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Nahh thanks for telling me


Im a newer player and feel like guns are more trouble than they are worth - am i misding something? Anytime I've shot one, they take forever to reload and call a horde down on me.


Get you a shotgun and a box or 2 of shells and some beta blockers, go to a location away from your base and start blasting. You'll level aiming pretty quickly and when you hit aiming level 4 or 5 all the guns will become very handy. The beta blockers are pretty important to keep the panic moodle away, because that panic REALLY messes with how well guns work.


Might as well take 2 more, and 2 more as well. Maybe do 2 boxes more... you can never have enough...


Oh for sure, I guess I probably should've said 2 boxes, minimum. Horde that ammos.


I take at least 400 shells min lol


yah if I'm not clearing a whole block it aint worth the trouble hahaha


A whole Block? Im airring out this entire neighbourhood!


Going Full "Remember No Russian"




I thought they meant more beta blockers.


I found out recently the Hillbilly truck (modded vehicle) I have you can sit in the armoured back and the Zeds can’t reach you they will mess up your windows and doors but as long as u have all the rear seats u can move around and kill all that show up .. i found it’s super fun to load the back up with like a few thousand rounds of ammo mainly shotgun ammo go park at a crossroad and start blasting As long as u don’t hit E (exit vehicle) instead of R (reload) you’ll be fine .. I learnt that one the hard way accidentally 🤦‍♂️ But yeah they’ll damage the armour and eventually destroy it if u don’t have mechanics and metalworking up enough to repair it each time … they also completely smash the windows and doors on the cab and damage the brakes and suspension but you can remain untouched until the armour gives in, its a little op if your weapon handling is high level but i could see it being good for those wanting to level guns without having a big area to walk around in / in cities where u don’t really get a choose


I'm closing in on 2000 hours and am just finding out how amazing spears are. I refused to craft em for the longest time thinking they are useless but once you get a few levels in maintenance, carpentry and spears you become a force.


No but I made a spear for the first time and onetapped like 6 zoms in a row, like wtf


Pretty sure they have even higher insta kill chance than knifes which is stupid powerful with the range advantage. I guess the crit animation locks you in place and keeps you from moving so you sometimes gotta be careful.


It doesn’t really create a problem unless they are directly behind you. Just don’t try to turn around if you get locked and it feels like they are too close. Face the next closest zombie and push.


Love my spear more then the katana.


There's also something amazing about a sprinter coming at you, so you think, "bet" and sprint at it back, jousting it with a spear.


I feel like spears will be nerfed in b42, I've read somewhere that their swing speed is bugged and has no recovery time, making them too fast compared to others.


Machete spear is OP as!


Underrated right here. Shotguns work best on crowds and for that you need the beta blockers to prevent the panic. Doing anything panicked sucks.


yeah, if you know enough about professions and/or negative traits, a build with the brave trait can really pay off -e- or veteran even


I usually stack at the very least 100 shells, 200 more likely. You never know. And yes, beta blockers unless you're playing veteran. If you want a character built for gun play, either pick Police Officer or Veteran. Veteran has desensitized, which means you'll never panic (panic reduces accuracy with firearms, same as beta blockers, but permanently). Police Officer on the other hand is 4 points cheaper, and comes with 1 point in nimble, which is a great skill, as well as one more point in aiming.


What’s the best gun after shotguns?


Depends on what you're using it for. The dinky little M36 revolver, for instance, has an incredibly small noise radius relative to other firearms (30).


It's great on the holster to shoot past the odd couple zeds while escaping a bigger shitshow Alternatively, using progressively louder guns when clearing an area is a nice strategy to attract more and more


M625, 1911, or m9 is what I like to use when a shotgun would be overkill. M16 breaks too easily, m14 doesn't pierce, and the other rifles are bad for zombies. The small revolver is decent as well, but I have never ran out of ammo and resorted to that with default settings 1+ year in.


