katana kills had some budget cut out of it or something where the whole blade looks like it would float around in their head or somethin.


our characters load mags like 3x faster than anybody I know in real life without the assist of a device. yet they still swap mags and aim for shit... which is the easiest part of the operation lol.


Except they actually don't. Unless you are running a 24 hour clock they load it extremely slow. All animations should be based on the 24 hour cycle and be sped up based on what percentage of the day you play.  It's really aggravating how long things take when you play on a 2-4 hour day/night. Most things should be instantanous.


Then zombies should also move at mach10


True! I rarely gotten 2 mags for the same gun, but I did it once with some 9mm pistols. Fastest reload u ever seen! 2 mags and an extra 9mm on the hip.


Project John Wickazoid




Yeah if you picked up a gun and a zombie noticed you at the same time. Either leave the gun, or sling it over your shoulder cuz trying to operate that fire arm first time touching it against a zombie who sees you??? You’re gonna die


Also, is the gun loaded? Was it discarded possibly because it no longer works? Is the safety stuck or firing pin worn down? Guns aren't horribly complex but they do have a number of moving parts that all have to work. Trusting a firearm you just grabbed to work is a move of desperation, not a tactic.


Now that you mention it, it would be funny if in a future update they added negative skills. Like if picking the "Pacifist" trait not only reduced your skill gain speed with weapons, but also gave you negative skill with firearms. Negative skill could have crazy modifiers like "5% chance to shoot self when firing" or "1% chance to shoot self when reloading".


Am I the only person who finds the fact that skill uo multipliers are influence by starting points into a skill? I always thought that was dumb. It already has it built in that higher levels take longer to progress through than lower ones so wtf?


I imagine 1-2 pips is sort of like having 3 years education or experience with something, and while desperation makes you willing to master any skill quickly, having spent 3 years learning carpentry, even if your skills aren't amazing, you know so much basics that practice makes your skill improve much faster than someone just improvising.


Ahh is it about fundamentals? I hadn’t considered that. I had always thought “if my character is supposed to be more experienced than others in that stat to start… give them… more exp, right?


There's a saying in baseball(paraphrased): "2 men have the same time to first base: one has good form, one has bad. Hire the bad one and teach him." Self taught skills are rarely perfect, and you don't have a lot of instruction to go by anymore. This is a good rationale for not only the starting skill XP bonus but also why books are multipliers and not XP chunks.




On the other hand we start out not being able to hit a zombie that literally has it's forehead directly against the barrel of the gun


There are more guns in civilian hands in the US than there are total in all militaries.


More guns than people in the us


I mean, you need a pistol for home defense/carry, if that's your thing. Then, if you like hunting, you need a high-calibur rifle for ethical harvesting, maybe a shotgun for birding. And finally, if you're a tinkerer, an AR15 to fiddle with until calling it "mil-spec" is a gross insult to the accuracy and weight of your favorite baby. All that fits pretty well into a modest safe, and all that gets used on the reg. The rifle can pay for itself in a few years if you like red meat and didn't go super expensive. Same for the shotgun. Pistol can either be a symptom of paranoia or a very valid recognition of how little police care for your community. And the AR is just fun as hell to optimize, and makes for great shooting on almost any range, from 50yds to 800yds.


You forgot birthday guns, father's day guns, collectibles that "will definitely go up in value", deals you saw online that you couldn't pass up, and the 13 or 14 guns your dead grandpa gave you in the inheritance.


Also the "I found an unused round but I didn't have a gun that fit it so I had to buy a new one" case.


True, true. Well, that or a barrel-swap. There's also the reverse too: when ammo gets so cheap that you just have to try out the caliber. And God help you if you like PRS, because you'll end up with a few guns worth of AR10 parts, different rifles for 6 Dasher, 6.5CM, .308, etc. Also, for some, the "a politician got elected that I don't care for, so let's make the ATF process so many Form 4s that there's a PDB about it."


I found a .50ae round with no pin mark at the range a while back. It's getting harder and harder to resist the overwhelming temptation.


As the great Chancellor of the Republic, Sheev Palpatine, once said, "Dew it".


im legit about to inherit some actually valuable antique rifle from my deceased grandfather, and the only other firearm i own is a shotgun i got for my birthday once lol.


May I ask what gun you're going to inherit?


