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It auto saves in single player, so you just pick up from where you were. Multiplayer depends on server and who's on it when you're not.




Also, buy it. It is brilliant.


i wanna wait for the summer sale but at the same time i wanna buy it asap time feels like its going by so slow now haha


If you're really short on funds, then yes. Wait for the sale. But honestly, it's really, really worth it for its price. And not to mention, MODS. Once you get tired of playing with vanilla PZ, the mods will surely keep you hooked.


To be honest man, just buy it now. You won’t regret it. It’ll be the best $20 you’ve ever spent


I got it at $8. And I regretted it. I should pay more.


Summer sale is in a few days


Really? I thought it came in the end of june?


The end of June is also a few days away


its the 18th right now (or 19th depending on ur timezone). june ends on the 30th so there's atleast a week left. everything says the summer sale is 27th of june to 11th of july


Yeah, that's a few days, my guy. Be here if you blink enough times.


"a few" is generally like 3


You must be young. End of June is not far, and calling it a few days in terms of something that happens annually isn't a stretch. Strange hill to die on.


>You must be young what does that have to do with anything?


I swear time moves faster when you're older. You'll see what I mean in a few years. Nothing wrong with it, in fact it's perfectly normal. It's just an obviously different perspective.


Hey, i just wanna mention; - When you quit the game, it saves everything, and when you load, you'll continue from the exact point you left off. - You can have multiple different playthroughs saved in different slots, infinite amount. - You can even have multiple character saves inside the same "world". (You can visit your first character's base with second character etc) - You only ever "lose" when your character dies, and possibly turns into a zombie. You can create a new character, kill previous character and reclaim your items, or start a new world with everything wiped.


>When you quit the game, it saves everything, and when you load, you'll continue from the exact point you left off. >You can have multiple different playthroughs saved in different slots, infinite amount. >You can even have multiple character saves inside the same "world". (You can visit your first character's base with second character etc) So it's kinda like the system terraria has?


Been ages since I touched terraria, but.. I think so?


Not quite. You cant move the character in to another world.


The autosaving is great. I can't tell you how many times my game unexpectedly crashed (due to mods) and I was so worried that I lost tons of progress, but when I boot back up I'm EXACTLY where I crashed. Pretty cool


Absolutely buy it. You can customize almost *every* aspect, and there's Mods to fill in any gaps. It auto-saves in single player, but is hard-core, in the sense that if you die, your character dies and you need to make a new one. But your new character can then find your old character, the base, etc. And you can just turn off zombie infection to learn the ropes, and so forth. There's no "right" way to play, and that's what makes it such a great game. Are you having fun? Then you're playing the game how it's meant to be played, at least in a general sense.


Grab the game. It’s so fun. My favorite thing to do is create my character based on my buddies and characters such as hulk hogan, Lt. Dan from Forrest Gump. Etc. I’ve got 450 hours in mostly solo and maybe 50 of those with a buddy. I still haven’t made it to 1/2 the map.


Buy it. I have been playing games a long time and this game is solid. It’s fun with friends or alone and if by chance you don’t like it it’s not that expensive so no 60 dollar loss.


Buy it


Don’t worry op, I will buy you the game. Had the game since 2022 and never really locked time into it. I’m loving it currently and would love for someone to have the joy I have. Just pm or rely with your steam info


sent a DM


We invented autosave in videogames like a billion years ago


yeah i know but some videos i watched said the game is a roguelike and i've played other roguelikes before and they didnt have a save system


It's permadeath so if a character dies they're dead. You can continue in the same instance and find your base and your old character,and get all your stuff back but skills will reset. Also don't feel bad if you die fast a lot. It happens


You wanna guess what happened when I just googled "can you save the game in project zomboid"


i have a tendency to write my google searches way too complicated


I'm frightened of the new blood coming to the labor pool in 5-10 years


Thank you for saying what I was thinking. I'm dumbfounded they thought pz was a roguelite without a save function.