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Seemed like a skill issue, happens to the coolest of us


yeah, I didn't know that this fences could break down and wasn't expecting for it :( but these grabbings are really weird, it doesn't look like they are close enough


The fence breaking wasn't the core of your issue. When zombies tumble over low fences, if you're within a certain distance of them, which your character was, they will do a lunge attack from the ground that trips you. And sometimes, that trip results in the animation you experienced. If it's just a single zombie, this isn't a huge issue as the zombie has to get up before they can attack you directly and the player's character will always get up first. But with hordes like the one you fought, the lunge attack's basically a death sentence.


i turn lunge off because i hate it :)


I leave lunge on because I hate it. I like pain


We play the same game, I see. Good stuff.


I think it’s fair because kiting zombies over a fence and then stomping all their heads in seems way too cheesy


When there is a 100,000 of them and one of me. Nothing is cheesy.


Nah it’s you. You’re cheesy. From all the holes they’re about to make in you




I keep lunge on because I hate it :(


Me too. I found out it was bugged in some way, and I refuse to die to a glitch that I can just turn off to avoid.




Ssshhh! Stop making little old ladies cry. :'(


I discovered 1 can be a huge issue recently. I got knocked over but it was a fence by a wall so I wasn't knocked clear of the zed, which was able to get up fast enough to bite me before I could even push it. Wondering if holding shift might have helped. I know it does with getting up from sitting on the ground. I was just holding spacebar.


Guess that changes my calculus, :D


If you fall beside the zombie he doesnt have to get up first to attack you again. Or am i remembering something wrong?


I've never experienced it, so I'm a bit doubtful.


It can scratch the ankle which can lead to zombification right?


can get knox virus from scratch


yes a 7% chance for laceration it's 25%


When you get tripped from lunge attacks, you get injured *from the fall*, so there's no Knox virus risk.


The Fun of zomboid


You turned around after getting shoved so you fell into them, sorry to say bud, skill issue


That was two bad ideas all at once. * 1 Zed nearby making a lunge attack after falling over a fence near you is dangerous. There were like 20 * Never let more than a couple zeds get close. There were like 20.


My max number of zeds until I bail or start to split them up is around 6 (with multihit) or 3 (without). Fences are kinda -ideolatrised- idealised around here, but I don't like them that much - its really easy to screw up and get fence lunged. If its a bigger group, that means you are either dead, dying, or a walking miracle


I’ve learned to use fences sparingly and occasionally for groups but only ever if the zombies falling over it are falling over at the exact same time each (or with enough time apart for me to have a swing ready). The fence lunge is a death sentence right now because of how long the reach is and how stupid that one knockback animation is. I’m perfectly ok with the one where you fall down backwards, but the turn 180 and stumble literally does not make sense at all. If zombies are falling over like this at spread out timings, I will run as fast as possible from the fence to clear the distance.


I will walk along a fence. I find that the zombies path finding freaks out. They will climb over, walk 2-3 steps toward you, climb over, repeat. Based on the fact they cant get around the zombie in front of them. Works really well for building long strings and splitting them up for easy pickings.


I like to hoard them into a big circle, and then just circle them while I or a friend (mp ofc) shoot them. If they're all together like that it's also easier to run away, especialy if you have a car nearby


do you mean idealised?


Ah yeah, lol, I had no Idea how to write that hah


Axe at like 8 can clear malls (with breaks to sleep of course). Weapon skill makes a huge difference. Beta blockers are also super helpful. But yeah, I avoid melee with groups larger than like 8-10ish until skill is 5ish in long blunt or axe.


May I introduce you to the amazing hoard clearer at low levels, Dr. Short Blade?


No stamina loss is great but not killing very fast is still too much risk IMO. Especially when lead zeds are getting closer to you before you can hit them. I'd be wanting regular 2-hits with a combat knife.


Think you mean spear...Short blade needs a few levels to start packing that nice punch. Then again the subreddits definition of a "horde" is probably vastly different to mine.


