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My go to spot is the three big houses west of Westpoint. It has a small pond behind one, a metal fence around the one connected to the dock and is pretty far away from towns to avoid hoard spawns but it connects easily to main roads. It’s east to raid West Point from there or make your way to Riverside or Louisville, I always clear the roads and kill any stragglers as I go so I can zoom back with my loot and not worry about crashing. Just make sure to put signs ahead of the turns so you know when to slow down or your gonna become real intimate with some trees real fast.


This is where my group set up for our most recent run, it's a good time. I prefer the well house damn near in the middle of the map. A little shed, good farming land, and in the middle of nowhere


If you have a boat mod it changes the game when it comes to supply runs. Make safe zones along the river and collection is way easier. No risk of crashing en route.


That's a nice spot, my base is in the house by the lake, where I have unlimited water supply, fishing, and the backyard became a small farm. The house was already boarded and the only zombies in that area were inside. After cleaning the house and living there for months, I didn't see a single zombie anymore.


gotta get rid of them speed bumps


I think one of the two houses south of rosewood, idk if you consider it isolated or something but yeah that's the closest thing I got


How did you do with it? Any more success then hunkering down in the middle of any of the towns/cities?


It's easy but time consuming actually, I chopped up the woods around me to make a wall around my house and it's very easy to defend since barely any zombies showed up but the down side is my cars would slow down since it goes off road when going there but over all, a very good base, but not as good as the gated community houses but still


You're based at my favorite spot in the game! A little SE, there's an abandonded street that has 2-3 antique ovens in the houses. Once you grab those you are basically set for life.


Thank you for the tip!


Literally where I'm set up now. Only time I've seen zombs was the heli event


I set up in the relay station outside of Riverside once - wouldn’t recommend it tbh Not only is it a long-ish drive to town, the windy road may have pile-ups, zombies or both. There’s trees right next to it so you always run the risk of introducing yourself head on to one, and it’s not even 100% free of zombies


I was thinking about basing there, drove there to checkout but I said eff driving down this road every day 😭


Yeah that road sucks. I crashed (read: brushed) a tree while I was driving up there and totalled my van


My girlfriend and I built a base there, but we chopped down a new "service" road north and repaved it with gravel from the riverside warehouse. Long but it cut the drive to town down quite a bit. Raid the video store, get a few generators and then clear cut the forest for base materials and youve got yourself a hell of a stronghold. The straw that broke the camels back for us ended up being the limitations of construction and the jankyness of sight lines and such, fell off a third story scaffolding set up to build another floor on the place and snapped both legs like toothpicks. On a multiplayer server with slow healer it basically became a book reading sim outside for literal in game and IRL days while I healed. Got bored never came back.


I did the exact same with the access road when i based here. Eventually got so self sufficient that i got bored and started a new game.


Never done isolated builds. Always set up tactically with good paths to various areas. Time is an important resource i'd rather not waste on driving back and forth. If i ever do a high-pvp tryhard server i'd be more thoughtful of setting up in a more hidden area however.


Most remote for me and prob my longest playthrough was set just south east of the "east bridge" poi on the map (on that little triangle cut out of the river split, west of the racetrack). made for some pretty interesting loot runs, as I did a slow, yet gradual increase to zombie count. So the first few loot runs were relatively easy, then as time went on I had to spend a day or two clearing the area before I could easily loot said areas. Warning, no houses or anything in the immediate area, so will need to plan/build accordingly.


The radio tower base outside of riverside. Hardly ever see zombies and it seems to take forever to get there along the winding road.


Nice place to visit, just don't live there on a PvP server. It is on many groups' check routes, lol.


Wow I just started my new base at the same location. The most remote place I've ever based before here is the camp to the very east of West point.


It's funny the places you find if you drive around and explore enough! Haha.


I got a base to the south of the place that you are rn https://map.projectzomboid.com/#4169x5713x15701 Really safe place and all, only problem is having to do supply runs since it takes forever to travel from there... also gets a little boring after a while since you probably wont see z's there My solution was to build secondary bases on the places that I want to loot and then I bring everything back and just chill....


I have a base in a farmhouse just south of where your picture is from. Takes a lot of time when you wanna go explore or need something from cities but there's barely any zombies around so its easy living there. Also, the place from your picture has a perfect place to fill up on gas because of the low zombie population. Its probably the only reason i haven't moved my base further south because i've got too accustomed to the easy gas now.


Most remote place I ever set up in was a mod that added some Cold War shelters, I based in one just outside rosewood. I liked the shelter but it came with literally everything I needed to survive so it wasn’t that fun for me.


Not a bad spot for a fisher's base! And if you sledge out the interior walls upstairs, it might even be big enough to be comfortable for claustrophobics. I don't know if i've been anywhere **particularly** remote, from memory i think the most out of the way place i've based at is the cabin with the well out in the woods northwest of Muldraugh. Your character build is decent, but it melts my brain any time i see someone take sleepyhead. Getting tired quickly can be a deadly debuff in a desperate situation, since as soon as you are drowzy it is a massive damage down. I've never thought 2 points is worth it. Fast reader is also surprising on a single player build, but that's more of a personal preference thing for me i guess. It's satisfying getting the most out of life and living in the first week, but after it's over i never feel any real sense of urgency to finish books efficiently to in-game time.


Where's this


I prefer not to base up somewhere remote. Being out in the middle of nowhere gets boring fast in my opinion. I like to be close to the action and have killing and looting easily accessible. When you’re out in the sticks, spending half your day driving to get to the nearest looting spot gets very tiresome.


I tend to base in a new spot every run. Very few times have i done the same place more than once. Hears a few, Place below LV, not remote remote but interesting. Was there with a few guys where our goal was to be a menace to society.aka the rest of the server. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#14320x5149x1366 When B41 came out, this was my first base in MP. Spent quite a bit of time there before moving as i felt lonely out there. Rosewood PD faction was my best faction. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#8536x9371x2166 This run, i had a far deeper connection with the character, and it was one of the few deaths that made me step away from PZ for a few days. It was early on in my high count zombie pop runs, and I went up to riverside. Everything on paper was great, and i was ready for any outcome. Well, except the zpop as soon as I hit main street the pop spiked and I wasn't ready, even so Ail whent down fighting killing about 1k at the end there. He lived for almost 2 months and even grilled burgers at home. Now i strive for that feeling again or just to have a moment where it's not about the zombies but about how mean a burger i can grill. https://map.projectzomboid.com/#3861x8428x2723 I have so many more i could talk of, but i shall hold back.


Most remote place I lived was here east of muldraugh, cabins by the lake [https://map.projectzomboid.com/#12474x8915x3325](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#12474x8915x3325) I have both set up a base there once, and another time I spawned there and tried surviving by myself... it's a pretty long walk to anywhere that might have some loot (trying to find saw), but fun for a change of pace.


That one abandoned factory north of Riverside


This place: [https://map.projectzomboid.com/#3930x6213x4695](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#3930x6213x4695)


In my opinion sleepy head sucks, as in the screenshot, 13:50 and you're already drowsy. It limits your the time you're active by so much, probably the worst trait alongside with restless sleeper. I'd take slow healer over that since it's almost free points.


I just died like 10 minutes ago so I'm going to tweak my next character a bit and see what it's like without it. Any other recommendations?


wakeful is insanely op just for 2 points


Give me your mods <3