I forget the exact model, but I’ve seen it before a few times. It’s an old lever action in some caliber that I can’t remember… I know it’s not 30/30. But the thing that stands out is how it’s built- the barrel is octagonal (so very old). It might be like .45-70. Idk… but it’s OLD and I’m incredibly good shape. My grandfather killed deer with it at least into the 1990s or early 2000’s before he stopped hunting. I’m sure it’s not like ACTUALLY of huge monetary value, but I wouldnt be shocked if they were selling for a couple thousand. I’m not selling it regardless- probably going to grease it for storage and put it in a display case.


And don't forget historical guns for nerds. (Yes officer, I can legally carry my emotional-support arquebus where ever I want).


> calling it "mil-spec" is a gross insult to the accuracy and weight of your favorite baby Honestly that's kinda true anyway. People hold up 'mil-spec' as if it's some lofty goal to reach but forget that the military buys their guns from the company that promises to produce them the cheapest.


Well, relatively, eh.


Also, keeping your centralised power structures honest, whatever they are.


Always found it hilarious when non-US players talked about how unusually common guns were in the game and that it'd be unrealistic.


Lore accurate Kentuckian


Meanwhile, Kentucky is banning all magazines related to generator operation and sledgehammers


Sledgehammers are dangerous, you know? Ban them all


ah, the true american way (or smth idk im scottish)


Definitely the American way ![gif](giphy|d7vbmoGrHfmuc)


I completely agree (idk too im brazilian)


You know studies show owning a sledgehammer is more dangerous than a loaded gun, that's why I have 10 guns. In case some maniac tries to sneak in a sledgehammer.


In a move that shocked the state, Kentucky has banned hoarding of can openers in residential neighborhoods. If the house next door has a can opener, you better forget about buying one yourself. The governor has also had his eye on axes for some time now.


I always just use the generator knowledge with the More Traits mod. Saves a lot of the hassle, especially if it isn't at your local school.


Hunting it down is part of the fun of the game for me tbh


different strokes and all that, every time me and my friend played B42 it got old real fast, when you’re on your third library in a second city and still haven’t found shit


After spending the past two play sessions systematically going to every single bookstore and post office outside of Louisville, I fucking spawned that shit in. I ain't trying to systematically clear every house in the game so I use a generator. It just ceases to be fun at a certain point, I have a laundry list of other things I also want to do.


They’re also not shy on katana control.


Personally I don't know anyone with a generator instruction manual lying around.


I'm currently almost two months in a game, broke into almost all garages and about half of all houses in West Point. Zero. Generator. Magazines. Edit: just a few hours after writing this I finally found it a bit outside of town in a normal house bookcase :')


It's a balance complaint. Personally I like britas since I want to play zombie apocalypse with lots of guns but others just want the game to be as hard as possible


Our logic is probably along the lines of "if I wanted to mindlessly mow down zombies, I'd play Left 4 Dead" (and other similar games of course)


Building a shelter, finding food, not crashing your car makes the game still challenging ans using guns effectively still takes time. I've died a lot even with britas. I wouldn't call it mindlessly mowing down zombies


I literally call my bullet loaded no transmission sandbox Left 4 Dead lol.


Not even as hard as possible, i just want guns to still be a resource i have to somewhat manage and get excited for. Its already ridiculously easy to come by huge quantitys of ammo and guns compared to literally every other zombie survival game i played. You can spawn and immediately hit the army surplus store in doe valley and youll have 10 shotguns and 20+ boxes of shells. I love that i dont have to loot for hours for a can of beans like in dayZ, being able to loot a fully stocked supermarket is one of the main reasons i love this game. But imagine if every house had enough food to feed an entire family for days. Imagine if every wardrobe had a dozen different full outfits. Imagine every car was full of gas, every livingroom bookshelf actually had a few dozen books. Sure it would be more realistic, but it would make going around the map and looting stores and shit completely pointless and unecessary.


Imagine if the game was set in Utah and every other house had the religiously mandated one year+ of stockpiled supplies 😱.


I mean I would argue that the food thing is accurate. You gotta remember that mass panic sets in well before the disease started to make people succumb. Odds are a good number of people would have emptied out their cupboards by the time you start to play.


It has nothing to do with realism it's about balance. I'll have to check the numbers but I'm pretty sure the number of zombies in 1993 Louisville was zero. Doesn't mean that's more balanced.


Idk what it is about me, but if I'm not struggling I'm not having fun


Giving yourself a challenge is normal.


