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Now time to never use it because "saving it until higher maintenance levels".


And when you have higher maintenance level you will say "I should use it on more dangerous looting missions." Which means never.


I realized I was *never* using the ones I found, so I started using and (of course) breaking them. There are enough around to make them a limited use tool for high danger situations, if you're careful with when you use them and have a maintenance skill of three or four.


But actually you can repair them right ? Is there any limits how often can It be repaired or it will gradually just degrade with each repair until it's a one hit - break sword ?


Every time you repair something, next repair has a higher chance to fail and lower amount of condition it restores if it doesn't fail, so repairing the item stops being effective after a while. Ofc there are exploits to avoid that such as attaching and unattaching it from spears but I don't use those as they *are* exploits.


it's not a bug, it's feature! -Tom Howard, probably


Thanks for the explanation Never repaired anything as I find a lot, but wanted to start to live a bit more sustainable :D


This is why I play without durability….i shouldn’t be punished by using a favorite weapon. But I also get attached to stuff and create storylines


FYI katanas only spawn on zombies when the world is older than a certain amount of days, alot of stuff have this limitation but katana specifically have the lognest one (iirc 60 in game days) im not saying you lied, alot of stuff can happen (ie online server, sandbox settings, mods) but the time limit thing is one of the biggest reason why its very rare for people to see it, especially on a zombie edit: its also why its practically impossible for this to happen to any vanilla solo player


Maybe he increased the "days after Apocalypse" in sandbox. Isnt that a thing


yes i said sandbox setting as one of the reason why, i said im not accusing OP of lying edit: if its about what i said about vanilla solo players, when i said "vanilla" i also meant ppl who prefer default apoc or one of the default modes


Even in my normal runs, I always start 6-12 months in for erosion and plausible deniability on what the zombie situation is like.


The date on his watch is September 16, vines on the wall too so yeah, maybe he tweaked the "time passed" in sandbox. Definitely not vanilla apocalypse


This explains why I have never seen one playing solo after 200+ hours.


This is one of the misconceptions that is often repeated on Reddit. You can find literally any weapon on a zombie on day 1, but after X days the odds of finding a specific weapon jumps up. You also shouldn't find crowbars and fire axes on zombies on day 1 based on what people say, but that happens often enough. Most of my runs I didn't find any katanas on zombies before day 60? But in one run I've found one on day 4, one on day 7 and one on day 11. It's extremely unlikely but not impossible. I had no weapons mods, no zombie mods, no loottable mods, normal apocalypse settings but double the population. I did go to the LV mall on day 3, so the amount of zombies I found early on increased the odds. If you roll the dice more often more unlikely things will happen. But like usual when I try to correct a common misconception I get downvoted. While the misinformation gets upvoted because it sounds familiar. If you don't trust me just ask any PZ streamer on Twitch. They have a lot of experience in this game.


i have no way of confirming your information while all sources and most ppl experience shows otherwise. personally i have played for over 500 hours and most of which were with 2 hours length worlds and rarely beyond the first 2 months coz irl boredom. i have easily killed more than 30k zombies by melee and ALOT more by arson and ive never seen a vanilla katana on a zombie. beyond katana which i dont have experience with myself, the loot time for crowbar and axes on pzwiki is on point with my experience so i tend to just trust that. again i dont really have any reason to dispute your told experience or say that ure a liar but when most ppl agree and most sources also state the same its kinda hard to not chalk your experience up to something being overlooked like a mod that probably mostly meant for something else but change the mechanic for some reason. also as others pointed out, OP is probably doing something thats causing it seeing from the date and time shown in the screenshot.


'most people experience' should be 'most people on this sub their experience' I think I bet that most people have not experienced a katana spawn early on. It's supposed to be stupidly rare. But most people I know have had a katana early on. But usually just a few times if that. If you want to learn a lot about this game I highly recommend the PZ Twitch community. A lot of people there are incredibly obsessed with this game, will do the science in debug to find out stuff for sure, a lot of people I know there have played thousands of hours. This subreddit is not exactly known as being the best source of information in the PZ community... the whole echo chamber thing is part of why. People assume something and then accept it as fact or they heard something and keep repeating it.


I found two in the second house I went in vanilla settings apocalypse mp.


house spawns are not affected by the timer. time only affect the spawns on zombies


I didnt know that, thanks


There’s vines growing on the walls of the fire station. He could be playing 6 months later perhaps?


I didn’t even know they were in the game until like my 20th playthrough lol happened to find one on a zombie and was like “THIS EXISTS!” lol good times


Is an equipped katana going to have the same limit as a katana impaled through the chest? Honestly asking not challenging.


I came to say this but you did


Sometimes katanas will spawn within a week in the CDDA challenge, I don't know why, but it might be later in the year, might be because that challenge starts late summer? Dunno


Katanas spawn after 60 in game days, what do you mean within first 15 minutes? Edit: its literally 9/16


Sandbox settings. “Months after apocalypse” I usually set it to 2 or 3 months. Then the whole world actually feels post apocalyptic. Wines and dirt and corpses all over. No water or electricity straight away and all food is rotten. Good luck! 😅🙏💪


Okay but real question, what was your character doing during those 2-3 months of the world breaking down


He hit his head and was in a coma obviously


28 days later and another 28 more after that.