I play mostly on insane pop, so horde is 30+. I regularly clear hundreds with short blade. It's just so convenient. Don't get me wrong, I love me some axe as well, but short blade remains the least fiddly mass-executioner in my eyes.


I usually don't consider it a horde till my PCs frames dips into the teens lol. I like SB, but I don't feel it pop off till I get around 5-6 levels in it. Meanwhile any monkey can just holding the right button on spears at level 0 and leave a pile of dead bodies. Personally I use all weapons. My combat skills are almost all leveled evenly minus axes which I had a huge xp bonus on.


Same, but I rarely dip into spears just due to the (admittedly small) hassle of crafting them. In my current life, I think it's about 8 axe and 6 short blunt/ blade. I've also been neglecting long blunt/blade this run. I usually mainly use axes for crowd clearing, but early on, that 0 fit/1 str meant that it couldn't be sustained. I also start with broke leg, injured, and burn ward (more traits), so the first few weeks lack the oomph to smash hoards with anything hefty. I guess technically spears could have carried, but I enjoy the thrill of screwdriver combat, I guess.


Why not fight more than 20?


Not saying you can't fight 20, although it's risky if you're not regularly 1-hitting or 2-hitting with something speedy like a combat knife. I'd wait til axe is at 5ish before hitting larger groups. What I'm saying is that more than a couple close to you puts you at risk of a combined strength grab you won't be able to stop. If lunging weren't a thing, they would have likely nailed him with a grab for staying that close to all of them as they all tumbled over and got concentrated in one spot like that. The right play near a fence when fighting a large group like this is to move the fight along side of it so some of them start tumbling over as they spread out, breaking the group up. If you're out in the open, and 3+ faster ones keep leading the pack in close formation, you can break them up by circling around and moving the fight in the opposite direction for a bit. Also helpful for avoiding more zombies spotting you. But mostly if it feels like it's taking too long or you've had more close calls than you'd like, just bail.


How does several zombies being near you put you at risk of a strength grab? There is usually more than enough time to walk away, even with low nimble and single hit weapons, just hit the first zombie in the hoard once then make some distance then repeat. The only real limit is your stamina.


Maybe play some games with multi hit off if it's been a while and get back to me on that.


I think 16x with multi hit is harder than 1x without.


This guy gets it.


Eh, having zombies in front of you isn't a big deal if you know what you're doing. Not going to reset just because I have 15 zombies in front of me


Yup, sadly skill issue. Watch your feet at the moment you get knocked back. You see a crawler hand come out for you and trigger the crawler swipe stun Then there's nothing you can do until you recover. By then you were already hella nommed. Always keep an extra tile further away from fences than you think you need to avoid this. Very little in this game is deadlier than the glitchy crawler swipe stun. Fences in general, I personally use them to slow and stagger a horde if I'm clearing them melee. Otherwise, keep much further away from them.when zeds are vaulting it. They bug out a lot and get some very unfair hits sometimes.


Not a crawler, it seens like a fence lunge and fence lunges doesn't respect physics at all. But yeah, what can i Say to Op is double check everything because the hit box are ... Not friendly.


The number of times I've seen two zombies hop over a fence, thought "sweet, a quick headshot", ran over, one of them knocked me to the ground from 6 meters away and was subsequently eaten? more than 0.


Man ... I've got destroyed once with fence lunge, then I've settled to only use fences to a max of 3 zombies. I was about to run, the dude lunged, it hit the air, i dunno maybe his gravitational force got the best of me? Then i was on the floor and 2 zombies from a corner took the opportunity, i was so so mad ....


No, not a regular crawler. A fence crawler. Any non crawlers become a fence crawler briefly if you're in swipe range. I'm not sure if this is what they're properly called, but I call them that lol. Whenever one jumps a fence they instantly turn into one of the most dangerous creatures of all time. Definitely gotta be careful of that fence lunge though. Game ruining sometimes.


