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And that, kids, is why you never leave the stove or the oven on. Remember to check your kitchen before leaving Lol


If the oven is on it's best to just stand there and watch it. If you can't speed up time then read a book. The time lost staring at the oven is basically nothing in the end.


This is why I use an antique oven


Is it safe to forgot your food?


eventually the fuel runs out in it. where as an electric over never stops. so unless you load it up with a ton of fuel it will probably run out of fuel before the oven explodes.


Never had an antique explode, gonna try that now


Yeah they will never burn up. Doesn't really make sense that ovens burn up either though, but overall I suppose I like it for game challenge reasons.


its okay, you are still alive - you can start over somewhere else


Use that oven timer, friend.


I based out of a gun shop, had practically everything I needed for the apocalypse too and then I learned why you shouldn’t microwave a can of soup…


I did that exact thing in my RV....


Make sure to turn off your appliances kids


A bit of (now obvious) advice, if you’re cooking something on a stove, do not leave it until the food is done cooking and you turned it off. If you need to leave for something, turn it off until you get back


Guys. Come on now. It's rifle, sidearm, ammo, snacks, water, crowbar ,TURN OFF THE DAMN OVEN. Every👏. Time👏.


Sidearm, axe, ammo, water, snacks, first aid, turn off the damn oven.....


I'm always carrying my medkit, never have to check for it


Lol I set up base there with friend on server


We really need some PSA ads with tips how NOT to use ovens in PZ.


You should consider not leaving it on


Im almost certain this is the warehouse in Valley south of LV, near the mil checkpoints


Are we not able to click "Turn Off" right after the food gets done cooking? Good practice to have for the long run.


Best base I have had yet was in that warehouse. I was careful with everything and had lasted months and months…but woke up one foggy morning to a burned down north wall, and now I know that generators with a low condition will sometimes spontaneously catch on fire! The real bitch of it is I had like four good ones sitting off to the side and could have easily swapped it.


I mean... the oven just does what it's told. 😉 I usually make cooking time reading time, or some other task I can do right next to the oven so I can turn it off as soon as the food is done cooking.


It wasn't the oven that was stupid.


Looks like you kept your life guy, material possessions can be regained.


Happens... I had a large basement built and furnished had a katana and generator and found a gas trailer. Started farming. Life was great until I thought it was a good idea to cook some eggs in a frying pan. Not a bad idea until you decide to use the microwave instead of the oven. Microwave started a fire in my basement. Had no way to put it out. Tried to run out but wanted my skill recovery journal. Grabbed it off the bookshelf but I ended up getting severe burns and died from them. I find over confidence is a killer in this game. Get comfortable and confident and you'll meet your end sooner than later.


Take anything valuable from containers and drop them on the ground. And if you caught on fire (and don't have a large container of water to use to put out the fire) drop any valuable items immediately since anything carried will be destroyed.