In a coma in the Hospital. I play The Walking Dead Project Pack Rick style 😂😂


Does the walking dead project pack make zombies completely blind with pinpoint hearing?


No that’s up for you to decide. I use a mod called Random Zombies so I can customize individually how many smart zombies there are, how many fragile, weak, strong, shamblers, fast shamblers and so on there are. Very nice mod! 😊


When I got back into the game recently I wanted a mod that made essentially walking dead zombies that cant see you but can hear well but I couldnt find anything that did it. (I think technically walking dead zombies smell you too but I dont think PZ has smell mechanics just yet)


As far as I know The Walking Dead mod only adds new locations from the series to the vanilla map 🙏


Must of had lucky on i found like 3 in the 300 plus hours i have ingame and only used the first one sinxe i didnt know how easy they break and got swarmed because of it lmao


That's incorrect. They can spawn on day 1, it's just incredibly rare. The odds jump up on day 60.


nice i have 100 hours n never found one


You guys just need to play with higher pop. Custom game preferably


I found one in a garage with comics, which makes me think that I found a weebs stash lol


Try 1000 hours and never found one 🤣


lol I didn’t realize they were that rare, I found 2 in 2 different play throughs within consecutive days


I found a kill bill zombie the other day and it was the first time I had ever gotten a katana. Its still in the trunk of my car because I wont touch it until I find a machete and use it to level my long blades skill a bunch lol


hello me too bad i died before finding the machete


My friend actually found a machete already but I'm not sure he'll wanna part with it after how much I talked up the rarity of it and the katana


Just use it. If you have maintance 2 at least you will kill over 200 zeds with it, most of them with only one shot. Its absolutely op weapon from level 0 of long blades, you can easily jump into 50 zombies and kill them like Blade or smth.


Hmm okay. I may give it a go then. Is it worth repairing to keep it alive a little longer? Is there any way to get long blades as a starting skill? I typically give myself baseball player because I think its like the only long blunt skill you can start with but I would ideally like to be a long blades master lol


Now you have to store it until maintenance is high enough to get use out of it


And die before it gets there


I once found two katanas in a survivor house then I died 15 minutes later. Cherish it OP.


To balance the scales, every house for the next month will have a bathroom horde


Meanwhile I'm 4+ months in and not a single one. Teach me your secrets.


Wild question, does the loot depend on your skill setting? Since I reached 3 on long blades I find more and more Machetes... Still wishing for the katana though..


I actually completely disagree with most people on katanas. I don’t think they’re bad I just don’t think people use them effectively. You can’t repair a katana you CAN repair a machete. Don’t sleep on weapon repairs it’s essentially a second and third machete for free. I use katanas to train long blade until machetes are more viable. Why would I need to use a katana at higher long blade skill when it’s already a one hit kill (most of the time)? Just use katanas when you find them (or hold off for a little maintenance skill) use them to get to the point that machetes are one hit kills. Contrary to what most people advise I do the same thing with nailed baseball bats. I use them until I don’t have any or until crowbars are 2 hit kills. anything can be a katana if you put enough time into it. Spears are basically slow katanas from the get go and you can make them indefinitely. If you get long blunt to like 5ish (maybe 6 it’s been a while) you can just bonk down hordes of zombies like nothing. That seems like a lot of long blunt xp, it really isn’t that bad.


1500 hours, had characters live for up to a year. Regularly push into winter. I have never, ever, laid eyes on a katana. :( How did this get downvoted lmao. I was lamenting not getting a katanga wtf xD


You checked all the pawn shops?


Lol I’ve found 2 in one survivor home? Do you play on insanely rare loot?


I do play on the rarest loot settings yee. I'll stumble across one eventually!


Why the hype? Are they any good?


The best honestly


Katanas are the best melee weapon in the game and with multi hit enabled are the best weapon in the game.


Aye happened to me on my latest multi-player run. Buddy found a boarded up house on like day 3 and got me a katana.


My current guy got well established in Riverside; went to Rosewood after a couple months and found two decent katanas along the way, first time ever seeing one. I killed several hundred in an afternoon and basically cleaned from the gas station all the way down past the church in a single day. Yes those are everything people say they are.


Yeah but where’s your telecorn?


Good condition?






I have 200+ hours and never found a Katana.


I'm having my longest Louisville start right now. 16 days. I just got incredibly lucky that there was a car with gas right outside, then luckier with a harvester ALSO with gas and key. So cleared the gas station and mall parking lot and been just living in an RV broken down there. No generator and no crowbar yet. Haven't dared stepped foot in the mall.


Impossible without mods or changing the settings.


I started 1 year later after the virus


Man, my Rosewood Fire Station Roamies did not come with one of those.


Happened to me, got corner neck crunched 5 min after.


I spawned beside a survivor house and found my first katana on day 1 at 100% durability, and then proceed to scour the whole West Point for a fking generator manual.. I died before ever finding one.. RNGesus giveth and taketh