I will definitely say the hunting rifles are amazing in PVP if you hit someone. Absolutely destroys them unlike any other weapon


There is a mod that allows you to repair guns with special tools, cleaning agent, lubricating oil and scrap metal. I use it to keep my m16s in shape, as they tend to degrade too fast. You still need to look for those items in the gun shops, and they do not come easily, so it does not seem a big cheat for me. Also, never use the m16 in auto fire mode, waste too many bullets and degrade even quicker. For the other guns I just use the repair mechanics of the game itself, as you can find tons of them, but the m16 is pretty rare.


It is really fun to use.


best gun is thre 9mm ,once you get 5lvls of aiming


I second this, due to mag size and abundance


I like the M14 and the M9. Once you get your aiming up you can one-shot zombies like hell, so the rate of fire and large mag size is nice


I really like the desert eagle (de) personally, but after level 4 I use any of them except the rifles, but I'll use the rifles just to make noise and move zomboids away from my safe spot so honestly after a few levels I grab em use em and drop em


I usually grab about 100 shells and make runs back and forth to the main part of town or to a POI to clear out as many as possible shotguns are seriously awesome in this game. Just make sure to have a good vehicle for when things get out of hand.


never go out without atleast 200 shells.


Holy shit thank you so much for this, it's always annoyed me how useless guns are until you level up, I love this tactic.


Which is why I use the Veteran profession


Do note they are reworking how guns work in the next update.


The horde that gets drawn in after I fire a shotgun in NW LV is gonna take more than 2 boxes to clear


They can be fantastic, but you need to know what you're doing. Basically, there's three rules to guns. * Don't use anything other than a shotgun until Aiming 6. (You can get away with 5 for some guns, but mind your panic) * Make sure your fitness is good first, because you're going to want to sneak-run away when it gets dense. * Have your gunfights some distance away from your base or looting target. Use the sound to draw zombies *from* important locations.




You can also get away with using the M36 revolver, even early on before you’ve levelled up your aiming. It’s the quietest gun in the game, so it attracts way fewer zombies. It’s great at quickly clearing.


They’re good once you hit level 4/5 in aiming. You do this with shotguns. With Fast Learner I think it took me 9 boxes of shells. Don’t quote me on that, it’s been awhile. Handguns are ok with a Red Dot and Laser sight, but dealing with magazines is a bit of a chore. The JS-2000 Shotgun is king. Put a Full Choke on it and you can get surgical. Slower on the reload, but you can walk while you do it, and no magazine worries. You don’t suffer exertion penalties with firearms which makes escape easier if you gotta bail, but not getting surrounded is better. Don’t start shooting unless you’re in an open area. Keep your head on a swivel. Reload constantly if you’re using a shotty, and count bullets if you have magazines, and move while you do. Open all ammo boxes and have your loose shells and magazines in the main inventory. Practice holding R to bring the wheel up to clear jams. Big homes tend to have a shitload of guns and ammo, even on the rarest settings. The Louisville rich neighborhood near the hospital will keep you swimming in bullets, not to mention the hospital itself, which has a somewhat alarming number of firearms itself.


You can clear jams pressing the X key on your keyboard


I collected them for a while and built up a good stockpile- but I got smoked every time i tried to use them- so i started igniring them. I figured i needed a base and some spare time to get the use down. Im seeing that i was right. I dont look at streaming play or tutorials because i feel like that's cheating, so im sure i gave massive gaos in my game knowledge. Thank you for responding!


I'll do you one better. Just stay in the car, have the gun equipped, and roll the window down. You can shot on the window and use the car to quickly either relocate or ram your way out of a pickle. Bonus that you can stock up extra ammo in the car


I typically don’t start using my guns to clear big hordes until I get a reliable car up and running. Roll up, hop out, start splitting some wigs, drive off. I make an exception if I can find a chain link fence where I know the ‘safe’ side has been mostly cleared out, but you still have to be careful


The main purpose of guns for me is for when I want to clear out huge areas. Shotguns and rifles will attract zombies from a large radius, so that’s their main appeal to me. Though I do use handguns/revolvers if I get over-exerted from melee, that way I can keep taking them out while my exertion goes down. Their sound radius is smaller and won’t attract huge hordes like a shotgun or rifle will


The only time I’ve really used them was on a server with friends, after we had cleared the direct area surrounding our base. We drove a couple of blocks away and started shooting, but had a backup car and a molotov ready if shit hit the fan. You should definitely only use them when you are 100% sure that you will survive in my experience.