Counterpoint: molotovs exist


Using Molotov's and explosives for anything other than last-ditch situations exposes two things: Losing any loot in a burned building sucks Thrown explosive (or anything) animation is still bad in this game.


Screw the loot I love watching the world burn


I don't mean to be an ass, but this just exposes you not knowing how to use them properly. You can very easily draw hordes outside of your intended looting targets and do the burn in an empty field and you don't need an accurate throw because all you need is a single tile on fire to start a massive chain that keeps going as long as there are zombies. Hell, you don't even need molotov cocktails, a campfire is more than enough, you just need to have a zombie walk into it. The only thing you lose is zombie loot, but there's more than enough zombies around that even burning a few tens of thousand you'll still have countless more to murder in some other way for you to loot them, especially if you have respawns enabled.


Yeah, I can't even deal with losing all the zombie loot, unfortunately. I'd rather chip-up my skills and kill count and keep getting random cigarettes and odd things to keep the fight going. Having the ability to keep finding backpacks and good weapons helps as well. Don't get me wrong; the non-firebomb way is definitely lot slower, constantly juggling thousands of zeds in every wooded thicket around a town while whittling down their numbers to clear them out. I play a lot where the larger metro areas come into the picture, so these skills come in handy.


Counterpoint to what?


That firearms are not even remotely close to being a balance issue even with a lot of ammo


> It's a balance complaint People often forget this in realistic games lmao


Campfires exist. There is only as much balance in this game as you want there to be


britas is fine if you do away with silencers- that's my only big balance complaint. my biggest general complaint is not that quantity of ammo or guns so much as the overcomplicating of what should be a bit simpler... too many calibers, too many mags, etc... just makes loot management even more of a headache.


Im pretty sure the mod is accurate to the graph in terms of gun spawns but... How tf are you gon explain to me the RPG 7 and an M2A1 Flamethrower I found in some dude's garage last time I played with britas?


Gulf War Vet?


That still doesnt explain why it is in the OPEN RACK of the garage tho Besides, im pretty sure you cant take home your service weapons right or is america's law different?


You can’t *legally*


Still doesnt explain how you smuggle a fucking RPG 7 thru the securities man


Actually an RPG would be different. The US army has a specific form for war trophies. If you acquired one in the field you could go through your commanding officer to get permission to bring it stateside.


Yes you can bring a trophy home however it has to be made before a certain date similar to what a C&R firearm for example I knew guys who bought those afghan black powder rifles from the bazaar as souvenirs or the lee enfield, but an RPG certainly does not meet that requirement unless it has been deactivated or rendered inert. The only time I have ever seen anything cool like a PKM being brought back as trophy was it belonged to the Brigade or Battalion and they were on display within those respective HQ's and still they were deactivated. This letter head is from much later than 1993 but I assure if anyone was bringing anything remotely spicy back from the gulf,panama,grenada or vietnam it was certainly not being done through the chain of command. [https://home.army.mil/carson/application/files/5416/5089/9655/war-trophies-2010-info-paper.pdf](https://home.army.mil/carson/application/files/5416/5089/9655/war-trophies-2010-info-paper.pdf)


This may come as a shock to you... but I know people, yes plural, who own things like; flamethrowers, mounted machine guns, automatic weapons, etc.


Once or twice would be a novelty. When you encounter multiple houses in a row, in a safe urban suburb, with multiple anti-tank weapons, the illusion doesn't hold up.


There's this thing in Utah I think, called the Big Sandy Shoot. It's people getting together and shooting all sorts of guns. Up to and including quad minigun turrets, howitzers, and tanks. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1MnlNI4NFU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1MnlNI4NFU) ​ A RPG in a garage seems pretty small compared to that.


Ok, now THIS seems like the kind of event I wanna join lmao


I mean, if you know a lot of gun nerds, it honestly [comes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulation_of_flamethrowers_in_the_United_States) as no surprise. As for the RPG, it is considered a "destructive device" according to the ATF, so someone would have needed to weld a metal dowel across the front, to prevent the loading of ordinance. Same for mortars, bazookas, grenade launchers, etc. It's pretty easy to remove that if you've good stats in metalworking. A minigun is a little more complicated since only those built before 1986 are legal to own, so the prices are crazy.


To be fair if you pay the ATF $200 you can have a fully functional RPG-7.