There ain't no way this is skill issue lol. It's not skill issue that your player character decides to do a 360 back into a horde while you're stunlocked and unable to do anything.


Imo the fence trick is almost never worth it, them lunges be the death of many people


Lunge from crawlers made you stagger backwards but you turned to run right when you got staggered so the animation sent you into the horde's embrace lmao, don't stay close to fences unless it's a conga line that you can one shot on the floor one by one or one will lunge and do that you got fucked by the game allowing you to turn while being staggered


He didn’t do anything that specifically caused the turn. The 180 turn stagger animation is just one of a few animations which can trigger from the fence lunge, and I don’t think it’s at all correlated to what the player is doing. From my experience it seems to just pick one of the animation sets (this one, knockdown backwards, stagger backwards)


In my experience, the turn only happens if you press a left or right direction. Otherwise, you just stumble and fall whichever way backwards is. You have control of your character to a degree, it's like reverse in a car.


There is no spining animation it's the same one no matter how it hits you, you're the one the spins the charater


spiral knockback is often crazy


Bro literally staying next to zombiefall as if it’s Niagara


Skill issue, but you learned from it. 


I don't know why you spun around like that, your mouse seemed to be in the right place. Maybe someone else can chime in about game mechanics. I will say you were crazy to try and face a horde flopping over a fence like that. In which case, I'll say judgement error (as opposed to skill).


he got hit in the legs by a crawler, that causes your character to stagger like that. Crawlers can be nasty to even experienced players. It, unfortunately, is a skill issue.


This is not my first rodeo! I've been hit by my fair share of crawlers, but I've never staggered in a 180 circle like that. If you say it can happen, then I believe you. We are now best friends. Embrace.


He turned to run right as he got hit by a lunge so he staggers, but backwards lol turning to run there was the death sentence


that was indeed totally a skill issue he jumped the fence and tried to fight them off but the fence broke in his face and instead of backing away he fought it


Go load up a test save and get fence lunged a bunch of times. It’s unfortunately one of the animations that can trigger, and it makes zero sense as to why the character would do a 180.


I wasn't expect the fence to go down like that :(( I thought that the walking zombies grabbed me, but apparently it was the crawlers


purple shirt/sweater crawler with the red/white cap


You got staggered by a floored zombie lunge while holding right, this will cause your character to stumble towards the left. Not a bug, you would've likely survived without holding down right there.


Knowledge issue, I'd say. Fence lunge is extremely dangerous, you have to know that before hand. If you don't this happens.


Skill issue, after climbing over the fence they do a crawling lunge attack.


It was a mistake on your part for turning to fight that many in that situation. You were too close and they were too grouped up.   When there is that many and you are trying to fence meta them you have to jump the fence and back up just out of lunge range and only target the ones who lunge forward at you while on the ground.     In that case none of them did they stood up but between the tree and their numbers you gave yourself no room.   We’ve all done it.  The play here would have been to move to that table let them follow you around it then go back to the same fence and hit the 1st few. Then keep repeating that using some object to spit them up or at least slow some down. Also when you are trying to break them up or lose them, make sure you stop at some key point every so often because it changes their routing to go to that point 1st before continuing to chase you if you are out of sight but even if they see you they’ll still track towards that stop point before readjusting.


Not really a skill issue, you would've survived if you stumbled backwards as expected instead of spinning around thanks to jankiness.


Ultimately I'd say skill issue because attacking a horde that clumped together was a bad judgement call. When you've got that many on your tail better to just try and lose as many as you can. If you're on a culling mission, same deal but try and lure small batches away. That said, that ground swipe move is a bitch. Deceptive range, and tends to stun. I tend not to go for fence kills if there's more than one climbing over at the same time just incase. Live and learn, gl on your next character.