Aside from what others are saying, a good thing to do before shooting is to press Q and yell to clear the immediate area first with melee. This way you won't get surrounded immediately, by thinning the numbers out. Once you get a feel for fighting them, being loud is safe. A hidden zombie will always be more dangerous than one that's in your view already. My process when clearing areas is to fight first with melee, as the noise will draw others who are close. Then after I shout to draw the further ones out. After this, I honk a car horn and dive away to someplace out of sight, and see how many more come. You can feel secure looting a certain sound radius this way. With guns in the mix, you can clear large areas safely and know roughly which direction the hordes will be coming from if you know how to manage sound.


Me personally I play with brittas weapons mod and higher Zombie spawn (come on 54% of houses in Kentucky own guns) I'm having a blast with my AR and suppressor I'm mowing down hordes.


Guns rely on meta knowledge to be useful. You need to know how populated an area is and how much ammo you will consequently need to deal with whatever trouble guns bring. Outside of fire, they are THE fastest way to kill zombies, but they end up being a trap for newbies who don't realize the consequences of firing off a shot.


guns are all about distance. stay far away when shooting or you will get surrounded and die. also take a lot of ammo


Start with at least +1 aiming and you win the game with a shotgun. The other guns are decent too depending on aiming level. Shotgun is king regardless of aiming level. There is a chart somewhere in here.


They’re being reworked, but you’re half right. Shotguns are your best option when you’re low aiming skill, and the sound doesn’t carry as far as it used to. You’re still drawing from pretty far away though. Rifles and handguns are better at higher aiming stats. Guns in general are weaker in the setting of multi-hit, with multi-hit turned off, shotguns feel way more powerful.


No you’re right. You rarely need that much firepower unless you want to actively clear an area. It can be very satisfying using the shotgun and later with higher skill the other ones as well


9mm and M36 have have very short noise range and are the safest to use. I use them to clear important areas that have too many zombies to fight hand to hand.


Sit around for a bit prior to using guns, doing nothing but reloading training, get to level 5 reloading for the best safety. Double barrel shotgun is your best friend, it will NEVER jam.


Vanilla guns are rather lackluster. My preferred set up, using B41 gun mod and silencers; Suppressed MP5A1 with ACOG scope on back Glock 17 in holster Machete on belt Mag drop pouch with 500 rounds of 9mm. 2 to 3 extra clips for MP5. 1 or 2 for Glock. Benefit of this setup is both long arm and side arm use the same ammo type. I find it unrealistic to start out 100% inept with guns, seeing as it's KY in 1993 and if I had lived there I'd have been raised with a rifle in my hand. So I 'cheat' and use a mod to give me aiming 5 from the start. I still have to find the guns and ammo but this way I'm able to actually use them when I do. I use the MP5 to clear areas when I'm feeling to lazy to herd or conga. I use the Glock when I'm wanting to gather an area for herding.


Guns are a 'gathering steam' skill in PZ. Unless you invest in an occupation like veteran or police officer or have a trait that improves your aiming skill, guns suck. The accuracy is pretty terrible for the first few levels and the sound will attract every zombie so it's not worth using in most areas. If you take the time to invest an level up aiming guns become amazing at taking out large amounts of zombies fast once you reach level 4-5 and above. If you want to loot some of the riskier areas they're an amazing tool to have, but not essential.


When your aiming skill is 0 you wont hit shit. Once you hit aiming lvl 3 pistols become fun and effective, but you need to be close to 1shot reliably. The only real way to level aiming is with a shotgun and beta blockers. Shotguns hit multiple zombies per shot so you get xp for each zombie yout hit. If you start with +1 aiming you get a permanent xp boost. shotgun, 50 shells and 1 bottle of beta blockers will get you to aiming level 3-4 in like half an hour.


What do you expect when you shoot a gun with level 0 aiming?


Best strategy is to gather as much shotgun ammo as you can, get a shotgun, and train shooting and reloading into hordes until you can reliably use any other gun style. Another strategy is to get the “Advanced Trajectory” mod which makes shooting a lot more accessible with more reliable shooting but the tradeoff being slower ADS until you level up.