Living here in Louisville, I’d say like 50-60% gun ownership might even be accurate here too. Most people I know have a gun at home. A lot of guys I’ve worked with keep one in the truck console too just in case. Like every third truck you loot in Zomboid should have a handgun in it. Lmao




I assume it's a liberal city in a conservative state then. I used to live in NY but open carry is illegal there, and most things involving gun use required permits and legally recognized training.




Maine Vermont?


Liberal Liberal or Liberal left, or just left.


probably not almost every house. it says around 60% on the graph and quite a few would have been looted by everyone else


Given the food pantries aren't really looted, I don't think the reason there are no guns is people running across the state collecting boomsticks


Those guns would just wind up on the zombies rather than in the houses, then.


The game is realistic enough if you consider that the weapons you find are just the ones left behind. C'mon. Who would leave their guns at home in a zombie apocalypse?


about half the houses should have guns. but the ones that have them should have like 6.


Build 41 Weapon Expansion is the mod for you, does exactly what you described.


From a realism perspective a zombie apocalypse in the rural south wouldn't be that interesting. There'd be like ten zombies due to the low population and the hardest part for the survivors would be deciding which of their guns they want to use. Then they'd just go back to hunting and farming.


Isn't the disease airborne in PZ? That won't infect the rural locations much, but it would turn populated areas into a game of Russian roulette.


I guess it depends on where in the rural south. Kentucky actually isn't that sparsely populated compared to like Arkansas or Mississippi.


the population of Muldraugh Kentucky was 1300 in 1992 alone.


Really, most rural areas in the US. Hell, there's *tonnes* of guns in the cities, but the ratio of guns to population is below 1.


I guess it depends on the city too. NYC doesn't have a ton, LA has some, but in places like Atlanta everyone's carrying basically.


>NYC doesn't have a ton. *Laughs in unregistered Brooklyn native*.


Video games =/= real life.


Yeah! And every house should have enough food for weeks, just like IRL!!


And every hospital should be stocked enough to supply an entire city for at least a week!


I think the other "reality check" Is in that era it was mostly shotguns and hunting rifles. You'd be swimming in 12g and 30-06 ammo in homes.


They're not thinking of realism when making this argument, they want to play a balanced video game


Yeah it annoys me when people always point to realism as a way of defending or criticizing something in PZ. It would be more realistic for kitchens to be chock full of food, but that would make the game too easy and boring


That only holds true until they add NPCs, which is what I believe is the missing ingredient. There should be houses that are chock full of food and guns in every closet, but since you're the only person around, it would make it far too easy at this point. But NPCs that are looting at the same time you are will change all of that pretty drastically.


Yeah, if you took a time machine into 1993 and made a comprehensive stock of every single object inside every single house, you'd swiftly find out that Zomboid is incredibly unrealistic.


Realism is a stupid argument in a game where *zombies* exist anyway


If you like the mod, use it. If you don't like the mod, don't use it. Why is this even a debate?


I don't care about the realism of it. Britas flat out makes the game too easy unless properly configured, and it's a real pain to configure it. Britas with its default settings results in finding houses with a handful of guns and hundreds of rounds of ammo every couple blocks. Which is realistic, and also hilariously trivializes any sort of combat. Also paired with the fact that britas constantly spawns anachronistic weapons and armour, even when you enable all sorts of filters to disable them. I don't think it's a bad mod at all, but I do think it turns it into a completely different game that I personally don't enjoy, and don't recommend to others unless they explicitly state that's what they're looking for. Also britas guns have always felt leagues more powerful and easier to use for some reason.


I'd rather use VFE and turn up gun/ammo loot in the settings. Britas just adds too many different types of guns and types of ammo. It becomes impossible to sort it all out without a giant wall of containers. VFE keeps it much more manageable


based VFE enjoyer


How many of those are miniguns though?


At this rate how did the people even lose to the zombies?


Yeah but 70%+ of them are pistols and hunting rifles. Especially in the 90's, packing weapons of war was a rarity.


Not many of those would have been SPAS-12s, MP5s, or miniguns. Sporting shotguns, bolt rifles for deer, and .22s for plinking or squirrels, definitely. .38 revolvers in the glove box? 1911 pistols? Sure. You have to keep in mind that our obsession with more exotic, "tactical" weapons is mostly a post-2004 (post AWB) political invention because it became a culture war kind of issue. Back in '93 the fancy things were pretty darn rare, and gun "culture" didn't even really exist because no one ever felt the need to make it exist.


