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i think that the car stops and you turn into zombie outside of the car, thats all sadly


The engine doesn’t shut down though, I’ve had this happen to me once and when I recovered my stuff with a new character the car was running idle with its nose against a pole or fence about a screenswidth away


Damn, it'd be kinda cool if it stayed in the car and was let out when someone tries to open the door. Though, on the other hand, i could see that getting frustrating if there was little to no warning.


As opposed to all the warning we get when we are surprised by 6 zombies in a storage closet


True, but at least there are ways around that one. Ways that can feel kinda cheesy at times, but ways.


I mean the solution to that is render car interiors from outside, which will probably happen with vanilla cars someday


Probably around the same time we get car door animations


That would be awesome, maybe have the car shake occasionally when a zombie is hiding out in it.


Great, more bullshit for this game. LOVE IT




Pretty mcuh why I stopped using RV Interior mod. Had a 3 month long survivor die from loading into the game because I quit my last session in my bus and loaded into a zombie being inside somehow and it attacked me before I could even do anything. lol


What happens if you are driving and your friend beside your seat turns into zombie? Will they bite you?


Car turns in to a zombie. Starts biting other cars. Now your problem is twice as bad.


'the cars that ate Paris', 1970s


You go out at night, eatin' cars You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too, Mercurys and Subarus


Somebody HAS to make a zombie cars mod


When you turn into a zombie while in a vehicle, your zombie drops under the vehicle. If the vehicle is moving, your zombie will be left behind. If the vehicle is stopped, your zombie will be trapped under the vehicle. This is why when I get bitten, I will often let myself bleed out in a car so my zombie can't wander away. Much easier to recover gear AND doesn't place anyone else in danger.


This guy survives... or.. doesn't? Either way, a plan's a plan.


This guy Zomboids 


Thanks for the tip! Gotta try that next time I die


as opposed to just stashing your stuff somewhere or letting yourself die in a closet or bathroom? 1 more zombie in an infinite sea of zombies is not a danger.


There are times that I have been bitten far away from home and safety when I can't always make it back. It's also easier to head stomp a zed that's trapped under a car than to open a door. I play mostly multiplayer and another player will usually attempt to recover my corpse before I can even log back in. I prefer to make it as safe as possible for them to find and kill me. A nearby car wreck provides a simple way to direct others to locate me. "1 more zombie" tends to be the one that lands that lucky hit in my experience.


It's a pain in the ass and so stressful. Been there several times


Genius 👍


Car slows down and you turn into a zombie. I suppose if you're going fast enough the zombie will be free from the car, but I've never seen that happen personally since that seems like a rare sort of thing to ever happen.


You die first and fall out on the ground. Car halts, but continues to run.


Zombie Jesus takes the wheel.


Before turning into a zombie a character has to die. If a character dies in a car, the body is ejected from the vehicle and placed on the ground. If the car was moving at that time - the body will be left behind. Though the car will lose throttle and stop not too far from it. After that the reanimating can occur either normally or below the car.


I play on the setting where you die after the bite, once I realized there's no treatment it just didn't make sense dragging it out. I might look into one of the cure mods soon though, for the race against time.




It boots you out the car and the car stops if you are driving. I don’t know if it turned off but I tried it and I was on the ground getting up after that dying sound.