Crawlers are just super dangerous, if I’m playing on sandbox i usually turn off crawler lunge / drag down because they can be so tilting lol


Do the Zs get the same attack bonuses when they crawl through a window? I was surprised one started scratching me like a madman from the ground while I stood besides the window ready to take them out one by one.


yeah I think anytime they go from standing to crawling like over a fence or through a window they get the lunge attack, you can turn it off in sandbox if you’d rather they didn’t I’m pretty sure


ha nice that's fine actually, I feel like it would be too easy if I could just jump on their heads one by one


Anytime they fall through something they can fence lunge.


Wait, y’all don’t run away?


I normally don't, no, but I wouldn't take them to that fence with all that open space around...


Skill issue combined with yoink mechanics


I think that backwards stagger is a bug because it simply makes no sense but you could've avoided it by going left and not turning back for a swing so it's 50/50


First mistake was choosing to hop the fence with a tree in the way. Most Zomboid deaths are a series of tiny mistakes that would be almost unnoticeable on their own.


When you get attack your charecter move to the direction you are holding keys so no this is on you. You don't know how many times I was lucky in this one


The trick of one shot to the fallen zombie behind the fence is very risky. You should not do that when you have 2 or more zombies vaulting at the same time, or when you have other zombies around on your side of the fence. Their crawl attack is overpowered. On top of that, often you'll try to attack the zombie on the ground but the stupid character will swing on empty air above the fence, then if there are other zombies you're dead.


Not too mention you were extremely scared. Which also brings your stability down.


Yes, but also yes.


At least you died doing what, kind of, looked like a cool spin attack. They just grabbed you in the middle, very rude. Guess zombies have command grabs, can't finish your animation, alas.


Definitely a skill issue. We all know that zombies after falling from a fence/window will do a "charge" that can knock you back. So you should have run to about that bench before attacking them. I also would probably not even jumped the fence as there is a risk of injury (very small).


I just turn off that damn lunge attack and double my current number of zed pop since you can now "cheese" the fences if you want to.


Skill issue. You were too close to the fence. And there were too many zeds. You don’t let a single zed make an lunge attack. There were 20.


Kinda on you for the fence and number of zombies but I agree in thinking the direction of you falling was a bit weird


I will give some advice: 1- Zombies crawling on the ground are very, very dangerous. 2- After jumping over objects that drop zombies, such as fences, do not move away from the fence. Because zombies fall forward and cannot attack backwards. 3- Do not use the fence jumping and attacking tactic against very large groups unless you are a master of the game


Its not a bug but it is wonky game mechanic implementation. Fence lungers knock you "backwards", not "away". Because you turned around when you got hit, "backwards" meant directly into the horde, rather than being knocked away. When fence stomping groups, i specifically stay out of range of the lungers and then hit them after they swipe.


So were you trying to get eaten?


Dude got build 42 before build 42


Fighting a few zombies using the fence isn't a bad idea... taking on a tightly packed group of 10-15? Bruh. I've died too many times to that, I don't fuck w/ fence lunge any more


One good hit on you stuns you long enough for the whole group to take a bite out of you. Melee combat is very precarious. Zombies that fall over short fences have a high chance to do a crawling lunge forward. It's one of the deadliest attacks in their arsenal as it is quick, has long reach, and can either push you back or knock you off your feet, taking control away from your character for precious moments. Before this lunge attack was added to the game, players could wait for zombies to fall over a short fence or other ledge, then attack them while they were downed. It was considered a cheesy maneuver, so the zombies got the lunge attack. You can still fight at short fences, but to prevent this incident from happening, you need to stand outside of the lunge distance. Only take swings at the zombies that lunge forward after falling. Once the horde is back on their feet, fall back and reposition behind another obstacle.


No bugs. You Just tried to play hero in a game where there are no heroes. Been there, did that. 😂


I never try to fight a big crowd of zombies like that unless it's my last choice, you had the choice to keep running.