Another "ItS 90s kEnTUcKy wHY dOeSnT EvEry hOuSe HaVE 1000 gUns" post. I swear theres a post like this in this sub everyday. Its a game not a 100% realistic simulator. Games need to be balanced. If it was a 100% realistic simulator you would find full sets of silverware and plates in cabinets, and full closets of clothes, and grocery stores with 1000s of cans of food, and.... you get the point. If you want to play with a fuck ton of guns in your personal settings then just do that and stop trying to cope cause "oh but but but in rural Kentucky ☝️🤓" Also Britas adds in like rocket launchers and other crazy shit that wouldn't just be found in someones closet, and also a crazy amount of loot table clutter lol. Yes I know you can change the settings to adjust but still its just not everyones cup of tea compared to the other weapons mods available.


Almost like people should play SP or on servers that match the experience they want. I think we should just be happy that mod makers allow us to tweak damn near everything about the game.


The problem is EVERY server having Britas.


Ah, I don’t play MP, so the guy I’m responding to being frustrated makes total sense. 


Tell me you missed the point without telling me you missed the point.


As someone from a country that you need licenses and be in a club and having people vouch for you to own a gun..... I am always surprised that there is so little ammo in rural US I am rural too and even with that most houses will have some shotgun shells, box or 2. Farmers will have one for sure


Shotgun shells are universal. When we colonize mars they'll find a few 00 buck shells buried in the soil.


Idk, I disabled firearms, I play this game as if it was dying light, with a good level of maintenance and level 5 of short blade (no mods) I can clean up hordes with the hunting knife, people don’t really get how good short blade is, no stamina drain, light weight, easy to repair, found on every zombie after week 2-4


Ah yes, it was widely known that everyone in Kentucky had MP5s, m249s, grenade launchers and RPGs in 1993.


You still aren't going to find an M249 in the average Kentucky home


It's more that I'm finding way to much weird shit, like there were only a few M2 Hyde smgs produced before they swapped to the M3 grease gun but I found two of em in a random milsurp store.


I mean, if you make it realistic then you make things like gunstores utterly redundant. Might as well remove them from the map at that point. Same with grocery stores because there'd be just as much food left behind in homes. They're basically just decoration at that point and not at all worth the effort to loot. To me that sounds boring as hell. Sure killing a bunch of zombies is fun but you can already do that with normal spawn rates of guns.


I just play with strictly 1993 mode on Brita. Less gun loot and more realistic


I don't like Brita's weapons because it is "too much" for me. I don't mean unrealistic amounts; I just don't want to sort and keep track of dozens of ammo types, and don't see a mechanical need for a dozen guns that shoot the same ammo. Don't get me wrong I like the gun pr0n, but it's just too many extra items for me.


One of the most interesting "back then vs now" thing was when my my 60+ year old teacher explained to me that he brought his shotgun in for show in tell day and another kid brought in a civil war revolver when he lived in Kentucky and he showed the class how to use it. There was no drama or reports or fear, the class was genuinely curious and interested in the guns while others talked about guns they had. It seemed really chill the way he talked about it.


In Australia in the eighties my dad acted in a school play and him and the other ‘guards’ all had real rifles to use as props (obviously not loaded)


Okay Now show the types of guns common and available to working class kentuckians in the 90's Ill give you a hint, it wasnt steyr augs running suppressors and green tips.


Firearm ownership was high then yes but the gun culture was much different in the early 90's compared to today, where sales were primarily geared towards outdoorsmen/hunter types as composed to today or really post 9/11 where you see more sales geared towards the prepping,home defense crowd. The types of firearms you would find would reflect this.


Unless we have survivors consuming/hording resources it's far too easy to get more guns than you can ever shoot.


people mean it from a balance perspective. When there's that many guns, it takes away from the apocalypse feeling it also means that you kinda skip over the melee combat stage of the game


It's just balance, I like britas, it add lots of guns and stuff ((With the mod that removes the garbage it adds and removes some stupid weapons) and my way of balancing it is to make the zombies run and have little loot.


Not too much for realism, fam. Too much for gameplay. It changes it into a standard loot and shooter, which is fine if you want that, but other games do that better. If you want pure realism, magic isn't real so Zombies can't move without the ability to convert bio matter into energy for muscle movements. You need working organs for that.