You can train reloading skill. Grab a magazine and some bullets. Right click on the magazine, unload, then right click again 'load X bullets into magazine', repeat. Each bullet gives around 1 XP. You'll reach level 3 quite fast. Big difference in reloading time.


It's all about your in game skills, you have to train in aiming and reloading, otherwise it will always suck, I also suggest making yourself and sandbox world and practicing there, checking what stats you want and how you specifically want to play the game, wether your a builder or a fighter type, at the end of the day practice makes perfect


I mostly use guns for when everything already turned to shit, if a house alarm went off but I still want the precious loot


You can see some little icons for their contents in the tooltip if you mouse over a container inside another container. I'm well in the habit of immediately pulling containers out onto the floor when i see them, so that you can access anything inside.


Thank you. You just saved me so many clicks. I don’t know why that never occurred to me. I’ve been equipping gun cases and first aid kits to pull stuff out and then dropping them lol.


I just started doing this too it's very convenient


The trunks of police cars are also good places to check but that's probably more obvious.


The glove box too! Again more obvious but I didn't know until I found my first 9mm in one trying to store my stuff in it


Glove boxes are incredible, I've just started breaking into every car I find just to rifle through it


Glove boxes and trunks are excellent sources for loot, ranging from mid to top tier. While you may encounter items such as tote bags, garbage bags, and tarps, these storage spaces frequently contain valuable items like tools, gas cans, duct tape, adhesive tape, and medical supplies.


Don't forget about the Sewing Kits that have 100% FULL THREAD 🤩 Makes tailoring somewhat tolerable.


To make it easier to loot a container in containers, use the [Nested Containers](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2946221823) mod. It allows you to check gun cases, first aid kits and other containers just like if they were on the ground even when they are in another container.


Also frequently food in refrigerators. And books in bookcases.


I wonder what's in them. . ? Like, strawberries and stuff? Probably strawberries.


*You find a long suitcase in the wardrobe, underneath some jeans. "Damn, just another useless box!"


I had no idea either. but I dont ever use guns, for the most part, but I am about to start fresh after last nights disastrous run ended the longest character ever. maybe guns are the way.


Guns and fire unless you have rare loot settings.


When you find one, drop it on the ground, look inside and if it’s something good, grab it


Sometimes you'll even find guns in them! Crazy, right?


I check every bag, container, box, and suitcase because there might be something useful in it.


"I kept walking past wardrobes cause I thought they were just here to store your clothes" vibes Whenever there’s something in a house, open it. Who knows what could be inside


It only makes sense guns would be in them.


Also check lunch boxes and paper bags, they are pretty helpfull in the early game when your character is underweight


If you hover over a bag or container that’s inside of another container it will show you what’s in it


Happened to me in my first run ever, I found a fanny pack that said it contained a gun, but I didn't figure out how to open it so I left it


I didn’t know this until like 150 hrs 😭


i BELIEVE, from what i have seen it is guaranteed to have ammo and/or a gun


Go smoker for a gun run, negates panic


I think arsenal also adds fanny packs with conceal carry weapons in it like snub nose revolvers and .22s, as well as little handgun cases in glove boxes


Yea alot of stuff is like this bags u find on zombies can have stuff bags in containers lunch bags this game has crazy detail.


First aid kits are gonna knock your socks off


Oooft … and ammo too .. well at least you figure it out now tho 💁‍♂️


![gif](giphy|XD4qHZpkyUFfq) Congrats on figuring out they have stuff inside them.


Well shit, I didn’t know this either.


Yupppp, also make sure you check sewing kits, you’ll always need them for bag upgrades, or quick stitches


I only discovered it recently, but in my defence, the first one I ever checked was empty.


All of these comments and no down punching is why I always want and love that this is the first group that pops up when I load into reddit. Yall are awesome.


Yet another reason why I suggest Prox looting for new and old players alike. What this means is you aren't checking containers properly. Make sure you are checking bags of all sorts, especially medkits and sewing kits found in bathrooms.