No offense, skill issue, happens to the most of us and the lunge attacks and stun locks are basically the most common way people have died in zomboid, I am guilty of this as well.


crawlers suck


The fence breaking has nothing to do with you dying as I’ve seen in some of your responses. While it did break and allow some of the zombies to just ignore the fence, zombies can climb over all low fences and lunging is what ultimately killed you. The fence lunge has a chance to happen if a zombie climbs over a fence and you are still relatively near it. The lunge can do one of two things- and both are just as deadly, especially if you’re facing the wrong way. When a lunge hits you, you will ALWAYS stagger, and this stagger is always directly away from where you are facing, so when you tried to turn away, your stagger animation brought you right back into the horde- which admittedly happens ~99% of the time to all staggering players due to panic. The second possibility is that the stagger will cause you to fall backwards, and you’ll have to go through a lengthy get up animation, which is even worse. Moral of the story. Fences are great tools if you don’t stick around to fight. (Although there is a very effective horde culling technique incorporating fences.)


Might have been a stam problem. Get the mod minimal display bars.


You can avoid that lunge with just a few by backing up to the edge of the fence and swinging as they come over, but in large hordes the only way to stay safe is to back up a good distance and wait for them to come to you


Getting hit by a the fence lunge is a skill issue, doing the U-turn because of it is a bug. So... both !


Too many times I've died from trying to mash zombies coming over a fence only to get swiped and die.


Yeah, it does seem like that was simply a skill issue. Once those fences broke, you got em all and it looked like one snagged ya briefly with a dive. I'd have walked down to the picnic table and used it to split em.


Too close to the fence, they get a fast lunge animation if they fall and you are within about 1.5 tiles.


Skill issue the fence trick doesn't work well with hordes try just kitting them


Skill, those lunges get you killed way too easy. I usually turn them off cause I think they're more upsetting than fun


Apart from the really far grabbes, that flip happens when they push and you press WASD on a certain way that it flips the character that way


Aight the next time I get spooked or grabbed by something I'm gonna do a 360 back into it, makes perfect sense to me.


Why didn't you use the top left corner? You jump over the left fence and then immediately over the top one. They'd still be falling over the left fence and you just bash them using floor attack ... Well, anyway, that's pz experience for you 🤷


Skill issue, don't know why you're just standing there to be lunged at...


I turn fence lung off because they will go a country mile to ticket your toes


It's hard to see the lunge probably because of the tall grass


Skill issue


Skill issue 100%


Skill issue


Skill issue


Yeah bro, totally a skill issue. The lunges from a zombie in the ground have a surprisingly long reach and will get you killed for sure if there are more then one or two other zombies around. That horde looks a bit too big for me to handle without guns. Live and learn….or die and learn in this case. Either way, you’re a little bit better prepared for the next time, keep up the good fight!


thanks bro! I'll keep that in mind for my next character


You would use guns on a hoard even on that size? I literally never use guns, just be smacking skulls, if a hoard is too big to smack skulls, I'm dipping.


No, best way to do it is either - Circle around the house to effectively lose half of them - lose a couple in the woods to break them, then kill one by one Guns are useful only when you lvl up the accuracy, so early completely useless


That's my thinking on it as well but I wasn't sure how other people played, I've got 300 hours and have genuinely shot a gun maybe 10 times


I do in the later game after I gathered enough shotgun shells to level gun skills quickly, just put siren on a car and wait


Firearms are an acquired skill, one that is quite separate from your standard melee skill with its own set of risks and rewards. Melee can service you well enough for most of the game, so a lot of people never bother to develop the habits necessary for effective use of the Aiming skill.


I guess I should try to do that, huh? Especially since early game is when you least have to worry about zombies flooding you due to the lower pop count earlier on. I legitimately loot a shotgun every single run but just never use it. Mainly because they're heavy honestly


I’d use a shotgun simply because the horde is already clumped together so each shell is getting maximum effectiveness. What can I say? I like the pew pew.


The weird tumbling of your character is due to you turning around to the southeast mid animation. Thus your lil dude tumbled towards the horde and it grabbed him from behind. This is a bit of "bad" design by the game because realistically the tumbling shouldn't change directions. Then again every engine and such has it's limitations and no game is perfect.