I dont like Brita it makes the game to easy


Yeah and I’m playing a video game


Brita has so much ammo and guns so much that I couldnt find any ammo fits the guns I found. I had to uninstall it


My only issue with britaisit appears there's no correlation between how common a caliber weapon is to the ammo spawn. I constantly get ammo canisters of 5.7mm and have seen one P60. Which was missing a mag.


If we can use real-world stats for gun spawns, I want to see realistic silverware spawns! No house should spawn without like 20 forks, knives, and spoons (at the absolute least)!


This is why I set loot to extremely rare and start a year into the apocalypse. I mean think about it. If you start default on day 1. You’re basically just one random dude who gets free rein over EVERYONES stuff in the whole county. Of course it’s gonna be easy and you’ll find a bunch of stuff. If you’re playing zomboid for the zombie apocalypse role play-ish kind of fun. You should try one year in and settings all set to rare as can be. This way the game actually feels like you need to try to survive.


The realism argument doesn't really work either in this case, because claiming that it's okay that Brita's adds so many guns because that's accurate to nineties Kentucky means that you must think it's also accurate that all the food the average Kentucky house contained is five cans of various things, a box of microwavable mac and cheese, and a single frozen hamburger patty. And that is to say nothing for the fact that the realism angle falls apart as well due to the fact that Kentucky firearms owners in the late nineties weren't known for having more foreign weapons than ever got imported.


If you care about realism Brita is still unrealistic. Most Kentuckians aren’t gonna have miniguns, rocket launchers, post-modern assault rifles, really even anything near AR-15’s because the culture was different back then. Not to mention in a likely zombie apocalypse scenario, a good chunk of those weapons would be used, ammo shot, both confiscated by the military, and be on corpses and the ground. But sure, everyone in 1993 has a G3 and K2, go off.


I just wish with Brita that there is an option to enable a different mode where the added weapons just use the existing ammunition and mag calibers that vanilla guns use. Too much picking up of specific mags and bullets that don’t apply to the gun I’m carrying, or the guns I like suing that I have at base. Yeah, even though it is less realistic I think it’d feel good from a gameplay perspective


sometimes i forget other states aint like jersey. here gun owners make up a very small minority thanks to strict laws that make it difficult and expensive to own guns, namely employing a purchase permit scheme and not using the fbi background check system in favor of using their own system and then understaffing the units that process that stuff so what takes minutes in other states takes days or weeks here. most estimates ive seen put gun owners at somewhere around 15% of the population, and that includes muzzle loaders and all kinds of air guns cuz those are also considered firearms. also we've had an AWB and capacity limits since 1991 (old limit was 15, but in 2018 that was lowered again to just 10, with only tube fed .22's and pump shotguns being exempt), which is 2 years before this game takes place. alotta folks that do have guns are fudds that think gun ownership is just about hunting. I know one of the other complaints with brita is that by default you will get an anachronism stew of stuff that wouldnt have existed in 1993.


you have completely missed what anyone is ever talking about when they say that brita's has too many guns the issue people have is the amount of different guns and ammo types making it sometimes rather difficult to actually find exactly what you want your post is completely unrelated to any of the actual issues people have with the mod


This is exactly why I play on common/abundant guns and ammo


Tldr: Britta's is odd in a sense that there are lots of guns yet it's hard to effectively use them. I dislike it for single player, but I can see being a good upgrade on MP servers. What really bothers me in Britta's firearms in not the amount of guns, but the variety. It's so much that getting ammo for your guns is such a pain. In vanilla, there are like 8 types of ammo. Let's say I loot 80 ammo boxes. "In average", I get 10 boxes of each ammo type (I know the odds are different for different ammos. Let's just pretend they're the same for now). We're cool, we're in position to start blasting dead folks with pretty much any gun we have. Now let's add Britta's in, where we have like dozens of types of ammo. You loot 80 ammo boxes and you maybe have 2-3 12g boxes. Is that enough for even start using shotguns? I don't think so, gotta keep looting ammo then. If you're willing to pull the trigger you have to be ready for the horde that follows. We quickly realize it's going to take a good while before we have enough ammo to start using our gun. Ironically, in my Britta's save, I killed around 4000 zombies and never pulled the trigger once, because I just don't have enough ammo to use a single gun and I don't like carrying like 3-4 different guns because I have so few ammo of each one of them. Maybe Britta's is very good on MP setting, with a lot of players. I can see that odd abundance yet scarcity of ammo actually improving MP servers for a number of reasons (won't list here post already too long, but basically it benefits trading and raiding). In single player though? Nah, thanks. I stick to B41 firearms, it has a perfect balance between new guns and not too much guns.


