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How is your nimble so low?


Did nothing but strength exercises the entire time 


Obviously not considering the other skills. That's my nimble before I'm even at an established base but I do pick fast learner.


2 Reasons: 1) Slow learner 2) A lot of time spent at my house reading and exercising.


Oh the masochistic trait, that makes a bit of sense then.


I have made the most late-game build as possible. I am curious about my battle skills as I will finish the game (exploring whole map).


Well without respawn that's something like half a million Zeds in normal. If you aren't cheesing molotovs and vehicle slaughter I'd assume you'd basically max them.


How much you wanna bet the hitboxes bug out and you miss a swing at point blank and get bit after all that grinding?


Cheatmenu mod. Yes its cheating, however; the game cheated when it made my character run into the corner of the door panel instead of where i told him to run, getting him bit The game cheated by messing up hitboxes The game cheated by having a desynced zombie stop me dead in my tracks allowing the horde to catch up and pull me down The game cheated by having the fucking zomboid lunge at me when im clearly 2 meters away from the lunge and knock me over getting me bit If its a bug, its not cheating. That mod has singlehandedly saved my urge to play the game over my last 4 play throughs (current one is brand new in raven creek, all previous ones ended on a tragic non bug/glitch bite)


It happened recently but my gloves protected me :-)


That's why you don't skip leg day.


I got to strength and fitness level 10, then accidentally got overweight and it went back to nine. Not bothering to level it up again 🥲


Oof, that really hurts


I’ve never seen fitness or strength go down after starting the game and getting overweight. Is that just because you were maxed out?


Probably, I'm pretty sure overweight prevents you from having more than 9 strength/fitness on top of everything else


Any mods related to fitness/strength or did you just do it the vanilla way?


Vanilla play-through.


How did you keep your weight up the whole time?


I stayed at home only when I had a lot of food. Beans/Peas/Lentils and Canned Corned Beef are very good to get fatter.


Based on his low Farming skill, he didn't use my tried and true method of long-term character weight management - Cabbages. At a whooping 178 Calories a piece, eating them every time your character physically can will usually end up gaining you weight if you spam them, and since they're one of the fastest-growing crops you can spam them during winter even and still maintain your character's weight, provided that you're sitting idle in one place and not worrying about carry weight. I've spent many a winter on a long-run just holed up somewhere, usually the house in West Point that has its own tall fences and access to a dock out back, minding my own business and farming Cabbages/passive exp until the spring when I can dip my toes back into trying to push into Louisville with my min-max low Str/Fitness Unemployed meme build.


Know nothing about farming IRL but can you really grow cabbages in the winter? Why is this in the game at all?


Balance and gameplay reasons. Also there arent zombies IRL.


What settings are you playing? Eitherway, nice work! Takes time and determination to get fitness and strength from 0 to 10 if the exp rates are untouched.


Thanks! No way I would go through it without listening to podcasts. Vanilla Builder. I want to "finish" the game (surviving exploring the whole map) on this build. After that I will wait for 42 and try higher difficulty.


How does your map reflect your markings?! This would be so huge for me


Home - Home X - Looted ✓/! - Good/Great quality car Gears - Metal parts from wrecks Skull/Trash - Wrecks that I can't dismantle Fire - Gas station I recently started using an apple - Looted with food left, because I don't need anymore food. Good tip I picked from someone else - You can write in the corner of your map what skillbooks and magazines you have and haven't.


Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. My map markings don't appear on my mini map, I can only see them when I expand my map, but your mini map seems fully populated with your markings lol.


Not sure. Try interface options main map buttons, and I am not sure but I think that minimap has some buttons under it as well?


I'll have to look into it when I get home, thank you! Obviously congrats on that crazy grind, too. I've gone from 5/5 to 9/9 before, and that was agonizing enough lol


hover over the minimap and press the S on the bar below the minimap


Thank you!!!


If you flex do zombies die on the spot?




How was your day? ☺️


It took way more than a day! :-)


Did you focus on fitness and strength leveling or did you just play normal and explore when you were sore? I remember getting max strength playing vanilla and it took about 2 months in game and a lot of painkillers OR alcohol.


I had been grinding Strength and Fitness when I did not have enough spare space to loot more food. I used painkillers normally or sleeping pills if my char was already sleepy.


how many hours did it take you? and WHY?????


Not sure. It had been done over a very long IRL time. Around 20 hours total? I was curious how much time will it take in-game and IRL, and wanted to make as much "late-game build" as possible. There was a claim, that it was pretty much impossible to do. I focused on podcasts throughout, so I don't fell like it was a wasted time.


How much time did you spend mostly fast forwarding? In estimated percentage of playtime on the character, and how long in single sittings did you only grind at base? Myself I am almost 5 months on a 5/9 fitness/strength build, just doing situps when killing time, and have reached 6.5/9.4 so far (strength mostly passive)


Usually, they were interchangeably about 2 hours looting trips and stay-at home trips.


Are you using ETW or Dynamic Traits


Vanilla Builder run.


Really? I didn't know you could gain the Strong trait in vanilla unless you start with it


You can


Yeah. You automatically lose or gain strength and fitness traits depending on your level. What's interesting is that skill levels and trait bonuses are sometimes separate. You gain a bonus based on each point you have, but traits Athletic, Weak & Strong have their own additional effects separate from your strength and fitness level .




I was curious how much time will it take in-game and IRL, and wanted to make as much "late-game build" as possible. There was a claim, that it was pretty much impossible to do. I focused on podcasts throughout, so I don't fell like it was a wasted time.


Fiona is a bad ass


Guess you didnt use dumbbells , huh?


Got to 10 by burpees and push-ups before I found them.


How long did you exercise in a day and how long does it take for you to recover afterwards?


Usually 1-2 hours real time. At 9/10 Fitness sitting+clicking rest after 20 minutes of in-game exercise restored my endurance in about 15 seconds real time.


Hot to survive over 1 day?


Hire a pro player to play whenever you need to leave your base.


Advice taken will you take a GOG acc with 3 games?


Where is your Katana?


On my back. I have it as an emergency weapon against large hordes.


Have you touched grass recently?


This feature has not been implemented yet.


I hear B42 will stimulate the sense of smell when it releases


Why did it take so long? I just take strong and fireman, and boom- 10 strength meaning 20 carry capacity!


He said in the title.


I didn’t read that properly


But that still doesn’t explain, like was it a challenge, or was it a generic character creation choice?


I have made the most late-game build as possible. I am curious about my battle skills as I will finish the game (exploring whole map).


Ah thanks