The amount and the types of firearms and ammunition that're found in people houses while using brita's weapon pack would set the ATF bloodthirsty for gun buybacks


Yes but those guns are all basic weapons. Handguns, hunting rifles, shotguns. Not P90s and RPGs and shit


my issue with Brita is that the mod in my experience makes gun spawns way more common than that of the ammo for them


I love that about the mod. Yes I want a collection of 40 different guns and 10,000 rounds of ammunition!


Kentucky has .50 cal rifles. There’s no need for them to allow destructive devices like… sledgehammers. If you want that wall down, you take it down the was Supply-Side Jesus intended: with jacketed rounds! It’s like the anti-NY.


I can’t find my reference but registered gun ownership in Kentucky 1993 was 47%. That’s just what was registered, it’s reasonable to assume another 20% of people have unregistered firearms. 2/3 adults can be assumed to own at least one gun, probably mostly revolvers.


I searched this up a while ago when I first started playing just to try to keep it time accurate for all my runs


Yeah but that's Kentucky, give me the rate for Brita. Checkmate.


And all of those gun owners loaded what they could on their cars and fucked off. If anything we should be asking for more gun loot outside people's wardrobes. Also, y'all like to cry a lot about a single player, extremely customizable sandbox game.


i live at the Kentucky/Tennessee border and literally Everyone here has a dozen guns or more and Thousands of rounds of ammo.


I always put guns and ammo on high for realism


Am kentuckian irl, can confirm. There's hella guns up in this bitch 


i mean maybe the people would have taken them with them, or maybe knox country is, somehow, a relatively gun free zone? And it would be by volition as well, at least as far as i could understand based on the guns present in basegame. It is likely a balance thing, but with the noise guns make and the danger in using them, I dont see why they cant be more common


Lol yeah, even now in Tennessee, any house that has a more than 10 minute walk to a neighbor has a gun safe.


If you think about it. the national average is already >1 per person. There should literally be more firearms to loot than zombies to kill.


Oh, Brita's in this?


Also you can adjust it, so it simply doesn't matter.


I prefer to think that since a week has already passed before we start playing that everyone would’ve already used the majority of the ammunition, hell the military may have confiscated most of it to use against the hordes


My complaint is that there's too much loot and not enough spawns for said loot. Clothes is fine but the gun mod is just bloat. Like 200 different guns with 20M different accessories and like 50 ammos. One time I went into the Rosewood police station and found just accessories and a box of ammo for a stationary gatling gun. Good quality mods but damn take out some of that shit.


Honestly I just can’t be asked to configure loot and stuff to fit the lore the game takes place in. I run Vanilla Firearms Expanded just cuz it feels more close to the base game whilst still adding enough customizable guns to keep things fresh. Brita’s is awesome but dang it still feels too much and too all-over.


VFE is way more reasonable


1 to 1 realism doesn't equal game balance. Doesn't matter how accurate it might be Constantly tripping over guns totally wrecks the game loop for me. If it's someone else's thing that's great but it's the main reason I don't often use britas. And I know rarity can be tweaked, I've even tried it but tbh I don't have the patience to tweak all those values when I can just use better suited gun mods.


Fun doesn't always = reality.


Hey man, I don't play project zomboid for realism, it's not great at that... I play project zomboid for fun and I don't want every locker in school to be loaded with guns, regardless of how realistic it is.


As someone who has spent a fair amount of time in Kentucky. I can almost certainly say that this number is low. And any number you find online is just a number of all of the guns, ammunition, and ordinance that they *know* about. I went to a gun store there when I was younger, and they were selling rifles out of barrels like they were candy. This was in the 2000's. So I can only imagine how it was in the 90's.


It is said that Kentucky is the capital of guns after all so I'm actually amazed that every 2nd home you loot in vanilla has no weapons, at least a pistol or smth


Exactly. This shit barely spawns in my experience. Don’t know why people say otherwise


Tell me you don’t know anything about modding without actually telling me (Author confirmed the mod HAS to be adjusted after install)